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Dave posted:

The subsidy is a long guarded secrete for what reasons. It was only after the PPP government attempted to eased the nation burden was the massive subsidy reveled resulting in riots. 

And the justification to have the subsidy remove was approve by PNC-APNU -WPA. ( the traitors) Why did black extremist find such fertile ground to demand continue subsidy.

In 1970's the PNC imposed a levy on sugar and skimmed the fat off the profits for national development. Was any levy imposed on either  Linden or bauxite for national development.

All other Guyanese regardless of color, race religion and what nots, did not matter at that time to Linden extremist.Does even Black guyanese matter to also get cheaper electricity or only The PNC afro supporters in Linden.


Why would people protesting utility hike be called extremists and with a racist appellation at that?

The subsidy was not a secret. It began with the Demerara Bauxite company which piped its excess power to its workers. That was inherited by DEMBA and later by BOSAI who attached a nominal fee. 

If the Government is able to lower their production cost for power in the city ( where they also have supporters in larger numbers) then the power could be lowered considerably. However, much of it is stolen and the cost is higher. That should not be a basis for raising electricity delivered efficiently elsewhere. 


Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:
Dave posted:

They burned the schools and government building. The police intervene and 3 were shot and killed. 

They were compensated, and a monument was built for the Martyrs, including street naming. 

The recent budget saw Finance Minister calling  for more compensation. 


Use the quote system properly. There is no need to create endless chains. 

In any event, the police shot people protesting on a bridge then the violence occurred. It was peaceful until the police shot the protesters. 

When sugar workers protest at parliament building, they did so peacefully, no one was robbed, schools and building wasn't burned, stones wasn't thrown at police, traffic wasn't disrupted .. this is enough reasons why no one was arrested.

Two truck loads of cane cutters were shipped in to protest nagamottoo by a trifling PPP. The linden protest was a protest to the doubling of their electricity and the Police shot three of them. There is a difference. 

is that the best you can do WTF.

D2 posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:


Use the quote system properly. There is no need to create endless chains. 

In any event, the police shot people protesting on a bridge then the violence occurred. It was peaceful until the police shot the protesters. 

When sugar workers protest at parliament building, they did so peacefully, no one was robbed, schools and building wasn't burned, stones wasn't thrown at police, traffic wasn't disrupted .. this is enough reasons why no one was arrested.

Two truck loads of cane cutters were shipped in to protest nagamottoo by a trifling PPP. The linden protest was a protest to the doubling of their electricity and the Police shot three of them. There is a difference. 

They were not shot because they were protesting.  They were shot for destroying property and threatening life and limb.  

I met Brummell in NY, he stand by the decision!

Some People think they have the right to bruk up tings when they throw a tantrum!

cain posted:

Tell he rass deh D2. That banna got a thing for portuguese people I got a feeling he jealous he wasn't born one.

Siggy gonna be mad when he reads the article posted by Dougla_80

You all was supposed to show us how to live in peace, instead you all started off by cheating the blackman and evenyually have dem pissed since emancipation. Dem getting even wid the indoes for the things alyuh did to them-economic marginalization.

Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:


Use the quote system properly. There is no need to create endless chains. 

In any event, the police shot people protesting on a bridge then the violence occurred. It was peaceful until the police shot the protesters. 

When sugar workers protest at parliament building, they did so peacefully, no one was robbed, schools and building wasn't burned, stones wasn't thrown at police, traffic wasn't disrupted .. this is enough reasons why no one was arrested.

Two truck loads of cane cutters were shipped in to protest nagamottoo by a trifling PPP. The linden protest was a protest to the doubling of their electricity and the Police shot three of them. There is a difference. 

They were not shot because they were protesting.  They were shot for destroying property and threatening life and limb.  

I met Brummell in NY, he stand by the decision!

Some People think they have the right to bruk up tings when they throw a tantrum!

They were shot after an ignoramus got on a bull horn and told them to move or he will shoot. That is on youtube. I do not care what Brummell said. He and the other fellow Hickson? should be jailed. 

Dave posted:

Two truck loads of cane cutters were shipped in to protest nagamottoo by a trifling PPP. The linden protest was a protest to the doubling of their electricity and the Police shot three of them. There is a difference. 

is that the best you can do WTF.

those are the facts. Not mine. Check the threads here and you will see they were trucked in and did not even know what the hell for.

D2 posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

Guyana can move ahead only when blacks stop thinking that Guyana is an exclusive Afro nation. PNC leader Vola made it very clear that she will only give jobs to Blacks.

As mentioned before by iguana, Guyana would also move ahead when racists as yourself dead out.

So many putagees have died since the era of D, Augiar and alyuh still racist. Wah mek yuh think it changes for other races of ppl.

Piss Poor solution hoping for ppl to die off so that changes can happen.

Never gonna happen. Be creative, proactive and influence minds. Simply put, talk people into a different mindset. 

Yuh know what changes society, respect. Guyanese doan have dat characteristic. 

Dude, you should not be calling others racist. Like that old racist Dave above you are self identified racists. Is alyhu old cold war detritus who need to die out so a new era can blossom and take shape.

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

Dave posted:
Dave posted:
D2 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I never said the PPP destroyed DEMBA. I said they dismantled it and sold it at fire sale prices ( for t heir own reasons)

Now if you know the government is paying anyone for electricity linden receives, let me know. I said it is all accounting. 

The government is not paying. It is the taxpayers who are footing the bill. Who pays the government? The government pays no one.

To whom is the government/ taxpayers paying this subsidy? Note BOSAI, delivers the electricity.

Linden Electricity Corporation is owned by BOSAI - Guyana government pays BOSAI.

1 billion dollars come from Ministry of Infrastructure.

2 billion dollars from Finance ministry

The residence of Linden consume 280 kWh per household per month and they pay $5. per kWp

Georgetown residence consume 150 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60-80$ kWp

Other communities consume  less than 100 kWp per household per month. and they pay 60 - 80 $ per kWh


I must add. Linden get the first 15 kWp FREE.

Should also add the source.

D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

Only if the person wants to change...Siggy not in that group.

D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

You have been here closing on 30 years. Suh, you were in your twenties then, a lil boy. Back then, yuh came here blazing on your anti-indian rhetoric. And yuh still on dat same line of tinking. 

I think all sane minded ppl reading you will deduct that you have not changed. And you will never change. Yuh just plain hate indian ppl and anyone who rebukes yuh is a racist.

Your plasticity only stretches, it has no breaking point. So, your anti-indian opinions only has new dimensions. Yuh just stretch your perceptions.  

cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

Only if the person wants to change...Siggy not in that group.

Change to accept that Indians are racist? Never. Indians on here have not really considered what you bigots have been writing about their kith and kin. 

seignet posted:
cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

Only if the person wants to change...Siggy not in that group.

Change to accept that Indians are racist? Never. Indians on here have not really considered what you bigots have been writing about their kith and kin. 

,,,and this is why "moving on" will never happen until old racists sknts dead out. Yall sknt are saints nuh so bai? Look haul yo racist rass da side yeh.

Last edited by cain
Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

aint wukin for da banna, period

cain posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

Only if the person wants to change...Siggy not in that group.

Change to accept that Indians are racist? Never. Indians on here have not really considered what you bigots have been writing about their kith and kin. 

,,,and this is why "moving on" will never happen until old racists sknts dead out. Yall sknt are saints nuh so bai? Look haul yo racist rass da side yeh.

You are out of touch of the reality in Guyana. If just one negro feels animosity towards an Indian, that is one too many bcz there are others like him. And that fella is not an old man, he is a youth. Likewise, there are young Indians who fear the thought of entering negro villages much less walking in the same direction on the thoroughfare.

Old ppl settled in the outcome of Guyana, they doan have to change anything or run around influencing others. They had decades of observations. Young ppl formulating their opinions just like old did in their youthful days.

Advice for you. Doan be frustrated about changes, analyze the country from which you immigrated-all of its history. Do the part you are most familiar with, the putagess. And be honest abut it.

D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh are 50 plus now.  Use ur old brains and think what u really seying. I thought u were a smart chap.

My brain still have a great degree of plasticity that I can change bad habits. You were a bigot in your 50's twenty years ago when you came here and you are still the same way now.  

Neuroplasticity; everyone's brain has the ability to change thinking patterns. Not excluding Siggy's. Easy there. 😉

aint wukin for da banna, period

I doan think you will ever attain my brain capacity. So far, for twenty odd years you are like a stick in Guyana's mud.

antabanta posted:

So... it seems the problem we have is fanatic supporters of each party, without concern for the nation, will condemn the other while lauding their own including exaggerating and outright lying.

Let's try an experiment. Forget the political parties, forget the political upheavals and what PNC and PPP did or did not do, and list your reasons for hating the other race.

Black--one ah dem raab meh

Indian--some ah dem don't like see they mattee succeed

D2 (not sure what he is)--Mix people real uppity

Chinee--dem does eat daag

Putagee--some ah dem think they white


Ray posted:
antabanta posted:

So... it seems the problem we have is fanatic supporters of each party, without concern for the nation, will condemn the other while lauding their own including exaggerating and outright lying.

Let's try an experiment. Forget the political parties, forget the political upheavals and what PNC and PPP did or did not do, and list your reasons for hating the other race.

Black--one ah dem raab meh

Indian--some ah dem don't like see they mattee succeed

D2 (not sure what he is)--Mix people real uppity

Chinee--dem does eat daag

Putagee--some ah dem think they white


If the only race with a tendency to crime is black, India would be crime free. The greed and envy Indians are accused of is not unique to Indians. The other two are crap.

What else? These cannot be the only justification for such animosity we see daily.

antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

I doan think you will ever attain my brain capacity. So far, for twenty odd years you are like a stick in Guyana's mud.

  Your   brain has abnormal capacity? because it's empty?

Bai yuh guessing about me brain.

When I was 5 years old, my Sunday School Teacher Chloie, a very nice Black young woman was telling us about King Solomon. She said he was the smartest and just man that ever lived. She went on to say, how he judged between the two women and a child. 

He wanted to part the chile in half wid he sword to see the reaction of the wimen. Wan woman said, divide the chile. The other woman sey, oh please give she the pickney.

Solomon knew rite then who was the real mudda.

I thought it was a horrendous thing to suggest, dividing the child. But Chloie said it was wisdom. And she added, we should all have wisdom and knowledge.

Right there, I asked God to be like King Solomon, to be bright and smart.

And Wisdom and Knowledge I am favoured. 

With my Wisdom, I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww many things and equipped to know foolish men. 

Mars posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

I doan think you will ever attain my brain capacity. So far, for twenty odd years you are like a stick in Guyana's mud.

  Your   brain has abnormal capacity? because it's empty?

Hilarious. Siggy like he start on the bottle early fuh Christmas 😂

not an excess drinker but do take some excellent vintage.

seignet posted:

Bai yuh guessing about me brain.

When I was 5 years old, my Sunday School Teacher Chloie, a very nice Black young woman was telling us about King Solomon. She said he was the smartest and just man that ever lived. She went on to say, how he judged between the two women and a child. 

He wanted to part the chile in half wid he sword to see the reaction of the wimen. Wan woman said, divide the chile. The other woman sey, oh please give she the pickney.

Solomon knew rite then who was the real mudda.

I thought it was a horrendous thing to suggest, dividing the child. But Chloie said it was wisdom. And she added, we should all have wisdom and knowledge.

Right there, I asked God to be like King Solomon, to be bright and smart.

And Wisdom and Knowledge I am favoured. 

With my Wisdom, I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww many things and equipped to know foolish men. 

Great!! All you have to do now is start displaying some of that wisdom. For example, a man of your acumen should have realized I don't have to guess about your brain but formulate an impression based on your very own statements. But that realization is probably beneath someone of your intellect.

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

The corruption of the PPP is blatant. Your stated need to be SHOWN this corruption tells the world where you stand, especially when you post random crimes in Guyana headlined as PNC fund raising. I dislike the PNC as much as or more than you do. I can tell you that the PPP stole a hell of a lot more than the PNC could ever dream of and are responsible for atrocities unprecedented in Guyana. You may be happy ignoring (because I would bet my bottom dollar that you know quite well the full extent of PPP corruption) the blatant evidence of their endemic corruption and prejudice but your ignoring it does not mitigate it.

If it was so blatant how come your party didn't jail any of them yet? Unless now you are saying PPP destroyed all the evidence? Bannas if the thiefman is PNC bais of course their crimes would be labelled as PNC fundraising. 

And you are free to accuse thieves of being PNC bais without any evidence but demand evidence of the crimes of the Rat and his gang?

Chappie, is the same folks who involved in street protests, mo fiah slow fiah etc. You have to give jack he jacket. PNC has been supportive of freedom fighters. Like yuh rass forget who draped a known criminal, Blackie, coffin with Guyana flag. You also forget Hoyte was marching in Buxton right next to the criminal escapees from the mash day jail break. They problem with you folks who try to rewrite history is that you forget that other people remember and will put lash pun when you come dressing up PnC in new clothing and try to sell them as angels. 

antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

Bai yuh guessing about me brain.

When I was 5 years old, my Sunday School Teacher Chloie, a very nice Black young woman was telling us about King Solomon. She said he was the smartest and just man that ever lived. She went on to say, how he judged between the two women and a child. 

He wanted to part the chile in half wid he sword to see the reaction of the wimen. Wan woman said, divide the chile. The other woman sey, oh please give she the pickney.

Solomon knew rite then who was the real mudda.

I thought it was a horrendous thing to suggest, dividing the child. But Chloie said it was wisdom. And she added, we should all have wisdom and knowledge.

Right there, I asked God to be like King Solomon, to be bright and smart.

And Wisdom and Knowledge I am favoured. 

With my Wisdom, I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww many things and equipped to know foolish men. 

Great!! All you have to do now is start displaying some of that wisdom. For example, a man of your acumen should have realized I don't have to guess about your brain but formulate an impression based on your very own statements. But that realization is probably beneath someone of your intellect.

There are no intelligent discussions that goes on here. It is all about buising, verbal intimdation and false intellect display. 

Seriousness is done face to face. And this forum could be so. 

We are bold enough to state our hurts as a society of different races. I say, lets see the faces. This percieved racists will show up. I doubt D2 will ever make an appearance. 

Drugb posted:

Chappie, is the same folks who involved in street protests, mo fiah slow fiah etc. You have to give jack he jacket. PNC has been supportive of freedom fighters. Like yuh rass forget who draped a known criminal, Blackie, coffin with Guyana flag. You also forget Hoyte was marching in Buxton right next to the criminal escapees from the mash day jail break. They problem with you folks who try to rewrite history is that you forget that other people remember and will put lash pun when you come dressing up PnC in new clothing and try to sell them as angels. 

How does that make every single robbery in Guyana, a PNC fund-raiser? What history is being re-written? I have long since accepted the tyranny of the PNC and long ago made many posts on this very forum about the culpability of the PNC in being involved with Blackie's gang. The problem is your refusal to accept the obvious criminality and corruption of the Rat and his empire. Where is anyone trying to sell the PNC as angels? You are sorely unqualified to put lash on anyone.

Last edited by antabanta
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  When did Jagdeo tell you he thinks Guyana is an Indo nation? ?  

After Jagdeo lost the last elections, having slapped Ramotar for "losing to black man" who went to Queens. He screamed that the base of the PPP are rural East Indians, and then swore that he would take back Guyana for "us". 

Ralph Ramkarran immediately told all who wished to deny that Jagdeo was screaming "we gun tek back Guyana from black man" by telling us that this is exactly what he said.  He didn't have to use those precise words. His supporters knew that he was speaking to their feeling of loss that they could no longer scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".

What is interesting is that Volda screamed that "we got fuh get moh PNC who look like Jagdeo" and then swore "is only PNC gun get wuk".  She did NOT describe the PNC as "black man party". She said that the PNC has to expand beyond its mainly black base.

Yet in your eyes Volda is the racist and Jagdeo isn't.  Why don't you do like Yuji and adopt the Indian flag as your avatar because that is exactly how you see Guyana......with blacks acting as the servants doing all the lowly clerical jobs and the dangerous police jobs that you all don't want to do.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  When did Jagdeo tell you he thinks Guyana is an Indo nation? ?  

After Jagdeo lost the last elections, having slapped Ramotar for "losing to black man" who went to Queens. He screamed that the base of the PPP are rural East Indians, and then swore that he would take back Guyana for "us". 

Ralph Ramkarran immediately told all who wished to deny that Jagdeo was screaming "we gun tek back Guyana from black man" by telling us that this is exactly what he said.  He didn't have to use those precise words. His supporters knew that he was speaking to their feeling of loss that they could no longer scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".

What is interesting is that Volda screamed that "we got fuh get moh PNC who look like Jagdeo" and then swore "is only PNC gun get wuk".  She did NOT describe the PNC as "black man party". She said that the PNC has to expand beyond its mainly black base.

Yet in your eyes Volda is the racist and Jagdeo isn't.  Why don't you do like Yuji and adopt the Indian flag as your avatar because that is exactly how you see Guyana......with blacks acting as the servants doing all the lowly clerical jobs and the dangerous police jobs that you all don't want to do.

Christmas coming, buy yourself a new Record.

Dave posted:


Right here on this Forum, Blacks makes fun and mock Indians of their identity. 


Interesting that you admit that many Indians live in poverty and yet rant about "lazy black man who should stop whining and find a job".  Are these poor Indians people who should also stop whining and get a job too?

And when do blacks on GNI ridicule Indian culture?  Now I can recall Kwekwe, cook up rice, foo foo, and the Cuffy statue being held to ridicule by Indians.  I can recall our music and dancing being derided by Indians (even though young Indians participate more within this culture than they do within anything of India......some Indo DJ even sounding like they were born in Kingston, Jamaica).   I also recall blacks told that we have no culture and that we must go back to Africa and find a culture.

Now what Indo culture is made fun of by blacks, unless you define Indo KKK type behavior as Indian culture......and I suspect that there are some Indians here who will object highly to that.

Dave posted:

Ayo nah undastand what “Anta the Bana “ doing,  he sit like a massa on a throne with a wild cane, questing ayo comments.. then tell ayo, you en qualify... go and  come again. Next 

Wonder if he gat a cigar in his hand, laughing away. 

Thank you very much for such flattery but no, got nothing to do with massa. Are you defending Seignet because you admire his self-proclaimed wisdom or simply because you both need to maintain the racial status quo in Guyana?

Dave posted:

Jagdeo and Freedom House had NO TIME for POOR Indians,  except at election time. 


This is how this sentence should read.   I have no doubt that poor Indians were treated as badly as were blacks.  That is the irony of Guyana as a majority black gov't is now being accused by its supporters of favoring Indians.

Granger called blacks lazy for making such accusations and you agree. Maybe Indians complaining about the PPP were also lazy?

Or is it that Indians can complain but blacks must be quiet and take abuse?

Dave posted:

PPP pumps 3 Billions per years subsidizing electricity for Lindeners, who was consuming twice the amount than the rest of the country. 


And the PPP and now APNU-AFC pumped billions into Guysuco, even though that company was destroyed by the PPP. The PPP is also pouring billions, through Guysuco to maintain drainage and irrigation schemes, many in majority Indian areas.

So what is your point?  Only Indians must be subsidized?

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Carib is an Indian Hater. That's your daily mantra,by saying it over and over you hope to convince others.

Explain where I show Indian hatred.  Please do.  Is talking about Indian racism towards blacks racist, especially when accompanied with talk of black racism towards Indians?

Would you rather I leave the world with the impression that the only violence in the 60s was in Wismar and the only race which engages in racism are blacks?

I know this is as you wish, but sorry I cannot help you.


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