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Baseman posted:

We will continue to be the (forgotten) Rohingya of the West!

Cut your nonsense. Even after 3 years of APNU rule the dominance of the Indo elite is apparent to all.  They are Harmon's employers and he rushes to comply, for a fee.

The ordinary Indians are no worse off under APNU than were blacks under the PPP.

Mitwah posted:

Many of Jagdeo's speeches and especially the infamous one at Babu John speaks volumes of his racism.


This is what Gilbakka must respond to.  Yes Jagdeo screamed that he "gun tek back Guyana for us".  He had already boasted that the PPP support base consisted of rural Indians.   That was when the PPP was in the "coolie people party" phase.

Jagdeo has too much to answer to.  If the PPP wishes to make inroads into the African/mixed base in a significant way they need to dump their entire leadership and get newer and more diverse leadership.

Baseman posted:

Bull poop πŸ’© again. Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support?   Either you gone senile or your head is stuck deep up weh dah sun don’t shine!

He did until he succumbed to the calls of apan jhat. Jagan NEVER repudiated these calls and gladly accepted victories based on the numeric dominance of Indians.

After 1992 Jagan set the stage of the marginalization of blacks which reached a high point under the Jagdeo Indocracy.

Gilbakka posted:

I repeat: Cheddi Jagan taught us to put Class above Race. 


He should have practiced what he preached.  He presided over an Indian party and was happy with that as it guaranteed electoral victories. 

You need to stop this nonsense as in the 60s Cheddi was seen as the devil by most blacks as his PYO thugs sought to kill them in cold blood. Chaddi NEVER owned up to his own role in that sordid period, but peddled the lie that it was the "savage blacks" who were responsible.  And no he didn't have to use those words as "PNC" is a known PPP dog whistle for their anti black racism.

seignet posted:

Bhai, I witnessd how the Blackman behaved of the news, the morning that Forbes walked away from CBJ. It was like emancipation day morning. Jubilations. They din need Marcus Garvy anymore. Messiah had arrived.

Immediately, the CUP was the represenatative of the Coolieman, they kicked it, they swept it, they dragged it. And the anti-Indain sentimentts ta followed.

I was surprised. And today, I see that hatred. It is alive and well.

You can peddle your PPP lies. Burnham's aim was to split the Indian vote so peddling an Afrocentric agenda wouldn't have served his purpose.  I suggest that you note that some Indians played prominent roles the PNC in its early years.

Baseman posted:


I don’t know what’s all the pretense is about.  Blacks will never support (in any significance) any leader of Indian ancestry.  They all harp back to pre-1955....irrelevant! 

I look forward to reading the long list of blacks who Indians openly supported. 

At least blacks can claim Cheddi before the Indo KKK hijacked him with their cries of apan jhat.

Leonora posted:

Jagdeo should reprimand his GNI supporters for being unaware of this and other messages he has relayed to the public. These supporters are hurting the PPP and its future leaders.

What Jagdeo does is of no interest as the Indo KKK elements were merely following his instructions.

It is Jagdeo who is the racist and to pretend otherwise is pathetic. This will be like Trump suddenly announcing that he likes Mexicans.

Leonora posted:

Please chill, Gilly makes much sense. The PPP will never win Afro votes by alienating them.

You might as well claim that the PNC can get significant Indian votes.  The notion that after 60 years of anti black behavior the PPP can suddenly be accepted is a joke.

The PPP cannot even accept its own racist past.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I am glad Mr Jagdeo has expressed disapproval of racist comments by people who claim to be PPP supporters. .


I will look forward to your response and I bet that you will NOT discuss PPP exclusion of blacks during the 2000-2015 era. It was especially bad during the Jagdeo era.   

Perhaps you missed some of my past posts between 2013 and April 2015. I had condemned the alleged killing of over 200 Afros under PPP rule. 

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I am glad Mr Jagdeo has expressed disapproval of racist comments by people who claim to be PPP supporters. .


I will look forward to your response and I bet that you will NOT discuss PPP exclusion of blacks during the 2000-2015 era. It was especially bad during the Jagdeo era.   

Perhaps you missed some of my past posts between 2013 and April 2015. I had condemned the alleged killing of over 200 Afros under PPP rule. 

You are such a ballsless traitor and pathetic whimp.  Why the hell don’t you criticize the PNC sponsored terrorist gangs slaughtering Indians?  It’s apologetic whimps like you in the PPP who left Indians at the mercy of marauding Africans.  Look at your pathetic position with this clown who was cheering on his compatriots during the killing spree!

With friends like you, Indians don’t need enemies!!

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Further, I believe that if President Cheddi Jagan were faced with a similar crime spree situation, he would have dealt with it differently. He would have requested urgent international assistance to compensate for the inadequacy/impotence of the police.

Fck what Jagan woulda, coulda, shoulda.  I have NO admiration for his appeasement so you ain't scoring points invoking that loser!  Jagan's philosophy is exactly why Blacks feel they can get away with anything against Indians.  May he RIP, but fck what he would have done....actually run like he did before.

You are pathetic, whimpy,  traitor and a coward.  My uncles referred to the likes of you with Jagan who undermined and sold them, and all Indians, out.  They were ready to duke it out with the marauding Afros but Jagan sold them out.  Maybe you are one of his "bad-ass" whimp cadre who threw their outboard engines overboard so they could not pay McKenzie/Wismar a visit after the massacres.

Coolies like you need to move off the scene and let some hard-nosed Coolies rise and take their place.  You are an sorrowful excuse, just look at your fudge-cake faggish response.  Shameful!!!

Hear this, survival is what matters!!  Indians were faced with an existential threat and they responded.  This while your whimpy self was safe and sound in the USA because of hair-trigger White cops.

I will never second guess anything the PPP and the brave bro BJ, Gajraj and others did to save the Indian masses.  In fact, had they completed the job, maybe we would never have had Lusignan.  You pathetic, whimpy sponge-cake of a man!

Did you ever see Caribj, Ronan, etc ever criticize their marauding African terrortis kith and kin.  No, they have an excuse for them and blame the Indians.  F.c.k them all, they can take their crock tears and go to hell.  I am Indo-Guyanese, I will never condone discrimination against anyone, but and I ain't going to sell out my you...bloody traitor!

Base wah rang with you, your uncles didn't tell you to respect your elders, go wash your mouth with Zex soap.

seignet posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Did jagan ever managed to pull any significant Afro support? 

what a dumb question

i suggest you cure your political illiteracy by reading up some on the actual history of the party you 'support' . . . subtracting from the dishonest hours you spend here vomiting in service to the vile race agenda of Guyana's Hindutva fringe

After the SPLIT, Blacks leff the Jaganite PPP in droves. And hostile too towards East Indians. Any cooolie was deemed a PPP operative against the well being of the Blackman. Blacks NEVER considered the PPP since and with the creation of the PNC, they had an organization of their kith and kin.

Jagan never manage to influence the Black vote, even though he begged to believe that Guyana does not have a race issue only a class struggle. Ofcourse he was a skont, all along. We Indians know for sure today, especially reading Black Bigots on this Board.

Correct Siggy.

PPP should not make the same mistake twice. Getting Blacks to vote PPP is like getting blood out of stone.

During the last election they eat PPP food and enjoyed the drinks and then put a big hole in the Cup afterwards.

Base already made the correct assessment that PPP’s path to victory lies with the other races.

The biggest fight yet will be to combat PNC rigging. Gilly and his friends sold us out by funding and supporting the PNC the last time around. 

They were extremely upset when I used to post that AFC=PNC. I was 1000 percent correct.

Jagan was commie jackass and his son is a Dopey. They left us in this mess. Nadira mouth also shut now, how come she is not speaking about AFC/PNC theft and corruption ? Are they scared of the PNC like Jagan ? They brought down the PPP and put Indos in this mess, TWICE.

Dat is one messed up family.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Gilly and his friends sold us out by funding and supporting the PNC the last time around. 

Not accurate. The AFC website had a DONATE button. I clicked it and was directed to a PayPal page. I donated a small sum as I am a poor man. I got an automatic acknowledgement from a New Jersey source. Bhai, Gilly never donated money to the PNC.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gilly and his friends sold us out by funding and supporting the PNC the last time around. 

Not accurate. The AFC website had a DONATE button. I clicked it and was directed to a PayPal page. I donated a small sum as I am a poor man. I got an automatic acknowledgement from a New Jersey source. Bhai, Gilly never donated money to the PNC.

Come on Gilly.


Same thing. Gil, did you ever ask of the AFC to provide independent audited financial statements ? Looks like dem bias took your money and ran away or it ended up in the PNC pot. 

You should demand that they reveal the name of the PayPal account and name it was sent to.

The feds might be interested in going after alleged AFC thieves.

Last edited by Former Member

Gilly wanted to see the back of Jagdeo at all costs.  Now he blame the PPP for taking measures for stopping the mass killing of Indians by PNC inspired terrorists. 

People like Gilly is the gift that keeps on giving for people like Caribj, Ronan and other apologists who prefer to shift the blame to the victims!

With friends like these, who needs enemies!

Last edited by Former Member

I find it disturbing that Gill is still giving gifts to the Ronans and Carib J of the world.

They never dare speak out against PNC apartheid, yet Gill constantly picks on his fellow Indos who are bold enough to stand up and speak out against the PNC. 

Gilly cannot Sit on both sides of the fence. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gilly and his friends sold us out by funding and supporting the PNC the last time around. 

Not accurate. The AFC website had a DONATE button. I clicked it and was directed to a PayPal page. I donated a small sum as I am a poor man. I got an automatic acknowledgement from a New Jersey source. Bhai, Gilly never donated money to the PNC.

Come on Gilly.


Same thing. Gil, did you ever ask of the AFC to provide independent audited financial statements ? Looks like dem bias took your money and ran away or it ended up in the PNC pot. 

You should demand that they reveal the name of the PayPal account and name it was sent to.

The feds might be interested in going after alleged AFC thieves.

Hey tightwad, you never donated to any political party. Had you donated a small something to the AFC, you could have demanded the FS or go to the feds. GFYS. 

yuji22 posted:

I find it disturbing that Gill is still giving gifts to the Ronans and Carib J of the world.

They never dare speak out against PNC apartheid, yet Gill constantly picks on his fellow Indos who are bold enough to stand up and speak out against the PNC. 

Gilly cannot Sit on both sides of the fence. 

Anscale fish double talks.  He pretend to become PPP after Indians have been thrown into the meat grinder.  But then he turns around and say the PPP was wrong in addressing terrorism. 

We all criticize the PPP, PNC, AFC, but there are red lines!

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gilly and his friends sold us out by funding and supporting the PNC the last time around. 

Not accurate. The AFC website had a DONATE button. I clicked it and was directed to a PayPal page. I donated a small sum as I am a poor man. I got an automatic acknowledgement from a New Jersey source. Bhai, Gilly never donated money to the PNC.

Come on Gilly.


Same thing. Gil, did you ever ask of the AFC to provide independent audited financial statements ? Looks like dem bias took your money and ran away or it ended up in the PNC pot. 

You should demand that they reveal the name of the PayPal account and name it was sent to.

The feds might be interested in going after alleged AFC thieves.

Hey tightwad, you never donated to any political party. Had you donated a small something to the AFC, you could have demanded the FS or go to the feds. GFYS. 

I am sure that the Feds might be interested in the person or persons accepting Papal donations. Was this a scam ?

Why has the AFC refused to provide independent audited financial statements ?

Where did Gilly’s donation end up ?


yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gilly and his friends sold us out by funding and supporting the PNC the last time around. 

Not accurate. The AFC website had a DONATE button. I clicked it and was directed to a PayPal page. I donated a small sum as I am a poor man. I got an automatic acknowledgement from a New Jersey source. Bhai, Gilly never donated money to the PNC.

Come on Gilly.


Same thing. Gil, did you ever ask of the AFC to provide independent audited financial statements ? Looks like dem bias took your money and ran away or it ended up in the PNC pot. 

You should demand that they reveal the name of the PayPal account and name it was sent to.

The feds might be interested in going after alleged AFC thieves.

Hey tightwad, you never donated to any political party. Had you donated a small something to the AFC, you could have demanded the FS or go to the feds. GFYS. 

I am sure that the Feds might be interested in the person or persons accepting Papal donations. Was this a scam ?

Why has the AFC refused to provide independent audited financial statements ?

Where did Gilly’s donation end up ?


What does this have to do with Jagdeo's racist rhetoric towards black people?


AFC conned a bunch of people and cannot account for PayPal donations from a NJ account ?

Where are the independent audited financial statement ? 

Answer those and we can chat again. 

What a bunch of alleged criminals ! No wonder we read about million dollar curass. Alleged crooks !

Ayou rass were accusing the PPP theft while you guys are a bunch of alleged organised conmen ?

Post the independent audited financial statements or just go in a corner.

That is just like the accord which Garner told you guys to take it and wipe all you rear with it.


Last edited by Former Member

baseman in witness protection on this thread HIDING FROM ME . . . reduced to picking fite with Gilbakka over Indo 'manliness'

the testosterone-challenged yuji22 is he hi-stepping, cheerleading section

the banna calling meh name in vain (from the safety of afar), regaling all who would listen with tales of his brave, stud "uncles" who wanted suh bad to "duke it out" with blackman in 1964 but were held back by CBJ from riding their speedboats into Wismar/Mackenzie to teach dem bannas dere a lesson

baseman coward and liard like he "uncles"

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I repeat: Cheddi Jagan taught us to put Class above Race. 


He should have practiced what he preached.  He presided over an Indian party and was happy with that as it guaranteed electoral victories. 

I agree on this.  After 1992, I never saw concrete steps to reach out.  Then he and his wife left the problem for bj and others to deal with.  And the rest is history.

Gilbakka posted:

Perhaps you missed some of my past posts between 2013 and April 2015. I had condemned the alleged killing of over 200 Afros under PPP rule. 

I do recall your anger at Jagdeo.  I don't recall you condemning the fact that the roots of exclusion of blacks by the PPP lies in its behavior between 1961 and 1964 and continued again after 1992. 

While Jagdeo was considerably worse he wouldn't have gotten away with it had exclusion of blacks from leadership roles not been a corner stone of the post 1957 PPP.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Perhaps you missed some of my past posts between 2013 and April 2015. I had condemned the alleged killing of over 200 Afros under PPP rule. 

I do recall your anger at Jagdeo.  I don't recall you condemning the fact that the roots of exclusion of blacks by the PPP lies in its behavior between 1961 and 1964 and continued again after 1992. 

While Jagdeo was considerably worse he wouldn't have gotten away with it had exclusion of blacks from leadership roles not been a corner stone of the post 1957 PPP.

You should cuddle Gilly, he is your ally you did not know you have!  He will give you your best talking points against Indians!   Stop pouting!

yuji22 posted:

I find it disturbing that Gill is still giving gifts to the Ronans and Carib J of the world.

They never dare speak out against PNC apartheid, 

Carib and ronan have spoken out against the Burnham regime.  There is NO ONE here who endorses Burnham.  You can peddle your fake news as you wish.

You do nothing other than groveling to whoever runs the PPP and wailing with delight every time Jagdeo kicks your behind.


Gilly didn't join the PPP in 1969 because of Race but because of Ideology. That was the same year the PPP adopted Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of the working class. To hell with Race. Never did I pledge allegiance to one race in Guyana. On the contrary, I pledged allegiance to the working class of all races in Guyana and the World who must unite in solidarity and struggle for genuine socialism. This has been my political conviction for the past 49 years and counting. No apology to anyone.

Gilbakka posted:

Gilly didn't join the PPP in 1969 because of Race but because of Ideology. That was the same year the PPP adopted Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of the working class. To hell with Race. Never did I pledge allegiance to one race in Guyana. On the contrary, I pledged allegiance to the working class of all races in Guyana and the World who must unite in solidarity and struggle for genuine socialism. This has been my political conviction for the past 49 years and counting. No apology to anyone.

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gilly didn't join the PPP in 1969 because of Race but because of Ideology. That was the same year the PPP adopted Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of the working class. To hell with Race. Never did I pledge allegiance to one race in Guyana. On the contrary, I pledged allegiance to the working class of all races in Guyana and the World who must unite in solidarity and struggle for genuine socialism. This has been my political conviction for the past 49 years and counting. No apology to anyone.

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

This guy is a joke and so disingenuous.  He so committed he even named his kids after Marxist while the jagan’s did not.  And he ran to the West!

Prior to 2015 He was vehemently anti BJ wanting to see his back at all costs.  Now he totally pro BJ, all in.

What does he really stand for?  He goes wherever the wind takes him.  


Listen to Mr Perfect we all made mistakes some are courageous to admit  others too weak to admit. But to use this forum to lambasting a fellow poster shows immaturity . Use your talent and create your own post let's scrutinize the present administration in Guyana other than coming after posters that did well serving their country. The Question is What have you done lately. 


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