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Mars posted:
asj posted:

I do hope that this is not the same Mars, as our colleague on GNI. 

I'm still alive and kicking.

RIP Uncle Perry.

My wife lost her aunt in a property dispute in 2011. A PPP crony paid some junkies to bump her off and even though the hitmen were convicted, he was never arrested. Strange that not a fuss was made about it on GNI.

Bhai, made a check and saw you peep in here.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Lennox posted:

PhD in Political Science.  Definitely can't be dat dunce we all know.  Funny thing though.  Somehow, I had a physical profile in my head of the dunce one and that is exactly the image.

If I were a dunce, then you'd be brain dead. You clowns don't have the aptitude to match wits with me on any subject.

You're a bloody moron if you judge me simply based on what I write here and match me with Mr. Mars' physical profile. 

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
asj posted:

I do hope that this is not the same Mars, as our colleague on GNI. 

I'm still alive and kicking.

RIP Uncle Perry.

My wife lost her aunt in a property dispute in 2011. A PPP crony paid some junkies to bump her off and even though the hitmen were convicted, he was never arrested. Strange that not a fuss was made about it on GNI.

How is that possible that the person was convicted and not arrested...sounds like a kangaroo court.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
asj posted:

I do hope that this is not the same Mars, as our colleague on GNI. 

I'm still alive and kicking.

RIP Uncle Perry.

My wife lost her aunt in a property dispute in 2011. A PPP crony paid some junkies to bump her off and even though the hitmen were convicted, he was never arrested. Strange that not a fuss was made about it on GNI.

How is that possible that the person was convicted and not arrested...sounds like a kangaroo court.

The hitmen were convicted. The person who hired them was not even arrested. 


Updated: Professor Perry Mars dies after found beaten, tied in home

-six arrested

May 13, 2016 Source

Former UG Professor Perry Mars died last night after being found beaten and tied in his Prashad Nagar residence. Six persons have since been arrested, police said today.

According to reports reaching Stabroek News,  Mars, was discovered by his wife, after she had returned home from work, beaten and tied to a chair in what was suspected to be a robbery. After making the discovery, his wife rushed him to a hospital where he died receiving medical attention.  He had recently returned to the country.

Perry Mars
Perry Mars

Relatives were not in a position to speak last night on his death.

Mars had been Professor Emeritus at Wayne State University in Detroit and recognized for his work on Caribbean and African studies.

According to the Wayne State University website, Mars was educated at the University of Guyana where he received his Bachelors degree in History, and Carleton University in Ottawa where he obtained both a Masters degree in International Affairs and a Ph.D in Political Science. He served in various university positions before going to Africana Studies at Wayne State, including a professorship of Political Science and Development Studies at the University of Guyana and various visiting positions at the University of California (Berkeley), California State University (Los Angeles), The New School for Social Research (New York) and the University of West Indies (Mona, Jamaica).

The biodata said that Professor Mars was also the recipient of several academic awards including two Fullbright professorships, and a MacArthur fellowship award. He was a Professor in the Department of Africana Studies at Wayne State University where he taught his primary specialty, Caribbean Politics and Culture. He has also taught several other courses in the Africana Studies department, including Black Social and Political Thought, Race and Racism in America, and Black Social Movements.

A police press release issued today follows:

The police are conducting  investigations into the circumstances surrounding the death of retired Professor Parietdeau Mars called β€œPerry”, 75 years, of Bissessar Avenue, Prashad Nagar, who was found in his home about 1830h. yesterday Thursday May 12, 2016, with his hands and feet duct taped and injuries to his head. The house was ransacked and a number of articles and cash were missing.

He was pronounced dead on arrival at a private hospital.

Diligent investigations by the police have so far led to the arrest of four men and two women and the recovery of a sum of cash, a laptop computer, an I-phone and a play station.

Mars posted:
. A PPP crony paid some junkies to bump her off and even though the hitmen were convicted, he was never arrested. Strange that not a fuss was made about it on GNI.

My condolences, but this is the thing that I am talking about.  This rarely happened under Burnham. Rarely under Hoyte, or Cheddi.

This nastiness happened under the criminal called Bharat Jagdeo, who fostered the development of para militias.  The nasty attitude then permeated the entire society.  I was told that US$200 was all that was needed to pay some one to do a contract killing, with $50 to beat them up soundly.

This is HAITI!

Before my aunt died, she called me in a panic, asking me if she still owned her house.  Fearing that she had become senile, I checked with her lawyer, who confirmed that she still owned it, but a neighbor was harassing her to sell it to him.  The neighbor was a rich Indian. 

Because of what was happening then (it was under Jagdeo), she feared that the man had bribed some one to change the deed on the property.  And would then send goons to chuck her out.

Luckily he hadn't done this, but this is the nasty Guyana which the criminal Jagdeo created.

Bibi can prance like a chimp, telling us that she knows Jagdeo, and that he is an innocent angel.  The man is a monster, as dangerous, or even more than Burnham.  I think that he is worse, because he is a weak man, who lacks the self confidence that Burnham had, so he will be more treacherous.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo is not the President of Guyana.  He wasn't even the last President of Guyana.  Go check.

Jagdeo was de jure president until 2011, and then he was de facto until 2015.  Ramotar was a puppet for Jagdeo to control, and the docile way that he behaved, after being dumped by Jagdeo, is indicative of that.

In the last election one would have thought that it was Jagdeo, and not Ramotar who was the presidential candidate.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

So sad when decent citizens who worked hard all of their lives are cut down by criminals in their golden years.  These criminals ought to spend the rest of their lives in prison if convicted. The message needs to get out there that if you kill you will live behind walls for the rest of your life.

Guyana is a criminal society that needs a hefty bank roll to pay informants. That is the only way to stamp out crime before their are victims.

seignet posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

So sad when decent citizens who worked hard all of their lives are cut down by criminals in their golden years.  These criminals ought to spend the rest of their lives in prison if convicted. The message needs to get out there that if you kill you will live behind walls for the rest of your life.

Guyana is a criminal society that needs a hefty bank roll to pay informants. That is the only way to stamp out crime before their are victims.

And you just said don't bother with those who are murdered as they done dead already.

I hope you see how stupid that answer was.

Zed posted:
Pointblank posted:

Under the Previous Govt this crime like others would have gone unsolved. Now the Police catching criminals unlike the PPP

My only post on this tragedy is that Ramjattan should tell the wife, Children and relatives of this victim that his death was proof that his (Ramjattan) crime fighting policies is working.

Fine to say that the coalition is failing to deal with crime.  Bullshyte to pretend as if the PPP was any better.

Rohee and Ramjattan are both incompetent.

Mars posted:
asj posted:

I do hope that this is not the same Mars, as our colleague on GNI. 

I'm still alive and kicking.

RIP Uncle Perry.

My wife lost her aunt in a property dispute in 2011. A PPP crony paid some junkies to bump her off and even though the hitmen were convicted, he was never arrested. Strange that not a fuss was made about it on GNI.

Sorry to hear about your aunt. Condolences to the loved ones of Perry Mars. I am thinking that 395 Bissessar Street (I thought it was Avenue) is at the corner of Bissessar and Ganges.

Last edited by Former Member
Lennox posted:
caribny posted:
Lennox posted:

Glad they nabbed the murderers.  However, everything this current gov't does is politically motivated; they solve crimes for their own kind.

At least they solve crimes.

Any news about who orchestrated the murder of Sat Sawh yet?  Jagdeo screamed that he knew who these people were.

Any news yet about solving the murders of Walter Rodney and all the others during the PNC regime? 

According to these people in power Rodney killed himself so nothing to investigate.

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Lennox posted:

PhD in Political Science.  Definitely can't be dat dunce we all know.  Funny thing though.  Somehow, I had a physical profile in my head of the dunce one and that is exactly the image.

If I were a dunce, then you'd be brain dead. You clowns don't have the aptitude to match wits with me on any subject.

You're a bloody moron if you judge me simply based on what I write here and match me with Mr. Mars' physical profile. 

Like the physical profile in your head is of Mars wearing a paper dunce cap every day.


Professor, 75, was slain after inviting girl, 17, into home


-told her wife would be out
Retired professor, Pairadeau Mars, was bound, beaten and strangled last Thursday by a gang of youths shortly after telling a 17-year-old girl to come over to his Prashad Nagar house, since his wife would not be there.

Murdered: Pairadeau Mars

Murdered: Pairadeau Mars

Police are in possession of evidence that showed that the 75-year-old had texted the teen to ask her to come over while his spouse was out.
In custody last night are two girls, aged 17and 15, and three young men aged between 15 and 18. Police also detained a sixth individual who was allegedly found with an item that the killers had stolen from Mars’s Lot 395 Bissessar Street home.
Police recovered a laptop computer, a mobile phone, an Xbox play station, and $20,000 in local currency after arresting the youths, who all reside in Sophia.
The teens have reportedly all admitted to robbing Mars, but also claimed that they had not planned to kill him. They are all likely to be charged with murder by Monday.
The 17-year-old girl was known to Professor Mars, since she had previously lived a few doors away from the victim. She is also said to have been a frequent visitor to the home where the remigrant and his wife lived.
He is said to have often given her small sums of money.
The teen has reportedly told police that after receiving a text message from Mars, she contacted her 16-year-old boyfriend and told him that the elderly man would be alone at home, and they could rob him. The boyfriend reportedly then contacted some of his friends, who became involved in the plot.
Shortly after 14.00 hrs on Thursday, the 17-year-old and a 15-year-old girl went to Mr. Mars’s residence and were invited in.
While the girls were in his study, the elder girl, who had left the front door open, reportedly texted her 17-year-old boyfriend and his associates and told them to enter the house.
The other youths reportedly then entered the study and bound Mr. Mars with duct tape. According to a statement given by the 17-year-old, the retired professor told the teens to take whatever they wanted, but to spare his life.
Instead, some of the youths then gagged the elderly man, then beat and strangled him.
They then gathered up a laptop, play-station, cell phone and $25,000 and other items. After putting the items in suitcases they stopped a passing taxi, which took them to β€˜C’ Field, Sophia.
Mr. Mars’s wife, Joan Mars, who was in Linden, spoke to her husband by phone at around 14.00 hrs. She failed to contact him after that.
At around 19.00 hrs, the woman arrived home and found the front door open. She then entered the study and found her husband slumped in a chair, with his hands and feet duct-taped together. Duct tape was also wrapped around his mouth.
Police confirmed that they also found packs of condoms at the scene, as well as sexual stimulants.
The retired professor was taken to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said that members of the public provided police with crucial information which resulted in the arrest of the suspects.
Some of the slain man’s neighbours had reportedly told detectives that they had seen the youths arrive at Mr. Mars’s residence and eventually leave with suitcases.
Yesterday, relatives of the detained 15-year-old girl recalled that she had left the family’s Sophia home around 14.00 hrs on Thursday to meet her 17-year-old friend, who was staying at her boyfriend’s home in Sophia.
She eventually returned home, but they were unaware that anything was amiss until detectives turned up at their residence Thursday night to take her into custody.
The teen reportedly does not attend school and lives with her grandmother.
And the mother of the detained 17-year-old girl was still in shock when this newspaper visited her yesterday. The woman said that the teen moved from her home a few months ago.
β€œWe had an argument and she moved out and when I saw her back on Mother’s Day she said she living downstairs by her boyfriend and then I told her something and she get vex and she leave again,” the woman said.
She added that she had no idea that her daughter was having a relationship with the retired professor until the teen gave police a statement following her arrest.
β€œShe (17-year-old suspect) said that the man called her and tell her that his wife in the country but she was not at home. He told her what time to go and when she went there she took a (female) friend (the 15-year-old) with her,” the woman said.
The woman added that when the girls got to the man’s home, he asked them to go into the bedroom and take off their clothes. β€œHe was giving them money. He told them he wants to have sex with the two girls, but they refused.”
According to the woman, her daughter told the police that when they refused, the man started to harass them and that’s when the 15-year-old girl texted a friend and a few minutes later, three males barged into the professor’s home.
β€œShe said that they tied him up and they started to pack stuff from his home and then her boyfriend left with one of the boys to get a taxi and she and her friend were waiting at the man’s door. She said while waiting, she heard a strange noise and when she turned back she see this boy put a plastic bag over the man’s face and suffocate him.”
She said that her daughter told the police that they never planned to kill the man but only to rob him.
The woman said that peer pressure got the best of her daughter.
And the mother of the detained 16-year-old boy said that her son became wayward after he started a relationship with the 17-year-old girl who allegedly planned the robbery.
The woman said that she only agreed for the girl to move into a section of her downstairs so that her son would be in her sight.
She said that on Thursday, she went to work and when she got home her son and his older girlfriend were there and everything seemed normal until the police visited their home around midnight.
She later learnt that someone was killed and that her son played a part in it.
β€œHe told the police that his girlfriend told him that the man give her something to drink and then he had sex with her when she became unconscious.”
The woman added that her son said he got angry and decided to go and teach the man a lesson.
β€œHe said that he collected two friends and they went to the house to rob. He said that they tied the man up and he and his friend went to get a taxi and when they went back to the house, they see that the man was dead so all of them got into the car and left the house,” the woman said.
They then went to a house in Sophia with the stolen items.



Drugb posted:

This is what this govt is encouraging, old men taking advantage of children, sexual predators. Notice that he was a pnc type. When will Granger and his majority in parliament enact sexual predator laws that make such acts criminal? Instead they are concentrating on sporting and bacchanal. 

You write some real poop without even thinking. There are statutory rape laws which make it illegal for adults to have sex with minors. When Kwame broke the law with the schoolboy Julius he was never even arrested. The PPP then appointed him to the Rights of the Child Commission. 

Last edited by Mars
Drugb posted:

This is what this govt is encouraging, old men taking advantage of children, sexual predators. Notice that he was a pnc type. When will Granger and his majority in parliament enact sexual predator laws that make such acts criminal? Instead they are concentrating on sporting and bacchanal. 

Stop spewing shit. This is the society we now have after 23 years under the PPP.

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

This is what this govt is encouraging, old men taking advantage of children, sexual predators. Notice that he was a pnc type. When will Granger and his majority in parliament enact sexual predator laws that make such acts criminal? Instead they are concentrating on sporting and bacchanal. 

You write some real poop without even thinking. There are statutory rape laws which make it illegal for adults to have sex with minors. When Kwame broke the law with the schoolboy Julius he was never even arrested. The PPP then appointed him to the Rights of the Child Commission. 

And Trotman was never arrested either when he broke the same law.  He is now a distinguished Minister in the government keeping his fellow AFC boys in check.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

This is what this govt is encouraging, old men taking advantage of children, sexual predators. Notice that he was a pnc type. When will Granger and his majority in parliament enact sexual predator laws that make such acts criminal? Instead they are concentrating on sporting and bacchanal. 

You write some real poop without even thinking. There are statutory rape laws which make it illegal for adults to have sex with minors. When Kwame broke the law with the schoolboy Julius he was never even arrested. The PPP then appointed him to the Rights of the Child Commission. 

And Trotman was never arrested either when he broke the same law.  He is now a distinguished Minister in the government keeping his fellow AFC boys in check.

Trotman never broke any law. That little Fraud Johnny was proven to be a liar who was set up by the PPP. Plus you had the PPP MP/ Pedophile Pandit performing his womb cleansing rituals on little girls for years.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

This is what this govt is encouraging, old men taking advantage of children, sexual predators. Notice that he was a pnc type. When will Granger and his majority in parliament enact sexual predator laws that make such acts criminal? Instead they are concentrating on sporting and bacchanal. 

You write some real poop without even thinking. There are statutory rape laws which make it illegal for adults to have sex with minors. When Kwame broke the law with the schoolboy Julius he was never even arrested. The PPP then appointed him to the Rights of the Child Commission. 

If Kwame broke the law he should have been jailed by the PNC police who were in charge at the time, even now they can revive the case and still jail him. If there are laws in place, why aren't the police enforcing it? They always seem to show up after the fact. Prevention is better than cure. 

Prashad posted:

The police should ask to see if the Professor had any arrest record in America because the people who did the criminal act will say anything to get off. I wonderd why a 70 year old retired Professor that most likely has a pension want to go to live in a very poor fourth world country with limited health care.

The professor is not the one on trial. Why don't you acknowledge great police work, great detective work and say Kudos to Prakash?

asj posted:

How can we describe and incident like this? It  is surely an incident of horrific proportion, would not be surprised if the perpetrators are young people.

Sends a message that if young people kill and commit crimes then they will be pardoned by the President of Guyana.

President Granger should review his actions of pardoning.

Retired professor, Pairadeau Mars, was bound, beaten and strangled last Thursday by a gang of youths shortly after telling a 17-year-old girl to come over to his Prashad Nagar house, since his wife would not be there.

More of a reason for President Granger should review his actions of pardoning.

asj posted:
asj posted:

How can we describe and incident like this? It  is surely an incident of horrific proportion, would not be surprised if the perpetrators are young people.

Sends a message that if young people kill and commit crimes then they will be pardoned by the President of Guyana.

President Granger should review his actions of pardoning.

Retired professor, Pairadeau Mars, was bound, beaten and strangled last Thursday by a gang of youths shortly after telling a 17-year-old girl to come over to his Prashad Nagar house, since his wife would not be there.

More of a reason for President Granger should review his actions of pardoning.

Telling a 17 year old to come over...... is all hear say.  These teenagers are products of the PPP/C regime.


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