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Dave posted:
D2 posted:
Dave posted:
antabanta posted:

from the "black people this" and "coolie people that" mentality?

We can move on if "All lives matter and not just black people lives"

Anta asks a question and we get this blossom of full blown ignorance as the response. 

Black lives matter is a slogan offered to the police who wantonly shoot young black kids as though they do not matter. It is not a statement that black lives are superior to other lives as you stupidly frame it. It tries to bring in the idea that the mentality of the police that they are targets...retreat form that position.


Black lives matters movement is not only about police issues. You need to read more what the organization demands are. Go do some home work. 

Back to my statement. I stand by it. 

When collie speaks of their culture and ideology, they are view as racist. But it’s ok for Blacks to speak of their Pride and culture. 

Right here on this Forum, Blacks makes fun and mock Indians of their identity. 

 I will repeat β€œ WE CAN ALL MOVE ON IF ALL LIVES MATTER IN GUYANA and the focus should not only be on black. 

There is lots of Indians living in poverty  in Guyana not only blacks. 

Why was street lights remove from a Indian village and reinstalled in a Afro Village ( just to name one)  If it was the other way, there will be violence, looting and burning by Africans. 

I know many people in the movement. You do not know what the hell you are tlking about. It is not about preferential consideration in anyway or to negate t he understanding that all lives are to be held at a premium. It is about advocacy against police violence against black people and now it takes on incidental civil rights issues as well. 

The rest of your statements are total bunk. Indian villages did not lose their lights on account of switching the assets to black villages. It was a consequence of demands that t he villagers pay for the electrical services.  Now the issue here of public service and safety is another matter. The state should see this as improving their crime prevention strategy. 

Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

You mean to say your constant posts laced with prejudice against blacks, your anger against anyone who dares to criticize PPP and the Rat, your refusal to acknowledge the rampant PPP corruption, nepotism, and prejudice against blacks, all these things that identify you specifically do not mean you approve of the PPP? Nevertheless, your breakthrough admission that you do not approve of the PPP although startling is quite welcome. You have prove it now by criticizing their atrocities. For your information PNC v2 gained support because of the atrocities, including outright robbery of the nation, perpetrated by the Rat.

Maybe you mistake me for someone else, I have nothing against blacks, just the incompetent pnc which happens to be supported by a majority of blacks despite repeatedly screwing the nation.  When you and your party show evidence of ppp corruption and jail then, then these claims will be justified. All govts have some form of corruption, PPP and PNC. However you have failed to make a case against jagdeo et al despite being in govt and having Saru/socu/sara stacked with pnc operatives at your disposal. Apparently these organizations were created to provide an outlet to channel taxpayers dollars to party faithful. 

The corruption of the PPP is blatant. Your stated need to be SHOWN this corruption tells the world where you stand, especially when you post random crimes in Guyana headlined as PNC fund raising. I dislike the PNC as much as or more than you do. I can tell you that the PPP stole a hell of a lot more than the PNC could ever dream of and are responsible for atrocities unprecedented in Guyana. You may be happy ignoring (because I would bet my bottom dollar that you know quite well the full extent of PPP corruption) the blatant evidence of their endemic corruption and prejudice but your ignoring it does not mitigate it.

antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

You mean to say your constant posts laced with prejudice against blacks, your anger against anyone who dares to criticize PPP and the Rat, your refusal to acknowledge the rampant PPP corruption, nepotism, and prejudice against blacks, all these things that identify you specifically do not mean you approve of the PPP? Nevertheless, your breakthrough admission that you do not approve of the PPP although startling is quite welcome. You have prove it now by criticizing their atrocities. For your information PNC v2 gained support because of the atrocities, including outright robbery of the nation, perpetrated by the Rat.

Maybe you mistake me for someone else, I have nothing against blacks, just the incompetent pnc which happens to be supported by a majority of blacks despite repeatedly screwing the nation.  When you and your party show evidence of ppp corruption and jail then, then these claims will be justified. All govts have some form of corruption, PPP and PNC. However you have failed to make a case against jagdeo et al despite being in govt and having Saru/socu/sara stacked with pnc operatives at your disposal. Apparently these organizations were created to provide an outlet to channel taxpayers dollars to party faithful. 

The corruption of the PPP is blatant. Your stated need to be SHOWN this corruption tells the world where you stand, especially when you post random crimes in Guyana headlined as PNC fund raising. I dislike the PNC as much as or more than you do. I can tell you that the PPP stole a hell of a lot more than the PNC could ever dream of and are responsible for atrocities unprecedented in Guyana. You may be happy ignoring (because I would bet my bottom dollar that you know quite well the full extent of PPP corruption) the blatant evidence of their endemic corruption and prejudice but your ignoring it does not mitigate it.

If it was so blatant how come your party didn't jail any of them yet? Unless now you are saying PPP destroyed all the evidence? Bannas if the thiefman is PNC bais of course their crimes would be labelled as PNC fundraising. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

The corruption of the PPP is blatant. Your stated need to be SHOWN this corruption tells the world where you stand, especially when you post random crimes in Guyana headlined as PNC fund raising. I dislike the PNC as much as or more than you do. I can tell you that the PPP stole a hell of a lot more than the PNC could ever dream of and are responsible for atrocities unprecedented in Guyana. You may be happy ignoring (because I would bet my bottom dollar that you know quite well the full extent of PPP corruption) the blatant evidence of their endemic corruption and prejudice but your ignoring it does not mitigate it.

If it was so blatant how come your party didn't jail any of them yet? Unless now you are saying PPP destroyed all the evidence? Bannas if the thiefman is PNC bais of course their crimes would be labelled as PNC fundraising. 

And you are free to accuse thieves of being PNC bais without any evidence but demand evidence of the crimes of the Rat and his gang?

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

No mention that the PPP purged blacks from leadership and callously allowed thousands of blacks to be dumped on the breadline in the bauxite areas.

Of course not. In your world black lives no NOT matter.  Then you are shocked when blacks want revenge.  Its tit for tat and until honesty prevails it will continue.

In all fairness I was not following politics when PPP ascended to power.

I have and have mentioned this quite often, as have others.

D2 posted:
. Similarly, Africans, are from similarly numbers of distinct groups each only by common continental origins become one.  Both have labels for themselves that creates the "we" out of many.


I know that you wish to find an equivalence but by the time Guyana began to jell as a colony blacks had long past their African ethnic identities and in fact were often derisive of them. A more appropriate division would be the animosities which arose between peoples with different levels of African ancestry as manifested in their hair textures, skin coloring and facial features.  The socalled "African" knows little and cares even less about their ancient origins as Asante, Ewe, Bakongo, etc.

In fact what was amusing to me is that loads of people who used to call themselves "red," and were dismissive of blacks, suddenly in 1993 began to wave the Afrocentric flag when the Indo dominated PPP told them they couldn't care less how much or how little "black" ran through their veins and they too would be dismissed just as fast as the blacks from leadership.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana will move on when you stop thinking that your avatar is the flag of Guyana. Talking about a man who thinks that Guyana belongs to one race look at the symbol that you use for yourself.

yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Stop making nasty comments about people you know nothing about.  When did Jagdeo tell you he thinks Guyana is an Indo nation?  Did he trample on you and your chronies when he was President?  You keep repeating the bile you read on here like a sheep bleating to the flock.  Who told you he is running in 2020?  And who is the puppet to be installed?

You wake up early morning with nothing to do and start cussing Jagdeo. Go get a life.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Stop making nasty comments about people you know nothing about.  When did Jagdeo tell you he thinks Guyana is an Indo nation?  Did he trample on you and your chronies when he was President?  You keep repeating the bile you read on here like a sheep bleating to the flock.  Who told you he is running in 2020?  And who is the puppet to be installed?

You wake up early morning with nothing to do and start cussing Jagdeo. Go get a life.

Pelt wan stone a sty, the pig 🐷 wah halla, ah he get am.

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Can you provide proof to support your claims about Jagdeo.

When Jagdeo was President, I was living in Guyana ( as opposed to now, I spend about 5 months total per year). 

Jagdeo and Freedom House had NO TIME for Indians, FH  felt Indians will always put the X next to the cup. Everything was done for Blacks. 

In 1980s when the Guyana dollar was devalue by Blacks leadership, the public services that was predominantly black was starving. Life was given back to them under PPP government and Jagdeo. 

PPP pumps 3 Billions per years subsidizing electricity for Lindeners, who was consuming twice the amount than the rest of the country. 

Your claim of all other races was trampled upon is again  misleading. Read up on the achievements of the Ameridians under PPP. Amerindian got more land rights under PPP and Jagdeo Government, 98 Amerindian Villages received their  land titles under PPP and Jagdeo Government. 

It amazes me how you guys came to this conclusion about Jagdeo and wasn’t living in Guyana. 

The mare fact Jagdeo is at the forefront of PPP and as opposition leader of a predominantly Indians party, he is view as racist. Ayo would say the same for any Indians who take his place. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Stop making nasty comments about people you know nothing about.  When did Jagdeo tell you he thinks Guyana is an Indo nation?  Did he trample on you and your chronies when he was President?  You keep repeating the bile you read on here like a sheep bleating to the flock.  Who told you he is running in 2020?  And who is the puppet to be installed?

You wake up early morning with nothing to do and start cussing Jagdeo. Go get a life.

Ah shut up! where were you when she was here for  more than a decade trying to rescue Jagdeo's soul by by offering her support and and explanation but getting beat down by dozens including me and still holding her ground? This board had about two dozen or so more active posters then so if you think you get it bad imagine another couple of dozens of people on your back. Jagdeo, if anything, trampled on her hopes and aspirations invested in him  that he would be a better man. But he apparently never was a real man.

Any cussing Jagdeo gets , early or late is well deserved. He rules the PPP like his private fiefdom. His fall from grace has already happened though he does not yet know it. The nation is tired of his vindictive, corrupt backsides. No one will care about his behind in a couple of years and that is evidenced when staunch defenders begin to question his failings. 

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

As mentioned before by iguana, Guyana would also move ahead when racists as yourself dead out.

So many putagees have died since the era of D, Augiar and alyuh still racist. Wah mek yuh think it changes for other races of ppl.

Piss Poor solution hoping for ppl to die off so that changes can happen.

Never gonna happen. Be creative, proactive and influence minds. Simply put, talk people into a different mindset. 

Yuh know what changes society, respect. Guyanese doan have dat characteristic. 

Dave posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Can you provide proof to support your claims about Jagdeo.

When Jagdeo was President, I was living in Guyana ( as opposed to now, I spend about 5 months total per year). 

Jagdeo and Freedom House had NO TIME for Indians, FH  felt Indians will always put the X next to the cup. Everything was done for Blacks. 

In 1980s when the Guyana dollar was devalue by Blacks leadership, the public services that was predominantly black was starving. Life was given back to them under PPP government and Jagdeo. 

PPP pumps 3 Billions per years subsidizing electricity for Lindeners, who was consuming twice the amount than the rest of the country. 

Your claim of all other races was trampled upon is again  misleading. Read up on the achievements of the Ameridians under PPP. Amerindian got more land rights under PPP and Jagdeo Government, 98 Amerindian Villages received their  land titles under PPP and Jagdeo Government. 

It amazes me how you guys came to this conclusion about Jagdeo and wasn’t living in Guyana. 

The mare fact Jagdeo is at the forefront of PPP and as opposition leader of a predominantly Indians party, he is view as racist. Ayo would say the same for any Indians who take his place. 

You should not be talking. The proof that jagdeo was a partisan ( hence ethnic bigot) is glaring. One can count the positions he reserved for black folks on one hand. Imagine that not one black face represented us abroad during his tenure. 

The devaluation of the dollar was not a black thing. It was an economic thing hence the coolie Jagdeo could not lift it up from where it had settled.  The public service is predominantly black because that is the way it has historically been as colonialism shuffle the groups into niche areas. Blacks sought education and a way out of the fields from where the experience of 200 years of backbreaking work as slaves did not offer much solace. Indians moved into a pastoral and agrarian existence because they were mainly illiterates and coming out of indentured need to find a place so they kept close to what they knew historically.

Also linden does not get free electricity. Jagdeo and Ramotar dismantled Demba and sold it to OMAI for 4 million and they later sold it to the Chinese for 45 million four years later. The Chinese produce the electricity at cheaper cost since they do not suffer the same 40 to  50 percent line loss as GPL does. They have cheaper electricity. Thie electricity was marked up to meet GPL prices and that mark up which is mere accounting is considered the subsidy.

Our society is fractured down the middle and by default each party is identified by ethnicity. Saying that there ought to be leadership that actively take steps to mediate this systemic flaw in our society is not a sin so you need to clear away your own naked racism ( on display here often enough) before you purport to attack the woman for saying jagdeo ought to be leading the PPP from its ethnic roots to a more inclusive structure by explicitly declaring so. One does not declare him to be ethnocentric he leads a party that is ethnocentric and that is a fact.

seignet posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

As mentioned before by iguana, Guyana would also move ahead when racists as yourself dead out.

So many putagees have died since the era of D, Augiar and alyuh still racist. Wah mek yuh think it changes for other races of ppl.

Piss Poor solution hoping for ppl to die off so that changes can happen.

Never gonna happen. Be creative, proactive and influence minds. Simply put, talk people into a different mindset. 

Yuh know what changes society, respect. Guyanese doan have dat characteristic. 

Dude, you should not be calling others racist. Like that old racist Dave above you are self identified racists. Is alyhu old cold war detritus who need to die out so a new era can blossom and take shape.

D2 posted:
Dave posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

Guyana can only move ahead when Jagdeo stops thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Indo nation. When he was President, all other races were trampled on. The egomaniac and megalomaniac hasn't had enough, he's running for 2020 but will install a puppet. 

Can you provide proof to support your claims about Jagdeo.

When Jagdeo was President, I was living in Guyana ( as opposed to now, I spend about 5 months total per year). 

Jagdeo and Freedom House had NO TIME for Indians, FH  felt Indians will always put the X next to the cup. Everything was done for Blacks. 

In 1980s when the Guyana dollar was devalue by Blacks leadership, the public services that was predominantly black was starving. Life was given back to them under PPP government and Jagdeo. 

PPP pumps 3 Billions per years subsidizing electricity for Lindeners, who was consuming twice the amount than the rest of the country. 

Your claim of all other races was trampled upon is again  misleading. Read up on the achievements of the Ameridians under PPP. Amerindian got more land rights under PPP and Jagdeo Government, 98 Amerindian Villages received their  land titles under PPP and Jagdeo Government. 

It amazes me how you guys came to this conclusion about Jagdeo and wasn’t living in Guyana. 

The mare fact Jagdeo is at the forefront of PPP and as opposition leader of a predominantly Indians party, he is view as racist. Ayo would say the same for any Indians who take his place. 

You should not be talking. The proof that jagdeo was a partisan ( hence ethnic bigot) is glaring. One can count the positions he reserved for black folks on one hand. Imagine that not one black face represented us abroad during his tenure. 

The devaluation of the dollar was not a black thing. It was an economic thing hence the coolie Jagdeo could not lift it up from where it had settled.  The public service is predominantly black because that is the way it has historically been as colonialism shuffle the groups into niche areas. Blacks sought education and a way out of the fields from where the experience of 200 years of backbreaking work as slaves did not offer much solace. Indians moved into a pastoral and agrarian existence because they were mainly illiterates and coming out of indentured need to find a place so they kept close to what they knew historically.

Also linden does not get free electricity. Jagdeo and Ramotar dismantled Demba and sold it to OMAI for 4 million and they later sold it to the Chinese for 45 million four years later. The Chinese produce the electricity at cheaper cost since they do not suffer the same 40 to  50 percent line loss as GPL does. They have cheaper electricity. Thie electricity was marked up to meet GPL prices and that mark up which is mere accounting is considered the subsidy.

Our society is fractured down the middle and by default each party is identified by ethnicity. Saying that there ought to be leadership that actively take steps to mediate this systemic flaw in our society is not a sin so you need to clear away your own naked racism ( on display here often enough) before you purport to attack the woman for saying jagdeo ought to be leading the PPP from its ethnic roots to a more inclusive structure by explicitly declaring so. One does not declare him to be ethnocentric he leads a party that is ethnocentric and that is a fact.

When PPP got into office, the bauxite industry was virtually destroyed under PNC. It was PPP who been working with the workers to rehabilitate the industry.

1983, the bauxite industry experience a major retrenchment , the alumina and bauxite operation at Ituni were closed. 

By 1992, bauxite production was one third of production in 1975 and the industry was on a verge of collapsing. 

Privatization of power generation for Linden was done by PNC, and was recommended by the LINMINE management.

It was under  Hoyte administration , the decision was made to sell the industry to private interest.

PPP inherited an agreement between PNC and MFIS, which funded and placed IMM, Minproc in Linmine. The purpose of IMM was to determine and demonstrated whether Linmine could be profitable, if not privatized, if not CLOSED. 1994, Minproc declared the operation is not profitable and it was expected that PPP to closed operation as per PNC agreement.

PPP then look at a third option, one to develop alternatives for Linden. Jagdeo led a team to learn of the impact and the future of possibilities in Linden. 

While continuing to subsidize the company and several unsuccessful attempts to get some interest in taking equity position in the company. 

Omai/Cambior  and PPP entered into agreement by which Omai gained 70% equity in the bauxite operation - rename OBMI. All went well until sales fell apart and OBMI announced a two month shut down. PPP step in and provide basic pay to all workers while providing level course on operations and use of computers.

Cambior, the parent company was in trouble and was bought by another company BOSAI. The order was to sell off the bauxite operations or shut them down within 6 months. 

Electricity Subsidization  to Linden:

Currently, Linden resident pay $5. per KWH while the rest of GUYANA pays $64 per KWH. The total cost od subsidy is 2.9 billions.

The current government recently spends 100 Millions for street lighting For Linden, while Bath residence pay from their pockets to have street lights install.

When people like myself speaks out, we are called racist. Guess what, you will joint iguana to be the first to fall in the hole ayo dig.Safe riding.
















Dave posted:

When PPP got into office, the bauxite industry was virtually destroyed under PNC. It was PPP who been working with the workers to rehabilitate the industry.

1983, the bauxite industry experience a major retrenchment , the alumina and bauxite operation at Ituni were closed. 

By 1992, bauxite production was one third of production in 1975 and the industry was on a verge of collapsing. 

Privatization of power generation for Linden was done by PNC, and was recommended by the LINMINE management.

It was under  Hoyte administration , the decision was made to sell the industry to private interest.

PPP inherited an agreement between PNC and MFIS, which funded and placed IMM, Minproc in Linmine. The purpose of IMM was to determine and demonstrated whether Linmine could be profitable, if not privatized, if not CLOSED. 1994, Minproc declared the operation is not profitable and it was expected that PPP to closed operation as per PNC agreement.

PPP then look at a third option, one to develop alternatives for Linden. Jagdeo led a team to learn of the impact and the future of possibilities in Linden. 

While continuing to subsidize the company and several unsuccessful attempts to get some interest in taking equity position in the company. 

Omai/Cambior  and PPP entered into agreement by which Omai gained 70% equity in the bauxite operation - rename OBMI. All went well until sales fell apart and OBMI announced a two month shut down. PPP step in and provide basic pay to all workers while providing level course on operations and use of computers.

Cambior, the parent company was in trouble and was bought by another company BOSAI. The order was to sell off the bauxite operations or shut them down within 6 months. 

Electricity Subsidization  to Linden:

Currently, Linden resident pay $5. per KWH while the rest of GUYANA pays $64 per KWH. The total cost od subsidy is 2.9 billions.

The current government recently spends 100 Millions for street lighting For Linden, while Bath residence pay from their pockets to have street lights install.

When people like myself speaks out, we are called racist. Guess what, you will joint iguana to be the first to fall in the hole ayo dig.Safe riding.


I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 


So... it seems the problem we have is fanatic supporters of each party, without concern for the nation, will condemn the other while lauding their own including exaggerating and outright lying.

Let's try an experiment. Forget the political parties, forget the political upheavals and what PNC and PPP did or did not do, and list your reasons for hating the other race.

D2 posted:
Dave posted:

When PPP got into office, the bauxite industry was virtually destroyed under PNC. It was PPP who been working with the workers to rehabilitate the industry.

1983, the bauxite industry experience a major retrenchment , the alumina and bauxite operation at Ituni were closed. 

By 1992, bauxite production was one third of production in 1975 and the industry was on a verge of collapsing. 

Privatization of power generation for Linden was done by PNC, and was recommended by the LINMINE management.

It was under  Hoyte administration , the decision was made to sell the industry to private interest.

PPP inherited an agreement between PNC and MFIS, which funded and placed IMM, Minproc in Linmine. The purpose of IMM was to determine and demonstrated whether Linmine could be profitable, if not privatized, if not CLOSED. 1994, Minproc declared the operation is not profitable and it was expected that PPP to closed operation as per PNC agreement.

PPP then look at a third option, one to develop alternatives for Linden. Jagdeo led a team to learn of the impact and the future of possibilities in Linden. 

While continuing to subsidize the company and several unsuccessful attempts to get some interest in taking equity position in the company. 

Omai/Cambior  and PPP entered into agreement by which Omai gained 70% equity in the bauxite operation - rename OBMI. All went well until sales fell apart and OBMI announced a two month shut down. PPP step in and provide basic pay to all workers while providing level course on operations and use of computers.

Cambior, the parent company was in trouble and was bought by another company BOSAI. The order was to sell off the bauxite operations or shut them down within 6 months. 

Electricity Subsidization  to Linden:

Currently, Linden resident pay $5. per KWH while the rest of GUYANA pays $64 per KWH. The total cost od subsidy is 2.9 billions.

The current government recently spends 100 Millions for street lighting For Linden, while Bath residence pay from their pockets to have street lights install.

When people like myself speaks out, we are called racist. Guess what, you will joint iguana to be the first to fall in the hole ayo dig.Safe riding.


I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Regardless of your futile attempt to wiggle out of this, the people of Guyana are burdened with this bowling ball on a chain around their necks.

D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Linden Electricity Corporation is owned by BOSAI - Guyana government pays BOSAI.

1 billion dollars come from Ministry of Infrastructure.

2 billion dollars from Finance ministry

The residence of Linden consume 280 kWh per household per month and they pay $5. per kWp

Georgetown residence consume 150 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60-80$ kWp

Other communities consume  less than 100 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60 - 80 $ per kWh


Dave posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Linden Electricity Corporation is owned by BOSAI - Guyana government pays BOSAI.

1 billion dollars come from Ministry of Infrastructure.

2 billion dollars from Finance ministry

The residence of Linden consume 280 kWh per household per month and they pay $5. per kWp

Georgetown residence consume 150 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60-80$ kWp

Other communities consume  less than 100 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60 - 80 $ per kWh


I must add. Linden get the first 15 kWp FREE.

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Regardless of your futile attempt to wiggle out of this, the people of Guyana are burdened with this bowling ball on a chain around their necks.

The racist anti Indo clown D2 is a staunch defender of a racist PNC administration. The emperor has no clothes.

Dave posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Linden Electricity Corporation is owned by BOSAI - Guyana government pays BOSAI.

1 billion dollars come from Ministry of Infrastructure.

2 billion dollars from Finance ministry

The residence of Linden consume 280 kWh per household per month and they pay $5. per kWp

Georgetown residence consume 150 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60-80$ kWp

Other communities consume  less than 100 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60 - 80 $ per kWh


I must add. Linden get the first 15 kWp FREE.

I remember that this issue caused some serious burning and looting and killing. They were asked to pay more for their electricity.

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Regardless of your futile attempt to wiggle out of this, the people of Guyana are burdened with this bowling ball on a chain around their necks.

Dum Dum, No money is coming from the government's/ Taxpayer's pocket. GPL is marking up the electricity delivered from BOSAI to make their cheap electricity the same price as the expensive electricity as if GPL produced it. This is an accounting matter 

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Regardless of your futile attempt to wiggle out of this, the people of Guyana are burdened with this bowling ball on a chain around their necks.

The racist anti Indo clown D2 is a staunch defender of a racist PNC administration. The emperor has no clothes.

Stupid man, this is a PPP arrangement because they wanted to increase the cost of electricity the people received per longstanding arrangement with the Bauxite company previous to BOSAI and inherited by BOSAI.  Linden is not on the GPL grid.  Making me a "Staunch" defender of anyone will not elevate your fiction to fact. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Linden Electricity Corporation is owned by BOSAI - Guyana government pays BOSAI.

1 billion dollars come from Ministry of Infrastructure.

2 billion dollars from Finance ministry

The residence of Linden consume 280 kWh per household per month and they pay $5. per kWp

Georgetown residence consume 150 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60-80$ kWp

Other communities consume  less than 100 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60 - 80 $ per kWh


I must add. Linden get the first 15 kWp FREE.

I remember that this issue caused some serious burning and looting and killing. They were asked to pay more for their electricity.

They burned the schools and government building. The police intervene and 3 were shot and killed. 

They were compensated, and a monument was built for the Martyrs, including street naming. 

The recent budget saw Finance Minister calling  for more compensation. 


Dave posted:

They burned the schools and government building. The police intervene and 3 were shot and killed. 

They were compensated, and a monument was built for the Martyrs, including street naming. 

The recent budget saw Finance Minister calling  for more compensation. 


Use the quote system properly. There is no need to create endless chains. 

In any event, the police shot people protesting on a bridge then the violence occurred. It was peaceful until the police shot the protesters. 

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Regardless of your futile attempt to wiggle out of this, the people of Guyana are burdened with this bowling ball on a chain around their necks.

The racist anti Indo clown D2 is a staunch defender of a racist PNC administration. The emperor has no clothes.

Stupid man, this is a PPP arrangement because they wanted to increase the cost of electricity the people received per longstanding arrangement with the Bauxite company previous to BOSAI and inherited by BOSAI.  Linden is not on the GPL grid.  Making me a "Staunch" defender of anyone will not elevate your fiction to fact. 

The subsidy is a long guarded secrete for what reasons. It was only after the PPP government attempted to eased the nation burden was the massive subsidy reveled resulting in riots. 

And the justification to have the subsidy remove was approve by PNC-APNU -WPA. ( the traitors) Why did black extremist find such fertile ground to demand continue subsidy.

In 1970's the PNC imposed a levy on sugar and skimmed the fat off the profits for national development. Was any levy imposed on either  Linden or bauxite for national development.

All other Guyanese regardless of color, race religion and what nots, did not matter at that time to Linden extremist.Does even Black guyanese matter to also get cheaper electricity or only The PNC afro supporters in Linden.


Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Dave posted:

They burned the schools and government building. The police intervene and 3 were shot and killed. 

They were compensated, and a monument was built for the Martyrs, including street naming. 

The recent budget saw Finance Minister calling  for more compensation. 


Use the quote system properly. There is no need to create endless chains. 

In any event, the police shot people protesting on a bridge then the violence occurred. It was peaceful until the police shot the protesters. 

When sugar workers protest at parliament building, they did so peacefully, no one was robbed, schools and building wasn't burned, stones wasn't thrown at police, traffic wasn't disrupted .. this is enough reasons why no one was arrested.

Dave posted:
D2 posted:
Dave posted:

They burned the schools and government building. The police intervene and 3 were shot and killed. 

They were compensated, and a monument was built for the Martyrs, including street naming. 

The recent budget saw Finance Minister calling  for more compensation. 


Use the quote system properly. There is no need to create endless chains. 

In any event, the police shot people protesting on a bridge then the violence occurred. It was peaceful until the police shot the protesters. 

When sugar workers protest at parliament building, they did so peacefully, no one was robbed, schools and building wasn't burned, stones wasn't thrown at police, traffic wasn't disrupted .. this is enough reasons why no one was arrested.

Two truck loads of cane cutters were shipped in to protest nagamottoo by a trifling PPP. The linden protest was a protest to the doubling of their electricity and the Police shot three of them. There is a difference. 


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