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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

How about your AFC accused member taking bribes in Berbice for work not completed ? LOL

Like you really dunce upstairs.


The man seh it is a manufacture one. A know the word manufacture lil big.


So let me try a bruk um down fuh you.


Man-u-fac-ture - means - the act of make up a false statement.




False means - a LIE, untruth.


end of class


Originally Posted by yuji22:


AFC region six council member accused of taking bribes. Now the AFC  calls it manufactured ? Shameless Lot.

Yuh hear about de centre dem mek at Lenora for 500 mill? De IDB people seh de ting could be done fuh 250 mill? Wey de ada 250 gone? Dat is corruption. And yuh know wah internet Swami? De concrete inferior and when dem sweep de ting a loose up. Dat is frad fuh yuh. 

Originally Posted by Mahen:

sita ram swami, later

Sita Ram Mahen. I like to say Hare Krsna.


We can keep discussing politics. The AFC intention was originally good but personal gripes against the PPP became attempts to overthrow the PPP. That is where I draw the line.


I do not support corruption and those who participated in corruption must be brought to justice. And that does not exclude AFC members.


I also do not support lies and efforts to distort the truth. That is where I draw the line.


Mitwah and Myself know how hard it was to fight the cold and took a few bus trips to Ottawa to fight for free and fair elections and freedom of expression in Guyana. We have that right now and cannot allow those rights to erode.


We are on opposite sides of the political fence but let us keep the discussion civil.


Hare Krsna. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

sita ram swami, later

Sita Ram Mahen. I like to say Hare Krsna.


We can keep discussing politics. The AFC intention was originally good but personal gripes against the PPP became attempts to overthrow the PPP. That is where I draw the line.


I do not support corruption and those who participated in corruption must be brought to justice. And that does not exclude AFC members.


I also do not support lies and efforts to distort the truth. That is where I draw the line.


Mitwah and Myself know how hard it was to fight the cold and took a few bus trips to Ottawa to fight for free and fair elections and freedom of expression in Guyana. We have that right now and cannot allow those rights to erode.


We are on opposite sides of the political fence but let us keep the discussion civil.


Hare Krsna. people nah gat free voice in Guyana. De opposition nah get place pun NCN and Chranicle. Abe gat one radio station. Yuh mean fuh seh de one wid de 2 mill USD house must go to jail? 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hare Krishna Swamji. Go easy on those ladoos.

Bhai, I watch my weight and exercise and bike like Storm. All in an effort to stay healthy. No alcohol, fish meat or eggs. No onion or garlic and no coffee and tea. 


We must live a healthy life. To each his own. 


Politics is just some fun and when I turn my Imac or my Macbook Air or Ipad off that is it. I originally felt that the AFC was meant to keep the PPP in check but the party has been hijacked by extremists.


Anyway Bhai, good night and Hare Krsna and let politics stay where it belongs... right here. Mitwah, when other people were busy earning a dollar, we were fighting for Guyana. And in the bitter cold......



APNU says PPP/C has no confidence in Ramotar

By Stabroek staff  |  110 Comments  |  LOCAL | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2012 


- lashes out at PPP, President and Attorney General 

Opposition Leader David Granger on Monday said the APNU has no confidence in President Donald Ramotar, following his decision to express displeasure at the business in the National Assembly.

“I say very clearly that we have no confidence in the the President because he is a President for 49% of the people and not 100% and this is not the role of a President but that of the General Secretary of the PPP,” Granger told the media.



Mohan Singh, fish vendor: â€˜First of all I don’t think that fishermen count in this country because for the year I didn’t see any minister or so come to the Meadow Bank wharf to look after it. This place needs a toilet and there is no proper place to drain the water when it rains and the place gets messy. The wharf broke down the other day and private people had to take their money and build the wharf. Plus, there is no type of security although there are a lot of money transactions.
Almost every day somebody getting rob. We go out to the sluice at Abary but there is no light there and the dam break away and water running over the dam. I think it is a whole bit of confusion in parliament and they are not doing anything. I think Rohee should stay; everybody got the right to speak.’


Institutional corruption abounds – Nagamootoo


“If the Constitution says there shall be a public procurement commission and there is no commission, then to whom are you appealing?” Nagamootoo queried.

“If we had a procurement commission, these people who feel wronged – the sellers of pirated copyright books – will have an avenue where they could do and complain,” said Nagamootoo.

hise up, lash down, knock out Moses!


Rauohie exposed how BIG RAT, has managed to convert the PPP assets into an electoral liability and squander the PPP’s huge electoral support that he inherited from the disputed score of December 1997 general elections. Inheriting a tally of about 220,000 in 1997, he dropped to 210,000 in 2001 and 183,000 in 2006.

In 2011, the DUCK even throw away more votes.

More tiefing = less votes.



The knives are out! Ramotar  continue to face two major challenges in his quest to survive politically.


The first  - a group calling itself the Guyanese Coalition For Jagdeo  which continues to undermine the constitutionally elected President with their drain of the Treasury.   The are a collection of BEES or Jagdeoites.


Second - The second open challenge has now come from the Jaganites, the old guard.  They argue that Cheddi never thought highly of the DUCK.  They include the Nokta buckta, the Lunchmeat man, the Chaderpauls, the Chands and others of their ilk.


Poor DUCK.


Originally Posted by Mahen:

Factionism according to a well placed source, is tearing the PPP apart.


It is said that the wife of President Ramotar is extremely upset at the influence of Jagdeo and is calling on her husband to stop Jagdeow from going to OP every day.


She want her President to be a President for all Guyana, not a President for Jagdeo only.



President Ramotar is getting strong support from Navin Chandarpal, Indra Chandapal, Komal Cahnd, Roger the Lunchmeat, and Robeson the hammer.


Even the new found killa man Kellawan Laar is supporting Rumtar with strong support from Anthony, the Frank Minista.


Is any of this from above that this fellow blogger is claiming untruth?


I heard some of this from my Freedump House source who is a Minister of the PPP Government also.


He told me this when we were teking a drink at Sleep Inn.


I think he had one TOO much so the tongue went wild with the stories.


FROM THE (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour 2003; IADB, 2006).


The IDB said:


At the same time, delays in the enforcement of judgments and the prolonged prosecution process of criminal cases are commonplace, and result because of institutional weaknesses, alleged acts of bribery,
poor monitoring of cases, a slothful and under-resourced police department, and the reported reluctance of some police serving as prosecutors to prosecute their colleagues accused of abuses.


So carry yu   xxxx  Counsee!  PPP my foot, they are the most corrupt political force that ever visited Guyana.


I now hear Komal Chand at the last Central Committee meeting of the PPP has distance himself from all the Jagdeo deals.


During the debate his excellent President Ramu remained silent.


Them boys turning on Bharat.  Soon, they will flush him out and throw him to the meat grinder.






After seeing the house of Priya Manichand at the house warming party, Reepu daughter, Vindi demanded from Donald that he get a Minister wuk and she want education or health wuk and fast or else she will resign like Joey Jagan.



Donald promised a reshuffle next year.



Watch our Priya or Beri Beri, your job on the line.





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