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Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

None of Trotman family are PPP.

Trotman never broke the law.

The society today is what the coalition inherited from the PPP after 23 years. It will take many generations to fix.

It will take more than 23years to fix your head to let you know that Rumjaat is the Crime Minister, Even Granger stated the crime is out of control, the difference this time ,the PNC Police are working for the government that is PNC. When the PPP was in power, the Army, and Police all PNC supporters were there to escalate the crime to cause instability in the country, they were loaning their weapons to criminals and receiving a kick back, police by day and bandits by night. Ramjaat and Nigel Hughes were offering Pro Bono service to the PNC criminals.

kp posted:
When the PPP was in power, the Army, and Police all PNC supporters were there to escalate the crime to cause instability in the country,

The number ONE task of a government is to ensure that law and order exists. 

So if the PPP in 23 years couldn't figure out how to make the police force work, then why didn't they just resign?

All you do is reflect how inept and incompetent the PPP was.

Do you know that by 2015 almost NONE of the police and soldiers were people who would have been in the forces in 1992.  

So why was the PPP so weak that they allowed a group of "criminals" to be recruited into the GDF and the GPF when Jagdeo was COMMANDER IN CHIEF?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:
When the PPP was in power, the Army, and Police all PNC supporters were there to escalate the crime to cause instability in the country,

The number ONE task of a government is to ensure that law and order exists. 

So if the PPP in 23 years couldn't figure out how to make the police force work, then why didn't they just resign?

All you do is reflect how inept and incompetent the PPP was.

Do you know that by 2015 almost NONE of the police and soldiers were people who would have been in the forces in 1992.  

So why was the PPP so weak that they allowed a group of "criminals" to be recruited into the GDF and the GPF when Jagdeo was COMMANDER IN CHIEF?

This is the kind of development you and your pnc boys bragging about? Sex tourism? And you still got the gall to keep blaming the PPP after these jackasses in power for 1 year?

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

None of Trotman family are PPP.

Trotman never broke the law.

The society today is what the coalition inherited from the PPP after 23 years. It will take many generations to fix.

It will take more than 23years to fix your head to let you know that Rumjaat is the Crime Minister, Even Granger stated the crime is out of control, the difference this time ,the PNC Police are working for the government that is PNC. When the PPP was in power, the Army, and Police all PNC supporters were there to escalate the crime to cause instability in the country, they were loaning their weapons to criminals and receiving a kick back, police by day and bandits by night. Ramjaat and Nigel Hughes were offering Pro Bono service to the PNC criminals.

Thank you for agreeing with me that the PPP/C was inept and incompetent.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Zed posted:

I said my piece, you can take it any way you want it!

I see old men retiring to Guyana and involving themselves with the under aged.

The only thing this government has to offer is Sex Tourism and should you die, it will be all under OLD AGE.

Thanks for your wishes. Teacha bai, did you not get a hard on when you beat them little black girls on their bamsees in your class?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

This is what this govt is encouraging, old men taking advantage of children, sexual predators. Notice that he was a pnc type. When will Granger and his majority in parliament enact sexual predator laws that make such acts criminal? Instead they are concentrating on sporting and bacchanal. 

You write some real poop without even thinking. There are statutory rape laws which make it illegal for adults to have sex with minors. When Kwame broke the law with the schoolboy Julius he was never even arrested. The PPP then appointed him to the Rights of the Child Commission. 

And Trotman was never arrested either when he broke the same law.  He is now a distinguished Minister in the government keeping his fellow AFC boys in check.

It made him the Burger King.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Chameli posted:
Mitwah posted:

Thanks for your wishes. Teacha bai, did you not get a hard on when you beat them little black girls on their bamsees in your class?

WOW!NOT everyone has pedophilia instinct...Let's all hope that the Tchr u rereferrenced did not have pedophilia instinct

Mitwah sometimes can't help himself.

Makes you wonder if his association with young people can pose a threat.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:
When the PPP was in power, the Army, and Police all PNC supporters were there to escalate the crime to cause instability in the country,

The number ONE task of a government is to ensure that law and order exists. 

So if the PPP in 23 years couldn't figure out how to make the police force work, then why didn't they just resign?

All you do is reflect how inept and incompetent the PPP was.

Do you know that by 2015 almost NONE of the police and soldiers were people who would have been in the forces in 1992.  

So why was the PPP so weak that they allowed a group of "criminals" to be recruited into the GDF and the GPF when Jagdeo was COMMANDER IN CHIEF?

This is the kind of development you and your pnc boys bragging about? Sex tourism? And you still got the gall to keep blaming the PPP after these jackasses in power for 1 year?

Where did I say anything about the PNC?

The people who were in the police force were recruited when the PPP controlled the Ministry of Home Affairs, as well as the person who was the Commander in Chief.

Are you suggesting to me that these people stood by and allowed criminals to be recruited into and to function in the GDF and the GPF.

Here is what you are saying.

"Blacks are criminals, and because Indians refuse to join the GDF/GPF, then every one in these orgainzations are criminals".

Kari will jump and scream when I call you a brown bai KKK, but that is what you are!


Chameli posted:
caribny posted:
[]This is HAITI!

Before my aunt died, she called me in a panic, asking me if she still owned her house.  Fearing that she had become senile, I checked with her lawyer, who confirmed that she still owned it, but a neighbor was harassing her to sell it to him.  The neighbor was a rich Indian. 

Because of what was happening then (it was under Jagdeo), she feared that the man had bribed some one to change the deed on the property.  And would then send goons to chuck her out.



caribny, once again you had me shakin my head....


in 2006 my mom's brother died and left some rice land etc for my mom, me and my 3 kids 

i took all doc to the land registry office in 2006...nothing happened (they were processing

2007 i went back and with the advise of my relative i gave some bribe hoping to get the paperwork n transfer done

well, i was back in 2011 and it was 'misplaced'  

thankfully, i recently transferred POA to a real estate agent who knew the runnings and he took care of everything

btw, chk the office at Crane, there is maybe 10% indian ppl working there...i was at that office again in 2015 and saw one indian

Yes.  Rich Indians were bribing poor blacks, and seizing land from poor people of all races.

Jagdeo did NOTHING!   The only Caribbean people who I hear with those kinds of problems are people from Haiti.

Guyana is HAITI!   And this got worse under YOUR Jagdeo!

So don't pretend as if Guyana was the Garden of Eden under the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:
Chameli posted:
Mitwah posted:

Thanks for your wishes. Teacha bai, did you not get a hard on when you beat them little black girls on their bamsees in your class?

WOW!NOT everyone has pedophilia instinct...Let's all hope that the Tchr u rereferrenced did not have pedophilia instinct

Mitwah sometimes can't help himself.

Makes you wonder if his association with young people can pose a threat.

Teachers  back in those days were sadistic. They came to school not to teach but to whip children. Certainly there were exceptions who would sometimes step in to stop the cruelty.

Chameli posted:
caribny posted:
[]This is HAITI!

Before my aunt died, she called me in a panic, asking me if she still owned her house.  Fearing that she had become senile, I checked with her lawyer, who confirmed that she still owned it, but a neighbor was harassing her to sell it to him.  The neighbor was a rich Indian. 

Because of what was happening then (it was under Jagdeo), she feared that the man had bribed some one to change the deed on the property.  And would then send goons to chuck her out.



caribny, once again you had me shakin my head....


in 2006 my mom's brother died and left some rice land etc for my mom, me and my 3 kids 

i took all doc to the land registry office in 2006...nothing happened (they were processing

2007 i went back and with the advise of my relative i gave some bribe hoping to get the paperwork n transfer done

well, i was back in 2011 and it was 'misplaced'  

thankfully, i recently transferred POA to a real estate agent who knew the runnings and he took care of everything

btw, chk the office at Crane, there is maybe 10% indian ppl working there...i was at that office again in 2015 and saw one indian

Carib will not rest until ALL government offices have 100 percent blacks.

Dis chap hates Indos to the core.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

Teachers  back in those days were sadistic. They came to school not to teach but to whip children. Certainly there were exceptions who would sometimes step in to stop the cruelty.

Certainly many teachers back in those days whipped children but to suggest that they came to school to whip children rather than teach is ridiculous. To further suggest that a teacher got a hard on whipping little black girls on their bamsees is downright sickening. Mitwah, did you witness any teacher getting a hard on while whipping any young girl on their bamsees or is this just your imagination?

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Teachers  back in those days were sadistic. They came to school not to teach but to whip children. Certainly there were exceptions who would sometimes step in to stop the cruelty.

Certainly many teachers back in those days whipped children but to suggest that they came to school to whip children rather than teach is ridiculous. To further suggest that a teacher got a hard on whipping little black girls on their bamsees is downright sickening. Mitwah, did you witness any teacher getting a hard on while whipping any young girl on their bamsees or is this just your imagination?

Actually, the pervert Mitwah is, this is likely a fettish of his!  


Not that it is right or wrong but GPF and GDF seem to attract blacks more than Indians. Imagine Carib's cries if the PPP had denied blacks those jobs that they generally lean toward. It has never been a secret that the GPF and GDF are predominantly PNC supporters and while they have the ability to forcefully change the seat of government, the PPP had to hope that although they are generally PNC supporters, they will not take it any steps further.

Regarding people unlawfully losing their properties, that has been going on since Burnham's time (with Burnham doing the unlawful seizure). Looks like it continued under the PPP. The question NOW is if it will continue.

ksazma posted:

.. It has never been a secret that the GPF and GDF are predominantly PNC supporters .

When the GPF killed black Lindeners in cold blood, do you think that they were pro PNC then?

When they fired tear gas at a PEACEFUL APNU march in 2011, when a bunch of old ladies were protesting delays in the release of election results, and the tear gas poured into a primary school in G/T (mainly black kids no doubt), were the pro PNC then?

I guess the police thought that those blacks PPP supporters.

There were numerous complaints of police brutality against young poor black males during the PPP era. Incidents of torture as well. The PNC made frequent mention of this.  Why would they do so if they controlled the police force.

Is this how a PNC force treats its PNC base, when the PPP was in power?

Regardless as to how the average police men and soldiers voted, the fact remains that the TOP ranks of BOTH the GDF and the GPF were people who were supportive of the PPP.

In Guyana there is no tradition of rank and file soldiers defying their leadership, so the notion that the GDF or the GPF were PNC controlled during the Jagdeo era is pure NONSENSE.


Say what you want, Burnham's sins still haunts Guyana. To fix that, one would have to throw away the baby with the bath water. But one cannot reasonably do that so the people who took office after Burnham died tried to improve things a little at a time. (Say what you want about the PPP but Guyana looked a whole lot better in 2015 than it did in 1992. Doing a google to ascertain that I was correct on where this professor lived in Prashad Nagar, I saw landscape similar to what I see here in beautiful South Florida. That was not what we had when I left Guyana in 1987. Our street was of that red sand filled with puddles.) This current government will have no less of a challenge to exorcise Burnham's sins even though they have the Messiah Granger on their side. Secondly, from the looks of things, they seem more inclined to embrace Burnham's sins.

Chameli posted:

MY memory of GY is YOUR Burnham time!  .

The notion that you think that Burnham had anything to do with me is pure ignorance on your part. I will not say more of you, as you don't post frequently so probably don't know my views on that monster.

Yes I left Guyana under Burnham.  Yes I consider him a monster. And yes I also say that he did severe damage to Afro Guyanese.

Now what did YOUR PPP do to improve the governance of GY.  It got WORSE. 

As bad as corruption was under the PNC, it exploded under the PPP. As bad as the abuse of ordinary people by the powerful was under the PNC, it reached astronomical levels under Jagdeo, when he had a criminal recorded people's phone conversations and then sending goons to beat up or throw fecal matter at them.

Yes Burnham was a monster, but so was his mentee Jagdeo, who implemented many of his measures, and created the notion of contract killers funded by him and his cronies!

Now I can be honest about Burnham.  Let us see if you can also be about Jagdeo!

ksazma posted:

Say what you want, Burnham's sins still haunts Guyana. .

Yes Burnham's sins still haunt Guyana. It exists in a man called Bharat Jagdeo!  Baby Kong learned much from King Kong.

The improvement of Guyana is because of Hoyte's reforms.  The liberalization of the economy began. The GDP began to show growth.  The private sector began to emerge again.

Most importantly his reforms blocked Janet Jagan from implementing a Castro type policy. Rest assured that what destroyed Guyana was the nationalization of the economy with leadership awarded to incompetent people. 

The PPP APPLAUDED Burnham when he did so, and begged to be included in a national unity government, where Cheddi would be doing what Nagamootoo is doing today.

My question to you is what do you think that Cheddi would have done differently from Burnham, without the Hoyte intervention? 

All one needs to do is to look at Cuba if one wants to see what a Cheddi regime, would have done, had they not been blocked from going full out Marxist Leninist by Hoyte's reforms.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

.. It has never been a secret that the GPF and GDF are predominantly PNC supporters .

When the GPF killed black Lindeners in cold blood, do you think that they were pro PNC then?

When they fired tear gas at a PEACEFUL APNU march in 2011, when a bunch of old ladies were protesting delays in the release of election results, and the tear gas poured into a primary school in G/T (mainly black kids no doubt), were the pro PNC then?

I guess the police thought that those blacks PPP supporters.

There were numerous complaints of police brutality against young poor black males during the PPP era. Incidents of torture as well. The PNC made frequent mention of this.  Why would they do so if they controlled the police force.

Is this how a PNC force treats its PNC base, when the PPP was in power?

Regardless as to how the average police men and soldiers voted, the fact remains that the TOP ranks of BOTH the GDF and the GPF were people who were supportive of the PPP.

In Guyana there is no tradition of rank and file soldiers defying their leadership, so the notion that the GDF or the GPF were PNC controlled during the Jagdeo era is pure NONSENSE.

Carib bai, you are an analytics guy. Do you have the exit polls of how the GPF and GDF voted in 1961, 1964, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015 & 2016?

Secondly, sometimes you seem to have difficulties comprehending. Where did you get the notion that the PNC controls the GPF and GDF? The comment was not about the PNC controlling them but that they support the PNC. Why are you so comfortable in twisting things just to abet your argument?

caribny posted:

My question to you is what do you think that Cheddi would have done differently from Burnham, without the Hoyte intervention? 


Nothing. Jagan in his early political life was more Marxist than Burnham so he would have taken the country down the same failed path as Cuba. I doubt that Jagan would have been as brutal as Burnham was so there could have been opportunities for others to emerge as leaders if Guyanese decided that they don't care for Jagan's policies. That wasn't possible when Burnham was alive. He did everything he could to screw up Guyana. Only his death saved Guyana from further Cuban style governance. Maybe in the final analysis, Jagan, although being constantly abused Burnham may have been lucky that Burnham refused to let free election allow Jagan to screw up Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Carib bai, you are an analytics guy. Do you have the exit polls of how the GPF and GDF voted in 1961, 1964, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015 & 2016?

Secondly, sometimes you seem to have difficulties comprehending. Where did you get the notion that the PNC controls the GPF and GDF? The comment was not about the PNC controlling them but that they support the PNC. Why are you so comfortable in twisting things just to abet your argument?

Who was in charge of the GDF under Jagdeo. Gary Best, who was loyal to him, until they had a falling out.

Who was in charge of the police under Jagdeo.  Henry Greene, who was another loyal Jagdeo disciple until he died.

Did the police or the army rebel when Jagdeo put in his cronies? NO! Did the officers rebel when they were passed over for promotion? NO!

So what nonsense are you babbling about a PNC controlled GDF and GPF?

Did the police rebel when they were commanded to shoot down black people in Linden?  No! 

Did the police shoot down people in Berbice, even after they burned down a police station. NO.

But when the rice farmers, led by an AFC activist, protested, they didn't shoot them but they certainly harassed them.

This stinks of the fact that leaders loyal to the PPP ordered the police to implement actions that would have been in accord with the wishes of the PPP.

So I don't care the slightest what some starving cop does, unless you can prove that he and his comrades rebelled under the PPP leadership of the police force.

Now why don't you ask yourself why Jagdeo didn't make it a priority to encourage his supporters to join the police force, rather than hiring black criminals (including rogue cops and soldiers) to commit contract killings?


ksazma posted:

Nothing. Jagan in his early political was more Marxist than Burnham so he would have taken the country down the same failed path as Cuba. I doubt that Jagan would have been as brutal as Burnham..

Cheddi mightn't have been as brutal, but Janet surely would have. She was a paranoid woman, who sought total control.  She would have done to Guyanese exactly what Castro did to Cubans.  For the same reason. To maintain TOTAL power!

In retrospect the biggest mistake that Guyanese of both races made was letting race cloud our judgment.  With all of his warts Peter D'Aguiar would have been the least bad option, but "blackman and coolie said that he was a potagee" so we couldn't vote for him.

What is obvious is that a Cheddi victory in 1964 would have carried Guyana down the same road as Forbes Burnham, because I have NEVER seen a Marxist Leninist regime which wasn't oppressive.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Carib bai, you are an analytics guy. Do you have the exit polls of how the GPF and GDF voted in 1961, 1964, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015 & 2016?

Secondly, sometimes you seem to have difficulties comprehending. Where did you get the notion that the PNC controls the GPF and GDF? The comment was not about the PNC controlling them but that they support the PNC. Why are you so comfortable in twisting things just to abet your argument?

Who was in charge of the GDF under Jagdeo. Gary Best, who was loyal to him, until they had a falling out.

Who was in charge of the police under Jagdeo.  Henry Greene, who was another loyal Jagdeo disciple until he died.

Did the police or the army rebel when Jagdeo put in his cronies? NO! Did the officers rebel when they were passed over for promotion? NO!

So what nonsense are you babbling about a PNC controlled GDF and GPF?

Did the police rebel when they were commanded to shoot down black people in Linden?  No! 

Did the police shoot down people in Berbice, even after they burned down a police station. NO.

But when the rice farmers, led by an AFC activist, protested, they didn't shoot them but they certainly harassed them.

This stinks of the fact that leaders loyal to the PPP ordered the police to implement actions that would have been in accord with the wishes of the PPP.

So I don't care the slightest what some starving cop does, unless you can prove that he and his comrades rebelled under the PPP leadership of the police force.

Now why don't you ask yourself why Jagdeo didn't make it a priority to encourage his supporters to join the police force, rather than hiring black criminals (including rogue cops and soldiers) to commit contract killings?


Bai, it didn't take long for you to solidify my assertion that you twist things to abet your argument. Here I am asking about the GPF and GDF support for the PNC and you respond about the PNC not controlling the GPF and GDF. Meanwhile no response to how the GPF and GDF voted on the years listed above.

Secondly, are you always arguing that the PPP did not give opportunities to non-PPP supporters. Imagine your outcries if the PPP were to retrench those PNC supporters from the GPF and GDF just to replace them with PPP ones.

ksazma posted:

Bai, it didn't take long for you to solidify my assertion that you twist things to abet your argument. ..

We are talking about who controlled the police and the army.  I have proven that it was the PPP, and it is therefore irrelevant as to who ordinary soldiers and cops voted for.

Now please answer why only Africans join these forces? Are Indians too unpatriotic to do so?  And please don't tell me that Jagdeo, who ALWAYS got what he wanted, was too weak to ensure inclusion of his support base, if that is what he wanted.

And what opportunities did the PPP provide to PNC supporters?  The projects in PNC strongholds were awarded to PPP contractors, who hired PPP supporters.  So don't even babble about that.  In Linden, Buxton, and many other locations, people showed up looking for work on these projects, and were told "is not Burnham time now".


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