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Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Better to be a blind mice than one of your friends in the PPP - tiefing battie bwoys.




Up comes Baseman and Mahen hits him for a huge six!


As I said, three blind mice.  You should stay away from that "battie boy" thing, it' closer to your heart than you realize.



Baseman, I like where my heart is, you better check out where your mouth is - a regular visitor to the asses of the BEES in Pradoville.


Baseman is another Battie Bwoy that join the BEEs.  A close friend of the house slave sex Kwambee.

Bai, I know you more than you know and you don't know what is close to you.  Alyuh give we a good laff.


De Poom Poom Party /Cheese will never see anything wrong with prostitutes....

They feel them living in a world by themselves.....

Look what is happening in de real world....


 Honduras ambassador resigns over sex party         

Ambassador to Colombia asked to step down after bodyguard held party with prostitutes at mission.

The Honduran ambassador to Colombia has been forced to resign after his bodyguard reportedly held a Christmas party with prostitutes at the mission, the foreign ministry in Tegucigalpa said.
Ambassador Carlos Rodriguez quit his post on Saturday, Honduras' foreign ministry said in a release, after the government requested his withdrawal.
"In order to safeguard national interests and good relations with the Republic of Colombia, we asked for the ambassador's irrevocable resignation and Mr Rodriguez stepped down, effective immediately," the foreign ministry said.
According to Honduran media reports, the ambassador's bodyguard and close friend Jorge Mendoza organised a party at the embassy to celebrate Christmas that turned into a booze-fueled orgy with prostitutes.
Reports said the prostitutes stole embassy computers and cell phones, and defecated on the desks of the ambassador and the commercial attache, after they were asked to leave without being paid.
"A scandal in our foreign service is a stain on the country's name. Diplomatic missions are sacred," said legislator Rodolfo Zelaya.
Colombian police said they were also investigating the incident at the embassy, which is located in an upscale Bogota neighbourhood.
The police chief for the northern part of Bogota, Jose Baquero, said officers were seeking to question two prostitutes who were taken to the embassy in a vehicle about the party and the alleged theft.
The party began around 22h00 pm and ended at almost 05h00 am the next morning, according to police.
The US Secret Service was embroiled in a similar scandal involving prostitutes and its agents last April in the Colombian city of Cartagena, where President Barack Obama attended the Summit of the Americas.
More than two dozen Secret Service agents and military personnel, tasked with preparing security for Obama's high-profile visit, were sent home. Nine have since left the agency as it seeks to repair its tarnished reputation.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Well Donald appear to be taking the reins of power on the NICIL fiasco.  I welcome that but the Jagdeoites will cut his sponce off.  Just watch and wait.

Donald breaking away from Jagdow.


Slowly he waking up to the power of his office.


He is the commander in chief, he can command the helicopter, he can stop the squander-mania, he can give the people a nice fat wages increase.


He can do anything.


he can fire the tiefing minista.


Now confirmed:


Prez Ramu wife Deolatchie has issue him with marching orders - either he do a pooja and clense OP of all the Kwambe and other kinds of bwoys of his kinds or she will be moving out the bedroom.


Hard decision for Ramu.  He got to think on his feet here.




Can you bloggers vote to help the poor man!

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Now confirmed:


Prez Ramu wife Deolatchie has issue him with marching orders - either he do a pooja and clense OP of all the Kwambe and other kinds of bwoys of his kinds or she will be moving out the bedroom.


Hard decision for Ramu.  He got to think on his feet here.




Can you bloggers vote to help the poor man!

Mahen in any proper family no body comes between a man and his wife, so I do not expect FAGDEO to win this one.



Case in point of the fatcionalism - FAGDEO is pushing Rawbert to be the next Prez, but donald pushing the drunkee OH Nandalala.


War in the Dumpster House.


Father once said to me, many moons ago!


A group of demons will descend on Guyana.


But what my wise father also said.


There is more for me to know since a mortal hand will overcome the demons and sustain.


Evil must have happen but it will be overcome by the good forces.


Moses shall overcome the evil cabal.


Watch, wait and observe.


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