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Guyana's looming snap poll


By Rickey Singh, - Story Created: Nov 27, 2012 at 11:04 PM ECT, -Story Updated: Nov 27, 2012 at 11:19 PM ECT, - Source


ONE YEAR ago today Guyana's People's Progressive Party (PPP) was returned to power on the basis of the presidential, parliamentary and regional elections for a fifth consecutive term since the restoration of electoral democracy in 1992.


But already there are indications of a snap general election in 2013 that could well have negative consequences for political stability and economic progress, both of which have been maintained for two decades, against the odds, with Guyana currently recording recurring annual economic growth rates.


The latest development that could well trigger the politically painful necessity of a snap election emerged last Thursday.


It had to do with an unprecedented and highly controversial opposition-initiated "sanction'' motion against the minister of home affairs, Clement Rohee, and a related ruling by the speaker, Raphael Trotman, to send the minister for questioning before parliament's privileges committee.


The country's attorney general, Anil Nandall, has already signalled his move to the high court to challenge the speaker's ruling, deeming it "unconstitutional" and "a travesty" of established parliamentary governance.


What made the election of one year ago such a watershed event was that, for the first time in its more than 50 years in party politics, the PPP emerged as a minority government with the combined opposition controlling a one-seat majority in the 65-member National Assembly.


Since there has always been bitter confrontation between the PPP and the main opposition PNC from the years of their now late founder-leaders, Dr Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham, it was expected that non-co-operation with the administration of President Donald Ramotar would be the norm, rather than the exception.


After all, the minority Alliance for Change (AFC), whose leadership structure includes defectors from both the PPP and PNC, was only too eager to throw its seven-seat support behind the PNC's 26 seats to ensure the blocking of motions and legislation—whenever they chose—against those from either Prime Minister Samuel Hinds or any his 31 parliamentary colleagues.


What was not expected was that within the first year of its return to government, under a constitution that gives enormous powers to the executive president—including refusal to assent to any legislation, or respect any motion initiated and approved by the majority of one vote — was that Trotman, a former leader of the AFC — would himself become controversially involved in rulings that have had the effect of emboldening opposition MPs' disrespect for established parliamentary rules.


Matters deteriorated last Thursday when the speaker permitted a motion by opposition leader David Granger, an ex-brigadier of the Guyana Defence Force, to have home affairs minister Rohee sent for questioning by the parliament's privileges committee—without any specific charge of wrongdoing against him.


That development followed the recent passage of a motion of no-confidence against the minister on allegations of involvement in directives to the police during last July's deadly disturbances in the town of Linden.


It is relevant to note that representatives of the opposition parties failed to provide any evidence of wrongdoing against Rohee before an independent commission of inquiry that was established to probe the July tragedies in Linden.


With the one-seat majority, the speaker is being enabled by a cast drawn from among opposition MPs, mobilised by the leading personalities of the APNU and AFC, who seem obsessed with making fun of home affairs minister Rohee, having virtually placed him in a parliamentary "dock'' of their own creation.


The apparent assumption is that they, as MPs, have a "right" to sanction Rohee on the basis of allegations. Read this to mean denying him the right to speak in the National Assembly and present any motion or legislation as minister of home affairs.


Last Thursday, having much earlier failed to provide evidence of culpability on the part of Rohee in the Linden tragedies of July 18—the excuse they had previously advanced for their no-confidence motion—the opposition moved to have the minister sent to the privileges committee. And, by a tangled web of self-serving arguments, the speaker obliged the passing of the Granger-initiated anti-Rohee motion.


So, where does the government and opposition go from here, given the harsh reality that a democratically elected administration, headed by a president who is part and parcel of the parliamentary process of governance, cannot allow continuation of manoeuvres by opposition MPs moving, with support from the speaker, to exploit a one-vote majority in making a farce of governance?


Speaker Trotman has more than once signalled a willingness to vacate office. Now Guyanese await the final outcome of the current development that brought a speedy adjournment to last Thursday's sitting of parliament until December 16 that could well be the last before the Christmas recess.


To the threat of a no-confidence motion from the AFC's leader Ramjattan came an instant response from the government benches to "bring it on…". A no-confidence motion could well trigger an election that must occur within three months.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That development followed the recent passage of a motion of no-confidence against the minister on allegations of involvement in directives to the police during last July's deadly disturbances in the town of Linden.


It is relevant to note that representatives of the opposition parties failed to provide any evidence of wrongdoing against Rohee before an independent commission of inquiry that was established to probe the July tragedies in Linden


If Trotty is not a JACKASS then no one is.!!!!

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Ow Prezy Rumtar, we begging you fuh call the elections now. 


AFC - 14 seats, PPP - 26 - pnc - 25.


We dare the coward.

Less than a year ago I heard Donkeys bray about winning and look what happened. I say for the sake of the Guyanese People, Election should be called in December.

Originally Posted by PRK:

This a wan shameful letta fram Sing. Meh want see de snap. De people go snap wa ada 5% fram PPP. 

Tek yu out ah Guyana society, Guyanese ah prappa smart pepple. 

Originally Posted by PRK:

This a wan shameful letta fram Sing. Meh want see de snap. De people go snap wa ada 5% fram PPP. 

Is something about you are reading and understanding. It is never too late to go to school. Dem bad fuh send you to school August Month.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:

This a wan shameful letta fram Sing. Meh want see de snap. De people go snap wa ada 5% fram PPP. 

Is something about you are reading and understanding. It is never too late to go to school. Dem bad fuh send you to school August Month.

Like me tell dis gal: Hooman like she ah 2 fu 3 cents and yu ah get change. Me tink dis gal get home school by dem maid.


What Snap poll.  The PPP did an internal poll and they feedback was 42% PPP.  AFC will get 13 seats this time around.


Not a Bisram poll that was made up in JFK airport departure lounge.


The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency played a part, in the event of any snap elections the PPP/C will be endorse with a majority in the National Assembly by the Guyanese Populace


In the event of snap elections, complacency will no longer be a factor, the electorate has already realize the joint opposition were wolves in sheep's clothing and had proven to be totally anti-working class, and seems hell bent on putting hundreds more on the breadline and destabilizing the country, in their witch hunting quest. The PPP/C will regain a majority in the National Assembly, thus ensuring progress continues

Originally Posted by TK:

In any snap election: PPP = 45%, PNC = 40%; AFC = 15%. There will have to be power sharing after. Good luck.

Wrong! AFC will not get 15%. PPP will get more than 50.01 %. There will be no power sharing. Not going to happen. You want to happen to the PPP like what happened to the UF?


The Guyanese Populace has also realize that a vote for the AFC was indeed a vote for the PNC lead APNU, many AFC supports are saying....Never Again....Never Again...Never Again

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:

In any snap election: PPP = 45%, PNC = 40%; AFC = 15%. There will have to be power sharing after. Good luck.

Wrong! AFC will not get 15%. PPP will get more than 50.01 %. There will be no power sharing. Not going to happen. You want to happen to the PPP like what happened to the UF?

You lika faddah crismuss. Yoh cyan see de futcha?

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Ow Prezy Rumtar, we begging you fuh call the elections now. 


AFC - 14 seats, PPP - 26 - pnc - 25.


We dare the coward.

PPP will garner 55-58% of the popular vote.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Ow Prezy Rumtar, we begging you fuh call the elections now. 


AFC - 14 seats, PPP - 26 - pnc - 25.


We dare the coward.

PPP will garner 55-58% of the popular vote.

Dah a wah dem bin a say pun de TV in Guyana lass year.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:

In any snap election: PPP = 45%, PNC = 40%; AFC = 15%. There will have to be power sharing after. Good luck.

Wrong! AFC will not get 15%. PPP will get more than 50.01 %. There will be no power sharing. Not going to happen. You want to happen to the PPP like what happened to the UF?

You lika faddah crismuss. Yoh cyan see de futcha?

Me cyan't see de futcha. Me wife can see de futucha. She name Crystal Ball. Hahahahahaha!!!!



My Friends, from all information I am receiving , there will be an ELECTION IN 2013. The party called A F C will be reduced, remember most of the votes they got the last election was from the PPP SUPPORTERS, today, after one year they have learn, that the AFC in parterner with apnu[pnc] have hindered progress in the country, nevermind, there was much growth compared to the other W I countries.PPP will command a majority in the next election, the PNC[APNU] will survive for another 4 years. MERRY XMAS>

Originally Posted by warrior:

when,when cannot wait,some ppp crime family have to visit 12 camp st

Warria: Namaste bai. You prappa no plenty about PPP crime family and 12 camp st. Yu bin visit camp st any time? Yu look like yu bin get close tie wid the PPP crime family. Wait me tek da back. Yu bin get close tie wid dem PNC thieves, thugs and terrarists. Yu bin close wid Hammie Green and dem house of israel drug lords and thieves? Yu no plenty Guyana crime stuff.


The Guyanese Populace are willing and will turn out early in their masses, in the event of any snap elections and endorse the PPP/C with a majority in the National Assembly, thus ensuring progress continues


Ow, we begging Uncle Donald call the elections NUH!.



Hiss up, knock down, that is what will happen.



PPP 42%, PNC/APNU - 35% and the rest AFC  - 23%.



Change is coming to the land.


The support base for the AFC has severely decrease, since the AFC join forces with the PNC, it is now believed, a vote for the AFC was indeed a vote for the PNC, many of the AFC supporters are beating their chest, and saying, Never Again, never again, never again

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The support base for the AFC has severely decrease, since the AFC join forces with the PNC, it is now believed, a vote for the AFC was indeed a vote for the PNC, many of the AFC supporters are beating their chest, and saying, Never Again, never again, never again

I guess bishram and his one man polling machine provide you with that number indicating a decline in AFC support!  One must know he said and you folks believe the PPP will win with 60 percent if the electorate. Well we saw the accuracy of that prediction


The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency also played a part in the outcome of the results, it was a wake up call for the masses that endorse democracy and of course the PPP/C two decades of progress could have been lost, in the event of any snap elections, the masses will turn out in their masses early on polling day, and endorse the PPP/C with a majority in the national assembly, thus ensuring ,progress continues.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, complacency also played a part in the outcome of the results, it was a wake up call for the masses that endorse democracy and of course the PPP/C two decades of progress could have been lost, in the event of any snap elections, the masses will turn out in their masses early on polling day, and endorse the PPP/C with a majority in the national assembly, thus ensuring ,progress continues.

 You do need a consoling excuse and the idea of complacency in success serves a useful function here. Unfortunately it is a lie. They spend millions on painting the nation red and mobilized the assets of the state illegally to their campaigning. There were bagfuls of swag of every kind to bribe the poor; from backpacks to Tshirts to umbrellas while expensive banners bellowed in the wind from gunn strip to crabwood creek. Even popular entertainers were brought in with celebratory glee to crown off a season of blissful contented fatted calves campaigning. In the end you lost!


Complacency played a major role, should a snap election be called tomorrow, the Guyanese populace would have the wise decision,and endorse the PPP/C with a majority, thus ensuring progress continues


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