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N the food..

my mom’s die for n the sis before me didnt like it so I got her share..hahaha

n d gojha/gujiya…made with freshly grated coconut from our own tree..with lots of GINGER n no 'coloring’!!

N the dough was THIN..(not like dem thick flour thing like bake that they make nowadays )


nice rich sweet rice (we had cows n our milk was thick n creamy) ..

n the wet vamazelli eat with hot paratha roti(made with lil ghee) …

n we got gifts a dress ‘length’


Now the day after Phagwah we didnt go to sch..we took it as our holiday..n we killed a yard fowl ..

so curry chicken with dhalpuri,chowmein, phulourie n of course sponge Fruit cakes.

That day was also clean scrub the floors n steps if any Abee r fell..n my big sis had the tedious task of washing all the white clothes n removing the Abeer!!

SO THAT is how I SPENT PHAGWAH for the 1st 16 yrs of my life

as my dad died whn i was 17 yrs (2 wks after we celebrated Phagwah,,March 17, 1977)

n that was the last Phagwah we celebrated as a family.


Laywer whn i moved to GT, i had a couple of cousins who were wrkingn going to sch .  They r ented a big apt n they used to invite me over to spend the holidays with then in GT.

it wasnt the same but I enjoyed the sweet food n company…


Well…u all share yr memories…

i am sure u had more than just the fun with dem lil girls!!

wht were yr family traditions ..

wht foods were yr fave??




is weh ayu deh??

Cain…any stories??

Last edited by Lynn
@Amral posted:

no traditions for me since we were muslims,  but my neighbours , yeah they did all that cleaning up, new blinds, scraping the wooden steps, dabbing the bottom house etc.

Did they share the sweets with u..??

i know just like EID..everyone got the bags with goodies

i rem walking n sharing to every house in our area. The few couple blacks/dougla  , muslims n hindus

everyone looked forward to the treats even if it was parsad alone.

i miss that a lot..the unity in celebrating these holidays

n in sch..the concerts…everyone participate in singing holi songs

i rem 1 of the teachers would train the ‘choir’ for weeks ahead..i still rem 1 song which wasmy fave n still is..from Mother India..

”holi aaye re kanhaiye …”

Last edited by Lynn
@Lynn posted:

N the food..

my mom’s die for n the sis before me didnt like it so I got her share..hahaha

n d gojha/gujiya…made with freshly grated coconut from our own tree..with lots of GINGER n no 'coloring’!!

N the dough was THIN..(not like dem thick flour thing like bake that they make nowadays )


nice rich sweet rice (we had cows n our milk was thick n creamy) ..

n the wet vamazelli eat with hot paratha roti(made with lil ghee) …

n we got gifts a dress ‘length’

Meh neighbor daughter made Gulgula and sent over about 2 pounds. There were thousands at  the temples last night.  I think Triveni had the best turn out.  Chowtaal singing was very vibrant.  It's encouraging to see the youths  whose parents are from different countries of Indian Heritage mixing ; dancing and flirting.

@Lynn posted:

N the food..

my mom’s die for n the sis before me didnt like it so I got her share..hahaha

n d gojha/gujiya…made with freshly grated coconut from our own tree..with lots of GINGER n no 'coloring’!!

N the dough was THIN..(not like dem thick flour thing like bake that they make nowadays )


nice rich sweet rice (we had cows n our milk was thick n creamy) ..

n the wet vamazelli eat with hot paratha roti(made with lil ghee) …

n we got gifts a dress ‘length’

Deez dayz it's DDL and DIH rum till yuh die and chinese food. Still some do the the duck or chicken curry.  dem gurls na want dress length. dem prefer  de paisa.


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