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Political Scientist Freddie Kissoon’s contract with the University of Guyana has been quashed and he says he will not be allowed to teach at the institution again.

Another well-placed UG source confirmed on condition of anonymity that the University Council last week Wednesday met and decided to terminate Kissoon’s contract and pay him three months in lieu of notice.

He had been contracted to lecture from September 1, 2011 to August 1, 2012.

At the same time, the Council decided that Geography Lecturer, Dr. Patrick Williams, who had been lecturing without a contract, be offered a written contract as a part-time lecturer. Public Management Lecturer, Bancroft’s existing contract has been terminated without pay in lieu of notice but has been allowed to continue lecturing with a new contract in place.

Sources opine that the real target appeared to have been Kissoon. The decision to terminate his contract and do not offer to re-employ him has come at a time when 2nd Semester Classes are about to begin.

“The council has taken a decision to terminate my contract with immediate effect and the university is not to employ me in any form,” Kissoon told Demerara Waves Online News ( .

Kissoon,61, had been a full-time lecturer at UG for the past 26 years and he said that last year he opted to be contractually employed. He has been a very harsh and vocal critic of the government in his newspaper columns and on the campaign trail for the Alliance For Change (AFC).

Kissoon had been unaware of the decision to fire him although he said Academic Community Representative Oneil Greaves had urged at the meeting that he should be allowed to continue teaching because students would be at a disadvantage.

Kissoon said he planned to explore all legal and political options. He planned to discuss the issue with lawyers-politicians, Khemraj Ramjattan and Nigel Hughes- as well as Opposition Leader, David Granger.

“My interest more is what they are going to do with this kind naked abuse of power…How can the opposition that controls parliament allow this kind of abuse to continue,” Kissoon added.

Kissoon and then President, Bharrat Jagdeo had had several public controversies with the former calling him a variety of names including "sleaze balls."

“Given my profile as an anti-government critic, I don’t think the government representatives would have done this without consulting President Ramotar, therefore we are seeing the continuation of Jagdeo’s dictatorship,” Kissoon added.

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Kissoon is a very controvesial person in the media, etc.....I do not like most of his articles..... I suspect that his forced departure from the UG faculty might have been politically motivated....

There are many on the UG board who are puppets of the Jagdeo clique which do not like Kissoon.....just like the many of the Burnhamite puppets on the UG board who did not like Rodney.....

I think the UG board might have violated a principle of academic/political freedom.....
The supporters of Kissoon may claim his removal from UG is politically motivated...but from a non-partisan perspective.....his absence from UG will be in the best interest of the Guyanese populace..
Good move to get rid of Freddie. Big coat has amassed a bad reputation over the years unbecoming of a university professor. He is unfit, no wonder people complain that UG gone to the dogs.
AFC springs to Freddie Kissoon's defence

Written by Kwesi Isles
Monday, 23 January 2012 16:24

Freddie Kissoon on the AFC platform on Nomination Day

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has sprung to the defence of dismissed University of Guyana lecturer and columnist Freddie Kissoon who had taken to the campaign trail for the party in the lead up to the 2011 elections.

The political science lecturer on Monday confirmed reports that his contract with the institution has been terminated and that he will no longer be allowed to lecture there.

When contacted by AFC chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said his party condemns the action and will be raising it in parliament and with President Donald Ramotar.

According to him, it is “disastrous” for such a thing to happen in what is still the president’s “honeymoon period” and added that it was “continuity” in the vein of Jagdeo’s rule.

It is the PPP’s culture to “cut the throats” of dissenters, he stated, saying that that is exactly what is happening now as he noted that Kissoon has been a harsh critic of the PPP government over the years and has made no bones about it.

Kissoon has regularly used his column in the Kaieteur News daily to express his views about the government. There is currently a court case in progress following a libel suit that was brought against him by former President Bharrat Jagdeo whom he had accused of being an “ideological racist.”

Ramjattan told that he was made to understand that it was all of the government-aligned persons on the Council, of which Kissoon was a part, who voted for the lecturer’s termination at a meeting at which neither he nor the Trades Union Congress representative was invited.

Ramjattan said he has asked to see Kissoon’s contract and once there is a case that could be taken to court he stands ready to defend the columnist.

APNU chairman David Granger was not immediately available for comment.

Meanwhile, University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) President Duane Edwards told that he had not yet spoken to Kissoon and chose to address the issue in a more holistic manner.

“Any shortening of the academic staff at the University of Guyana will adversely affect students because students are already experiencing a decline in the quality of instruction because the lecturers that are currently here are fetching serious burdens, they are doing more than they are required to do,” he said.

Edwards added that such interference with the quality of instruction could have a negative effect on the university in terms of its accreditation.

When asked if there was anything the UGSS plan to do in relation to Kissoon’s termination Edwards said they will be going to the students taking the classes that Kissoon lectured.

“If at the start of the semester there are no lecturers available for those classes and not only those classes but the entire campus; we need to get an idea of how many courses that will no be starting at the beginning of the semester because of lack of lecturers and based on that we will no what kind of action we will take,” Edwards said.

He added that a meeting is also scheduled between the UGSS, the UG Workers Association and the UG Staff Association to collaborate on a strategy to tackle faculty shortage.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Good move to get rid of Freddie. Big coat has amassed a bad reputation over the years unbecoming of a university professor. He is unfit, no wonder people complain that UG gone to the dogs.
the ppp era is coming to a end.all you dumb ppp fools that want guyana to stay backward,will have to stay in the dog house.kissoon is more man than all of you put ass better start get ready for a new election.the ppp will kill its self
Yuji, Albert, DrugB - idiot antimen acting up in the stinking PPP echochamber that frames their [collective] miserable existence.

Dem panties all in a bunch because Freddie is a real man . . . living a MEANINGFUL, honorable life!
Originally posted by alena:
I have never read someone write with such venom and hatred as this dude.

Mi gon miss Freddie, mi like read wah di man seh. You see, abie gatt wan "democracy" going donk hay and diss man is free to talk, even foa cuss abie. This ia a bad move by da PPP.
I hope a clear explanation as to why this firing occurred is available, Note these people kept in place an individual who is a sexual pervert. I do not care much for Freddi but this brings to mind the burnhamite tactic of discrimination in employment as a political tool.
Originally posted by D2:
I hope a clear explanation as to why this firing occurred is available, Note these people kept in place an individual who is a sexual pervert. I do not care much for Freddi but this brings to mind the burnhamite tactic of discrimination in employment as a political tactic.

Ah we donk hay fa ask datt, natt alyuh white man up deh. Da man Kisoon gatt di "slo fiah" treatment.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
I hope a clear explanation as to why this firing occurred is available, Note these people kept in place an individual who is a sexual pervert. I do not care much for Freddi but this brings to mind the burnhamite tactic of discrimination in employment as a political tactic.

Ah we donk hay fa ask datt, natt alyuh white man up deh. Da man Kisoon gatt di "slo fiah" treatment.
You may want it that way but as long as the constitution call us Guyanese we will open our mouths as Guyanese. Further, as long as you depend on half of your morning breakfast from our pockets we will have a voice.
AFC and APNU/PNC claim that they are in charge now because they got the majority? Why did you all fire Freddie? When PPP had the majority they kept him in his job. Freddie should go after Ramjattan and Granger now.
I am not a Freddie Fan but I am totally against the decision to fire him without a proper explanation.

There are a few at UG that should be terminated for misconduct.

I trust and hope that Dr Misir was not behind this action.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
I hope a clear explanation as to why this firing occurred is available, Note these people kept in place an individual who is a sexual pervert. I do not care much for Freddi but this brings to mind the burnhamite tactic of discrimination in employment as a political tactic.

Ah we donk hay fa ask datt, natt alyuh white man up deh. Da man Kisoon gatt di "slo fiah" treatment.
You may want it that way but as long as the constitution call us Guyanese we will open our mouths as Guyanese. Further, as long as you depend on half of your morning breakfast from our pockets we will have a voice.

Bai, nah mek rass, me nah depend pon alyuh up deh, infact me gat mi US acct funded from mi Guyana export bsuiness. Nah all abie donk hey depend pon alyuh. Nah tek yuh eyes and pass haad wukkin' coolies donk hay. See datt Ginger Bread man up deh seh too much alyuh tekking welfare money. Da freeness up deh ga run out soon, so tie yuh belly wenn Ginger Bread man gon replace Abama.
Originally posted by Dondadda:
AFC and APNU/PNC claim that they are in charge now because they got the majority? Why did you all fire Freddie? When PPP had the majority they kept him in his job. Freddie should go after Ramjattan and Granger now.
Acting an ass in light of a serious issue as to the non political interference in our education system won't allay the discomfort that the PPP may be still on a tyrannical vector. The AFC can only veto that comes through the legislature. If the PPP is up to their usual neglect for the law then I am quite sure they will reap ample rewards in retribution somewhere along the line. You cannot build up karmaic demerits and escape its demand for balancing the scale.
Originally posted by albert:
Kissoon,61, had been a full-time lecturer at UG for the past 26 years...

A full time lecturer without a doctorate in an institution of higher learning ?

It's no wonder UG is a 4th rate academic institution.


There should be no full time appointments at any institution of higher learning who does not have a doctorate in his or her field.

Part time lecturers with a Masters--yes; Full time appointments without a doctorate--NO!


Freddie Kissoon is more than just a political writer in Guyana. He is a measure stick for the ABC countries to measure the extent of freedom in Guyana. His firing from the University is not a good political move (that is if it was politically motivated). The last thing that the ABC countries want is a dictatorship or the appearance of a dictatorship next to Venezula. The United States governmental institutions have alot of influence in the Guyanese military. They also have the ability to make a military take over appear not to be a military take over in the international community. So this is a dangerous area to tread. I personally don't think it was politically motivated by this present and very young administration.
The UG board should reconsider this action. If Kissoon is a bad teacher then the dismissal may be necessary. But that surely is not the reason for the scrapping of his contract. Kissoon should demand an explanation from the UG board.
This is not good news for the PPP party. If Freddie Kisson and his family asks, receives political asylum and goes into political exile in a place such as The Cayman islands, Anguilla or the British Virgin Islands then he becomes a powerful untouchable symbol of political opposition.
I just read Freddy's last article in KN. Now I have a clearer picture of the situation. That article was something. It truely tests a government's commitment to freedom of the press.
From the grapevines my understanding is that Kissoon had been preoccupied with political ventures that he has been neglecting his students and not showing up for lectures. And when he does show up to lecture, the material that he delivers is sub par due to him concentrating more on writing columns in Kaiteur and campaigning for political parties. If you are a full time professor then have the decency on concentrating on your craft rather than deny the students a proper education by concentrating on other business ventures. hahhahahhaha
Now that UG has seen the back of Freddie an investigation should be launched regarding allegations of sexual favours for grades by opposition lecturers. One of them being a former sociology lecturer who now resides overseas.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Wasn't sex man a supporter of the AFC???

He is a staunch PPPite. Despite his vulgar language and cursing during his lectures. He is still a lecturer at UG and is untouchable.

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