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lyrics provided by our friend oldie_fan..

Film: The Right and the Wrong (1973)
Singer: Mukesh
Music: Vedpal Varma

shaam dhali aur nikale hai taare
aaja re chand aaja nadiya kinare
tujh bin akele jee na sakenge
ro ro marenge nain hamare

o mere humrahi kyoon tera man gabhraye
ab yeh saath na chhutega chhahe jag bairi ho jaye
jeevan ke andhiyaron mein main deepak aur tu jyoti
yug yug se hain sang hamara, ho seep mein jaise moti
o mere humrahi..........

jab tak sansaar rahega mera tujh se pyaar rahega
har janam mein mujhko tera yoon hi intezaar rahega
o mere humrahi........

ulfat ka saath na chhute, yoon hi saaz bajate rehna
awaaz mein meri hardum awaaz milate rahena
o mere humrahi

"It's a very good song; heard many years ago. If you know a place where I can get this song, please let me know."Quote : oldie_fan

SAEED! dunno
WHE YUH DEH BAI??? Roll Eyes Wink
PLS pleaseaaTRANSLATE...THNX cool.gifSAEED!
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Originally posted by Saeed:
lyrics, joan?

Saeed Bhai, Lyrics for Joan: Chal Akeyla.............Sambandh

chal akelaa, chal akelaa, chal akelaa
teraa melaa piichhe chhuuTaa raahii chal akelaa

hazaaro.n miil lambe raaste tujhako bulaate
yahaa.N dukha.De sahane ke vaaste tujhako bulaate
hai kaun saa vo i.nsaan yahaa.N pe jis ne dukh naa jhelaa
chal akelaa ...

teraa koI saath na de to tuu khud se priit jo.D le
bichhaunaa dharatii ko karake are aakaash o.Dh le
puuraa khel abhii jiivan kaa tuune kahaa.N hai khelaa
chal akelaa ...

This will be one for the list; after you do trans I will put together.

Originally posted by asj:

The great singer had many imitators who strived to emulate the melancholy and pathos of his voice. The notables among them include Manhar and Babla Mehta from India, Neil Persad of Trinidad and our very own Prakash Gossai, Davendra Pooran and Kumar It was Kumar who won the first Mukesh singing competition held in Guyana in 1981.

Mukesh made several overseas concert tours โ€“ to Africa, England, USA, Canada and Surinam. He came to Guyana in 1967 and performed at the Queen's College auditorium to an appreciative audience.

I never knew Manhar was his son. Babla Mehta of Babla & Kanchan fame? Davendra and Prakash came very close to Mukesh. After a Davendra concert here, an Indian woman ran up to him and hugged him, praising him that he sounded just like Mukesh. I didn't know he was in Guyana in '67, must have been a huge event.
Originally posted by lynn:
see what i meant about some of Mukesh's songs being too sad????
....i used to love all of his songs as i was growing up as a kid and young woman...
later, as i began to understand the language (and see the movies)..i didnt like to listen to some of them...
this is a perfect example!!!
In high school, my best friend loved Mukesh for his pathos and I loved Rafi for his happy and upbeat songs. We used to have very heated debates about who sang better! Big Grin Over the years, I've learnt to appreciate both for their different styles. When I'm sad, I put on some Rafi numbers and when I'm in a reflective mood, it's Mukesh. Who wants to hear Mukesh when they're sad? Big Grin I remember the rum shop guys crying like babies when the jukeboxes were playing Mukesh, especially those 'Dosti' ones. Big Grin
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At the age of 17, Mukesh came to Bombay. His good looks inspired film-makers to cast him as a singing hero. He acted in Nirdosh, Sukh Dukh, Aadaab Arz and Mashooqa. Unfortunately, he was not successful as a hero but his singing was noticed first in Dil bujha ho to fasale-bahar kya from Nirdosh and later on in Moorti when he sang for Moti Lal. However, Mukesh took music lovers by surprise when he copied Saigal while singing Dil jalta hai to jalne de aansoon na baha faryad na kar in Pehli Nazar. Even Saigal was taken in and exclaimed "But I do not remember singing this song". Mukesh met Raj Kapoor for the first time at Ranjit Studio on the sets of Bansri. Mukesh sang for Raj Kapoor in his first film Neel Kamal. Raj Kapoor realised that he could achieve stardom if Mukesh sang for him. Later on in Aag, Barsaat, and Aawara, Mukesh rendered songs for Raj Kapoor. Soon it became evident that both were made for each other. Mukesh was Raj Kapoor's voice in the RK productions as well as some other banners.

The 1954-56 span was the leanest period for Mukesh. This was a phase in which nothing he did was right. Mukesh compounded his mistakes by venturing into production. His decision to produce his own film Anuraag was an unfortunate one. Indeed, things came to such a pass that he had to withdraw his children from school. To keep his home fires burning Mukesh was compelled to sing in an advertisement.

Joan ...

Chal Akeyla.............Sambandh

chal akelaa, chal akelaa, chal akelaa
go alone, go alone, go alone
teraa melaa piichhe chhuuTaa raahii chal akelaa
your fair got left behind, traveller, go alone

hazaaro.n miil lambe raaste tujhako bulaate
paths thousands of miles long beckon to you
yahaa.N dukha.De sahane ke vaaste tujhako bulaate
to bear great many griefs, they beckon to you
hai kaun saa vo i.nsaan yahaa.N pe jis ne dukh naa jhelaa
who is such a man here who has not borne grief
chal akelaa ...
go alone

teraa koI saath na de to tuu khud se priit jo.D le
if no one comes with you, learn to love yourself
bichhaunaa dharatii ko karake are aakaash o.Dh le
let the earth be your bed and wear the sky as your cover
puuraa khel abhii jiivan kaa tuune kahaa.N hai khelaa
the full game of life, you have not yet played
chal akelaa ...
go alone



Today, I feel sad about the fact that people compare me to my father. My father was a legend, and legends do not lend themselves to comparison. If I had replaced my father in the minds of the people, you would not have been here to interview me about him. Instead, you would talk to me about my work, my songs. As an artiste, I feel my father is irreplaceable.

Mukesh (third from left) with friends
He did not mind me singing any of his songs, except for Jane kahan gaye woh din on which there was a blanket ban. I remember the first time I sang this song -- it was 22 years ago, on August 25. He was on stage in Toronto, singing this song, when he began to feel very uncomfortable. So he asked me to complete the last couplet. I was surprised, but did what he said. Even Lataji was present on the stage.





Little did I realise then that the world had witnessed his last performance.
On August 27, 1976, we were busy preparing for the show in Detroit. He had just woken up from his siesta, and complained of feeling uncomfortable. At 4.30 pm, he told me to call a doctor. He did not want me to inform Lataji, who was also part of the show that was scheduled for 6 pm. Even in that condition, he was considerate about her feelings -- he did not want her to be upset.

I did not know what to do. I was alone and terribly frightened. I started crying because I could not bear to see his state. He tried to assure me that nothing would go wrong. At the same time, he was very insistent that Lataji should not be disturbed. But I did not know who else to run to for help.

Lataji rushed to help us. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, he did not pull through. And he passed away when the clock ticked 5.50 at Detroit. Thus ended the saga of a legend called Mukesh Chand Mathur, the boy who came to Bombay at the age of 16. Today, his voice reigns in houses, coffee shops and dhabas all over India. He is still alive, 22 years after his death, in the sheer magic of his voice.

As told to Syed Firdaus Ashraf


Amongst his contemporaries, my father's favourite singer was Mohammed Rafi. He loved Rafisaab's voice, and believed that nobody could replace him.

My father belonged to an era that boasted of many talented singers. It was a time when you could not say one singer was better than the other. Just as each singer had his strengths, so also each singer had his weaknesses. My father was a very gifted singer, I believe this talent was God's gift to him. Besides, he was also blessed with good luck.


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