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Mars posted:

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

Firstly, Mars, I discovered that what had obtained in the USSR & Eastern Europe wasn't genuine socialism but totalitarian Stalinism. Thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Secondly, all capitalist countries are class societies with working class populations and socialist groups & parties. In the US, Bernie Sanders campaigned on a socialist platform for the Democratic party's presidential nomination and nearly got it. Also in the US there is an International Socialist Organization, a Socialist Equality Party, a Communist Party etc. Here in Canada I have always voted for the socialist New Democratic Party. The NDP is Ontario's official opposition party. There are other socialist groups like International Socialist Canada, Fightback etc which operate openly & legally. 

Capitalism is a global system that gave birth to a global working class. Capitalists move from country to country and workers likewise move from country to country. Karl Marx wrote Das Capital in England and promoted socialism from there through the International Working Men's Association aka First International. It's not necessary for a worker to live in a so-called communist country.

Today many people of various political stripes concede that the capitalist system is not everlasting. It will eventually come to an end like slavery, feudalism, British empire, Roman empire etc. Already many liberals are talking about a post-capitalist world. Some of us call that future world socialist but any other name will work.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

Firstly, Mars, I discovered that what had obtained in the USSR & Eastern Europe wasn't genuine socialism but totalitarian Stalinism. Thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev.

What nonsense!!  So who is/was "genuine" Socialist, Jagan (s), Burnham, Castro, Che,.... who???   Gorbachev brought the hoax [you followed your whole life] to an end after it went bankrupt!  You, and people like Rudy J, believed in it and was willing to die for it.  You even named your kids after Commie personalities.

If you followed it all your life and had to be run over several times before you kech sense, if you ever did, then you ain't got it together!

Both my parents, god rest their souls, told us (as kids) Jagan is a Commie Dummy wuss detrimental to Indians.  He (Alyuh) know to cuss White man and run when Black man skin their teeth!

As I said before, foolish man does in the end what wise man did at the beginning!

Why should anyone follow your political assessment on anything?  Because of alyuh two-bit Commie wanabees, Indians paid a high price and experienced multi-generational gut-wrenching suffering!

Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

Firstly, Mars, I discovered that what had obtained in the USSR & Eastern Europe wasn't genuine socialism but totalitarian Stalinism. Thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Secondly, all capitalist countries are class societies with working class populations and socialist groups & parties. In the US, Bernie Sanders campaigned on a socialist platform for the Democratic party's presidential nomination and nearly got it. Also in the US there is an International Socialist Organization, a Socialist Equality Party, a Communist Party etc. Here in Canada I have always voted for the socialist New Democratic Party. The NDP is Ontario's official opposition party. There are other socialist groups like International Socialist Canada, Fightback etc which operate openly & legally. 

Capitalism is a global system that gave birth to a global working class. Capitalists move from country to country and workers likewise move from country to country. Karl Marx wrote Das Capital in England and promoted socialism from there through the International Working Men's Association aka First International. It's not necessary for a worker to live in a so-called communist country.

Today many people of various political stripes concede that the capitalist system is not everlasting. It will eventually come to an end like slavery, feudalism, British empire, Roman empire etc. Already many liberals are talking about a post-capitalist world. Some of us call that future world socialist but any other name will work.

When did genuine socialism ever exist? You were indoctrinated into the socialist ideology by those who filled your head with, by your own admission, "totalitarian Stalinism". So you gave most of your adult life to chasing after a system that never existed and devoted yourself to one that you now despise. You must have felt like a fool after you realized that you were bamboozled into believing a load of poop and having such deep conviction to it.

You ranted and protested for years against The West after you read that they were on trial. Canada is a Capitalist Western Democracy and you chose to live there over many other Socialist countries where the system of government is closer to the ideology you believe in. Is it because you'd rather fill your belly with the fruits of Capitalism and you didn't want to live the struggle that you pretended to believe in? Reeks of hypocrisy to me. 


Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

Firstly, Mars, I discovered that what had obtained in the USSR & Eastern Europe wasn't genuine socialism but totalitarian Stalinism. Thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Secondly, all capitalist countries are class societies with working class populations and socialist groups & parties. In the US, Bernie Sanders campaigned on a socialist platform for the Democratic party's presidential nomination and nearly got it. Also in the US there is an International Socialist Organization, a Socialist Equality Party, a Communist Party etc. Here in Canada I have always voted for the socialist New Democratic Party. The NDP is Ontario's official opposition party. There are other socialist groups like International Socialist Canada, Fightback etc which operate openly & legally. 

Capitalism is a global system that gave birth to a global working class. Capitalists move from country to country and workers likewise move from country to country. Karl Marx wrote Das Capital in England and promoted socialism from there through the International Working Men's Association aka First International. It's not necessary for a worker to live in a so-called communist country.

Today many people of various political stripes concede that the capitalist system is not everlasting. It will eventually come to an end like slavery, feudalism, British empire, Roman empire etc. Already many liberals are talking about a post-capitalist world. Some of us call that future world socialist but any other name will work.

When did genuine socialism ever exist? You were indoctrinated into the socialist ideology by those who filled your head with, by your own admission, "totalitarian Stalinism". So you gave most of your adult life to chasing after a system that never existed and devoted yourself to one that you now despise. You must have felt like a fool after you realized that you were bamboozled into believing a load of poop and having such deep conviction to it.

You ranted and protested for years against The West after you read that they were on trial. Canada is a Capitalist Western Democracy and you chose to live there over many other Socialist countries where the system of government is closer to the ideology you believe in. Is it because you'd rather fill your belly with the fruits of Capitalism and you didn't want to live the struggle that you pretended to believe in? Reeks of hypocrisy to me. 


Frankly, as I discovered, genuine socialism has never existed. It remains an Ideal worth striving for. For me, that is not foolhardy. For two millennia billions of Christians have believed that Jesus Christ will come again and so they keep the faith. Are they foolhardy? I think not. One should have an Ideal in life. For 49 years my Ideal is Socialism. I have not lost faith in something that will come after capitalism, be it centuries from today.

Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:

If your conviction was so strong, you should have gone to a country that practices Marxist-Leninist ideology. Why did you come to the West and enjoy the fruits of a free market system? You should have gone to North Korea or Cuba and not the West that your Comrade Leader railed and ranted against for most of his adult life, especially after he was brainwashed and pu55y whipped by Janet the Commie.

Firstly, Mars, I discovered that what had obtained in the USSR & Eastern Europe wasn't genuine socialism but totalitarian Stalinism. Thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Secondly, all capitalist countries are class societies with working class populations and socialist groups & parties. In the US, Bernie Sanders campaigned on a socialist platform for the Democratic party's presidential nomination and nearly got it. Also in the US there is an International Socialist Organization, a Socialist Equality Party, a Communist Party etc. Here in Canada I have always voted for the socialist New Democratic Party. The NDP is Ontario's official opposition party. There are other socialist groups like International Socialist Canada, Fightback etc which operate openly & legally. 

Capitalism is a global system that gave birth to a global working class. Capitalists move from country to country and workers likewise move from country to country. Karl Marx wrote Das Capital in England and promoted socialism from there through the International Working Men's Association aka First International. It's not necessary for a worker to live in a so-called communist country.

Today many people of various political stripes concede that the capitalist system is not everlasting. It will eventually come to an end like slavery, feudalism, British empire, Roman empire etc. Already many liberals are talking about a post-capitalist world. Some of us call that future world socialist but any other name will work.

When did genuine socialism ever exist? You were indoctrinated into the socialist ideology by those who filled your head with, by your own admission, "totalitarian Stalinism". So you gave most of your adult life to chasing after a system that never existed and devoted yourself to one that you now despise. You must have felt like a fool after you realized that you were bamboozled into believing a load of poop and having such deep conviction to it.

You ranted and protested for years against The West after you read that they were on trial. Canada is a Capitalist Western Democracy and you chose to live there over many other Socialist countries where the system of government is closer to the ideology you believe in. Is it because you'd rather fill your belly with the fruits of Capitalism and you didn't want to live the struggle that you pretended to believe in? Reeks of hypocrisy to me. 


Frankly, as I discovered, genuine socialism has never existed. It remains an Ideal worth striving for. For me, that is not foolhardy. For two millennia billions of Christians have believed that Jesus Christ will come again and so they keep the faith. Are they foolhardy? I think not. One should have an Ideal in life. For 49 years my Ideal is Socialism. I have not lost faith in something that will come after capitalism, be it centuries from today.

Alyuh old commies living a hopeless dream after putting the masses through an endless nightmare. 

Alyuh deserve being tossed into the garbage bin of history. How pathetic, live a life running after a mirage, now you still waiting for America to fall.  

And you second guessing the actions of the PPP and BJ in addressing the murderous 2000s.  Go sit in a corner and let real people run the show. 

Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
When did genuine socialism ever exist? You were indoctrinated into the socialist ideology by those who filled your head with, by your own admission, "totalitarian Stalinism". So you gave most of your adult life to chasing after a system that never existed and devoted yourself to one that you now despise. You must have felt like a fool after you realized that you were bamboozled into believing a load of poop and having such deep conviction to it.

You ranted and protested for years against The West after you read that they were on trial. Canada is a Capitalist Western Democracy and you chose to live there over many other Socialist countries where the system of government is closer to the ideology you believe in. Is it because you'd rather fill your belly with the fruits of Capitalism and you didn't want to live the struggle that you pretended to believe in? Reeks of hypocrisy to me. 


Frankly, as I discovered, genuine socialism has never existed. It remains an Ideal worth striving for. For me, that is not foolhardy. For two millennia billions of Christians have believed that Jesus Christ will come again and so they keep the faith. Are they foolhardy? I think not. One should have an Ideal in life. For 49 years my Ideal is Socialism. I have not lost faith in something that will come after capitalism, be it centuries from today.

Why are you chasing your ideal in the West after you chastised the Western system of democracy for ages? That doesn't sound ideal to me. It appears that you are either confused or you just want to sponge on the benefits of a system that you hated for all of your life. I don't care if it's 11ty billion who think that Christ is returning. They are all dead wrong because as we all know dead people do not arise from the grave after centuries of pushing up daisies. It's good to have ideals but when you have pipe dreams for ideals, you are basically wasting your life chasing after a pie in the sky. You still got lil sense though. When it comes to retirement you rass decide to throw back in the West. Screw that "On Trial" manual that filled your head with crap.

Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
When did genuine socialism ever exist? You were indoctrinated into the socialist ideology by those who filled your head with, by your own admission, "totalitarian Stalinism". So you gave most of your adult life to chasing after a system that never existed and devoted yourself to one that you now despise. You must have felt like a fool after you realized that you were bamboozled into believing a load of poop and having such deep conviction to it.

You ranted and protested for years against The West after you read that they were on trial. Canada is a Capitalist Western Democracy and you chose to live there over many other Socialist countries where the system of government is closer to the ideology you believe in. Is it because you'd rather fill your belly with the fruits of Capitalism and you didn't want to live the struggle that you pretended to believe in? Reeks of hypocrisy to me. 


Frankly, as I discovered, genuine socialism has never existed. It remains an Ideal worth striving for. For me, that is not foolhardy. For two millennia billions of Christians have believed that Jesus Christ will come again and so they keep the faith. Are they foolhardy? I think not. One should have an Ideal in life. For 49 years my Ideal is Socialism. I have not lost faith in something that will come after capitalism, be it centuries from today.

Why are you chasing your ideal in the West after you chastised the Western system of democracy for ages? That doesn't sound ideal to me. It appears that you are either confused or you just want to sponge on the benefits of a system that you hated for all of your life. I don't care if it's 11ty billion who think that Christ is returning. They are all dead wrong because as we all know dead people do not arise from the grave after centuries of pushing up daisies. It's good to have ideals but when you have pipe dreams for ideals, you are basically wasting your life chasing after a pie in the sky. You still got lil sense though. When it comes to retirement you rass decide to throw back in the West. Screw that "On Trial" manual that filled your head with crap.

The man seh he prepare to wait centuries for his system to come.   That Banna full of crap πŸ’©!  Me never see so much stupitness. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Everyone needs to be reminded that only 2500 or so votes separated the PPP and PNC the last time.

The only option for the PNC to win in 2020 is to rig.

What you failed to factor in is the new voters come 2020 elections.The 2500 voters should not be used as a benchmark.

The Coalition don't have to rig to win the 2020 elections.

Huh? What you talkin' about Willis?


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