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Jagan’s granddaughter condemns power-hungry manipulation in PPP

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…Dr Anthony says was tough call to pull out of race

AS the fallout continues over the selection of Irfaan Ali as the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Presidential Candidate, one of the granddaughters of that party’s founder, the late Dr Cheddi Jagan, has railed against what she described as the power-hungry manipulation going on at Freedom House.

In a Facebook post Mrs Vrinda S Jagan said: “I’ll keep it 100% real, whether you like it or not, I am utterly shocked, disappointed and heartbroken by the choices of the current PPP. If Mr. Ali is the best y’all got, and y’all are going to be so blatantly obvious then good luck.”
The young Jagan said “I personally had no preference but I never even considered that the PPP would have “chosen Ali.”


She said for those that keep asking “me to go home and join in, I can only speak for myself; Cheddi and Janet Jagan had only five grandchildren, and in my opinion there is no place for me in a Jagdeo run PPP. I personally could not be involved in the blatant power-hungry manipulation.

I believe that the PPP should allow their supporters to choose who they want to represent them, why permit these people to continue controlling,” she said. She however noted that she has never given up on the PPP “in my heart and in my bones, I just want and yearn for better for their supporters, for the young people, and for Guyana. Every time I go home, I stop in at Freedom House. I see his face covering the walls and my heart sinks because our people deserve better.”

Meanwhile, Dr Frank Anthony, who was one of the challengers for the position but pulled out on the day of the election, said he did so because of lack of enough support. “The 19th of January was a significant day for the PPP. It was the day that our 2019 presidential candidate was decided. I wish to extend congratulations to comrade Irfaan Alli. As many of you know, I had signalled my interest in becoming a candidate.

I subsequently decided to withdraw my candidacy, and many have asked me why I made this crucial decision. While I knew that I had the support of some of my fellow central committee members, I felt I did not have a clear majority of votes to a win. I decided that it was appropriate to withdraw and gave my support to Anil Nandlall. I want to assure you that in the circumstances, it was the right decision to make.”

Dr Anthony thanked those who supported and motivated him over the years to continue to work in the best interest of the party and people of our country. He said the decision to exit the race was not an easy one, but as leaders, we are often called upon to make tough and selfless decisions. In this instance, I did it with the belief that it was in the best interest of the party and country. “I want to thank comrades for the opportunity to be considered, and I remain a humble servant of the people of Guyana.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The current generation of  Jagans think that they own the party. Where were they when Indos are being oppressed ? 

To hell with what the Jagans think. Joey joined with  the racist PNC to bring down the PPP.

The current generation of Jagans is one screwed up bunch.  They need to fix up their family first before condemning the Larger PPP family.

During Cheddie communist days, leaders were selected with a vote of hands. Ali was selected through secret ballot. They better get used to democracy and shred their communist ways. 


Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- a formidable PPP stronghold worth almost one seat in parliament. This is not to say that Irfaan deserves his presidential candidature solely because of his grandmother. Irfaan himself has contributed immeasurably more than Vrinda to the PPP, assuming that she contributed anything at all.


Well is nuff powah hungry belly peopkle yuh gat in PNC and PPP. cyant blame Bharrat alone. Dem PNC war lord faction racial no rass. Dem go overthrow de mild manner faction soon. Den ayoo rass go see how Bharrat go deal wid dat. Hey hey hey...


Nehru Bhai,

I agree with you on improvements.

I have great deal of respect and admiration for Cheddi and Janet. They sacrificed their lives for the working class in Guyana and would have been supportive of the PPP under any circumstances.

Joey and Nadira assisted in propelling the PNC to power by making outlandish statements regarding the PPP. Their granddaughter is now acting like an ass. They should go back and read their grandfather’s West on Trail and then start opening their mouths. They should stand shoulder to shoulder with oppressed Indos in Guyana and then they can start having a little credibility.

Moving the PPP from their communist ways is a good step forward. Having secret Ballots in selecting a leader is a major step forward. The old communists in the PPP need to respect a democratic process. Their favoured (and mine) candidate Anil did not win. So what ? That’s how democracy works.

Some Indos are like Crabdawgs. They need to rally around Ali and put party first. The Jagans are not royalty. Jagan and Janet were humble. They need to fix up there dysfunctional family before attacking the larger PPP family.

What next for them ? Joining ANUG ?

You stick with your party for life and through thick and thin.

Jagan’s grand daughter is totally out of line here !


Last edited by Former Member

Exactly. Joey is a dope head. I am sure that Cheddi’s granddaughter is intelligent. She needs to look at the bigger picture and not become an ass like Joey.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- a formidable PPP stronghold worth almost one seat in parliament. This is not to say that Irfaan deserves his presidential candidature solely because of his grandmother. Irfaan himself has contributed immeasurably more than Vrinda to the PPP, assuming that she contributed anything at all.

Thank you for highlighting this Gil.

Leonora deserves a President and who better than one of their own sons who worked tirelessly with the PPP from a very young age. 

Long live the PPP !!! We are forever indebted to Jagan and Janet for giving us the PPP !!!

God bless Presidential Candidate Ali !!!

yuji22 posted:


Some Indos are like Crabdawgs. They need to rally around Ali and put party first. The Jagans are not royalty. Jagan and Janet were humble. They need to fix up there dysfunctional family before attacking the larger PPP family.



Tell dem deh bai balahoo...wave de flag and wear de national colour. Sing de national song dem and wine up and down...but mek sure ayoo put de party fuss in front de kuntry...hey hey hey. Meh cyant wait foh see we bai Rev come back...hey hey hey.


Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home


Bai Labba, You rass wicked. It is a given that the good of the country is the main objective achieved through a strong and united party. We the PPP will create 50,000 jobs and can accommodate TK to lead education reform.

Hey Hey Hey.

The Rev said that he might return in 2020. I am waiting in excitement !

Hey Hey Hey.


And further more how many of Guyanese out of Guyana do what Dr. Jagan granddaughter do for Guyana and the contributions she makes; so she of all persons have a right to speak!!


I don't know anything about Irfaan.  A lady told me that she encountered him at the ministry of housing and he was  very pleasant with everyone. She said people were fretting and getting upset about issues concerning the allocation of house lots. He assisted them and then calmed their nerves down with some fresh cut water melons.  I heard he love water melons.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I don't know anything about Irfaan.  A lady told me that she encountered him at the ministry of housing and he was  very pleasant with everyone. She said people were fretting and getting upset about issues concerning the allocation of house lots. He assisted them and then calmed their nerves down with some fresh cut water melons.  I heard he love water melons.

Irfaan gave out more house lots to the poor in Guyana than any other Guyanese in the history of the country. He will make a greater President than Cheddi !

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

@ Princess.

Please tell us specifically what has she done for the Guyanese working class ? You are being an ass just like her.

STFU you ahole

Listen U AH, your lack of intelligence restricts your vocabulary to foul language ! I pity an uneducated dope head like you !

yuji22 posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

@ Princess.

Please tell us specifically what has she done for the Guyanese working class ? You are being an ass just like her.

STFU you ahole

Listen U AH, your lack of intelligence restricts your vocabulary to foul language ! I pity an uneducated dope head like you !

Why can't you accept others backing whoever da fk they wish to? Not everyone cares for the sleazy Irfatass fool as you do so get over it.

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

@ Princess.

Please tell us specifically what has she done for the Guyanese working class ? You are being an ass just like her.

STFU you ahole

It’s the poor that needs help; if u pay attention you would know ; how about you start a tread here to help the poor; the poor that champion the cause for Jagdeo and Ali, foolish Guyanese; the very ones that put the ppp into power to help themselves and fill their pockets,.. listen fool while u r busy campaigning for Ali, he is busy sipping moet and dp  by his poolside mansion while u do all the hard work; he didn’t do those Guyanese he gave house lots to a favor, they deserve it ; check the records; he give himself and his friends mansion (s), when the poor still have to pay for the houselots fyi no houselot in Guyana is free; but the tycoons cAn get acres of land for free to build housing scheme and hotels under the ppp, now get your facts straight, and when u have a first hand look at what I’m talking about then come back; for now I won’t firther indulge u in conversation because like u related to Rohee 


Btw I didn’t fake my credentials; I’m one that received my Bsc before my MBa and subsequently my PhD, Ali must be the first I’m history to get a PhD before a degree... what fools we make of ourselves in placing our trust in someone like this to be a leader of the Guyanese populace 


he didn’t do those Guyanese he gave house lots to a favor, they deserve it 

If what you say is rational and true then please tell us why people were not able to get a house lot from the PNC governments of 1964-1992 period.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

he didn’t do those Guyanese he gave house lots to a favor, they deserve it 

If what you say is rational and true then please tell us why people were not able to get a house lot from the PNC governments of 1964-1992 period.


Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

he didn’t do those Guyanese he gave house lots to a favor, they deserve it 

If what you say is rational and true then please tell us why people were not able to get a house lot from the PNC governments of 1964-1992 period.



Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

he didn’t do those Guyanese he gave house lots to a favor, they deserve it 

If what you say is rational and true then please tell us why people were not able to get a house lot from the PNC governments of 1964-1992 period.

Exactly. The poor were squatting during PNC rule. 


Sorry I wasn’t even born for most of that era so maybe the ole heads here could answer that; I will stick to what I know and based any discussion on facts not opinions and hearsay, have a good day all

kp posted:

Jagan’s granddaughter condemns power-hungry manipulation in PPP

By Staff Reporter -, 0, 3571, Share on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter

…Dr Anthony says was tough call to pull out of race

AS the fallout continues over the selection of Irfaan Ali as the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Presidential Candidate, one of the granddaughters of that party’s founder, the late Dr Cheddi Jagan, has railed against what she described as the power-hungry manipulation going on at Freedom House.

In a Facebook post Mrs Vrinda S Jagan said: “I’ll keep it 100% real, whether you like it or not, I am utterly shocked, disappointed and heartbroken by the choices of the current PPP. If Mr. Ali is the best y’all got, and y’all are going to be so blatantly obvious then good luck.”

The young Jagan said “I personally had no preference but I never even considered that the PPP would have “chosen Ali.”

Everyone has her/his consideration and thoughts on the specific issue.

Similarly, she has the right to express her views which, most likely, has absolutely no effects nor influence on what are unfolding in the country.

kp posted:

Jagan’s granddaughter condemns power-hungry manipulation in PPP

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…Dr Anthony says was tough call to pull out of race

AS the fallout continues over the selection of Irfaan Ali as the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Presidential Candidate, one of the granddaughters of that party’s founder, the late Dr Cheddi Jagan, has railed against what she described as the power-hungry manipulation going on at Freedom House.

In a Facebook post Mrs Vrinda S Jagan said: “I’ll keep it 100% real, whether you like it or not, I am utterly shocked, disappointed and heartbroken by the choices of the current PPP. If Mr. Ali is the best y’all got, and y’all are going to be so blatantly obvious then good luck.”
The young Jagan said “I personally had no preference but I never even considered that the PPP would have “chosen Ali.”


She said for those that keep asking “me to go home and join in, I can only speak for myself; Cheddi and Janet Jagan had only five grandchildren, and in my opinion there is no place for me in a Jagdeo run PPP. I personally could not be involved in the blatant power-hungry manipulation.

I believe that the PPP should allow their supporters to choose who they want to represent them, why permit these people to continue controlling,” she said. She however noted that she has never given up on the PPP “in my heart and in my bones, I just want and yearn for better for their supporters, for the young people, and for Guyana. Every time I go home, I stop in at Freedom House. I see his face covering the walls and my heart sinks because our people deserve better.”

Meanwhile, Dr Frank Anthony, who was one of the challengers for the position but pulled out on the day of the election, said he did so because of lack of enough support. “The 19th of January was a significant day for the PPP. It was the day that our 2019 presidential candidate was decided. I wish to extend congratulations to comrade Irfaan Alli. As many of you know, I had signalled my interest in becoming a candidate.

I subsequently decided to withdraw my candidacy, and many have asked me why I made this crucial decision. While I knew that I had the support of some of my fellow central committee members, I felt I did not have a clear majority of votes to a win. I decided that it was appropriate to withdraw and gave my support to Anil Nandlall. I want to assure you that in the circumstances, it was the right decision to make.”

Dr Anthony thanked those who supported and motivated him over the years to continue to work in the best interest of the party and people of our country. He said the decision to exit the race was not an easy one, but as leaders, we are often called upon to make tough and selfless decisions. In this instance, I did it with the belief that it was in the best interest of the party and country. “I want to thank comrades for the opportunity to be considered, and I remain a humble servant of the people of Guyana.”

I know some of you PPP die-hards wont like this....

...but this gal should start with a condemnation of his Grand Daddy Cheddie (and Burnham) for creating the mess this country is in today....instead of condemning what is happening in Guyana....while she lives outside the country....she is part of the Richmond Hill crown...I saw her ad in one of the local newspapers...

AND, by the way, where is that dude Joey Jagan....he was vocal during the last election! 

yuji22 posted:

The current generation of  Jagans think that they own the party. Where were they when Indos are being oppressed ? 

To hell with what the Jagans think. Joey joined with  the racist PNC to bring down the PPP.

The current generation of Jagans is one screwed up bunch.  They need to fix up their family first before condemning the Larger PPP family.

During Cheddie communist days, leaders were selected with a vote of hands. Ali was selected through secret ballot. They better get used to democracy and shred their communist ways. 

She grand daddy invented manipulation.  She should ask Balram Singh Rai!

And you are correct, they lived comfortable while the masses suffered due to his policies.  Joey could not find a place when Cheddi was alive!  The odda Banna cast aside 200 years lineage. So what?

Jagdeo’s son will rise to the occasion in 15 or so years.

Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home

Yuh sure bout dat? Me and meh Hindu ohman been together fuh 35 years an’ marrid fuh 31 an’ we own house an’ mek home an’ mek picnees tuh. An’ meh dead in-laws mus be crazy tuh nat tink dat dem cyant trust dem fulla man son-in-law.

Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home

Please don't generalize because you were unfortunate to have been involved with, in your opinion and who knows maybe others', one of the bad ones. It oozes bigotry and ignorance. By the way, why are you still with the bad "fulla"?


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