I never knew Manhar was his son. Babla Mehta of Babla & Kanchan fame? Davendra and Prakash came very close to Mukesh. After a Davendra concert here, an Indian woman ran up to him and hugged him, praising him that he sounded just like Mukesh. I didn't know he was in Guyana in '67, must have been a huge event.quote:Originally posted by asj:
The great singer had many imitators who strived to emulate the melancholy and pathos of his voice. The notables among them include Manhar and Babla Mehta from India, Neil Persad of Trinidad and our very own Prakash Gossai, Davendra Pooran and Kumar It was Kumar who won the first Mukesh singing competition held in Guyana in 1981.
Mukesh made several overseas concert tours â to Africa, England, USA, Canada and Surinam. He came to Guyana in 1967 and performed at the Queen's College auditorium to an appreciative audience.
Joan (Guest)
Joan (Guest)
Stardust Magazine, 1976.quote:Originally posted by Chief:
Source please
Joan (Guest)
In high school, my best friend loved Mukesh for his pathos and I loved Rafi for his happy and upbeat songs. We used to have very heated debates about who sang better!quote:Originally posted by lynn:
see what i meant about some of Mukesh's songs being too sad????
....i used to love all of his songs as i was growing up as a kid and young woman...
later, as i began to understand the language (and see the movies)..i didnt like to listen to some of them...
this is a perfect example!!!

Former Member
At the age of 17, Mukesh came to Bombay. His good looks inspired film-makers to cast him as a singing hero. He acted in Nirdosh, Sukh Dukh, Aadaab Arz and Mashooqa. Unfortunately, he was not successful as a hero but his singing was noticed first in Dil bujha ho to fasale-bahar kya from Nirdosh and later on in Moorti when he sang for Moti Lal. However, Mukesh took music lovers by surprise when he copied Saigal while singing Dil jalta hai to jalne de aansoon na baha faryad na kar in Pehli Nazar. Even Saigal was taken in and exclaimed "But I do not remember singing this song". Mukesh met Raj Kapoor for the first time at Ranjit Studio on the sets of Bansri. Mukesh sang for Raj Kapoor in his first film Neel Kamal. Raj Kapoor realised that he could achieve stardom if Mukesh sang for him. Later on in Aag, Barsaat, and Aawara, Mukesh rendered songs for Raj Kapoor. Soon it became evident that both were made for each other. Mukesh was Raj Kapoor's voice in the RK productions as well as some other banners.
The 1954-56 span was the leanest period for Mukesh. This was a phase in which nothing he did was right. Mukesh compounded his mistakes by venturing into production. His decision to produce his own film Anuraag was an unfortunate one. Indeed, things came to such a pass that he had to withdraw his children from school. To keep his home fires burning Mukesh was compelled to sing in an advertisement.
At the age of 17, Mukesh came to Bombay. His good looks inspired film-makers to cast him as a singing hero. He acted in Nirdosh, Sukh Dukh, Aadaab Arz and Mashooqa. Unfortunately, he was not successful as a hero but his singing was noticed first in Dil bujha ho to fasale-bahar kya from Nirdosh and later on in Moorti when he sang for Moti Lal. However, Mukesh took music lovers by surprise when he copied Saigal while singing Dil jalta hai to jalne de aansoon na baha faryad na kar in Pehli Nazar. Even Saigal was taken in and exclaimed "But I do not remember singing this song". Mukesh met Raj Kapoor for the first time at Ranjit Studio on the sets of Bansri. Mukesh sang for Raj Kapoor in his first film Neel Kamal. Raj Kapoor realised that he could achieve stardom if Mukesh sang for him. Later on in Aag, Barsaat, and Aawara, Mukesh rendered songs for Raj Kapoor. Soon it became evident that both were made for each other. Mukesh was Raj Kapoor's voice in the RK productions as well as some other banners.
The 1954-56 span was the leanest period for Mukesh. This was a phase in which nothing he did was right. Mukesh compounded his mistakes by venturing into production. His decision to produce his own film Anuraag was an unfortunate one. Indeed, things came to such a pass that he had to withdraw his children from school. To keep his home fires burning Mukesh was compelled to sing in an advertisement.
Reds (Guest)
Mukesh is a trully talented artist......his voice touches your heart and all songs are very memorable.
i grew up listening to alot of Muk's songs. I am really enjoyin this thread...asj, lynn and saeed. Keep it up!
i grew up listening to alot of Muk's songs. I am really enjoyin this thread...asj, lynn and saeed. Keep it up!
Saeed (Guest)
Joan ...
Chal Akeyla.............Sambandh
chal akelaa, chal akelaa, chal akelaa
go alone, go alone, go alone
teraa melaa piichhe chhuuTaa raahii chal akelaa
your fair got left behind, traveller, go alone
hazaaro.n miil lambe raaste tujhako bulaate
paths thousands of miles long beckon to you
yahaa.N dukha.De sahane ke vaaste tujhako bulaate
to bear great many griefs, they beckon to you
hai kaun saa vo i.nsaan yahaa.N pe jis ne dukh naa jhelaa
who is such a man here who has not borne grief
chal akelaa ...
go alone
teraa koI saath na de to tuu khud se priit jo.D le
if no one comes with you, learn to love yourself
bichhaunaa dharatii ko karake are aakaash o.Dh le
let the earth be your bed and wear the sky as your cover
puuraa khel abhii jiivan kaa tuune kahaa.N hai khelaa
the full game of life, you have not yet played
chal akelaa ...
go alone
Chal Akeyla.............Sambandh
chal akelaa, chal akelaa, chal akelaa
go alone, go alone, go alone
teraa melaa piichhe chhuuTaa raahii chal akelaa
your fair got left behind, traveller, go alone
hazaaro.n miil lambe raaste tujhako bulaate
paths thousands of miles long beckon to you
yahaa.N dukha.De sahane ke vaaste tujhako bulaate
to bear great many griefs, they beckon to you
hai kaun saa vo i.nsaan yahaa.N pe jis ne dukh naa jhelaa
who is such a man here who has not borne grief
chal akelaa ...
go alone
teraa koI saath na de to tuu khud se priit jo.D le
if no one comes with you, learn to love yourself
bichhaunaa dharatii ko karake are aakaash o.Dh le
let the earth be your bed and wear the sky as your cover
puuraa khel abhii jiivan kaa tuune kahaa.N hai khelaa
the full game of life, you have not yet played
chal akelaa ...
go alone
Saeed (Guest)
Mujh ko is raat ki tanhai mein awaaz na do
ibtida-e-ishq mein hum sari raat jaagey
Allah janey kya ho ga aagey

ps: email lyrics to me for translation - i will email back with translations. I suggest you create a folder for request emails and another folder for translations ... remember to remove the completed song from the first folder
Mujh ko is raat ki tanhai mein awaaz na do
ibtida-e-ishq mein hum sari raat jaagey
Allah janey kya ho ga aagey

ps: email lyrics to me for translation - i will email back with translations. I suggest you create a folder for request emails and another folder for translations ... remember to remove the completed song from the first folder
Joan (Guest)
Asj and Saeed, many thanks. Today that dear lady will be buried and it's election day in Guyana, very symbolic. She and her family have always been active in politics and helping the less fortunate in Guyana. May she rest in peace, the earth is now her bed and the sky her cover...
Saeed (Guest)
so sad, Joan.
Former Member
My ole man was a bigger fan of Rafi...while I enjoyed Mukesh more...
Lots of Guyanese picked sides because of religion

Lots of Guyanese picked sides because of religion

Former Member
Thats so not true, Raymond!
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by Riya:
Thats so not true, Raymond!
where yuh from?

gurl, if it's not Afro/Indo in Guyana...it would be Muslim/Hindu

but I'll leave this for anadda day

Former Member
Please do

FYI, I'm from Berbice. My neighborhood was majority hindu and I can almost swear that Rafi was the more popular singer for them. So there goes your theory about religion

FYI, I'm from Berbice. My neighborhood was majority hindu and I can almost swear that Rafi was the more popular singer for them. So there goes your theory about religion

Former Member
you got the last word 

Former Member
That sound so familiar 
Thank you!

Thank you!

Former Member
Today, I feel sad about the fact that people compare me to my father. My father was a legend, and legends do not lend themselves to comparison. If I had replaced my father in the minds of the people, you would not have been here to interview me about him. Instead, you would talk to me about my work, my songs. As an artiste, I feel my father is irreplaceable.
Mukesh (third from left) with friends
He did not mind me singing any of his songs, except for Jane kahan gaye woh din on which there was a blanket ban. I remember the first time I sang this song -- it was 22 years ago, on August 25. He was on stage in Toronto, singing this song, when he began to feel very uncomfortable. So he asked me to complete the last couplet. I was surprised, but did what he said. Even Lataji was present on the stage.
Today, I feel sad about the fact that people compare me to my father. My father was a legend, and legends do not lend themselves to comparison. If I had replaced my father in the minds of the people, you would not have been here to interview me about him. Instead, you would talk to me about my work, my songs. As an artiste, I feel my father is irreplaceable.
Mukesh (third from left) with friends
He did not mind me singing any of his songs, except for Jane kahan gaye woh din on which there was a blanket ban. I remember the first time I sang this song -- it was 22 years ago, on August 25. He was on stage in Toronto, singing this song, when he began to feel very uncomfortable. So he asked me to complete the last couplet. I was surprised, but did what he said. Even Lataji was present on the stage.
Former Member
Little did I realise then that the world had witnessed his last performance.
On August 27, 1976, we were busy preparing for the show in Detroit. He had just woken up from his siesta, and complained of feeling uncomfortable. At 4.30 pm, he told me to call a doctor. He did not want me to inform Lataji, who was also part of the show that was scheduled for 6 pm. Even in that condition, he was considerate about her feelings -- he did not want her to be upset.
I did not know what to do. I was alone and terribly frightened. I started crying because I could not bear to see his state. He tried to assure me that nothing would go wrong. At the same time, he was very insistent that Lataji should not be disturbed. But I did not know who else to run to for help.
Lataji rushed to help us. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, he did not pull through. And he passed away when the clock ticked 5.50 at Detroit. Thus ended the saga of a legend called Mukesh Chand Mathur, the boy who came to Bombay at the age of 16. Today, his voice reigns in houses, coffee shops and dhabas all over India. He is still alive, 22 years after his death, in the sheer magic of his voice.
As told to Syed Firdaus Ashraf
Little did I realise then that the world had witnessed his last performance.
On August 27, 1976, we were busy preparing for the show in Detroit. He had just woken up from his siesta, and complained of feeling uncomfortable. At 4.30 pm, he told me to call a doctor. He did not want me to inform Lataji, who was also part of the show that was scheduled for 6 pm. Even in that condition, he was considerate about her feelings -- he did not want her to be upset.
I did not know what to do. I was alone and terribly frightened. I started crying because I could not bear to see his state. He tried to assure me that nothing would go wrong. At the same time, he was very insistent that Lataji should not be disturbed. But I did not know who else to run to for help.
Lataji rushed to help us. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, he did not pull through. And he passed away when the clock ticked 5.50 at Detroit. Thus ended the saga of a legend called Mukesh Chand Mathur, the boy who came to Bombay at the age of 16. Today, his voice reigns in houses, coffee shops and dhabas all over India. He is still alive, 22 years after his death, in the sheer magic of his voice.
As told to Syed Firdaus Ashraf
Former Member
I did not know what to do. I was alone and terribly frightened. I started crying because I could not bear to see his state. He tried to assure me that nothing would go wrong. At the same time, he was very insistent that Lataji should not be disturbed. But I did not know who else to run to for help.
I did not know what to do. I was alone and terribly frightened. I started crying because I could not bear to see his state. He tried to assure me that nothing would go wrong. At the same time, he was very insistent that Lataji should not be disturbed. But I did not know who else to run to for help.
Former Member
quote:Amongst his contemporaries, my father's favourite singer was Mohammed Rafi. He loved Rafisaab's voice, and believed that nobody could replace him.
My father belonged to an era that boasted of many talented singers. It was a time when you could not say one singer was better than the other. Just as each singer had his strengths, so also each singer had his weaknesses. My father was a very gifted singer, I believe this talent was God's gift to him. Besides, he was also blessed with good luck.
Former Member
Nitin said it best
They are both in a class of their own and truly blessed.

BK (Guest)
yesterday, 27th August was the 30th death anniversary of the late Mukesh. In honor of his memory here is my tribute.
(1923 - 1976)
August 27 is the date of his death anniversary.
Jagte Raho ~~ that is, Always Be Awake (1956) (Mukesh) Zindagi Khwab Hai
*ing Raj Kapoor, Nargis, Pradeep Kumar
Chorus (repeat)
zindagi khwab hai
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
~~ sab sach hai!
zindagi khwab hai
dil ne hum se jo kahaa
hum ne vaisaa hee kiya
phir kabhi fursat se soch henge
buraa thaa yaa bhalaa
Repeat chorus
ek ki kataraa mein kajab
patthar ke ho toe phar phara
uskay seenay mein bhi dil dharka
ye usnay bhi kahaa ~~ kyaa!
Repeat chorus
ek pyare bhar ke mein
gham ke maare dil ko dee
zahar ne maaraa zahar ko
murade mein phir jaan aga yah
Repeat chorus
(1923 - 1976)
August 27 is the date of his death anniversary.
Jagte Raho ~~ that is, Always Be Awake (1956) (Mukesh) Zindagi Khwab Hai
*ing Raj Kapoor, Nargis, Pradeep Kumar
Chorus (repeat)
zindagi khwab hai
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
~~ sab sach hai!
zindagi khwab hai
dil ne hum se jo kahaa
hum ne vaisaa hee kiya
phir kabhi fursat se soch henge
buraa thaa yaa bhalaa
Repeat chorus
ek ki kataraa mein kajab
patthar ke ho toe phar phara
uskay seenay mein bhi dil dharka
ye usnay bhi kahaa ~~ kyaa!
Repeat chorus
ek pyare bhar ke mein
gham ke maare dil ko dee
zahar ne maaraa zahar ko
murade mein phir jaan aga yah
Repeat chorus
BK (Guest)
This is an awesome link have all of the best Mukesh
asj/Saeed would you guys mind doing the translation for the song I posted above.
asj/Saeed would you guys mind doing the translation for the song I posted above.
Former Member
Thanks Beeks, did not hear this one in a long time...nostalgic, remember back in GY had this album with Enoch Daniels or Van Shipley doing the instrumentals of this tune.
BK (Guest)
asj, you are welcome, I believe it was Daniels.
BTW can you get the english translation for me?
BTW can you get the english translation for me?
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by BK:
asj, you are welcome, I believe it was Daniels.
BTW can you get the english translation for me?
Will do later:

Former Member
When Mukesh came out first and sang "din jalta hain tu jalne do"
On hearing this song KL Saigal commented "but I can't remember recording this song"
The voice was identical to KL, I thought this one has also that KL stamp to it.
Kuch Shair Sunata Hoon Main:
On hearing this song KL Saigal commented "but I can't remember recording this song"

The voice was identical to KL, I thought this one has also that KL stamp to it.
Kuch Shair Sunata Hoon Main:
BK (Guest)
thanks asj, am trying to remember one of Mukesh's hits from the early 70s, one of my teacher in school sang the song during a school concert and since then I was hooked on that song -- very very nostalgic.
when I remember it will post the link.
when I remember it will post the link.
Saeed (Guest)
BK ... I think we missed a verse at the end - can't confirm from the link - the last stanza is not sung..
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
in a dream, whats a lie
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
and who knows whats the truth
~~ sab sach hai!
everything is true!
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
dil ne hum se jo kahaa
what the heart dictated to me
hum ne vaisaa hee kiya
I did just that
phir kabhi fursat se soch henge
some time in leisure I will evaluate
buraa thaa yaa bhalaa
was it bad or did I do good
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
in a dream, whats a lie
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
ek kataraa mei ka jab
a drop of wine when
patthar ke hotoe par para
dripped on the lips of the stone
uskay seenay mein bhi dil dharka
in its bossom did beat the heart
ye usnay bhi kahaa ~~ kyaa!
and he too said .. What!
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
in a dream, whats a lie
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
ek pyala bhar ke mei
a cup full of wine
gham ke maare dil ko dee
I gave to the grieving heart
zahar ne maaraa zahar ko
one poison neutralised the other
murade mein phir jaan aga yah
the dead body came alive again
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
in a dream, whats a lie
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
and who knows whats the truth
~~ sab sach hai!
everything is true!
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
dil ne hum se jo kahaa
what the heart dictated to me
hum ne vaisaa hee kiya
I did just that
phir kabhi fursat se soch henge
some time in leisure I will evaluate
buraa thaa yaa bhalaa
was it bad or did I do good
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
in a dream, whats a lie
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
ek kataraa mei ka jab
a drop of wine when
patthar ke hotoe par para
dripped on the lips of the stone
uskay seenay mein bhi dil dharka
in its bossom did beat the heart
ye usnay bhi kahaa ~~ kyaa!
and he too said .. What!
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
khwab mein jhoot kyaa
in a dream, whats a lie
aur bhalaa sach hai kyaa ...
zindagi khwab hai
Life is a dream
ek pyala bhar ke mei
a cup full of wine
gham ke maare dil ko dee
I gave to the grieving heart
zahar ne maaraa zahar ko
one poison neutralised the other
murade mein phir jaan aga yah
the dead body came alive again
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by lynn:
Jis Galimen Tera Ghar [ Lyrics ]
This is a great song, lynn.
BK (Guest)
thanks saeed, that song just tug at the heart strings (at least for me) and the meaning makes it even more evocative.
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by asj:quote:It was Kumar who won the first Mukesh singing competition held in Guyana in 1981.
West Demerara Guy, very good singer.
This Kumar guy Did he walk with a limp? if that is so then i know him. He got married to a girl from Lenora.
BK (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by bird:
This Kumar guy Did he walk with a limp? if that is so then i know him. He got married to a girl from Lenora.
Nah I don't think so, and its Leonora bird

Former Member
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by bird:quote:Originally posted by asj:quote:It was Kumar who won the first Mukesh singing competition held in Guyana in 1981.
West Demerara Guy, very good singer.
This Kumar guy Did he walk with a limp? if that is so then i know him. He got married to a girl from Lenora.
I think he was from Lenora or Cathrina, not certain; but he certainly could sing a Mukesh song..........always clashes with another West Dem......Mohan Nandu: who won the Mukesh competition a couple of times.
Former Member
quote: Lynn
Jane Na Nazar
Movie Name : Aah (1953)
Singer : Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh
Music Director : Shankar-Jaikishan
Lyrics : Hasrat Jaipuri
JAANE NA NAZAR.............AAH
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know him, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mera ang ang muskaaya)2
My every limb thrills to him.
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know him, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mera ang ang muskaaya)2
My every limb thrills to him.
aawaaz yeh kiskii aatii hai
Whose voice is this that calls out,
jo chherke dil ko jaatii hai
who, having teased my heart, departs?
aawaaz yeh kiskii aatii hai
Whose voice is this that calls out,
jo chherke dil ko jaatii hai
who, having teased my heart, departs?
main sunke jise sharmaa jaa'uun
Whom, having heard, I grow bashful?
hai kaun jo mujh mein samaaya
Who is he who has settled into me?
(mera ang ang muskaaya...)2
My every limb thrills...
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know her, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mujhe roz roz tarpaaya )2
Every day she torments me...
Dhuun dhenge use ham taaron mein
I'll look for her in the stars,
saavan kii Thandhii bahaaroon mein
in the cool rains of the spring.
Dhuun dhenge use ham taaron mein
I'll look for her in the stars,
saavan kii Thandhii bahaaroon mein
in the cool rains of the spring.
par ham bhii kisii se kam to nahin kyon ruup ko apne chhupaaya
For why should I hide my form from anyone?
(mujhe roz roz tarpaaya )2
Every day she torments me...
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know him, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mera ang ang muskaaya)2
bin dekhe jisko pyaar karuu.n
He whom I love without having ever seen him,
gar dekhuu.n usko jaan bhii duu.n
I'd give my life to see him.
bin dekhe jisko pyaar karuu.n
He whom I love without having ever seen him,
gar dekhuu.n usko jaan bhii duu.n
I'd give my life to see him.
ek baar kaho o jaaduugar yeh kaunsa khel rachaaya
Tell me just once, o magician, what game have you set in motion?
(mera a.ng a.ng muskaaya...)2
My every limb thrills to it...
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
The one my glance doesn't know, but my heart recognizes,
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart,
(mera a.ng a.ng muskaaya)2
Jane Na Nazar
Movie Name : Aah (1953)
Singer : Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh
Music Director : Shankar-Jaikishan
Lyrics : Hasrat Jaipuri
JAANE NA NAZAR.............AAH
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know him, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mera ang ang muskaaya)2
My every limb thrills to him.
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know him, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mera ang ang muskaaya)2
My every limb thrills to him.
aawaaz yeh kiskii aatii hai
Whose voice is this that calls out,
jo chherke dil ko jaatii hai
who, having teased my heart, departs?
aawaaz yeh kiskii aatii hai
Whose voice is this that calls out,
jo chherke dil ko jaatii hai
who, having teased my heart, departs?
main sunke jise sharmaa jaa'uun
Whom, having heard, I grow bashful?
hai kaun jo mujh mein samaaya
Who is he who has settled into me?
(mera ang ang muskaaya...)2
My every limb thrills...
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know her, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mujhe roz roz tarpaaya )2
Every day she torments me...
Dhuun dhenge use ham taaron mein
I'll look for her in the stars,
saavan kii Thandhii bahaaroon mein
in the cool rains of the spring.
Dhuun dhenge use ham taaron mein
I'll look for her in the stars,
saavan kii Thandhii bahaaroon mein
in the cool rains of the spring.
par ham bhii kisii se kam to nahin kyon ruup ko apne chhupaaya
For why should I hide my form from anyone?
(mujhe roz roz tarpaaya )2
Every day she torments me...
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
My eyes don't know him, but my heart recognizes
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart.
(mera ang ang muskaaya)2
bin dekhe jisko pyaar karuu.n
He whom I love without having ever seen him,
gar dekhuu.n usko jaan bhii duu.n
I'd give my life to see him.
bin dekhe jisko pyaar karuu.n
He whom I love without having ever seen him,
gar dekhuu.n usko jaan bhii duu.n
I'd give my life to see him.
ek baar kaho o jaaduugar yeh kaunsa khel rachaaya
Tell me just once, o magician, what game have you set in motion?
(mera a.ng a.ng muskaaya...)2
My every limb thrills to it...
jaane na nazar pahachaane jigar
The one my glance doesn't know, but my heart recognizes,
yeh kaun jo dil par chhaaya
the one who has enchanted my heart,
(mera a.ng a.ng muskaaya)2
Former Member
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lynn:
[b]Jaoon Kahan Bata
Movie Name : Choti Bahen (1959)
Singer : Mukesh
Music Director : Shankar-Jaikishan
Lyrics : Shailendra
jaauu.n kahaan bataa ai dil
duniya bari hai sangadil
chandan Ai ghar jalane
sujhe na koI manzil
jaauun kahaan bataa ai dil
ban ke tute yahaan, Arazu ke mahal
ye zamein, Asamaan, bhi gae hain badal
kahati hai zindagi, is jahaan se nikal
jaauun kahaan bataa ai dil ...
hay is par to, Aansuon ki dagar
jane us par kya, hai kise ye khabar
Thokarein, kha rahi, har kadam par nazar
jaauun kahaan bataa ai dil
[b]Jaoon Kahan Bata
Movie Name : Choti Bahen (1959)
Singer : Mukesh
Music Director : Shankar-Jaikishan
Lyrics : Shailendra
jaauu.n kahaan bataa ai dil
duniya bari hai sangadil
chandan Ai ghar jalane
sujhe na koI manzil
jaauun kahaan bataa ai dil
ban ke tute yahaan, Arazu ke mahal
ye zamein, Asamaan, bhi gae hain badal
kahati hai zindagi, is jahaan se nikal
jaauun kahaan bataa ai dil ...
hay is par to, Aansuon ki dagar
jane us par kya, hai kise ye khabar
Thokarein, kha rahi, har kadam par nazar
jaauun kahaan bataa ai dil
lynn (Guest)
RIYA..which movie is this from..?
also i cant open this link!
i didnt find this song in MIO..does it have another title??
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
i believe it's from Darinda Lynnie, the song was realeased after his death
try it now;Chahe_Aaj_Mujhe
kudos lil bro...got it!
we r wrking on the lyrics and trans ie Riya's request..
Main har ek pal and Jis Gali ..
and Chahe aaj..

Former Member
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:quote:Originally posted by lynn:quote:
RIYA..which movie is this from..?
also i cant open this link!
i didnt find this song in MIO..does it have another title??
i believe it's from Darinda Lynnie, the song was realeased after his death
try it now;Chahe_Aaj_Mujhe
Thanks, sweets. You're truly my hero

Did you try the other one? Please do, and fix it if it doesn't work. Thanks! Smooches!
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
yall check out dis site;
a very nice collection of pics, song listing, interviews etc
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by Riya:
Did you try the other one? Please do, and fix it if it doesn't work. Thanks! Smooches!
im trying to find the lyrics for Chahe aaj mujhe..
sent the lyrics for the other 2 to saeed for trans..

lynn (Guest)
both of them..it'sa duet bai!!!
Former Member
Former Member
In our list we will try to get MP3 quality songs; also we will try to get about 10-15 Duets with Mukesh/Lata and if possible another 5-10 Mukesh/Asha or Mukesh and other singers:
So far we have selected 10 Songs; 90 more to go:
So far we have selected 10 Songs; 90 more to go:

lynn (Guest)
awesome..2 great singers..their voices blending so sweetly...

Former Member
Can you edit this to add the movie names for me please?
the first one is Khabi Khabi and the 2nd one is Darinda. Thanks!
Former Member
I know, I know!
Former Member
Yeah, dat's why I didn't give the answer. Meh feel like dem kid with dem hand up in the air...me me me! 

Former Member
Give her some time... she musse busy
Former Member
Stay safe.

Stay safe.
Former Member
I wonder if you guys are thinking about these,

rafi & mukesh
saat ajube is duniya men === dharamveer
jatta aayi vaisakhi === imaan dharam
badi door se aye hai === samjhota
saal mubharak === do jasoos
saathi mere saathi === aahuti [with lata]
The one that I like is in the Rafi Thread "Ramayya Vastavaya" listen to the beauty of Mukesh Voice in the Last Verse........really sweet:

rafi & mukesh
saat ajube is duniya men === dharamveer
jatta aayi vaisakhi === imaan dharam
badi door se aye hai === samjhota
saal mubharak === do jasoos
saathi mere saathi === aahuti [with lata]
The one that I like is in the Rafi Thread "Ramayya Vastavaya" listen to the beauty of Mukesh Voice in the Last Verse........really sweet:
Former Member
Nope asj, Kishore was the third singer in this song. Try again 

Former Member
quote:Originally posted by Riya:
Nope asj, Kishore was the third singer in this song. Try again![]()
Got me, cannot think of it right now, maybe somemore time and I will give it another try

Former Member
Take your time...it will come to you.
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by Riya:
Give her some time... she musse busy
thnx gyal
dis bai tink me sit down all day pun de computa...
likehe nah know me gat house wuk fuh do now and den..

de song from amar akbar anthony..me dont rem de name of song though..so help me out!!!
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by lynn:quote:Originally posted by Riya:
Give her some time... she musse busy
thnx gyal
dis bai tink me sit down all day pun de computa...
likehe nah know me gat house wuk fuh do now and den..
de song from amar akbar anthony..me dont rem de name of song though..so help me out!!!
Thats right even Lata Mangeshkar sang in that song Humko Tumse Hogaya Hai Pyar
Former Member
The song is Hum Ko Tum Se.
Me got to stand up for we womankind

Me got to stand up for we womankind

lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by Riya:
Winner!The song is Hum Ko Tum Se.
Me got to stand up for we womankind![]()
cheers gyal..

lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by asj:
[Thats right even Lata Mangeshkar sang in that song Humko Tumse Hogaya Hai Pyar
Humko Tumse Hogaya Hai Pyar
Singer : Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Mohd Rafi, Mukesh
Year : 1977
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by chameli:
Kabhie Kabhie url not found...
one of the most nostalgic songs...
brings back fond memories of a QC boy that i had a crush on![]()
Hi Dids should be working now.
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by chameli:quote:Originally posted by asj:
Hi Dids should be working now.
bhaiya, i must have some sorta virus or something...now that i click it shuts the whole window down![]()
I really cannot say, if it is a virus, maybe someone our BB might able to say what is the problem.

lynn (Guest)
SAEED, my freno..now thati know the meaning of this song..i loveit even more...this is one of my very fave Mukesh's songs!!!
Im 'jhooming' and 'naaching' rite now!!
and will be all day long....hehehe
Im 'jhooming' and 'naaching' rite now!!
and will be all day long....hehehe

Saeed (Guest)
I am glad Lynn. Did you see my comment at the end of Kabhi Kabhi which ASJ bhai sniped off? Even though we have heard these songs hundreds of times they still cast their spell. Dont mind telling you I became very emotional translating that song.
lynn (Guest)
no ..sorry didnt see it!
lovely duet!!
suh yuh cry and suh wen u translate de song??
awwwhhhhhhhhhh!!!so schweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!
lovely duet!!
suh yuh cry and suh wen u translate de song??
awwwhhhhhhhhhh!!!so schweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!

Saeed (Guest)

Former Member
quote:Originally posted by Saeed:
I am glad Lynn. Did you see my comment at the end of Kabhi Kabhi which ASJ bhai sniped off? Even though we have heard these songs hundreds of times they still cast their spell. Dont mind telling you I became very emotional translating that song.
Did I?

Was so sleepy, I need your comments to the trans; will input......sorry Saeed Bhai:
Saeed (Guest)
naw lol better let it go bhai. already lynn is talking baby talk to me lmbo
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by asj:
Was so sleepy, I need your comments to the trans; will input......sorry Saeed Bhai:
now! now! bhaiya..u better find de notes and include dem...!!

lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
ayou know dat saang Rukooja? pls play um fuh me tnks
lawd bai'dah waslike another natl anthem in dem rum shop!!
Ruk Ja O Janewali ( tune)
Movie Name : Kanhaiya (1959)
Ruk Jaa O Jaanewali
Here is the song 'Ruk Jaa O Jaanewali' from movie 'Kanhaiya'.
here is a portion of the lyrics and trans..
SAEED will complete for us..
Ruk Ja, Ruk Ja O Jaanewaali Ruk Ja
Stop, do stop, Lady who is leaving, do stop
Maein To Raahi Teri Manzil Ka
I am a traveller to your destinantion (which is shared, common)
Nazron Mein Teri Mein Bura Sahi
I may be a bad man in your eyes
Aadmi Bura Nahin Maein Dil Ka
But I not bad at heart
Ruk Ja...
Do stop
sounds like a RK song!

lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
tnk yuh very much Lynnie![]()
fuh once me play song fuh yuh...lol

u r most welcome!!

lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
yuh know laa kuta re? not sure of de spellin![]()
lakho tare ithink
lehme chk..
nice tune!! think its from hariyali aur rasta
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
yea lakho![]()
kuta a daag
is lakhon, then taare
here it is
Lakhon Tare Aasman Mein
Singer : Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
rant hear chune dere Lynnie, tnks
youse 2 fuh 2 today![]()

here's another of my fave..
Chandsi Mehbooba Ho Meri(HOW I LOVE THIS SONG!)
Movie Name : Himalay Ki God Mein (1965)
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
here's one of my fave, doan know de exact words but i'll tek a stab
Do Rosini Vo Pyar kalam...
One of my fave: from the movie My Love:
Vo Teri Pyar ka gam:
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
here's one of my fave, doan know de exact words but i'll tek a stab
Do Rosini Vo Pyar kalam...
Do Roz Mein Woh Pyar Ka Alam [ Lyrics ]
Movie Name : Pyar Ki Rahen (1959)
Singer : Mukesh
Music Director : Kanu Ghosh
Lyrics : Prem Dhawan
Year : 1959
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
do u know de chune Lynnie?
looks like asj bhai and I were both wrkig on yr behalf bro!!!

yeah i heard it b4..
song as old as i am..hehehe

lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by asj:
One of my fave: from the movie My Love:
Vo Teri Pyar ka gam:
1 of my fave 2!! 1 of dem songs where yuh jus shut yuh eyes and enjoy de melody!!! esp rocking in yuh hammock (like iused to do in Leg1 ...lol)
Wo Tere Pyar Ka Gham [ Lyrics ]
Movie Name : My Love (1970)
Singer : Mukesh
Music Director : Daan Singh
Lyrics : Anand Bakshi
Year : 1970
Producer : Atul Art
Director : S Sukhdev
Actors : Iftekhar, Jayant, Madan Puri, Nirupa Roy, Rajendranath, Sharmila Tagore, Shashi Kapoor
Theme : Love
Former Member
"And how can I forget what Mukesh accomplished for me in 'Andaz'," went on Dilip. "Those legendary numbers created by Naushad for Mukesh to sing for me: "Hum aaj kahin dil kho baithe", "Tu kahe agar jeevan bhar", "Toote na dil toote na", "Jhoom jhoom ke naacho aaj".
"And how can I forget what Mukesh accomplished for me in 'Andaz'," went on Dilip. "Those legendary numbers created by Naushad for Mukesh to sing for me: "Hum aaj kahin dil kho baithe", "Tu kahe agar jeevan bhar", "Toote na dil toote na", "Jhoom jhoom ke naacho aaj".
Former Member
Those Who Live In The Hearts Of Men Never Die
Vijay Kumar Dubey
I remember Mukesh in a High School in Delhi were both of us were studying. I remember him leaving for Bombay in 1940 and remember many boys from our school going to see his first film " NIRDOSH " in which he started opposite Nalini Jaywant.
I remember meeting him Bombay in 1942 where I had come to live. We become inseparables. I remember Mukesh's painful process of growth and self-discovery, the call of music, the visit to various studios to meet music directors, hours of waiting, being rejected as a '' bad singers " or " no singer " , year after year I remember seeing no bitterness in him.
When a sudden family tragedy left me, a young boy, homeless and penniless in Bombay, I remember Mukesh taking me to his one room flat at Walkeshwar and saying - " From now on this is your home and all in it is yours.
I remember a night at Chowpatty when we sat hungry, with pockets empty, and nowhere to go. The rent was not paid and the landlord would not let us enter the flat.
I remember us sharing a few rupees we would earn and remember him showing me a letter from Mazhar Art Productions offering him 250/- per song to sing for " Pehli Nazar ".
I remember Kardar studios, the musicians poised to start, maestro Anil Biswas getting ready to give the signal and sound recordist P.N. Arora starting the recording machine " Dil Jalta Hai " was recorded. A hush pervaded.
Mukesh skyrocketed to fame. I remember the arduous climb, even then, step by painful step.
I remember seeing a golden haired, blue-eyed irrepressible young man named Raj Kapoor entering the film industry, dazzling all with his brilliance and setting the industry on fire with his "Aag" I remember him meeting Mukesh.
I remember attending his 30th wedding anniversary on July 22nd,1976 and I remember being with him in a taxi to whisk away his bribe-to-be for the wedding where Motilal, Tara Harish, R.D.Mathur and so many who loved him, waited.
I remember Mukesh recording " Tulsi Ramayan " for H.M.V. and seeing him spend hours every day perfecting his pronunciations of Avadhi. I remember his heart attack in Calcutta and seeing a copy of the Ramayan under his pillow in the hospital.
I remember promising to take him to Badrinath Temple, on his return from U.S.A., as the morning in that holy temple begins with the playing of his records of " Tulsi Ramayan " . But it was not to be.
I remember him start concerts in foreign land with the song " Hum Us Desh Ke Waasi Hain, Jis Desh Main Ganga Bahti Hai ". I remember him being proud of his country and the values it represented.
I remember a plaque which he brought from America a few years ago, which still hangs in his music room at home. I remember the inscription :
That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much ;
who has gained the respect, of intelligent men and the love of children ;
who has filled his niche and accomplished his task ;
who leaves the world better that he found it, whether by an improved poppy ;
a perfect poem or a rescued soul ;
who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or filled to express it ;
who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.
Could the author have known Mukesh?
Those Who Live In The Hearts Of Men Never Die
Vijay Kumar Dubey
I remember Mukesh in a High School in Delhi were both of us were studying. I remember him leaving for Bombay in 1940 and remember many boys from our school going to see his first film " NIRDOSH " in which he started opposite Nalini Jaywant.
I remember meeting him Bombay in 1942 where I had come to live. We become inseparables. I remember Mukesh's painful process of growth and self-discovery, the call of music, the visit to various studios to meet music directors, hours of waiting, being rejected as a '' bad singers " or " no singer " , year after year I remember seeing no bitterness in him.
When a sudden family tragedy left me, a young boy, homeless and penniless in Bombay, I remember Mukesh taking me to his one room flat at Walkeshwar and saying - " From now on this is your home and all in it is yours.
I remember a night at Chowpatty when we sat hungry, with pockets empty, and nowhere to go. The rent was not paid and the landlord would not let us enter the flat.
I remember us sharing a few rupees we would earn and remember him showing me a letter from Mazhar Art Productions offering him 250/- per song to sing for " Pehli Nazar ".
I remember Kardar studios, the musicians poised to start, maestro Anil Biswas getting ready to give the signal and sound recordist P.N. Arora starting the recording machine " Dil Jalta Hai " was recorded. A hush pervaded.
Mukesh skyrocketed to fame. I remember the arduous climb, even then, step by painful step.
I remember seeing a golden haired, blue-eyed irrepressible young man named Raj Kapoor entering the film industry, dazzling all with his brilliance and setting the industry on fire with his "Aag" I remember him meeting Mukesh.
I remember attending his 30th wedding anniversary on July 22nd,1976 and I remember being with him in a taxi to whisk away his bribe-to-be for the wedding where Motilal, Tara Harish, R.D.Mathur and so many who loved him, waited.
I remember Mukesh recording " Tulsi Ramayan " for H.M.V. and seeing him spend hours every day perfecting his pronunciations of Avadhi. I remember his heart attack in Calcutta and seeing a copy of the Ramayan under his pillow in the hospital.
I remember promising to take him to Badrinath Temple, on his return from U.S.A., as the morning in that holy temple begins with the playing of his records of " Tulsi Ramayan " . But it was not to be.
I remember him start concerts in foreign land with the song " Hum Us Desh Ke Waasi Hain, Jis Desh Main Ganga Bahti Hai ". I remember him being proud of his country and the values it represented.
I remember a plaque which he brought from America a few years ago, which still hangs in his music room at home. I remember the inscription :
That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much ;
who has gained the respect, of intelligent men and the love of children ;
who has filled his niche and accomplished his task ;
who leaves the world better that he found it, whether by an improved poppy ;
a perfect poem or a rescued soul ;
who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or filled to express it ;
who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.
Could the author have known Mukesh?
Former Member
One can never forget his sad songs like " Yeh mera diwananpan hai" in "Yahudi," "Ansoo bhari hai ye jeean ki rahen" in "Parvarish," "Mujhe tum se kuchh bhi na chahiye" in "Kanhaiya," "Hum chal rahe the" in Duniya Na Mane," "Aaja re ab mera dil pukara" in "Aah," "Tum bin jeevan" in "Anita," "Aa lout ke aaja mere meet" in "Rani Roopmati," "Mere toote hue dil se" in "Chhalia," "Bhuli hui yadon" in "Sanjog," "Saranga teri yyad mein" in "Saranga," "Trei yaad dil se bhulane chala hoon" in "Hariyali Aur Rasta," "Main to ek khawab hoon" in "Himalaya Ki God Mein," "Woh subah kabhi to aayegi" in "Phir subah Hogi," " Dil dhoodata hai sahare sahare" in "Kala Aadami," "Humne apana sab kuch khoya" in "Saraswatichandra," "Sajanwa bari ho gaye hamar" and other folk-based songs in "Teesri Kasam."
Another peculiarity about Mukesh's singing lay in the great draw and haunting appeal of back-ground songs in films or those picturised on incidental characters but occurring like a voice from beyond for the unhappy in their tragic plight. there are songs like " Oh re, tall mile nadi ke jal mein" in "Anokhi Raat," "O jane wale ho sake to lout ke aana" in "Bandini," "Chal re sajni ab kya soche" in "Bambai Ka Babu," "Bahut diya dene wale ne tujhko" in "Soorat Aur Seerat" among others.
One can never forget his sad songs like " Yeh mera diwananpan hai" in "Yahudi," "Ansoo bhari hai ye jeean ki rahen" in "Parvarish," "Mujhe tum se kuchh bhi na chahiye" in "Kanhaiya," "Hum chal rahe the" in Duniya Na Mane," "Aaja re ab mera dil pukara" in "Aah," "Tum bin jeevan" in "Anita," "Aa lout ke aaja mere meet" in "Rani Roopmati," "Mere toote hue dil se" in "Chhalia," "Bhuli hui yadon" in "Sanjog," "Saranga teri yyad mein" in "Saranga," "Trei yaad dil se bhulane chala hoon" in "Hariyali Aur Rasta," "Main to ek khawab hoon" in "Himalaya Ki God Mein," "Woh subah kabhi to aayegi" in "Phir subah Hogi," " Dil dhoodata hai sahare sahare" in "Kala Aadami," "Humne apana sab kuch khoya" in "Saraswatichandra," "Sajanwa bari ho gaye hamar" and other folk-based songs in "Teesri Kasam."
Another peculiarity about Mukesh's singing lay in the great draw and haunting appeal of back-ground songs in films or those picturised on incidental characters but occurring like a voice from beyond for the unhappy in their tragic plight. there are songs like " Oh re, tall mile nadi ke jal mein" in "Anokhi Raat," "O jane wale ho sake to lout ke aana" in "Bandini," "Chal re sajni ab kya soche" in "Bambai Ka Babu," "Bahut diya dene wale ne tujhko" in "Soorat Aur Seerat" among others.
Former Member
There is something about Mukesh's voice that goes directly to your soul. What a strange co-incident that he had just finished performing "Dil Jalts Hai" when he succumbed to a heart attack. The first song that he recorded truned out to be the last one he re-recorded. A strange co-incident, indeed.
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by ksazma:
There is something about Mukesh's voice that goes directly to your soul. What a strange co-incident that he had just finished performing "Dil Jalts Hai" when he succumbed to a heart attack. The first song that he recorded truned out to be the last one he re-recorded. A strange co-incident, indeed.
Also it is a coincidence that the "Big Three" Rafi, Kishore, and Mukesh.........they all succumbed......to heart attacks.
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by asj:
This song has such great meaning. I had the jist of it but knowing it fully makes it even more special. Thanks, Saeed.
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:quote:Ek Phool Mein Tera Roop Basa Ek Phool Mein Meri Jawaani Hai
In one flower lives your beauty, in another lives my youth
wut a baad soor line dat![]()
Mus try um nah?

Newsflash, it didn't wuk fuh AB, de gal tek Shashi instead

Former Member
Awwwww, you won me. Totally...completely
You stuck with me fuh life now.
Can you play the song from Mukti? the one I like? Suhani Chand...please?
You stuck with me fuh life now.
Can you play the song from Mukti? the one I like? Suhani Chand...please?
Former Member
What a great song! Thanks, love.
Its saying something about this beautiful moonlit night, I can't sleep, your words of love makes me can't sleep.
Playing with your hair in the beautiful weather....heart on fire...our path has changed...memories are raining and I can't sleep on this night....

Its saying something about this beautiful moonlit night, I can't sleep, your words of love makes me can't sleep.
Playing with your hair in the beautiful weather....heart on fire...our path has changed...memories are raining and I can't sleep on this night....

Former Member
BTW, my translation is for the Mukti song 

Former Member
We guh know wow when Saeed translate it. But thats the jist of it.
Former Member
Big time

Former Member
Will do
lynn (Guest)
TUNE!!! !!!!de mighty Muka!!
Jis Dil Mein Basa Tha
Saheli (1966)
Lyric: Indeewar
Music: Kalyanji, Anandji
Jis Dil Mein Basa Tha
Saheli (1966)
Lyric: Indeewar
Music: Kalyanji, Anandji
lynn (Guest)
Mukesh at his best ..!
what a heartbreaking song!!!
makes me want to cry!!
Teesri Kasam (1966)
Sajanwa Bairi
Lyric: Shailendra
Music: Shankar, Jaikishan
what a heartbreaking song!!!
makes me want to cry!!
Teesri Kasam (1966)
Sajanwa Bairi
Lyric: Shailendra
Music: Shankar, Jaikishan
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
be back soon
tink of some other good 70s Muka chunes in de meantime
some 70s songs I like:
Dheere Dheere Bholte - Gora aur Kala
Yeh Na Hoga - Tumhari Kasam
Chanchal Sheetal - Satyam Shivam Sundaram
Pani Re Pani - Shor
Tumne Kissi Se - Dharmatma
For fun, I like:
Chal Sanyasi and Bali Umariya - Sanyasi
Yeh Duniya Ek Numbari - Dus Numbari.
lynn (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by Riya:
some 70s songs I like:
Dheere Dheere Bholte - Gora aur Kala
one of my fave riya...

Former Member
Go lynn!
Its a great song!

Former Member
Thanks in advance.
Dese where Mukesh in a happier time...not too sad.
Dese where Mukesh in a happier time...not too sad.
Former Member
Former Member
Only drunk man does dance to Mukesh songs

Former Member

Whooooo! Tune!
Former Member
quote:Originally posted by DaFreak:
Yeh Duniya Ek Numbri
this movie had another nice song too.. Yo Yo Prem Karo something...but its not a Mukesh song

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