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Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 3:
Which of the three leaders do you think would not discriminate against anyone because of their race, religion or party contacts?  
Nagamootoo 36.3%; Ramotar 27.2%; Granger 25.7% undecided 10.8.%.

This shows that more than 74 percent of the people do not trust Granja and they think he will establish Afro-Guyanese hegmony over the nation like what Burnham did.


NO one got a job during the PNC days under Burham without a party card.


So the few Hindus that got by in those days HAD TO JOIN THE PNC PARTY and swear allegience to Congress Place.


Now these crazy cat want to preach to us about PNC part 1 and PNC part 2.  LOL

Originally Posted by KishanB:

By ethnically balancing the army and Police.

So here is what we do.  Ethnically balance Regent Street as well.


Sounds ridiculous? 


Well so is ethnically balancing the armed forces.  The PPP has been in power for 22 years so its obvious that Indians have no interest in/aptitude for that line of occupation.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Now that Baseboard has been disposed of, let us get down to these poll numbers from Gallup.  Jailil what is your advice for the afc.  Carib your for the pnc.  Who gives a sh:t about the ppp.

Oyye sicko, answer my query, did you not predict the AFC 35%, PPP 35% and PNC 25% in the 2011 election.  I think your algorithm which predict your outcomes are as unhinged as you are.

I called the 2011 since around August.  I knew that the PPP would win, but get less than half, and I predicted that the PNC would keep their base because the AFC was ignoring it.


Next step.  PPP loses MORE of their base, some merely refusing to vote.


Next election PPP 45%, PNC 43% AFC 12%.


Ramotar will scream at Lumumba, McCoy, McLean and Nascimento wanting to know why the "good" money that the PPP paid them for their rigging expertise wasn't working.


Nehru, skeldonman, cobra, conscience and others start howling at the moon and immediately flee to India, knowing that with that trend the PNC will take over in 2021.  All those who now scream "ahbe pan man time done" will be SILENT!

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This is why the PPP shall not hold any elections until 2016 - they shall loses the majority in the local government elections.

Then they will not hold LGE even then because the days of PPP parliamentary control are pretty much done!


Their nightmare will be THOUSANDS coming out to Granger in Rose Hall.  NOT to protest, but to listen!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Question 3:
Which of the three leaders do you think would not discriminate against anyone because of their race, religion or party contacts?  
Nagamootoo 36.3%; Ramotar 27.2%; Granger 25.7% undecided 10.8.%.

This shows that more than 73 percent of the people do not trust Ramotar and they think he will establish Indo-Guyanese hegmony over the nation like what Jagdeo did.


NO one got a job during the PPP days under Jagdeo without a PYO card.


So the few non PYO members that got by in those days HAD TO JOIN THE PPP PARTY and swear allegience to Freedom House.


Now these crazy cat want to preach to us about PNC part 1,PNC part 2.  and PNC part 3 which began when Jagdeo took over. LOL  Folks look at the PNC, and they look at the PPP and they don't know the difference.

Just an adjustment.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

HOT off the PPP press.  DONE by the GAP pollster from Canada.  -


MAY 2014


We have interviewed 1,544 individuals for this poll.   
Question 1:
If an election is held today, which party would you vote for?
PPP 40.7%;   APNU 34.8%;  AFC 17.6%; undecided 6.9%.

Clearly showing five more years of DONALD.


The man went on a diet since he preparing for five more years.

Likely more wishful thinking by the people.  They may like to see this, but most of the AFC will go PPP.


Next election:  PPP: 56%, PNC 41%, AFC: 3%.


Remember this in 2016.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

HOT off the PPP press.  DONE by the GAP pollster from Canada.  -


MAY 2014


We have interviewed 1,544 individuals for this poll.   
Question 1:
If an election is held today, which party would you vote for?
PPP 40.7%;   APNU 34.8%;  AFC 17.6%; undecided 6.9%.

Clearly showing five more years of DONALD.


The man went on a diet since he preparing for five more years.

Likely more wishful thinking by the people.  They may like to see this, but most of the AFC will go PPP.


Next election:  PPP: 56%, PNC 41%, AFC: 3%.


Remember this in 2016.

Base, let us humbly agree to disagree.  2016 will tell.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Likely more wishful thinking by the people.  They may like to see this, but most of the AFC will go PPP.


Next election:  PPP: 56%, PNC 41%, AFC: 3%.


Remember this in 2016.

The likely ethnic mix of the voters will be Indians 45%, Africans 32%, Mixed 13%, and Amerindians 10%.


The APNU/AFC take over 90% of the African and mixed voters and split the Amerindians votes with the PPP.


So where is this 56% going to come from.  Even in a year when blacks stayed home, 2006, the PPP got 54%.  Now that the Indian population is smaller and less enamored by the PPP, the young mixed population is reaching voting age, and they plus the African vote remain hostile to the PPP, they will be lucky to make 49%.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Likely more wishful thinking by the people.  They may like to see this, but most of the AFC will go PPP.


Next election:  PPP: 56%, PNC 41%, AFC: 3%.


Remember this in 2016.

The likely ethnic mix of the voters will be Indians 45%, Africans 32%, Mixed 13%, and Amerindians 10%.


The APNU/AFC take over 90% of the African and mixed voters and split the Amerindians votes with the PPP.


So where is this 56% going to come from.  Even in a year when blacks stayed home, 2006, the PPP got 54%.  Now that the Indian population is smaller and less enamored by the PPP, the young mixed population is reaching voting age, and they plus the African vote remain hostile to the PPP, they will be lucky to make 49%.

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If there is a significant number of Brazilians in Guyana who are eligible to vote in our elections then it would be wise to recruit local leaders to harness those votes. 

Most of them will not vote.  Why should they?  If the vote PPP and it loses the APNU will target them, and if they vote AFC and the PPP wins, they will be targets too.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
. The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

The AFC ignored the black vote,  especially at the grass roots, and indeed one of them made very snotty and snobbish remarks about van drivers, who play a huge role in the urban male black employment base.  This further convinced this group that the AFC was a "red and potagee" party.  I told GR this and eventually he admitted that they made an error, by assuming that they already had some black/mixed support so could focus only on the Indian vote.


They made the same tactical error that Kari and Chief make.  As they focused exclusively on the Indian vote, and ignored the black grass roots vote. APNU came up and snapped that group up, given that they are the ones most aggrieved by the PPP.  Nigel Hughes did become popular with that group, but they began to use him too late in the campaign.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.

Every word out of baseman's mouth is about Indians, and then he is going to imply that he doesn't understand the fact of race in Guyana.  You frame the demand for guarantees to reflect the Indian anxiety, then you claim that you are race neutral!!


Did you frame the debate about the nexus between a government in power and drug lords and their use of rogue cops and soldiers?  No because you view those thugs as "saviors".


I see that when you talk about Indians, it isn't racial talk.  It only becomes so when we expand the conversation to be about blacks.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 .  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  .

In 1970 the Indian population was 52%.  The black was 32% and the mixed was 11%.  Black and mixed was therefore 43%.


By 1991 the black population remained at 32% and the mixed increasing to 13%.  Black and mixed was 45%.  Given that no one born after 1993 was able to vote in 2011, we can use the 1991 numbers to approximate what the voting age population is.


At no point in Guyana's post independence era has the black and the mixed ever been 50%.


You need to accept the fact that the bulk of the black/mixed votes have ALWAYS gone to the PNC.  This is why the PNC has been capped at 41%.  That is their base.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.

Every word out of baseman's mouth is about Indians, and then he is going to imply that he doesn't understand the fact of race in Guyana.  You frame the demand for guarantees to reflect the Indian anxiety, then you claim that you are race neutral!!


Did you frame the debate about the nexus between a government in power and drug lords and their use of rogue cops and soldiers?  No because you view those thugs as "saviors".


I see that when you talk about Indians, it isn't racial talk.  It only becomes so when we expand the conversation to be about blacks.

you liar, I always spoke of ethnic security issues and the need for a credible and potent opposition who could replace the incumbent Govt.  Only then you get true accountability.


Baseman is an Indian at heart, but baseman don't believe the PPP always serve the interest of the Indians just as you don't believe the PNC always served the interest of the Afros.  Baseman believes the PNC has a lot to offer all Guyanese if only we can be for sure, if they get in, they can get out by the will of the people. So far, I'm not convinced that's the PNC's ideas.

Originally Posted by baseman:

you liar, I always spoke of ethnic security issues and the need for a credible and potent opposition who could replace the incumbent Govt.  Only then you get true accountability.


Baseman is an Indian at heart, but baseman don't believe the PPP always serve the interest of the Indians just as you don't believe the PNC always served the interest of the Afros.  Baseman believes the PNC has a lot to offer all Guyanese if only we can be for sure, if they get in, they can get out by the will of the people. So far, I'm not convinced that's the PNC's ideas.



When I talk ethnic insecurity issues I address BOTH sides.  Your focus is on the paranoia of the 70s.  Basically the Indo ethnic anxiety as many blacks look at the era between 1966 and 1976 as the best days ever for them.


Why no mention of a lawless regime which works with drug lords who then subcontract their duties of protecting them to criminals and renegade cops and soldiers?  This is really the biggest threat to Guyana in the 21st century.  Socialism is dead so a narcostate is a greater possibility than what ever you might describe Burnham's regime of being.



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.


Excellent summary of what Caribny is all about.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.


Excellent summary of what Caribny is all about.

some serious Freudian projection in play here by the open and the closeted Indian hegemonists

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

you liar, I always spoke of ethnic security issues and the need for a credible and potent opposition who could replace the incumbent Govt.  Only then you get true accountability.


Baseman is an Indian at heart, but baseman don't believe the PPP always serve the interest of the Indians just as you don't believe the PNC always served the interest of the Afros.  Baseman believes the PNC has a lot to offer all Guyanese if only we can be for sure, if they get in, they can get out by the will of the people. So far, I'm not convinced that's the PNC's ideas.



When I talk ethnic insecurity issues I address BOTH sides.  Your focus is on the paranoia of the 70s.  Basically the Indo ethnic anxiety as many blacks look at the era between 1966 and 1976 as the best days ever for them.


Why no mention of a lawless regime which works with drug lords who then subcontract their duties of protecting them to criminals and renegade cops and soldiers?  This is really the biggest threat to Guyana in the 21st century.  Socialism is dead so a narcostate is a greater possibility than what ever you might describe Burnham's regime of being.



Understand my comment, I'm not talking up or down any regime, I'm telling you the facts and the concerns of the average Indian.  You and your cohorts will not be allowed to re-enslave the Indian with impunity.  It is the likes of you who keep the PPP in power, and frankly, it's understandable.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.


Excellent summary of what Caribny is all about.

some serious Freudian projection in play here by the open and the closeted Indian hegemonists

You are awaiting the hay-day for the return of the PNC so you can live out your parents dreams.  Unfortunately, biology will not be that patient.  You see, you have to sit and complain for quite a few more election cycles.  You bloody racist.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.


Excellent summary of what Caribny is all about.

some serious Freudian projection in play here by the open and the closeted Indian hegemonists

You are awaiting the hay-day for the return of the PNC so you can live out your parents dreams.  Unfortunately, biology will not be that patient.  You see, you have to sit and complain for quite a few more election cycles.  You bloody racist.

"heyday" u illiterate . . . like i told you "HEYDAY"!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.


Excellent summary of what Caribny is all about.

some serious Freudian projection in play here by the open and the closeted Indian hegemonists

You are awaiting the hay-day for the return of the PNC so you can live out your parents dreams.  Unfortunately, biology will not be that patient.  You see, you have to sit and complain for quite a few more election cycles.  You bloody racist.

"heyday" u illiterate . . . like i told you "HEYDAY"!

Hey banna, you ain't gon get yuh day.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It seems you are very wrong, to date the PNC never managed over 41% meaning, the PPP taking the lion's share of the mixed votes.  For years the Black and Mixed together was over 50%.  The AFC's biggest boost in 2011 was from Nagamootoo and in thinking the young blacks will come over too.  They were wrong, and now everybody back in their "home" under the Palm tree or into the Cup.

In the 2001 election the PPP won 52% of the votes.  The Indian population is now smaller, and many are no longer voting PPP like slaves.


The African vote is 32% and the .mixed population in the 1991 census was 12%. 


In order to be old enough to have voted in 2011 one would have had to have been born before 1993, so that high (17%) number indicated in the 2002 doesn't represent the % of voting age people who identify as mixed.


So taken together the black and the mixed voting age population is around 45%, about the same as the Indian voting age population.  Even if the Indians who normally voted PPP, and who voted AFC last time, there are still not enough votes for a PPP 56% share. Their best showing was in 2006 when massive numbers of black/mixed voters stayed home, angry with Corbin for drinking PPP soup.


With every one, including the PPP, smelling PPP vulnerability APNU will definitely get its base out, as will the AFC.  Problem is whether the PPP base might feel that motivated to vote, given its obvious increasing ambivalence to the PPP.  The PPP is trying its usual "friken black man" politics.  The question will be whether your average voter, who by 2016, will have been born after Rodney's, will care about dredging up Burnham era demons.  A teacher reported that a child didn't know who Rodney is.  in a few years there will be a large cohort who will not care any more about Burnham than they will about Critchlow.  He will be a mere historic figure.


Reading between the lines or your comments, clearly you are infatuated by race politics.  You count the day when "race" get's the PNC back in power.  Baseman on the other hand, believes certain guarantees of non-abuse of power, is willing to give the "other side" a chance.  You are a blind and shameless racist.  It is the likes of you who keep ethnic voting alive and well.  You cuss them but you are in the heart of the radical PNC.


Excellent summary of what Caribny is all about.

some serious Freudian projection in play here by the open and the closeted Indian hegemonists

You are awaiting the hay-day for the return of the PNC so you can live out your parents dreams.  Unfortunately, biology will not be that patient.  You see, you have to sit and complain for quite a few more election cycles.  You bloody racist.

"heyday" u illiterate . . . like i told you "HEYDAY"!

Hey banna, you ain't gon get yuh day.

did u look up the word, or you waiting fuh nite skool?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Understand my comment, I'm not talking up or down any regime, I'm telling you the facts and the concerns of the average Indian. 

So you are entitled to talk about the average Indian, but when I talk about the average black I am racist according to you and your fellow Indianist buddy Kari who screams that the PNC must pander to Indian concerns and perceptions, and any one who says that black concerns and perceptions must be addressed is a racist.


Well you Kari and the rest of you Indoists can continue to engage in your ethnocentricity operating with the notion that 43% of the population are more important than the rest.


I have come to the conclusion that we have two factions here.  Indocentric people who worship the PPP as it is, and those who worship it as it used to be.  What BOTH groups agree on is that the views and perspectives of blacks is UNIMPORTANT, and only Indians matter. 


Neither group are interested in a complete solution of Guyana's ethnic insecurity dilemma.  They have an interest on in what concerns the Indian.  So if some one reminds them that not only Indians live in Guyana BOTH unite and call those people racist.


Good to know.  Like they see the enemy of your enemy isn't necessarily your friend.

Last edited by Former Member

Bseman to REDUX ak Tyrone Kemraj.


ou are awaiting the hay-day for the return of the PNC so you can live out your parents dreams.  Unfortunately, biology will not be that patient.  You see, you have to sit and complain for quite a few more election cycles.  You bloody racist.







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