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Vindi will be coming in as a New Minister.


Rohee going to a New Ministry called Ministry of Economic Development.



Gail Texeira is the new Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Donald Right hand man.



No body want the Home Affairs wuk so they thinking about appointing a technocrat. Robeson refused the job and said he prepared to go home than lose his career at Home Affairs. He got enough money to retire for 3 life times, so he does not need the PPP anymore, so Donald back down, he cannot lose the loyal blackman.


Bishop Edghill spying pun Aswini so he get to keep his wuk.


They think about putting Seelal Persaud as the new Minister of Home Affairs since Khemraj Persaud from the ARMY was found to be an AFC supporter.







The DUCK asked Nokta the the buckta if his son will tek wan technocrat position but Rob-earth Parasad cry foul.


He seh he want to keep the young man under him since he think young BUCKTA too brite and will be his direct competition for the Prezy wuk. 


But what he did not notice was FAT man Irfaat, the Ali Baba, done eying up the wuk' since he want to dethrone the chief tief as the richest politician ever in the history of Guyana.


The Chief Thief a/k the Chief RAT is worth even after the loses in ESEE JET some US$85 million.


Not a bad 11 years run for the RAT.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

All corrupt PPP members will once again try to rise within the ranks of the AFC. Which political party does not have an internal strife.  Only the strong will survive and the weak castout in the wilderness.  Isn't that right Mitwahbaba?

Swamiji, seems like you have a lot to learn from the Mahabharat and the Ramayan wars.

So you give up drinking?

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

In which camp is Neeil Kumar?



Jagdeo camp or Navin Camp?

You tink you ah jumbie man nah?


Wah part ah Guyana you fram?




PPP hijacked by Political Pygmies! 

Sunday, 09 October 2011 
Dear Editor,

Guyana and Guyanese are enduring a regime, the PPP administration, led by what can be rightly termed political left overs or rejects or political pygmies. An examination of the facts of this evolution from within the PPP will reveal that both Donald Ramoutar and Barrat Jagdeo have been left overs or political rejects or none contenders for power and leadership within the PPP. When the position of General Secretary of the PPP was vacated by Cheddi and Janet,  Clement Rohee emerged as the new Executive Secretary. At the moment of nominations before the Executive Committee to fill the position of General Secretary came up, Feroze Mohamed, Roger Luncheon, Moses Nagamootoo, Clement Rohee, Reepu Damand Persaud and two others were nominated but declined their nominations on the grounds of their numerous appointments including their onerous responsibilities as Ministers of Govt.

Donald who was sulking in the ranks at not being elevated as a Minister of Govt was then identified as the only viable alternative to take on that responsibility which he willing accepted. He was literally given the position after the top qualifiers walked away from that responsibility due to their calculation that the Jagans will be there for a long time to come. None of them contemplated the demise of the Jagans as quickly as they did. The announcement of Donald Ramoutar as General Secretary was not done in an exalted manner benefiting a man who would one day want to be President of his country.

The issue of the emergence of Barrat Jagdeo as President involves a lot of intrigue and manipulation by a lot of the higher ups in the PPP and had nothing to do with Cheddi Jagan but every thing to do with the chief Manipulator, the Czarina, the Blue eyed Bougie, Janet Jagan. She had been sucked in by the expressed views of Barrat who studied Marxism and Socialism and would quote from all the Marxist Leninist periodicals to support his contentions before the gullible old lady. She became smitten with the young Barrat and abandoned all Cheddi's carefully constructed hierarchical structure cultivated over many lean years in opposition. Janet, at the untimely and unexpected passing of Cheddi usurped first the position of Prime Minister under Sam Hinds in 1997, then later that year she maneuvered herself over the party and country as President. After becoming president, she wanted her family name the Jagans to continue both within the PPP and Government either through Joey or his sister Nadira Brancier Jagan.

But to achieve this she need a fig leaf to shield her real intentions of promoting a Jagan Dynasty over the party and Guyana. The Machiavellian Janet then went into over drive to scheme her way to achieve her objectives. First she needed to decapitate the Cheddi groomed party hierarchic structure and manipulate her choice of convenient non political contender for leadership or power, misreading her choice completely. In the interim the PPP had been in executive sessions to decide on their choice of candidate for the post as PPP's Presidential Candidate for the 1997 General Elections. Ralph Ramkarran defeated Roger Luncheon in a vote for that position after which there was some bickering about Ralph Ramkarran's financial disclosures and commitments to the party and country.

In the interim Ralph sensing that he was emerging as the PPP's top candidate had gotten Sam Hinds commitment to be his running mate. Janet had quietly pulled Roger aside and confided in him that he would be her running mate. This bought his connivance and silence. At the first manifestation of bickering within the executive over the choice of Ralph to the position of Presidential Candidate, Janet pushed open the door and announced that elections were around the corner and the PPP could not afford to spend more time discussing their choice for Presidential Candidate and that she was taking the position. In her next breath she announced that she had spoken to Sam Hinds and he had agreed to be her running mate. At this point she dropped the bombshell on the Cheddi groomed leadership that she needed a young bright Indian on the top of the slate and that is where Barrat's name emerged as none of the established heavy weights felt threatened by what was anticipated as a temporary ascendancy of a genuine none contender for leadership or power within the PPP.

The Indian hierarchy did not see this as a treat to their position and did not challenge Janet's scheme. To Ralph's credit he saw what Janet was about to do to the Jagan's name and begged Janet before the executive not to do that to herself, her husband and his legacy, children and grand children, the party and government and country. (It will require professionals to pronounce on what took hold of this ingrained Communist, Janet, to adopt this approach to the future prospects of the PPP and for Guyana). He pointed out that she did not have the health to sutain her in the demands and rigors of the presidency of a modern state. The rest is now a sad history on the Guyanese people, the demise of the PPP and its previously rich history of consistent working class struggle, and the decline of the Cheddi groomed working class leadership.

What was to emerge is what is manifest today within the PPP and Government with two ordinary members who fortuitously and unexpectedly were given the reins of power of a whole country at the cross roads trying to establish a functioning fledgling democracy and providing for a struggling people. Both these men were never high vote getters at PPP Congresses before they attained their current exalted positions within the party and Government.

Yours faithfully,

Lionel Peters 


What was to emerge is what is manifest today within the PPP and Government with two ordinary members who fortuitously and unexpectedly were given the reins of power of a whole country at the cross roads trying to establish a functioning fledgling democracy and providing for a struggling people. Both these men were never high vote getters at PPP Congresses before they attained their current exalted positions within the party and Government.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Skely, you are not a a serpent's egg like Abidha or Henry.  Orealla people are god fearing people.


Come home and make the right turn with the forces against the PPP's evil.


I will not sell my soul. Man you would think that you see Skeldon_Man and figure this guy from Skeldon. Guess I fooled you heh? I have been to Orealla, but I was born and grew up in Skeldon. I was just baiting you. Happy Holidays.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

My fada is a wise old man and he say the PPP will not have elections in 2013.  They need the time to build up their strength.


He say the PPP will try to buy out the PNC and shut the AFC out.


I trust and believe this wisdom from my FADA on this Christmas day.


Now for a nice cold beer.

This is what the PPP promise.....

Lean and Clean Govt,

cut the salaries of Permanent Secretaries, Ministers and friends in office of the President....

Commited to a Govt geared to Human Development that is meeting the basic needs of the people and their Democratic Rights and Freedoms exercised to the Fullest.....

A govt that does not waste the peoples money.



U pupa must be a Christmas Father who wuking fuh Ramotar & Jagdeo...



After Jagan Dead in 1997...... Ramotar & Jagdeo Hijack de Party.....


Them got rid of

Ramjattan, Moses, O'Lall, Boyo Ramsaroop, Ralph Ramkarran and Rajendra Rampersaud......

Is that how dem building strenght?


Dem replace them with.......

Lamumba, Nascimento, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe & McClean...

this is the strenght Papa Santa talking about?????




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