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March 14 2020


This story is developing and will be updated.


RE: CARICOM TEAM to Supervise Guyana Elections Recount


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Many of you are aware that I led a high-level team of Caribbean Prime Ministers to Georgetown earlier this week to meet with all of the affected parties from the recent General Election of March 2, 2020.

CARICOM has remained engaged over the last few days.

I would with to announce that after discussions this morning, President Granger made a request for the Caribbean Community to field an independent  high-level team to supervise  the re-counting of the ballots in Region 4 in accordance with the ruling of the Chief Justice of 11 March, 2020.  This has been agreed to by Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo.

We believe that this is a giant step in being able to determine the will of the Guyanese people in the Election of March 2, 2020. It will also allow the electoral process to regain the confidence of all locally, regionally and internationally.

I have spoken directly to both the President and the Leader of the  Opposition and they have both committed to abide by the results of a fair and transparent recount of each and every ballot, as supervised by the CARICOM team. We also agreed that there needs to be steps taken to secure the integrity of the ballot boxes until the Recount takes place.

The Independent High Level Team will be chaired by Francine Baron, former Attorney General and Foreign Minister and comprise Mr. Anthony Boatswain, former Minister of Finance of Grenada and Ms. Cynthia Barrow-Giles, Senior Lecturer in Department of Government of UWI. They will also be accompanied by the two Chief Election Officers from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.

Both President Granger and the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Jagdeo have agreed that the recount should commence once the Caricom team is on the ground.

I can confirm that all efforts are being made to have the team in Guyana as soon as possible.  A further announcement will be made as to the exact details once the team is on the ground.

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This is from Wesley Kirton FB page

"I just had a conversation with a leading personality in Washington who assured me that should President Granger be sworn in on the basis of an unverified result from Region 4, sanctions will be applied. I was told that sanctions will first be applied to individuals and their families; and progressively to Guyana. The sanctions will include inter alia freezing of assets in several countries, revocation of visas and denial of Guyana's participation in international organizations. I was also told that some Guyanese in the US "are on our radar" since they have been trying to stir instability in Guyana. My suggestion that the international community play a role in the formation of a government of national unity was rejected. The current election result I am told must first be verified, and only after that would there be any initiative to help move to a government of national unity. Next week Friday could be a red letter day in Guyana's contemporary history. The is a really sad situation."


The ballots are compromised, I have move pass this. 

The SOPs are compromised. GECOM has refused to verified the security features with OAS, causing them to walk out , what difference will Caricom make in a recount. 

I want to see the hammer falls on the officials of GECOM, APNU ministers including Granger the police officers who encourage APNU supporters to abused and intimidate the observers and polling agents. 

Granger stood quiet and did not appeal to his supporters during the verification period. 


These people was there on Wednesday after the court ruling, why didn't they request to be part of the process on Thursday and yesterday. 

Caricom can F off. They were voiceless during the NCM. They all wants some shilling ( oil ) falls on their shoulder now. 

US and European ambassador  were at GECOM on Wednesday, and the gates were locked at them, they return yesterday with British and Canadian Ambassador, and Fcking walk out after witnessing the thieves. 

I will share several Voice recording what transpire in their presence.  


@  Dave ...

If the proposed new tally for Region 4 does not reflect the TRUE numbers in the boxes, then there definitely will be more major issues, because ...

-- each political party, groups, etc., received the SOPs when the polls were closed on election day.


The ballots are compromised, I have move pass this. 

The SOPs are compromised. GECOM has refused to verified the security features with OAS, causing them to walk out , what difference will Caricom make in a recount.


OAS election observer mission pulls out of Guyana, saying results unlikely to gain public confidence


Top members of the Organisation of American States election observation mission.

The Organisation of American States (OAS) election observer mission on Friday said it would be pulling out of Guyana because the tabulation process for Region Four is unlikely to produce overall results that are widely accepted.

“The process employed by the Returning Officer for Region 4 is not transparent and, based on the numbers that have emanated since the process was first disrupted, is unlikely to produce a result that is credible and is able to command public confidence,” the observer mission said in a statement.

WTF will Caricom do .


How can Granger agree to this when his cancerous skont has been saying all the time that only GECOM can decide on elections procedures? This rodent is not even worth being called a rodent as that will be insulting rodents. I am not hoping for any positive coming out of this matter. CARICOM will be as clumsy as the PNC riggers were on altering those SOPs and it will all be more waste of time. The only remedy is for the powerful countries to begin enforcing sanctions and crippling this illegal government.

Caricom sat on their asses and allowed Granger to thumb his nose at them for a whole year and what they are trying to do here is lend some legitimacy to their black brother Granger because they understand that he is playing with fire but too ignorant to acknowledge it.



CARICOM High Level team to supervise recount of Region Four ballots

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â€ĶPresident, Opposition Leader agree to abide by results

President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo have agreed to an independent high-level CARICOM team to supervise the re-counting of the ballots in Region 4 in accordance with the 11, March 2020 ruling of the Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire.

This is according to Barbados Prime Minister and chair of CARICOM chair, Mia Mottley who noted in a statement on Saturday that the independent High Level Team will be chaired by Francine Baron, former Attorney General and Foreign Minister and comprise Mr. Anthony Boatswain, former Minister of Finance of Grenada and Ms. Cynthia Barrow-Giles, Senior Lecturer in Department of Government of University of the West Indies. They will also be accompanied by the two Chief Election Officers from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.

Mottley said that after a high-level team of Caribbean Prime Ministers engaged the affected parties this week, CARICOM has remained engaged over the last few days. ïŋž

ïŋžïŋžShe said that after discussions this morning, President Granger made a request for CARICOM to field the team and this has been agreed to by Jagdeo.

“We believe that this is a giant step in being able to determine the will of the Guyanese people in the Election of March 2, 2020. It will also allow the electoral process to regain the confidence of all locally, regionally and internationally,”Mottley said.

She said she spoke directly to both the President and Jagdeo and they have both committed to abide by the results of a fair and transparent recount of each and every ballot, as supervised by the CARICOM team. “We also agreed that there needs to be steps taken to secure the integrity of the ballot boxes until the Recount takes place,” she said.

She said the President and the Leader of the Opposition have agreed that the recount should commence once the CARICOM team is on the ground.

“I can confirm that all efforts are being made to have the team in Guyana as soon as possible. A further announcement will be made as to the exact details once the team is on the ground,”she said.



Is it only possible to find blacks to oversee this charade?

The Independent High Level Team will be chaired by Francine Baron, former Attorney General and Foreign Minister and comprise Mr. Anthony Boatswain, former Minister of Finance of Grenada and Ms. Cynthia Barrow-Giles, Senior Lecturer in Department of Government of UWI. They will also be accompanied by the two Chief Election Officers from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.


We also agreed that there need to be steps taken to secure the integrity of the ballot boxes until the Recount takes place.

This would definitely be a problem for PNC and PPP. Who is there to verify that the boxes remained undisturbed?
Does anyone know if there was some kind of security features on the boxes that show they were not tampered with?


Skelly, every party has a lock on the container so hopefully they are still intact. The shenanigans will begin after the boxes are opened and everything start getting blown all over.

If GECOM had not problem thumbing their dutty noses at the US and UK why would anyone think that CARICOM will have any luck in completing a clean recount?



@Former Member: So there might be 9 to 10 locks on each box? Do you think PNC hired a locksmith to make duplicate keys and opened the boxes? Was there anyone watching the boxes all the time?
I see an arsonist trying to set ablaze the boxes. Wonder who would benefit the most if these boxes are burnt? Don't tell me. I'll try guessing until tomorrow and then ask you if my answer corresponds with yours.


Skelly, from the coverage I saw, there are many locks on those containers. I am not sure about the boxes in the containers. I also saw statements that the containers are being watched by several people including people from the other political party. But all of that can change if the police shows up and runs everyone away. Then the only security would be the locks and then you have the question of if those locks can be compromised.

The reality is that the PNC lost the elections and all of their shenanigans prove that. But according to that idiot Iguana, that is meaningless because as blacks they can just steal the elections. It doesn't matter that the PPP toiled all over the country working arduously to gain confidence from the voters. the blacks can just steal it. Well they does feel that way over here too and because of their reputation, the police and property owners does just shoot first and ask questions after. I am perfectly fine with that approach until these miscreants correct they wicked ways.


The US should be overseeing the recount. The UN is also made up of officials from a lot of despotic countries just as despotic as Granger. Plus it is the US who can place the harshest punishment on Granger and it was the US ambassador who was not allowed into the building. CARICOM is meaningless. They are all Blackman fuh Blackman. They couldn't find a single non-Black to be on the team so what does that say.



For the rest of us, with all the conflicting information coming from both sides, we don't know what to believe.  I watched a video where Jagdeo clearly verbalized with figures,  that there was no way that the coalition won, but then Granger and his supporters confidently took the opposing position that the coalition won.  


Django, do you believe that the SOPs presented by Mingo yesterday and declared as the final count are altered and fraudulent or do you believe that the Opposition parties are lying when they say they are?


Me thinks the Coalition win the Elections ,the margin is smaller than  what was presented yesterday.

My conclusion was made after looking at the Opposition numbers ,it's not plausible for the opposition to get so much votes in Region 4 ,never in history that amount was reached.


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