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Originally posted by lynn:
asj bhaiya and freaky/riya
do u know these songs..can u get them??

koi koi aadmi diwana hota hai ?? (from movie sweetheart???

raaste ka pathar kismat na mujhe ....title song

these r 2 nice Mukesh songs buti cant find on MIO

lynn, the song raaste ka pathar was recorded for the movie Andaz but was deleted. I don't have it and may be hard to find. Will do a search.
Originally posted by asj:
No problems guys, the song is really nice, but if we cannot find, then we substitute another Wink

A couple of songs we will not find or if we do find, we might not be able to locate the lyrics,
those we will leave for last and if we still cannot find.......then we substitute.
. least we have koyi koyi addmi now!! gotlyrics from Oldie_fan
Originally posted by lynn:
Originally posted by asj:
Sad, or Anyone we need the lyrics for
Please help. Thanks.

asj bhaiya..from iTRANs

Asj, Lynn I tried with it. Hope it's OK. Saaed bhai, plaese make any corrections. Please excuse any errors.

jinake hiraday shrii raam base.n

The Intro is a sankrit prayer taken from the Vedas.

tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva
You are our Mother and our Father
tvameva bandhushcha sakhaa tvameva
You are our Relative and our Friend
tvameva vidyaa draviNa.n tvameva
You are Wisdom and Wealth
tvameva sarva.n mama deva deva
You are Everything! Oh my Lord!

jinake hiraday shrii raam base.n
In whose hearth the Lord resides
un aur ko naam liyo na liyo
Whatever name you call him, it does not matter
jinake hiraday shrii raam base.n
un aur ko naam liyo na liyo
jinake hriaday shrii raam

koii maa.Nge ka.nchan sii kaayaa
Some ask for a beautiful body
koii maa.Ng rahaa prabhu se maayaa
Some ask for wealth
koii punya kare koii daan kare
Some do good deeds, some give donations
koii daan kaa roz bakhaan kare
Some talk every day about the gifts they gave
jin kanyaadhan ko daan diyo \-2
Those who have given a Kanyaa (daughter, virgin , maiden, lass) gift
un aur ko daan diyo na diyo
Is one of the greatest gift (for his salvation???), no other gifts matter
jinake hiraday shrii raam

koii ghar me.n baiThaa naman kare
Some offer salutations by sitting in their homes
koii harimandir me.n bhajan kare
Some sing a bhajan (hymn) in the lord's temple
koii ga.ngaa\-jamanaa snaan kare
Some bathe in the Ganga or Jamuna rivers
koii kaashii jaakar dhyaan dhare
Some go to Kaashi and meditate

jin maatu\-pitaa kii sevaa kii \- 2
Those who serve their mother and father is the greatest service
un tiirath\-snaan kiyo na kiyo
Performing pilgrimage or bathing or not does not matter
jinake hiraday shrii raam base.n un
aur ko naam liyo na liyo
jinake hiraday shrii raam
thnx sad..
saeed doesnt know sanskit ( so he said)
at leasst we now have an idea what it means..
whenever PG responds..will send his trans for u smile..(he said he will look into it later becos he is bz at the moment..)
thnx again
it's # 42 in our Mukesh thread!

maybe u can add some more Bhajans SUNG BY MUKESH on the if u can find the song link with lyrics and trans..
im sure asj bhaiya will be overjoyed for yr contribution in this area...
Originally posted by lynn:
Originally posted by Riya:

lynn, the song raaste ka pathar was recorded for the movie Andaz but was deleted. I don't have it and may be hard to find. Will do a search.

it says it is the title song on Mukesh u know the movie, RAASTE KA PATHAR??

Yeah, I saw that movie too....long time back. With AB and Satruhan Sinha I think.
Originally posted by Riya:

it says it is the title song on Mukesh u know the movie, RAASTE KA PATHAR??

Yeah, I saw that movie too....long time back. With AB and Satruhan Sinha I think.[/QUOTE]

gyal me only know de song..
and coem to think ofit..i can imagine shotgun singing this song!!
u mussie use to live ah de cinema in GY
tell me 1 movie name u nah know?? oh boy oh boy!!!
ah whe yuh bin ah get taytah bill from everyday?? or u used to sell channa outside and pope de cinema??
cleveru ah de expert gyal!!!lol
Thanks Sad, good to know who to come to if I am stumped with the orthodox sanskrit again... I made a couple of minor changes which I hope you will approve of.. Lynn I mailed it to you and ASJ bhai with other stuff.

Off for a valima dinner (gawd .. don't understand why it has to be so late at night) .. . and its a working day tomorrow... grrr
Originally posted by Saeed:
Thanks Sad, good to know who to come to if I am stumped with the orthodox sanskrit again... I made a couple of minor changes which I hope you will approve of.. Lynn I mailed it to you and ASJ bhai with other stuff.

Off for a valima dinner (gawd .. don't understand why it has to be so late at night) .. . and its a working day tomorrow... grrr

ok thnx mere dost!

what i s a VALIMA dinner..??? dunno
listen ..u need to explain yr pakistani culture here..we nah psychic u know!!! clever
u need to teach us a lilbit about things that go on overthere...ahrite!! Roll Eyes

and is why u stuffing yuslef up suh late at nite??? Big Grin Wink lol
..u already seh yuh gat 380lbs!!! dunno
u need fuh excercise some self control mere dost!!!!

ok ok..
well, let us know alld e yummy things u comsumed at yuh dinnah!!! Wink
Originally posted by Riya:
lol I lived next door to the cinema, gyal. Every Thursday double I'm there. Meh mother use to tell me if only meh been tek meh school wuk like dah, I would have been a scholar! Big Grin Big Grin

I use to collect meh lil freck from meh daddy if meh pull grey hair and walk on his back Big Grin Big Grin

ah c!!
yuh bin ah hardwuking pickney..
de lawd bless yuh me sis!! teking care ah de ole man since yuh sml..
de man mussie ball head now..all dem hair yuh pull out.. Big Grin Wink
Originally posted by lynn:
ah c!!
yuh bin ah hardwuking pickney..
de lawd bless yuh me sis!! teking care ah de ole man since yuh sml..
de man mussie ball head now..all dem hair yuh pull out.. Big Grin Wink

De man was smart den, he nah had grey hair so you had to search and search and by then he fall asleep. Now he moh smart, he ah dye he hair! clever Big Grin Big Grin

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