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Originally Posted by chameli:

2: last time i visit Manhattan it was so nasty that i would prefer few mths of he cold than the stink day in and day out

* There are lots of ghettos in Manhattan---Chinatown, Little Italy, Harlem, Washington Heights, 14th street, Delancy street, etc, etc etc


* Why did your host take you to those places ?


* Next time you visit my city I may have to show you around---have you enjoy the unique culture and sophistication of the most intriguing and captivating city in the world.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Riya:



People can bash FL all they want---My quality of life improved tenfold compared to my life in NY.

Hey riya:


* I believe you 100% regarding the 1000%(10X) improvement in your quality of life.


* Here is a reminder of your old hang out in NYC--Richmond Hill, Queens---is that TI in that photo hiding behind that tree ?



* Today you have in Florida acres of manicured lawn, an Olympic sized pool, and a chauffeured Bentley. That is quality of life, yes.hahahaha


* But seriously---quality of life is always determined by the quality of your thoughts---and definitely since you migrated to Florida----you have been thinking sweet, loving, relaxing, serene thoughts---back in NY it was mostly stressful thoughts----maybe you hated your job---hated the crowded subways---hated the neighborhood you lived in---hated the neighbors----that Jasmattie lady from Lusignan, East Coast----she was always jealous of the way you dressed for work.----NY was, indeed, stressful.







Why, thank you!

Originally Posted by Rev:


* Temp in NYC on this lovely Friday morning: 13F/-11C


* Lemme check  Toronto: 7F/-14C


* Rev won't live in that icebox Toronto for free.


* Wait until Skeldon_Man reports the TEMP in Minnesota----NYC and Toronto will feel like a heat wave.



Was not bad this morning. The temp was about 6 above zero. Wait until Monday and Tuesday. Both days the air temp is forcasted to be 20 below.  This is coming your way .. prepare for some miserable days.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by chameli:

Rev, pls do not delete/edit the above post.  I will copy it to my phone so that i can make sure you show me the sophistication of YOUR MANhattan



* Sunil is not the only sweet, courteous, honorable and gentlemanly tour guide on GNI yuh know.


* Make sure Big B comes along---he and the Rev have a lot in common---it's a small world---he and I may even know each other.



Originally Posted by Rev:

Good morning!


* Did you folks see this on the DRUDGE REPORT:


"HOMEWRECKER" Website Lets Women Whose Husbands Cheated Post Names, Photos of Mistresses"


* Darn! A woman can't even cheat these days without getting her name and photo plastered on the internet---what is this world coming too ?



Hey Rev, it's better than posting their names on billboards by the freeway.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Hey Rev, it's better than posting their names on billboards by the freeway.



* Are you for real ?


* Women who cheat have their names posted on billboards on the freeway ?


* Raaaaaasssssssss bwoy!


* This world is definitely not fair to women cheaters.


* But seriously---there are some fun Billboards as you drive along the highways----that might be an interesting thread---FUNNY BILLBOARDS.





Originally Posted by Rev:

Good morning!


* Did you folks see this on the DRUDGE REPORT:


"HOMEWRECKER" Website Lets Women Whose Husbands Cheated Post Names, Photos of Mistresses"


* Darn! A woman can't even cheat these days without getting her name and photo plastered on the internet---what is this world coming too ?



Why are you worrying? You are gay. Your BF can throw you out of the PH in MANhattan.


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