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Former Member
APNU 42.6%;   PPP 37.5%;   AFC 12.8%; undecided 7.1%.
APNU gained 1.4%;   PPP 2.2%;    AFC lost 1.8% 
Question! Which of the three leaders ( Donald Ramotar, David Granger, Khemraj Ramjattan)  is best equipped to lead the country? Respondents:
Granger 48.8%; Ramotar 32.5%; Ramjattan 7.8%; undecided 10.9%.
Question! Which of the three leaders (Donald Ramotar, David Granger, Khemraj Ramjattan) you trust the most to run the country? Respondents:
Granger 44.4%; Ramjattan 26.3%; Ramotar 24.6%; undecided 4.7%.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

hahaha hee hee all you want at the end of the day dats your own numbers staring you in your face reverse. Go do your homework.

De seh all skin teeth is na joke. You go cry fuh wan laang time afta nex eleckshion. 

fool after the next election you will tear up your guyana passport you will never ever go back to guyana unless you may want to go and visit your friends in 12 camp st

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

And the authentic result of the polls on election day ...


PPP/C with more than 51% of the votes.

So your projection is down from 60% to 51%?



Perhaps, you believe that you are a teacher/lecturer in a classroom.


I was hoping you would be teacher or lecturer. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

And the authentic result of the polls on election day ...


PPP/C with more than 51% of the votes.

So your projection is down from 60% to 51%?



Perhaps, you believe that you are a teacher/lecturer in a classroom.


I was hoping you would be teacher or lecturer. 

If wishes were horses he would be a jockey.




I believe the current power-struggle in the AFC between the Indians and Africans will not only result in the dissolution of the party but will send a bad message to the Guyanese populace about the risks involved in jumping on the bandwagon of new parties. The AFC has exhausted its little political capital by foolishly playing tit-for-tat politics in the parliament. This does not bode well for a party that proudly declared itself independent from the PPP and the PNC during the election campaign. Supporters of the AFC have been deceived and they will show it at the polls when they vote at the next general elections 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I believe the current power-struggle in the AFC between the Indians and Africans will not only result in the dissolution of the party but will send a bad message to the Guyanese populace about the risks involved in jumping on the bandwagon of new parties. The AFC has exhausted its little political capital by foolishly playing tit-for-tat politics in the parliament. This does not bode well for a party that proudly declared itself independent from the PPP and the PNC during the election campaign. Supporters of the AFC have been deceived and they will show it at the polls when they vote at the next general elections 

Your premise is of course grounded in the politics of race. You see allegiance to party as grounded on cultural allegiance to kind. A person in their life if the think will disagree even with their siblings profoundly.


It is not normal for a party to have the same people and move them around as deck chairs  from year to year like the PPP has. That is an aberration. Every system  has a restructuring and the bringing in of new components. That is the normal course of things.


That you feel not similar need to write on the PPP who are has Misir, Maniram, etc in additional to some really nasty thugs of the PNC ers in their ranks as murtis is what I find astounding. But some of us are sheep by nature and you fall into that conceptual basket.




You sound like a screechy radio broadcast that baffles the listener. Very little eloquence and alot of noise guised under phoney intellectualism.

Go with this type of intellectual gibberish to the nine tribes of Guyana and you will come under attack with arrows, spears, and blow pipes. I beg you please stay on the GNI net for safety.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You sound like a screechy radio broadcast that baffles the listener. Very little eloquence and alot of noise guised under phoney intellectualism.

Go with this type of intellectual gibberish to the nine tribes of Guyana and you will come under attack with arrows, spears, and blow pipes. I beg you please stay on the GNI net for safety.

I am certain those who listen with their hearts and senses get what I say. I am happy you give a glimpse of the inner workings of your mind if you see is as non intellectual gibberish speakers relegated to equally racist metaphorical slings as carriers of "bows and arrows and blow pipes". I wonder if I should ask if you and your family still participate in communal shitting?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I resort to communal shittings when I visit the Amerindian side of family since Comudees (ananconda) have been found in their bathrooms on numerous occasions.

Of course it has to be the Amerind side and not the Indian side where even today we find 60 Percent of India not using public bathrooms but the roadsides and the bushes.


India is making giant strikes towards modernization. They have attracted the attention and admiration of modern day greats like Bill Gates. The same cannot be said of Latin AMerica. India has its problems like sanitation. It's awful!!!. No one denies that.  Education coupled with economic development is what will change the present conditions in India. They are moving along nicely.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

India is making giant strikes towards modernization. They have attracted the attention and admiration of modern day greats like Bill Gates. The same cannot be said of Latin AMerica. India has its problems like sanitation. It's awful!!!. No one denies that.  Education coupled with economic development is what will change the present conditions in India. They are moving along nicely.

The point is not where they are going but who and what you are from that you so willfully see fit to recaste us as the subaltern and backward others..your sudras

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If we are sudras what do you call those Indians in AFC? Why don't join a movement like the Aryan nation that calls for racial purity?  Sudras are not good enough for you. 

Did I say they were not? Did I say sudras has any meaning except as a lable that captures the oppression of one human group over another? Who the hell cares about racial purity except racist? Race is a non informational word where it matters, biology.  Humans are so genetically intermingled you may find it easier to find a neanderthal gene in any of us than any other identifying characteristics

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

India is making giant strikes towards modernization. They have attracted the attention and admiration of modern day greats like Bill Gates. The same cannot be said of Latin AMerica. India has its problems like sanitation. It's awful!!!. No one denies that.  Education coupled with economic development is what will change the present conditions in India. They are moving along nicely.


Here is your modern India. Thank God my ancestors left that hell hole.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:

It seems like Dr TK, Dr Rose and Dr Mukraj tool 1.4% votes to APNU. They will bring another 8%. 

Similarly, the PPP/C will gain 4% more that in the 2011 elections.

hmmmmm.  Why I wonder.


More Indians have left and more OPENLY criticize the PPP.


And blacks continue to be vocally opposed to the PPP, which they consider to be Indo Nazi.  Indeed it appears as if Ramotar is even MORE racist than Jagdeo was.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

India is making giant strikes towards modernization. They have attracted the attention and admiration of modern day greats like Bill Gates. The same cannot be said of Latin AMerica.

India's growth has now stalled because of its backwardness.  Brazil continues to move forward.  More Latin Americans who the tools and skills to enter the middle class than is the case for India.


And yes given the low caste status of your ancestors and the fact that6 they came mainly from the poorest regions I suggest that they made agood decision when they decided to flee.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

And the authentic result of the polls on election day ...


PPP/C with more than 51% of the votes.

Now i know that even you believe that the PPP will remain a minority govt.  Lasst time you screamed 60%.  Now you murmur 50.1%.


Maybe that poll is right.

More than 51% ... read carefully.


What do you expect to find in a poor nation with over a billion people? Put those people those same people in an environment of opportunity and they progress beyond belief.  Indians have made progress all over the world including in India itself. China has its share of the dirty poor too. The laws in China does not allow anyone without a job to live any of China's modern cities. In India, it is constitutional rights of the poor to venture everywhere. It's sad situation. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
APNU 42.6%;   PPP 37.5%;   AFC 12.8%; undecided 7.1%.
APNU gained 1.4%;   PPP 2.2%;    AFC lost 1.8% 
Question! Which of the three leaders ( Donald Ramotar, David Granger, Khemraj Ramjattan)  is best equipped to lead the country? Respondents:
Granger 48.8%; Ramotar 32.5%; Ramjattan 7.8%; undecided 10.9%.
Question! Which of the three leaders (Donald Ramotar, David Granger, Khemraj Ramjattan) you trust the most to run the country? Respondents:
Granger 44.4%; Ramjattan 26.3%; Ramotar 24.6%; undecided 4.7%.

This is the PPP/C secret poll.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

And the authentic result of the polls on election day ...


PPP/C with more than 51% of the votes.

Now i know that even you believe that the PPP will remain a minority govt.  Lasst time you screamed 60%.  Now you murmur 50.1%.


Maybe that poll is right.

More than 51% ... read carefully.



Last time yo0u bellowed more than 60%.  The PPP got 49%.  So if your predictions hold then you really expect the PPP to get around 40%.



When you PPPItes stop thinking that only Indians live in Guyana then maybe you can then with confidence think that a 51% win is guaranteed.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
APNU 42.6%;   PPP 37.5%;   AFC 12.8%; undecided 7.1%.
APNU gained 1.4%;   PPP 2.2%;    AFC lost 1.8% 
Question! Which of the three leaders ( Donald Ramotar, David Granger, Khemraj Ramjattan)  is best equipped to lead the country? Respondents:
Granger 48.8%; Ramotar 32.5%; Ramjattan 7.8%; undecided 10.9%.
Question! Which of the three leaders (Donald Ramotar, David Granger, Khemraj Ramjattan) you trust the most to run the country? Respondents:
Granger 44.4%; Ramjattan 26.3%; Ramotar 24.6%; undecided 4.7%.

This is the PPP/C secret poll.

Poor PPP.  Thanks to former PPP supporters like you defecting, and the fact that they finally acknowledge their failure to get significant African.mixed votes, and the unreliability of Amerindians (difficult terrain in regions 1, 7-9, mean that voter turnout is low), they now do not know what to do.



Last time they screamed 60% landslide.  Now they are merely content to squeak sufficient votes to win back parliamentary control.


Also you seem immune to their attempts to scare you with the race card, or attempting to brand you as a traitor.  More confusion for them.


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