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As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


Last edited by Prashad

Listen up Riffraff al brown Guyanai. These White people are sterotypeing us south Asian browns as Arabs. Yet they will welcome the Arabs into their hearts, minds and beds as fellow white people so as a brown person you stop pushing and supporting the Arab agenda because you have nothing to gain as a brown person except a place in the Paki pit in Dubai.

Last edited by Prashad
Prince posted:
RiffRaff posted:

The man is within his right to ask a passenger from a terrorist state if he has a bomb for his own safety. What's wrong with that? White people has every right to harass people that pose a threat on any plane. 

You are as huge a bigoted jackass as the passenger who asked such a dumb question ! Who, in his right mind, would be stupid enough to ask such a question ? Who made Pakistan a terrorist state; you ? The USA; and by extension you as a citizen who kiss the ass of your white masters at every possible opportunity, have maimed, disfigured, mutilated and killed many millions more than any other nation has over the past 50 years than anyone else. How many did you kill in Vietnam; on the basis of a pack of lies ? How many did you slaughter in Iraq; on the basis of a pack of lies ? How much of other countries' resources did you commandeer and loot, you spineless worm ? Your self-esteem is evidently so low that you find it necessary to kiss the asses of your masters, regardless of the barbarity of their crimes ! It is morons like you; people who have neither balls or spine to deal with truth and propriety that make this world a less than tranquil place for others ! How shameless and dishonest can you be; the stench of your ignorance and prejudice permeates this entire facility !   


Prince just love getting his ass kicked. Are these people really Guyanese? Guyanese are generally independent minded free thinkers and smart. Not surprised with the Prince though since not so long ago, he wanted to drink malathion just because the Coalition won the elections. He was actually calling ISIS freedom fighters and encouraging Guyanese to do the same in Guyana.

Leonora posted:

Well said, Keffer.

Thank you, Leonora. I am certain that most of us on this facility are interested in exchanges of ideas and information; despite the fact that our individual values and perceptions might/will sometimes be dissimilar. This is the third occasion on which this individual has posted statements which are blatantly steeped in prejudice and bigotry and I have called him out on his postings both times. The bigotry and inaccuracy inherent in his statement suggest to me a mindset that is incongruent with the motive and values of this forum and I believe quite strongly that he should be banned. I will write or speak to Amral and strongly suggest that his privilege be fully and permanently withdrawn as soon as possible. I am sure that there will be no loss of value or attraction by other participants. Please indicate your concurrence by posting an appropriate note/statement. Bigotry is something that I will never accept or be silent to.



Cobra posted:

Why people must be apologetic to Muslims? They should and must be harassed to know what it feels like to be on receiving end of the shit stick. If I am on a flight and see a hairy ass bastard onboard, I would say something nasty and walk out. I sympathize with Prince. We need more outspoken people like him.

Fool, the only person who behaved like an ass-hole on that plane was that loser ass white trash. However, since this is a free country, you are free to be a loser ass trash also.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Why people must be apologetic to Muslims? They should and must be harassed to know what it feels like to be on receiving end of the shit stick. If I am on a flight and see a hairy ass bastard onboard, I would say something nasty and walk out. I sympathize with Prince. We need more outspoken people like him.

Being outspoken is completely acceptable but bigotry is not ! If you need a definition of bigotry, please let me know. That has been clearly evident in several posts made by Prince and I have spoken out against him/it on two previous occasions. You are completely free to sympathize with whoever you wish, however, to vilify an entire nation, race, people or religion on the basis of the actions of one or a few individuals is completely wrong and unacceptable. You are perfectly free to call Prince your hero if you wish him but it does not change the fact that his statement is a bigoted one !

Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Chameli posted:

there is two items on here that are laughable

can someone pls enlighten Keffer so he can choose one or the other to respond to but not each alter

Keffer, well said....except that u are 'wasting time' responding to both


Riffstah, i saw this on yahoo news few days or so ago...or maybe it was on gni. I am so glad he was booted of the plane.  More idiots will be given the boot if they choose to show their true colours.

Until some more white bigots shoot some more Indians, due to their ignorance. What they are not ignorant about is there economic state, which they consider immigrants to be responsible for.

This situation is not going to go away. Something has to give. When a man shoots another person dead, he knows the law is going to convict him. Enough times that act is carried out, it is a sacrifice for a definite purpose.

It is like a jihad.

The people with the guns is the white trash, uncivilized and the reckless. As labelled by the muslim elites on this site.

Ignorant people are plenty in the Arab world. Aren't Whitemen permitted to be ignorant as well? Or being civilized means to end up impoverished.

Ignorant people destroys civilization, just look at the Middle-East.

I think the ignorant people on this site fail to recognise their dilemma. Wouldn't be surprised if I read of one them ending up in some altercation with a bigotted whiteman. One could never know who they really are, that is the White bigot. So many of them in Europe and America, the probability of meeting one is possible from the population of Trump's 60 million followers. That is a frightening number. And, it will rise. Let stupid ass people continue to say and do stupidness. Pissing off a ignorant white man is not a good thing.    

ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

Cannot expect better from someone who thinks that Jesus (AS) is a whteman


If Jesua was to travel to here  he would not be allowed to enter because he would have features like this 


Images (1)
  • mceclip1
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Last edited by Prashad

1. We cannot go on demonizing whole race or groups of people because of the acts/misdeeds of a few. With a high degree of certainty, you will be demonized as they run out of groups to demonize..

2. It is with disgust that I read the word Paki being used and thrown around so freely here. What, are we hoping that they, the racists, the idiots, etc, will focus on them or the Arabs or the Muslims and leave the Indians, the guyanese alone? Dream again! What, that we believe that if we differerntiate ourselves in our minds from one despised group that it makes us better? Or it makes the idiots think of us in a better light?

3. How little we remember history. Think of Germany, the US, Canada, South Africa, Cambodia, Rawanda, etc. Yes, even Guyana.

4. Think about this. Sometimes it is abhe own Mattie that kill abhe. Do not blame the "white people" for everything. We need to start looking at abhe people too.

5. The law of unintended consequence always apply. Did not America,or the colonial powers realize that it will apply to them? Do you who are enjoying the richness of living in the US,  Britain, etc.  think that it does not apply to you? 

6. For all,of those immigrants who support Trump, I look forward to meeting you personally in Guyana when you return voluntarily or involuntarily. Just PM me.

Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

Cannot expect better from someone who thinks that Jesus (AS) is a whteman


If Jesua was to travel to here  he would not be allowed to enter because he would have features like this 

A Jew is a White looking person. The man yuh showing me is not even an Arab like a person from Saudie Arabia. He looks like Osama, a Yemeni man.

Orthodox Jews have beards but not like muslim beards. The beards are there, however, Jews are not frightening looking.

Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Is English comprehension a problem for you ! What occurred in San Bernardino was wrong and therefore must be unacceptable. My question to you, however, is 'what makes you conclude that the killings were done IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? Did the killer tell you or anyone else that his/their actions were undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? In my earlier post I pointed to the US invasion and wanton killing of Iraqi civilians and children because Bush termed his actions a "crusade'; in other words, the wanton, wholesale killing was based on or sanctioned by Christianity. Maybe I missed it but I am unaware of any Muslim saying that his/her killing was undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM

Zed posted:

1. We cannot go on demonizing whole race or groups of people because of the acts/misdeeds of a few. With a high degree of certainty, you will be demonized as they run out of groups to demonize..

2. It is with disgust that I read the word Paki being used and thrown around so freely here. What, are we hoping that they, the racists, the idiots, etc, will focus on them or the Arabs or the Muslims and leave the Indians, the guyanese alone? Dream again! What, that we believe that if we differerntiate ourselves in our minds from one despised group that it makes us better? Or it makes the idiots think of us in a better light?

3. How little we remember history. Think of Germany, the US, Canada, South Africa, Cambodia, Rawanda, etc. Yes, even Guyana.

4. Think about this. Sometimes it is abhe own Mattie that kill abhe. Do not blame the "white people" for everything. We need to start looking at abhe people too.

5. The law of unintended consequence always apply. Did not America,or the colonial powers realize that it will apply to them? Do you who are enjoying the richness of living in the US,  Britain, etc.  think that it does not apply to you? 

6. For all,of those immigrants who support Trump, I look forward to meeting you personally in Guyana when you return voluntarily or involuntarily. Just PM me.

People kill people, that is the universal achievement of mankind. Before the whiteman and his ships brought the world closure, all societies were tribal and even back then, within tribal communities there were differences. Eventually, settled by annihilation.

Jihad, wants to do it the world. Mans preoccupation with domination.

SOME immigrants want to dominate White Americans. In the natural order of things, the White man will not oblige them. One does not need to be a Rocket Scientist to know where this struggle going to end up.

Guyanaese on the site have revealed their crads, the muslims have revealed their cards and likewise some other ethnic groups.

It is going to be hot days in hell. Lots of souls are going to be consumed.

Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Please go back and carefully read what I wrote. When you are done, show me where the act by the Pakistani man of killing people was done in the name of Islam. If there is there any record, written or otherwise noted, that the Pakistani man killed in the name of Islam, please show us.

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Is English comprehension a problem for you ! What occurred in San Bernardino was wrong and therefore must be unacceptable. My question to you, however, is 'what makes you conclude that the killings were done IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? Did the killer tell you or anyone else that his/their actions were undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? In my earlier post I pointed to the US invasion and wanton killing of Iraqi civilians and children because Bush termed his actions a "crusade'; in other words, the wanton, wholesale killing was based on or sanctioned by Christianity. Maybe I missed it but I am unaware of any Muslim saying that his/her killing was undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM

Foreign based Iraqies asked the USA to intervene. Saudie Arabia and Kuwait besseched the Americans to go to war. Muslims using the Americans to settle scores with other muslims. The same shit took place in 1917 with Ottaman Turks. Muslims pushing for British to destroy the Ottaman Empire.

The world goes on with its own beat. Be rational at all times and observe.


Keffer al brown Guyanai and other al brown Guyanais listen up. The San Bernardino killers were clear in the messages that they sent after their killings by facebook and clues left in their apartment that they were committing the act to further the aims of Islam. With regards to the use of the word Paki. I use it as a reaction to the active hate that most Pakis has for Indians. A hate so strong that most of them prefer to aid the China Chinaman to kill Indians and steal their land.  When you are involved in killing and hating your own genetic race I have no respect or regards for you.

Last edited by Prashad
seignet posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Is English comprehension a problem for you ! What occurred in San Bernardino was wrong and therefore must be unacceptable. My question to you, however, is 'what makes you conclude that the killings were done IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? Did the killer tell you or anyone else that his/their actions were undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? In my earlier post I pointed to the US invasion and wanton killing of Iraqi civilians and children because Bush termed his actions a "crusade'; in other words, the wanton, wholesale killing was based on or sanctioned by Christianity. Maybe I missed it but I am unaware of any Muslim saying that his/her killing was undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM

Foreign based Iraqies asked the USA to intervene. Saudie Arabia and Kuwait besseched the Americans to go to war. Muslims using the Americans to settle scores with other muslims. The same shit took place in 1917 with Ottaman Turks. Muslims pushing for British to destroy the Ottaman Empire.

The world goes on with its own beat. Be rational at all times and observe.

You must have been asleep or you were perhaps dreaming when the invasion of Iraq occurred ! The invasion of Iraq was undertaken on the presumption that Saddam Hussain had nuclear weaponry. Even if; and that is a huge IF, foreign based Iraqis asked the USA and its cronies to invade Iraq, the USA and England acted illegally. History will always show that the invasion, which killed millions of defenseless civilians, was planned and committed for the greedy kleptomaniac Dumbo Bush and his cronies !

Prashad posted:

I never agreed with the invasion of Iraq or the killing of Saddam. As I said before on this board. Us intelligence were used as suckers by Kurdish Nationalists.

Colin Powell lied to the world about weapons of mass destruction. The world will never forgive him for this. It led the to murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

The German UN inspectors were insisting that they could not find evidence of weapons of mass destruction but the Bush administration insisted on invading Iraq and created a complete mess.


As I said before. American intelligence has a fundamental weakness.  It is a reaction to left/right ideology instead of the paradigm of religion/culture issues. If the CIA had been doing their jobs correctly then Powell would not have repeated Kurdish propaganda and Burnham would have never become President.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Keffer al brown Guyanai and other al brown Guyanais listen up. The San Bernardino killers were clear in the messages that they sent after their killings by facebook and clues left in their apartment that they were committing the act to further the aims of Islam. With regards to the use of the word Paki. I use it as a reaction to the active hate that most Pakis has for Indians. A hate so strong that most of them prefer to aid the China Chinaman to kill Indians and steal their land.  When you are involved in killing and hating your own genetic race I have no respect or regards for you.

If you have a viewpoint or position on the subject of this thread, that is okay, but to suggest or state that 'by facebook and clues left in their apartment  that they were committing the act to further the aims of Islam' is blatantly untrue; garbage ! Why don't you provide a verbatim quote ? The use of derogatory words or terms to refer to others is puerile; I hope you will grow up one day. The Indo-Pakistan situation is an old and complex one; with dislike on both sides of the divide so to suggest 'the active hate that most Pakis has for Indians' is sheer garbage ! Have you ever been to India or Pakistan ? My work takes me to these countries very often and I have so far been to India 11 times and to Pakistan almost as frequently. I do not need lessons from ignoramuses who are blinded by religion and issues that they clearly do not understand. Where did you get this rubbish that 'most of them prefer to aid the China Chinaman to kill Indians and steal their land' ? China is powerful enough, both economically and in military terms, to swallow India if it chooses to so stop writing fairy tales because your prejudice is exposed for all to see ! I have no time for ignoramuses like you !

Prashad posted:

Keffer al brown Guyanai it is your prejudice and brutal hate that is exposed for all to see. I have heard with my own ears and saw with my own eyes Pakis refusing to speak to Indians because they were indians.

What an idiot you are; if I was prejudiced as you suggest, I would not have gone to India as often as I have because I could have easily delegated my work to others who report to me. How old are you ? Do you read, write and speak Hindi ?  I am not fully fluent but I read and write Hindi as well as any Indian; or Guyanese Hindu for that matter. I can make myself understood wherever I go in Hindi and Urdu speaking parts of the country. Can you say the same for yourself ? I speak to friends and associates in India almost every night.  Just remember this... negative generalization on the basis of limited or imprecise information is bigotry; that is exactly what you have done !

Prashad posted:

I have heard Nepali Hindus say that they hate Indians and India but it does not hurt me. But to hear Pakis say that they hate Indians and India. It hurts me deeply because it is our own genetic race that is denying their ethnic origins and saying their hate for their own ethnic identity.

Okay, if you feel that way but to suggest that someone who disagrees with you harbors prejudice, as you have done is abject stupidity and sheer ignorance on your part ! I am certain you have heard it said that 'it is so much better to shut your mouth and be considered an ass than to open it and remove all doubt ....that is precisely what you have done !!

Keffer posted:
seignet posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Is English comprehension a problem for you ! What occurred in San Bernardino was wrong and therefore must be unacceptable. My question to you, however, is 'what makes you conclude that the killings were done IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? Did the killer tell you or anyone else that his/their actions were undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? In my earlier post I pointed to the US invasion and wanton killing of Iraqi civilians and children because Bush termed his actions a "crusade'; in other words, the wanton, wholesale killing was based on or sanctioned by Christianity. Maybe I missed it but I am unaware of any Muslim saying that his/her killing was undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM

Foreign based Iraqies asked the USA to intervene. Saudie Arabia and Kuwait besseched the Americans to go to war. Muslims using the Americans to settle scores with other muslims. The same shit took place in 1917 with Ottaman Turks. Muslims pushing for British to destroy the Ottaman Empire.

The world goes on with its own beat. Be rational at all times and observe.

You must have been asleep or you were perhaps dreaming when the invasion of Iraq occurred ! The invasion of Iraq was undertaken on the presumption that Saddam Hussain had nuclear weaponry. Even if; and that is a huge IF, foreign based Iraqis asked the USA and its cronies to invade Iraq, the USA and England acted illegally. History will always show that the invasion, which killed millions of defenseless civilians, was planned and committed for the greedy kleptomaniac Dumbo Bush and his cronies !

I guess, being a muslim u r prejudiced. Iraqies gave the information of WMD. That is okay, recent history is not too long gone. Everyone has there opinions of the conflict. 

Prashad posted:

I never agreed with the invasion of Iraq or the killing of Saddam. As I said before on this board. Us intelligence were used as suckers by Kurdish Nationalists.

In you were in Guyana, you would have been asked 'yuh barn suh or ah something do yuh rass' ! What you wrote above is total rubbish ! The US was not 'used' by anyone; it was the game-plan of Bush, Cheyney, Rove, Wolfowicz, Rumsfeld, Abrams etc. to establish world domination by the USA ! Stop dreaming up trash; everyone will realize that you are a total idiot !!

seignet posted:
Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

Cannot expect better from someone who thinks that Jesus (AS) is a whteman


If Jesua was to travel to here  he would not be allowed to enter because he would have features like this 

A Jew is a White looking person. The man yuh showing me is not even an Arab like a person from Saudie Arabia. He looks like Osama, a Yemeni man.

Orthodox Jews have beards but not like muslim beards. The beards are there, however, Jews are not frightening looking.

I see you confused

Jesus (AS) was not a white man. Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem are not in Europe it is in them ME. You saying that these people are frightening looking.


Images (1)
  • mceclip0
seignet posted:
Keffer posted:
seignet posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

As I said before when an Arab kills a white western person in the name of Islam . The white Westerm people do not know that the killer was a fellow white person. Instead these White Western people think the Arab and the middle East people are Brown South Asians. A white Western father would more likely to accept a white skin Arab as his son in law rather than a brown skin South Asian male. The white Westerm people do not know that when they go to a NASCAR car race and cheer for racers like Bobby Rahul that they are cheering for an Arab instead they think that they are cheering for a fellow white. So chief al brown Guyanai , kazama al brown Guyanai, riffraff al brown Guyanai and Abu Jihad al brown Guyanai. You are not an Arab so stop pushing their agenda.


1) How or what does one do to kill in the name of Islam ?          2) Can you point to a killing that was done in the name of Islam?          3) Didn't Dumbo Bush refer to the invasion of Iraq as a crusade ?          4) Is crusade a Muslim term ?

As a bit of education for you, the invasion of Iraq was done on the basis of a pack of lies. To this day, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found in Iraq and, apart from adults, more than one million innocent Iraqi children went to their graves as a result of starvation that was imposed on them by the benevolent USA ! In fact, with reference to the children, you might recall the hateful, callous and brazen words of Madeline Albright who gleefully told the world 'it was worth the price'. So my advice to you before you embarrass yourself again in the future is 1) acquaint yourself with history and 2) acknowledge the ugly history/record of the USA as a thief and bully, and remember that, when bullies get their noses bloodied, they shouldn't run home crying 'look what those bad people did to us' ! They should instead acknowledge their aggression and theft and pay reparations to the nations they bullied, decimated and robbed ! As we used to say in Guyana 'easy lesson good for dunce'; true; isn't it !!!



Keffer al brown Guyanai are you crazy. There are many examples but I will show you one. The San Bernardino Paki killers. That Paki fellow had the fortune of being employed by the American government. The American government also allowed him to bring his Paki wife to America. There they took assault rifles and killed the American people disabled citizens in the name of Islam.  The Arab and their allies have a history of distroying, raping and stealing from my South Asian brothers and sisters.  In fact they most like stole, killed and forcefully converted your ancestors and brainwashed the likes of you. But at the end of the day you are brown and they are white so three options are waiting for you.

1. Becoming a chocolate arab and be transformed into an oppressed minority.

2. A first class status in the Paki pit of Dubai and the other Arab Paki Pits of the middle East.

3. Attack from the Western white people who think that the brown man is the Arab man and not the likes of white brother Bobby Rahaul who they cheer for at NASCAR races. Heck us brown folk cannot even get into the gates of a NASCAR race to watch it without risk being beaten up because some drunk white person think us brown folk are Arabs.


Keffer al brown Guyanai your ancestors must be spinning in their graves (worst than Dr Jagan about pradoville 2) knowing that you advance the agendas of the people who brutally slaughtered them without mercy on the battlefields of their own country.

Is English comprehension a problem for you ! What occurred in San Bernardino was wrong and therefore must be unacceptable. My question to you, however, is 'what makes you conclude that the killings were done IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? Did the killer tell you or anyone else that his/their actions were undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM ? In my earlier post I pointed to the US invasion and wanton killing of Iraqi civilians and children because Bush termed his actions a "crusade'; in other words, the wanton, wholesale killing was based on or sanctioned by Christianity. Maybe I missed it but I am unaware of any Muslim saying that his/her killing was undertaken IN THE NAME OF ISLAM

Foreign based Iraqies asked the USA to intervene. Saudie Arabia and Kuwait besseched the Americans to go to war. Muslims using the Americans to settle scores with other muslims. The same shit took place in 1917 with Ottaman Turks. Muslims pushing for British to destroy the Ottaman Empire.

The world goes on with its own beat. Be rational at all times and observe.

You must have been asleep or you were perhaps dreaming when the invasion of Iraq occurred ! The invasion of Iraq was undertaken on the presumption that Saddam Hussain had nuclear weaponry. Even if; and that is a huge IF, foreign based Iraqis asked the USA and its cronies to invade Iraq, the USA and England acted illegally. History will always show that the invasion, which killed millions of defenseless civilians, was planned and committed for the greedy kleptomaniac Dumbo Bush and his cronies !

I guess, being a muslim u r prejudiced. Iraqies gave the information of WMD. That is okay, recent history is not too long gone. Everyone has there opinions of the conflict. 

Stop posting trash;  a young schoolboy would laugh at your stupidity  ! Can you produce information to substantiate what you wrote. Even if one can accept that locals mis-informed the USA; with the sophisticated communication devices and methodologies that the USA has, plus their presence in Iraq, authentication of the situation would have been very easy, would it not ? It has been public knowledge for many years that the Iraq invasion was done to depose Saddam, install US stooges and pilfer Iraqi oil; which the USA and UK did in broad daylight ! To this day the US has a heavy presence in that country ...5800 people are stationed at the US embassy in Baghdad'; why and what are they doing there ? Being a Muslim makes me prejudiced, eh ! Let me tell you, I have been to Iraq and, given what I do, I have a wide range of contacts with local people my lips do not have a clue what you are talking about, none whatsoever !!  You do not know shit !!

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

I never agreed with the invasion of Iraq or the killing of Saddam. As I said before on this board. Us intelligence were used as suckers by Kurdish Nationalists.

In you were in Guyana, you would have been asked 'yuh barn suh or ah something do yuh rass' ! What you wrote above is total rubbish ! The US was not 'used' by anyone; it was the game-plan of Bush, Cheyney, Rove, Wolfowicz, Rumsfeld, Abrams etc. to establish world domination by the USA ! Stop dreaming up trash; everyone will realize that you are a total idiot !!

Keffer al brown Guyanai shut your brown pancake. You and all those self hate Pakis need a massive kick your brown behinds by a white Arab to bring your behinds back to reality from that fake unreal Arab identity that you all live in.  The Paki pit in Dubai is not doing the trick.

Last edited by Prashad
Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

Cannot expect better from someone who thinks that Jesus (AS) is a whteman


If Jesua was to travel to here  he would not be allowed to enter because he would have features like this 

A Jew is a White looking person. The man yuh showing me is not even an Arab like a person from Saudie Arabia. He looks like Osama, a Yemeni man.

Orthodox Jews have beards but not like muslim beards. The beards are there, however, Jews are not frightening looking.

I see you confused

Jesus (AS) was not a white man. Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem are not in Europe it is in them ME. You saying that these people are frightening looking.

Those are either Yemeni or Indian orthodox Jews.

Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

Cannot expect better from someone who thinks that Jesus (AS) is a whteman


If Jesua was to travel to here  he would not be allowed to enter because he would have features like this 

A Jew is a White looking person. The man yuh showing me is not even an Arab like a person from Saudie Arabia. He looks like Osama, a Yemeni man.

Orthodox Jews have beards but not like muslim beards. The beards are there, however, Jews are not frightening looking.

I see you confused

Jesus (AS) was not a white man. Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem are not in Europe it is in them ME. You saying that these people are frightening looking.

Dem Jews in Israel looks white to me, so also the ones in the West.

Suh I doan know weh yuh get the idea that the personage of The Christ is not a Whiteperson. He came to his own people, the elect of God, the Chosen People.



seignet posted:

Dem Jews in Israel looks white to me, so also the ones in the West.

Suh I doan know weh yuh get the idea that the personage of The Christ is not a Whiteperson. He came to his own people, the elect of God, the Chosen People.


More evidence of madness. Of course the people in Israel will look white. They came from Europe some six decades ago to settle on the Palestinians' properties. Jesus didn't even know of a place called Europe. Heck, he told his disciples that they should not even go over the nearby hill.

seignet posted:
Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
Pointblank posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Soon as Saggabai gets out of church and sees this, he is going to be very upset that a colored person caused this God chosen white person to be taken off his flight.

You are part of the End-time prophecies.

Those passengers on the plane did not disembark the white fellow. Perhaps, they were scared shit. It took White People to get him off the plane, supported by laws drafted and enforced by the Whiteman.

Watch yuh back, wan ah dem going to get yuh. U r ur own worst enemy, not Trump supporters. 

Cannot expect better from someone who thinks that Jesus (AS) is a whteman


If Jesua was to travel to here  he would not be allowed to enter because he would have features like this 

A Jew is a White looking person. The man yuh showing me is not even an Arab like a person from Saudie Arabia. He looks like Osama, a Yemeni man.

Orthodox Jews have beards but not like muslim beards. The beards are there, however, Jews are not frightening looking.

I see you confused

Jesus (AS) was not a white man. Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem are not in Europe it is in them ME. You saying that these people are frightening looking.

Dem Jews in Israel looks white to me, so also the ones in the West.

Suh I doan know weh yuh get the idea that the personage of The Christ is not a Whiteperson. He came to his own people, the elect of God, the Chosen People.



It's mainly due to this guy:


Albrecht Durer (1471-1526) was a Renaissance painter, engraver, and mathematician who was charged with the daunting task of painting a portrait of Jesus.  Being no stranger to delusions of grandeur, Durer decided to paint a portrait of himself. Because of our human proclivity toward anthropomorphism, combined with the explosion and reach of Christianity in Europe, a "white" Jesus completely ingrained itself into the minds of Europeans and their decendants even to this day. And this is exactly what led to this.


Me and Keffer al brown Guyanai will never see eye to eye on the issue of the supremacy of the white Arabs and what it has done to the minds of people with South Asian ethnicity. It is no different from what the white Aryan has done to the minds of Hindus in several centuries earlier. Nevertheless I must commend and praise Keffer for taking the time and energy to learn the languages of his ancestors Hindi and Urdu. He is an example that young East Indian Guyanese can follow.

Last edited by Prashad

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