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Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
What is a n i g g  e r indian?



It looks like you have a reading comprehension problem!


Read carefully:


N*GGER INDIANS are Guyanese East Indians who are deeply ashamed of their culture and heritage---they are jealous and envious of successful East Indians--- they take pride in berating, castigating and hatefully criticizing East Indians---and most would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Hughes of Guyana.


Who vex, vex!



Rant Rev... you suh smaht bai. You got all kindsa fancy names for everybody.



I see you like that phrase anta.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

Sections of the society may view Granger's comments as very insensitive and speaks volumes of his mentality.

And where are the first hand comments? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger.




Folks like Tarron Khemraj(TK), Farouk Samaroo(Joker), Saasenarine Singh, Warrior, etc, etc are what you call in Guyana N*GGER INDIANS---they would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Nigel Huhes of Guyana.


Who vex, vex!



Rev Bhai


You are correct. They will sell their souls to the devil for a lil job and some soup.


Let's see if I got it straight here.


The folks who are somehow aligned with the AFC would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Nigel Huhes of Guyana.


Stay with me here now doan get lost.


Would this mean the folks who are aligned with the PPP/C would bend over FORWARD to do this appeasing?


Originally Posted by Stormborn:


That being said, we need to address the problem of fairness and develop methodologies to address what the PPP conveniently claim does not exist, racial segmentation. Calling Granger a racist is tame for what will come if we avoid addressing this problem head on and constantly pretend we can continue in a "democracy" by one racial group simply because they are marginally superior in numbers. Worse, that race identified party is now claiming complete authority and it is a minority!

The PPP has no interest in any intelligent discussion concerning our racial anxieties.  Indeed this comment about statements ALLEGEDLY made by Granger and most likely out of context at that, is an attempt to fan racial anxiety from Indians.  You see the "bad PNC is again terrorising Indians" is their cry. 


And as usual they muffle the clear racial intent by "introducing" African supporters, real or imagined.  Of course we are left to ponder about what happened to those African supporters when they were most needed last election.


Now when the Chronicle wrote that Africans were a race ofr brutes whose sole intent is to attack, rob, rape and kill Indians what did the PPP have to say about this?  The paper is owned and controlled by the Govt and so they bear responsibility for its contents.


But you see its OK to peddle the myth of the Savage Black man.  Now it is pointed out that many Indian victims of crime suffer at the hands of their fellow Indians, that is considered racist.


I amk really sorry for those blacks who are cursed to be living in Guyana.  They live under conditions little better than Jim Crow where they are terrified to publicly describe their condition and yet daily endure racially based abuse.






* CAROLYN MATHURIN: "Well I voted for APNU in the last election. I thought Mr. Granger would be a good president. But apnu lost and I must say I am disappointed with Mr. Granger as opposition leader. It seems as if the AFC and Mr. Ramjattan are running things in parliament. I would like to see more leadership from Mr. Granger and APNU parliamentarians, but instead AFC seem to be in control and Mr. Granger is just following what Mr. Ramjattan, Mr. Nagamootoo and the AFC is proposing. I will vote for APNU and Mr. Granger in the next election. But I hope he stop following AFC and start leading on his own."



* DONALD TROTZ: "It pains me to see how wealthy PPP politicians have become while their party controls the executive branch. Guyana is doing well, but this is not because of the PPP. I would like to see the PNC given a next chance to run Guyana. I don't trust the AFC. The lawyers in that party are a bunch of opportunists. They will be bigger thieves than the PPP politicians. Mr. Granger is a man of integrity. He should be given a chance to run the country."



Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK...don't pretend to be a Sunday school boy, its inconceivable to believe you didn't saw his comments

I did not see his comments. That is why I am asking for the first hand comments. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:





* CAROLYN MATHURIN: "Well I voted for APNU in the last election. I thought Mr. Granger would be a good president. But apnu lost and I must say I am disappointed with Mr. Granger as opposition leader. It seems as if the AFC and Mr. Ramjattan are running things in parliament. I would like to see more leadership from Mr. Granger and APNU parliamentarians, but instead AFC seem to be in control and Mr. Granger is just following what Mr. Ramjattan, Mr. Nagamootoo and the AFC is proposing. I will vote for APNU and Mr. Granger in the next election. But I hope he stop following AFC and start leading on his own."



* DONALD TROTZ: "It pains me to see how wealthy PPP politicians have become while their party controls the executive branch. Guyana is doing well, but this is not because of the PPP. I would like to see the PNC given a next chance to run Guyana. I don't trust the AFC. The lawyers in that party are a bunch of opportunists. They will be bigger thieves than the PPP politicians. Mr. Granger is a man of integrity. He should be given a chance to run the country."



And the Indian 45% are just as race obsessed with their blind devotion to the PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK you aren't no dunce (or perceived not to be), I'm sure you have access to those comments

I did not see the first hand account. I would like to write a letter on the comments but can't unless I see the actual comments. Can't go with what is in Chronicle. 

Originally Posted by Brutus:
I don't see the statement as being racist, but granger is missing the mark that this government is an Indian government, indians only vote for them as they fear the alternative. I would expect granger to now to tackle the race issue head on. The PPP will not .

Both the PPP and the PNC are caught in the same trap.  they exist because of the racial enxieties of their supporters and so focus on whipping up these fears.  As they whip up their own supporters into a racial frenzy, they tell the other side that they are not wanted.  Oh yes both the PPP and the PNC pretend to be multi racial but look at where the TRUE leadership of BOTH parties comes from. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger.




Folks like Tarron Khemraj(TK), Farouk Samaroo(Joker), Saasenarine Singh, Warrior, etc, etc are what you call in Guyana N*GGER INDIANS---they would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Nigel Huhes of Guyana.


Who vex, vex!



Rev Bhai


You are correct. They will sell their souls to the devil for a lil job and some soup.


Whats wrong with what Sase, TK and Samaru is saying.....



Jagdeo, Ramotar and Gajraj (all Indians)...... 

De 3 Top Poom Poom Cheese.....

put us in this Racial mess in Guyana.....

Roger Khan was a known fugative from the United States....

Roger Khan was a Drug Lord in Guyana....

Roger Khan was smuggleing Guns in Guyana....

Roger Khan was involved in the thiefing of the AK-47 from the GDF

Roger Khan was the Head of A Dangerous Criminal Gang in Guyana

The Guyana Govt Failed to protect it's citizens....

and in stead of accepting US, British or Canadian help.....

they choose to get involve with their (Indian)Drug Lord......

This is what makes the Indians in Guyana Look Bad.....


Further ......the PNC had some of the very worst Thiefman, Rapist, Kick-down-door Bandits and Killer thugs .......who only Beat, Rob and Kill PPP Indian Supporters.....

These Black PNC Thugs Like Lamumba, Taps, Hamilton, Bynoe, Kwame and others are now either in Office of the President or at Freedom House....


De Poom Poom Cheese in the PPP see ......these Black thugs as Valuable assets.....

De Poom Poom Cheese in the PPP see ..... People Like Moses, Khemraj, Ralph, Joey and Nadira as Liability...


Granger is happy Jagdeo and Ramotar adopted and embrace the Black Racist Thugs.


Granger is Happy ......

the two worst Fugatives Roger Khan (Indian) and Philip Bynoe (Black)..... work for The Poom Poom Panties/Cheese......

now....Jagdeo & Ramotar helping him Clean up the PNC.



Whats wrong with what Sase, TK and Samaru is saying.....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Sections of the society may view Granger's comments as very insensitive and speaks volumes of his mentality.

All guyanese yuh Poom Poom Cheese showing

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
What is a n i g g  e r indian?



It looks like you have a reading comprehension problem!


Read carefully:


N*GGER INDIANS are Guyanese East Indians who are deeply ashamed of their culture and heritage---they are jealous and envious of successful East Indians--- they take pride in berating, castigating and hatefully criticizing East Indians---and most would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Hughes of Guyana.


Who vex, vex!



Rant Rev... you suh smaht bai. You got all kindsa fancy names for everybody.



I see you like that phrase anta.



Rev: Me nah vex. Me use de word wan time about coolie n*gger. Dem negroes on this site seh me gat blackman pun me mine all de time. Good call bro.


The Guyanese Populace has seen the joint opposition true colors, in the event of any snap elections, it is clear to predict which party the masses will endorse.They'll endorse the truly working class party, thus ensuring progress continues

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
What is a n i g g  e r indian?



It looks like you have a reading comprehension problem!


Read carefully:


N*GGER INDIANS are Guyanese East Indians who are deeply ashamed of their culture and heritage---they are jealous and envious of successful East Indians--- they take pride in berating, castigating and hatefully criticizing East Indians---and most would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Hughes of Guyana.


Who vex, vex!



Rant Rev... you suh smaht bai. You got all kindsa fancy names for everybody.



I see you like that phrase anta.



Rev: Me nah vex. Me use de word wan time about coolie n*gger. Dem negroes on this site seh me gat blackman pun me mine all de time. Good call bro.



Ayo hear de ignohorant jackass ale fool. only shit a come out yuh mout. 





Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

"Granger stated via the social media networking site Facebook,   in essence, that Indo-Guyanese were allegedly everyday literally responsible for killing, raping, maligning and murdering their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters. He also argued that those in power were failing to protect their own." 




If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."

TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

"Granger stated via the social media networking site Facebook,   in essence, that Indo-Guyanese were allegedly everyday literally responsible for killing, raping, maligning and murdering their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters. He also argued that those in power were failing to protect their own." 




If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."

TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Dishonesty is worst. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

"Granger stated via the social media networking site Facebook,   in essence, that Indo-Guyanese were allegedly everyday literally responsible for killing, raping, maligning and murdering their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters. He also argued that those in power were failing to protect their own." 




If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."

TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Granger said ( if what is reported in the press is true) nothing that you yourself does not say with respect to black people so quit deluding yourself that you are wounded by his statements. Actually, he has more valid resaons to say so since an Indian identified party is in office and they are supposed to be the custodians of the state and protectors of the people first and foremost. Instead, they are cuddle bunnies with druglords ( dominated by indians) and under their rule the crime rates of all sorts sky rocketed.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."

TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Dishonesty is worst. 

Knowing but pretending IS dishonesty.  Example, getting the people's votes, then forming an alliance which they (people) strongly disapprove.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Granger said ( if what is reported in the press is true) nothing that you yourself does not say with respect to black people so quit deluding yourself that you are wounded by his statements. Actually, he has more valid resaons to say so since an Indian identified party is in office and they are supposed to be the custodians of the state and protectors of the people first and foremost. Instead, they are cuddle bunnies with druglords ( dominated by indians) and under their rule the crime rates of all sorts sky rocketed.

You talk too damn much.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."

TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Dishonesty is worst. 

Knowing but pretending IS dishonesty.  Example, getting the people's votes, then forming an alliance which they (people) strongly disapprove.

You mean alliance with the PNC? I don't see any. You want to itemize them so we can see clearly what you are seeing that we can't? But it is impossible to pass anything without PNC support. Furthermore the PPP and PNC are really the two in alliance going back to the days of critical support, splitting up the GECOM funds, colluding to self pay Jagdeo/Corbin pension packages and of course collude to keep the racial fears going. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:


There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics. 

And what's worse than knowing, but still pretending.

Granger said ( if what is reported in the press is true) nothing that you yourself does not say with respect to black people so quit deluding yourself that you are wounded by his statements. Actually, he has more valid resaons to say so since an Indian identified party is in office and they are supposed to be the custodians of the state and protectors of the people first and foremost. Instead, they are cuddle bunnies with druglords ( dominated by indians) and under their rule the crime rates of all sorts sky rocketed.

You talk too damn much.

Don't apparently never developed the habit as a child anyways so no wonder you are such a shallow racist twerp!

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Granger right. Many Coolies never met other coolies that they did not hate.  That is why Rev Al and Churchill should be taught lessons they will never forget.

Is what you gat against a great Guy like Churchill so man. ?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Sections of the society may view Granger's comments as very insensitive and speaks volumes of his mentality.

What did he say that is more offensive than the daily rant by many PPP supporters that AfroGuyanese are brutes whose sole objective is to attack, rob, rape and kill Indians?


I believe that he pointed out that Indians are increasingly being victimized by Indian criminals and yet blacks are being the only ones blamed.


Is it that you fear that a discussion of this fact threatens Indian support for the PPP, when they realize that what they need to fear are criminals of all races and a PPP which does nothing to protect them?


In a muti-racial society, when one holds public office his/her views must represent the multi-ethnic composition of the society, its not becoming of an opposition leader to make such loose comments, it speaks volumes of his true desires, his comments should be denounce by the society as a whole

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In a muti-racial society, when one holds public office his/her views must represent the multi-ethnic composition of the society, its not becoming of an opposition leader to make such loose comments, it speaks volumes of his true desires, his comments should be denounce by the society as a whole



The Rev would let it slide--go easy on Granger--he knows not what he says--and he's probably not far away from senility.


Recently I read a comment from a Miss Carolyn Mathurin--she said she was very disappointed with Granger's leadership as opposition leader, but she would still vote for him.


Another person, Donald Trotz said Granger is a man of integrity.


The bottom line is Granger is well loved and respected by 41% of Guyanese people---so if he says something that is not politically correct---the Rev says let it slide.








Seems that Region 10’s Sharma Solomon is at it again. “It” being his desire to revisit the scene of his claim to fame – to blackmail the government with the threat of mayhem and arson to give in to his demands. He cancelled a meeting with the government representative and has called for a massive rally in Linden this Saturday. The message?  LET’S GET READY TO RUUUUUMBLE!!!!!
It worked for him once – and he got everything he wanted. Television station; rebuilding the primary school; land selection committee; economic development committee; moratorium on electricity tariffs; committee to review same etc…etc. So you’d wonder what else he wants, wouldn’t you? Well, like any bully, he wants all that he was able to extract, immediately! Or else.
There’s a procedure to be followed, in processing things, says the government. Not for Region 10, screams Solomon. Let’s take the TV station. Never mind that up to now, APNU has been violently opposed to the government owning a TV station. Says that such entities only broadcast “propaganda”. So what’ll be different when Region 10 owns the TV station? Ahhh…it’s the government ‘propaganda; that’s objectionable. The opposition’s OK!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In a muti-racial society, when one holds public office his/her views must represent the multi-ethnic composition of the society, its not becoming of an opposition leader to make such loose comments, it speaks volumes of his true desires, his comments should be denounce by the society as a whole

Tell that to the PPP who use the Westminster constitution and the electoral system to affirm its existence on the backs of mainly one ethnic group.


Were they intent on democratization and cultural cultural inclusion the would have addressed the insubstantial lacking in our political system that begs for racist violence based on the absolute exclusion of one half of our society from any avenue of power and decision making.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In a muti-racial society, when one holds public office his/her views must represent the multi-ethnic composition of the society,

So why then does the PPP do its best to exclude blacks?  Even in commemorating the Year of the African Diaspora kast year they excluded all but a few token blacks slabes, like thug cross dressing transvestita Kwame.

I look forward to comments from the PPP explaining why its chief orgain for spreading lies, The Chronicle, last year had an ENTIRE editorial damning Africans as savages and when others condemned thse racist remaks NO ONE in the PPP had anything to say.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

In a muti-racial society, when one holds public office his/her views must represent the multi-ethnic composition of the society,

So why then does the PPP do its best to exclude blacks?  Even in commemorating the Year of the African Diaspora kast year they excluded all but a few token blacks slabes, like thug cross dressing transvestita Kwame.

I look forward to comments from the PPP explaining why its chief orgain for spreading lies, The Chronicle, last year had an ENTIRE editorial damning Africans as savages and when others condemned thse racist remaks NO ONE in the PPP had anything to say.

Since the issue was raised, the PPP has gone far in bringing afros into key positions.  Ohh, I know, for you it's not good enough, only a PNC regime will fit your bill.  Well, it ain't going to happen.

Originally Posted by caribny:
So why then does the PPP do its best to exclude blacks? 

Listen carib!


The PPP is predominantly an East Indian party---85% of East Indians support the PPP; the remaining 15%, mostly N*GGER INDIANS, support the AFC and PNC, so it is understandable that the PPP will be prejudiced in favor of East Indians when it comes to doling out politicial positions.


Now carib, rather than complaining about the PPP---why not plead with the AFC to form a coalition with the PNC. In that way you dreams will come true--your beloved PNC will get a chance to feast on the milk and honey.


By the way, in any coalition between the AFC and the PNC---you know the AFC will be screwed, right carib bhai ? What a party--the PNC!!!



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:
So why then does the PPP do its best to exclude blacks? 

Listen carib!


The PPP is predominantly an East Indian party---85% of East Indians support the PPP; the remaining 15%, mostly N*GGER INDIANS, support the AFC and PNC, so it is understandable that the PPP will be prejudiced in favor of East Indians when it comes to doling out politicial positions.


Now carib, rather than complaining about the PPP---why not plead with the AFC to form a coalition with the PNC. In that way you dreams will come true--the PNC will get a chance to feast on the milk and honey.


By the way, in any coalition between the AFC and the PNC---you know the AFC will be screwed, right carib bhai ? What a party--the PNC!!!



well after the 2011 campaign the KULI Blacks that support the PPP drop to less than 5%. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:
So why then does the PPP do its best to exclude blacks? 

Listen carib!


The PPP is predominantly an East Indian party---85% of East Indians support the PPP; the remaining 15%, mostly N*GGER INDIANS, support the AFC and PNC, so it is understandable that the PPP will be prejudiced in favor of East Indians when it comes to doling out politicial positions.


Now carib, rather than complaining about the PPP---why not plead with the AFC to form a coalition with the PNC. In that way you dreams will come true--your beloved PNC will get a chance to feast on the milk and honey.


By the way, in any coalition between the AFC and the PNC---you know the AFC will be screwed, right carib bhai ? What a party--the PNC!!!





Rev Al:


I think is time for you to get a proper education.




Are you now educated.


Only tonight Mr Ramjattan was saying on Face book that the AFC will remain the conscience of the NATION.


So run away now you JACKASS rEV aL.


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