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ksazma posted:
.. And just in case you argue that they had to appease the West that helped them win the 1992 elections, .

1.  When Burnham moved to the left, he lost the support of the USA.  This ultimately led to open hostility from the West, resulting in the unseating of the PNC in 1992.

2. By 1992 the Hoyte reforms had blocked the Jagans from implementing their communism.  You better believe that the assistance that they received was conditionally upon them behaving themselves.

For them to re-instate communism would have instantly resulted in George HW Bush placing severe sanctions on Guyana. The Cold War had just finished, so the USA was still very much in that mode.

So the post 1992 Jagans had to behave themselves. 

But had they won the 1964 elections, Guyana would have moved rapidly to communism, once independence was awarded.  1966 was the height of the Cold War, and Castro was definitely looking for company in the Americas.  In fact Guyana, with its South American borders, would have been an ideal base for Che Guevara to engage in his mischief.

The only reason why this mightn't have happened would have been that Janet Jagan's arrogance would have led to an immediate invasion by Venezuela. 

I can even hear her manic screams, blaming the West for her plight just like MadBURRO.  The woman was a communist and Castro and the USSR were her best friends. Now please argue that the USSR and Cuba were cuddly democratic countries to live in.

Mr.T posted:
caribny posted:

Cuba is the most militarized nation in the world. So why the shock that crime is low.

The UK has the most spy cameras in the world. And the government monitors every phone and computer. Their master spy centre is GCHQ and is reputed to be even more powerful than that of the US.

And crime in the UK is lower than the USA.

Having said that, being arrested by a Cuban cop or spy isn't the nicest thing that can happen.  In the UK there is rule of law.  In Cuba, none of it.

ksazma posted:

Yuh still wandering with yuh woulda, coulda, shoulda Carib. On the other hand I am very accurate on the actual record.

What accurate record.

You have said NOTHING to prove that had Cheddi led Guyana into independence, instead of Burnham, that the results woudnt have been similar.


1.  Hoyte reforms liberalized the Guyanese economy.

2.  These, plus pressure from the ABC nations prevented the Jagans  from implementing their communism.

3.  The Cold War was over, USSR no longer existed, and Cuba was like today's Venezuela in the starvation that took over.  So Jagan would have not received any help from those sources.

Bottom line is in 1992 the Jagans had no choice.

In 1966 they would have galloped rapidly to communism, at a level even more extreme than that of Burnham.  The USSR was a powerful nation, and the Castro led Cuba was ascendant.  A very different picture from what occurred in 1992!

asj posted:

5 teenagers slapped with murder charge

it was complete mayhem in the compound of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts when the five teenagers charged with brutally murdering retired University Professor Perry Mars made their entrance.

The teens – two females and three males – hid their faces while being escorted to court under the watchful eyes of nearly a dozen Police Officers.

A number of persons flocked the court compound to get a glimpse of the teenagers.

Meanwhile, Police Officers barred members of the media from standing on the court steps to take photographs and they were also not allowed to enter the courtroom to witness the in-camera proceedings.

The five teens were not required to plead to the indictable charge of murder. The 15-year-old teenage girl involved in the incident was charged as a juvenile, while the others were charged as adults. They were all

The female suspects being escorted by Police Officers

The female suspects being escorted by Police Officers

remanded to prison.

Mars, of Bissessar Avenue, Prashad Nagar, Greater Georgetown, was found bound and beaten in his home about 18:30h on Thursday by his wife. He was rushed to a hospital where he later succumbed.

The alleged teen murderers were all arrested on Friday last as persons in the area identified them as the persons who were seen leaving Mars’ yard with suitcases and bags filled with valuables.

The stolen items were said to have been recovered in the homes of the teens in Sophia and Campbellville.

They are expected to make their next court appearance on June 14.

Pardon dem. Granger the deliverer of Afro Pride.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Yuh still wandering with yuh woulda, coulda, shoulda Carib. On the other hand I am very accurate on the actual record.

What accurate record.

You have said NOTHING to prove that had Cheddi led Guyana into independence, instead of Burnham, that the results woudnt have been similar.


All woulda, coulda, shoulda. Cheddie was not given the privilege to lead Guyana into Independence because Burnham with his wickedness rigged the 1964 elections. He was brutal. When Cheddie was legitimately elected President, he was not either brutal nor a failure like Burnham was. Janet came after Cheddie and she wasn't brutal. There was external forces pressuring Burnham to change his wicked ways but in his arrogance, he did not and went to his grave being wicked. Cheddie went to his grave being a legitimate leader who ruled fairly and gave the PNC equal opportunity to take back the government in 1997.

That is the record.

So keep with your woulda, coulda, shoulda because you need it to minimize Burnham's wickedness.

ksazma posted:

All woulda, coulda, shoulda. Cheddie was not given the privilege to lead Guyana into Independence because Burnham with his wickedness rigged the 1964 elections.

OK so you finally have revealed what a dishonest lunatic you are, blinded with race that you cannot see reality.

1.  the elections were held in BRITISH GUIANA. 

2.  Cheddi was premier at the time.

So please disclose what super powers Burnham had to rig the 1964 election?


I already know the answer.   You cannot see beyond being Indian, and cannot even fathom the truth.


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