I have proven something in this post which proves my point that Guyana should make it mandatory to have race relations at all levels of the education system.
Guyanese aren't ignorant of each other. And aside from a minority of Indo KKK racists like you, they don't hate one another either.
Now YOU need to be educated to the fact that blacks aren't lazy, criminal or useless and that it isn't the height of disgrace if a member of your family marries a suitable person who happens to be black.
YOU need to be educated to the fact that racism has been practiced by both groups when they have power, and that both groups, and others have suffered.
YOU need to understand that Indians face criminal assault, not only from blacks, but increasingly from Indians as well.
1. We need to listen to each other. If blacks tell you that Jagdeo is a racist and the PPP discriminated against blacks then you ought to listen.
You never see me arguing with you about the racism of the PNC during the Burnham era. If the majority of Indians claim that they faced racism then they did. The fact that a small % enriched themselves with black market activities which arose when Burnham destroyed the economy is not relevant.
2.We need to identify ethnically based barriers to social and economic integration because this is what bothers people in 2017. They couldn't care less about the early 60s, or even the Burnham era. Its those of us who migrated who still do.
3. We need to have a discussion about what Guyana is and understand that it is a multi ethnic, multi cultural and multi religious. We need to understand that not only is there this diversity but that most Guyanese incorporate elements of this WITHIN their daily lives.
So those who debase creole culture and scream for India need to stop being ridiculous. India no longer sees you as one of them. We all exist within various continuums of a diverse creolized culture, and we manifest this as we see relevant. Changing depending on context.
4. Guyanese need to cease to expect politicians to control their lives. It is up to civic society (trade unions, youth groups, business groups, civic groups like the Jaycees, religious groups, etc.) to mobilize the population and to communicate with the politicians their expectations of them.
T&T is also diverse as Guyana and yet the sort of nonsense that Burnham, Jagdeo and now Harmon get up to would NEVER be allowed in that country, because the politicians know that civic society in T&T will NOT tolerate that.
Under Kamla one of her ministers refused to listen to a CAL cabin attendant who told him to turn off his cell phone. He "accidentally" brushed her breasts. He was fired.
Under Jagdeo/Ramotar a minister pistol whips some one, another drives drunk and hits some one and yet another has a son who sexually assaulted some one, and then bribed a cop to cover this up. NOTHING happened!
I suggest that you stop worshipping a racist Jagdeo when the 29% of the population which is African and the 20% of the population which is mixed (many of these mixed identified individuals are people who you would call black) say he was a racist when he was in power. If almost half of the population see him as an ogre then clearly he is NOT the solution.