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Jagdeo condemns racist rhetoric by PPP supporters


Bharrat Jagdeo, at his weekly press conference

Leader of the political Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, has expressed condemnation for supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic who tend to express racist sentiments in the name of the party.
He made this declaration at a press conference, yesterday, at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition.
Commenting on the release by the Ministry of the Presidency, concerning the fake Facebook page titled ‘Brigadier David Granger’, Jagdeo said that Gail Teixeira has written the Ethnic Relations Commission to have a complete investigation into what took place in Bartica, because the PPP/C does not tolerate racism or the use of social media for other nefarious purposes.
He said “We condemn any attempt to bequeath people.”
Jagdeo said that he has noticed persons making inflammatory remarks, especially on social media, some of those persons claiming to support or be affiliated with the PPP/C.
He explained: “Any post that does that sort of thing to cause division among our people would not be tolerated. I wanted to use this opportunity to say that because I’ve seen some people get angry. Then they engage in language that the party does not sanction. They are not members, but they claim to be supporters of the party.”
Pleading with supporters, he said, “If you are supporting our party, please stay away from that. That has no place in our country or in our party.”
The leader of the Opposition admitted that his party has been passive to racist sentiments by party supporters. “Too often, we just take these things sitting down and we don’t take firm action on this.”
He continued, “I want to say particularly to supporters of the PPP that we must respect. We have enough information, and a track record to defend our policies and to speak to all Guyanese about our vision, rather than to resort to nasty language, racism, or anything of that sort. We will openly condemn it.”
However, he expressed discontentment with the manner in which the Ministry of the Presidency responded to the Facebook page. Speaking on the matter of freedom of speech, he said, “I am not in favour of heavy-handed Government members going after people for expressing their views.”
This comes after the Ministry of the Presidency released a statement on Wednesday, that it “rejects the malicious and wicked publishing of false articles” relating to the President, in an alleged campaign to defame his character, as well as that of his administration.
A Facebook page titled ‘Brigadier David Granger’ reported that the President intervened in a matter involving a young woman and Mayor of Bartica, Gifford Marshall.
The Ministry of the Presidency declared that the publications from that page are fictitious and do not reflect the President or his administration.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:


Moon?  Easy there big fella...

Jaggy needs to do more...he needs to attract non-Indians to his party...for the PPP to stand a good chance of winning in 2020.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

OK, sweet laka Sumutoo

Whats a sumutoo....sounds like a drink?

Small roundish fruit with an opaque pulp and black seeds.

GT, I think brother Vish is playing dead on us. Does he know what is Barra and Chutney, or Mithai?


I am glad Mr Jagdeo has expressed disapproval of racist comments by people who claim to be PPP supporters. Those people must recognize that PPP needs non-Indian support now more than ever as Indos make up less than 40% of the population. But Afros particularly would not support PPP when they hear and read racial comments against them. Cheddi Jagan had taught us to put Class above Race. In this forum I had pointed out that some members were doing PPP a disservice with their persistent race bias. Cut out terms like "black baigan" and "can't run cake shop" and so on.

Nehru posted:


How can spent shell achieve that ? will he pull the strings on the next leader of the PPP ?

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

I am glad Mr Jagdeo has expressed disapproval of racist comments by people who claim to be PPP supporters. Those people must recognize that PPP needs non-Indian support now more than ever as Indos make up less than 40% of the population. But Afros particularly would not support PPP when they hear and read racial comments against them. Cheddi Jagan had taught us to put Class above Race. In this forum I had pointed out that some members were doing PPP a disservice with their persistent race bias. Cut out terms like "black baigan" and "can't run cake shop" and so on.

Totally agree.  

Nehru posted:

Gilly, with all due respect, since no one is questioning your logic, how does "PNC cant run a cake shop"  race bias? Very curious

When I was a young man and heard older Indos criticizing Burnham's government, they often said: "blackman cyaant run cake shop much less one whole country." To me, in this forum and in a certain context, PNC is code for blackman. Pointedly, me young bhai yuji is de main culprit. He is good with alternative labeling. I recall a time when I upbraided yuji for labeling some of us here as "chamars". I told him that casteism is worse than racism. He smartly replied that a chamar is a leather worker. After that, whenever he mentioned chamar he would add (leather worker). Coming back to your question, I respectfully submit that with reference to running cake shop, "PNC" is yuji's synonym for blackman. And I hereby appeal to the brother to discontinue the cake shop reference. He is good English language communicator and can come up with a more sensitive expression.

Nehru posted:

Gilly, with all due respect, since no one is questioning your logic, how does "PNC cant run a cake shop"  race bias? Very curious

Valid question. Gilly bought AFC snake oil once and it looks like he wants to buy another gallon this time around. 

To hell with his BS that PNC is a code. What kind of Shyte is that ?

Gilly must immediately stop assuming what I think. Is he taking his meds ?

PNC is PNC, a party. No harm in calling a spade a spade. That is their record.

Gilly, I respectfully request that you take your meds and stop peddling nonsense on what you “think”’or assume when I speak about the PNC party. 

PNC has a record of muzzling free speech and murdering Rodney. Please stop your nonsense. 

I am not a member of the PPP nor do I represent the PPP. I am Yuji and I am entitled to my fundemental right to free speech.

Thank you.



Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

Gilly, with all due respect, since no one is questioning your logic, how does "PNC cant run a cake shop"  race bias? Very curious

Valid question. Gilly bought AFC snake oil once and it looks like he wants to buy another gallon this time around. 

To hell with his BS that PNC is a code. What kind of Shyte is that ?

Gilly must immediately stop assuming what I think. Is he taking his meds ?

PNC is PNC, a party. No harm in calling a spade a spade. That is their record.

Gilly, I respectfully request that you take your meds and stop peddling nonsense on what you “think”’or assume when I speak about the PNC party. 

PNC has a record of muzzling free speech and murdering Rodney. Please stop your nonsense. 

I am not a member of the PPP nor do I represent the PPP. I am Yuji and I am entitled to my fundemental right to free speech.

Thank you.



I can see that I would be a lousy lawyer, even with "respectfully submit" in court. As Judge Yuji doesn't buy my argument, I am withdrawing the matter regarding blackman & cake shop. Your Honour, I humbly & sincerely apologize for wasting your time, angering you, and most importantly causing you to assert "I am not a member of the PPP nor do I represent the PPP."

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

OK, sweet laka Sumutoo

Whats a sumutoo....sounds like a drink?

Small roundish fruit with an opaque pulp and black seeds.

Thanks...I never saw this in Flatbush or Richmond Hill in NY

VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

OK, sweet laka Sumutoo

Whats a sumutoo....sounds like a drink?

Small roundish fruit with an opaque pulp and black seeds.

Thanks...I never saw this in Flatbush or Richmond Hill in NY

Vish, to get the best, you need to suck on the seeds!

Gilbakka posted:
alena06 posted:

I see all our AFC supporters who installed the PNC Regime claiming allegiance to the PPP.  🇬🇾🇬🇾

Jagdeo welcomes this move.

Foolish man does in the end what wise man did at the beginning!

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I am glad Mr Jagdeo has expressed disapproval of racist comments by people who claim to be PPP supporters. Those people must recognize that PPP needs non-Indian support now more than ever as Indos make up less than 40% of the population. But Afros particularly would not support PPP when they hear and read racial comments against them. Cheddi Jagan had taught us to put Class above Race. In this forum I had pointed out that some members were doing PPP a disservice with their persistent race bias. Cut out terms like "black baigan" and "can't run cake shop" and so on.

Totally agree.  

He talks a lot of bull poop, he was one who could not wait to see the "back of Jagdeo" at all costs.  Now they filled with guilt and shame at the blows they help deliver onto the Indian people of Guyana.  Abie dayzz done bai.  Lil more Indo ethnic cleansing, lil more ethnic buttress from Haiti, coolies will never see the light of day again!


Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

yuji22 posted:

Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

We will continue to be the (forgotten) Rohingya of the West!

alena06 posted:

I see all our AFC supporters who installed the PNC Regime claiming allegiance to the PPP.  🇬🇾🇬🇾

The damage has already been done. The PNC will not settle for free and fair elections. Granger already installed his hand pick GECOM head. 

They should all hang their heads in shame.

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

We will continue to be the (forgotten) Rohingya of the West!

Banna you does talk s****t sometimes.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

We will continue to be the (forgotten) Rohingya of the West!

Banna you does talk s****t sometimes.

Banna, like we on the same crow schedule!  Yes, me dozz talk sh1t sometimes.  

Gilbakka posted:

...... But Afros particularly would not support PPP when they hear and read racial comments against them. Cheddi Jagan had taught us to put Class above Race....

Bull poop 💩 again. Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support?   Either you gone senile or your head is stuck deep up weh dah sun don’t shine!

yuji22 posted:

Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

How do you account for more Indos left Guyana under the PPP's 23  years rule than under the PNC regime?  With Indos population now about 40% and dropping, how will the PPP win with a diminishing support base?

Many of Jagdeo's speeches and especially the infamous one at Babu John speaks volumes of his racism.


Last edited by Mitwah
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

How do you account for more Indos left Guyana under the PPP's 23  years rule than under the PNC regime?  With Indos population now about 40% and dropping, how will the PPP win with a diminishing support base?

Many of Jagdeo's speeches and especially the infamous one at Babu John speaks volumes of his racism.


BJ is not the right person to lead Guyana away from race politics. They need fresh blood and a new face.  He had his time.  

Baseman posted:

Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support? 

what a dumb question

i suggest you cure your political illiteracy by reading up some on the actual history of the party you 'support' . . . subtracting from the dishonest hours you spend here vomiting in service to the vile race agenda of Guyana's Hindutva fringe

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Sadly, Indos time done. Burnham failed to wipe us out but it is our own who escalated the process. Indos have to continue to leave Guyana for greener pastures. We are a resilient bunch and will overcome. 

How do you account for more Indos left Guyana under the PPP's 23  years rule than under the PNC regime?  With Indos population now about 40% and dropping, how will the PPP win with a diminishing support base?

Many of Jagdeo's speeches and especially the infamous one at Babu John speaks volumes of his racism.


BJ is not the right person to lead Guyana away from race politics. They need fresh blood and a new face.  He had his time.  

The discussion should be who will be the next great leader to represent the Indo Guyanese,C.B.Jagan failed due his ideology,was kept out by the Capitalist.The Rat was there to enrich his cronies and himself.

Indo Guyanese need to wake up and choose a leader who will look after their interest and not his/her personnel enrichment.Dump that crook Bharat Jagdeo for taking control of their party.


I repeat: Cheddi Jagan taught us to put Class above Race. He was consistent from the formation of the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) in 1946 up to 1997 when he died. True, after Burnham broke away in 1955 the PPP never managed to attract SIGNIFICANT Afro support but, with Indos accounting for more than 50% of the population while Jagan was alive, the PPP could still win free and fair elections.

Now, according to the 2012 census results, Indo votes CANNOT guarantee PPP victory. Now more than ever the party needs to put Class above Race. It CANNOT AFFORD to put Race first. The sooner its grassroots supporters recognize this reality, and the sooner they proactively reach out to Afros and others, the better for the PPP.


ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support? 

what a dumb question

i suggest you cure your political illiteracy by reading up some on the actual history of the party you 'support' . . . subtracting from the dishonest hours you spend here vomiting in service to the vile race agenda of Guyana's Hindutva fringe

After the SPLIT, Blacks leff the Jaganite PPP in droves. And hostile too towards East Indians. Any cooolie was deemed a PPP operative against the well being of the Blackman. Blacks NEVER considered the PPP since and with the creation of the PNC, they had an organization of their kith and kin.

Jagan never manage to influence the Black vote, even though he begged to believe that Guyana does not have a race issue only a class struggle. Ofcourse he was a skont, all along. We Indians know for sure today, especially reading Black Bigots on this Board.

seignet posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support? 

what a dumb question

i suggest you cure your political illiteracy by reading up some on the actual history of the party you 'support' . . . subtracting from the dishonest hours you spend here vomiting in service to the vile race agenda of Guyana's Hindutva fringe

After the SPLIT, Blacks leff the Jaganite PPP in droves. 

thanks Captain Obvious

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support? 

what a dumb question

i suggest you cure your political illiteracy by reading up some on the actual history of the party you 'support' . . . subtracting from the dishonest hours you spend here vomiting in service to the vile race agenda of Guyana's Hindutva fringe

After the SPLIT, Blacks leff the Jaganite PPP in droves. 

thanks Captain Obvious

Bhai, I witnessd how the Blackman behaved of the news, the morning that Forbes walked away from CBJ. It was like emancipation day morning. Jubilations. They din need Marcus Garvy anymore. Messiah had arrived.

Immediately, the CUP was the represenatative of the Coolieman, they kicked it, they swept it, they dragged it. And the anti-Indain sentimentts ta followed.

I was surprised. And today, I see that hatred. It is alive and well.

Gilbakka posted:

Now, according to the 2012 census results, Indo votes CANNOT guarantee PPP victory. Now more than ever the party needs to put Class above Race. It CANNOT AFFORD to put Race first. The sooner its grassroots supporters recognize this reality, and the sooner they proactively reach out to Afros and others, the better for the PPP.


Correct, i have been saying this for awhile.

Indo Guyanese need to wake up,don't follow those who perpetrates racism,the population demographics by ethnicity in Guyana are changing.


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