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Moses deceived himself and 35,000 behind him:

Wednesday, 01 February 2012 22:57
Source: Chronicle

It is as clear as crystal that the ultimate intention of Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo was to deceive the 35,333 persons who voted for the Alliance For Change(AFC) at the last general and regional elections.

The guessing game is over and it is clear that the AFC’s gravitation towards the APNU (new PNC) was imminent, and it was only a matter of time before the people saw the true colours of the leaders of the AFC.

The people recall that during the November 28 election campaign last year, leaders of the AFC had specifically stated their intention of staying clear of the APNU. The people that voted for the AFC, therefore, did so with a burning desire to keep out the new PNC (APNU) at all cost. But lo, and behold, before the dust was settled, the AFC supporters were horror-struck by the reckless union between the AFC and the APNU.

The majority of those 35,000 persons are now licking their wounds, because both Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have betrayed their trust by employing their wicked machinations of going to bed with the APNU. Great deal for Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, but a tragic recourse for the people who were duped into supporting that party. Their bitterness have now turned to anger because of the reckless leadership of the AFC.

The people remember too well that during its election campaign, AFC leaders had openly rejected any union with the APNU. This was also the position adopted by that party’s supporters, and based on this premise, they went to the polls. However they are now expressing bewilderment at the fact that the leaders of the AFC have shown commonality with the APNU.

The people are also cognisant of the fact that the APNU is old wine in a new bottle, meaning the PNC with a change of name. Yes, the same PNC that ground the people of this country to the dust during the 28 years of despotic rule. Those people who therefore voted for the AFC were the people who did not want to have anything to do with the PNC.

The Guyanese public also recall that newly selected speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, was also in the hierarchy of the PNC before falling from grace. He subsequently announced his resignation from the PNC and teamed up with Khemraj Ramjattan and a few other discarded politicians to form the Alliance For Change. They started their new political journey with vitriolic recollections of the PNC. This venom for the PNC was carried throughout their short years of campaigning, to the last elections when they were joined by Moses Nagamootoo.

The Guyanese electorate at that time believed that this was Nagamootoo’s biggest blunder, which would one day return to haunt him. Indeed it did not take long before the return of the haunt, and it really pained on the rebound. The rejection of Nagamootoo by APNU for the position of Speaker of the House was undeniably, the icing on the cake for him.

The APNU instead sanctioned Trotman for the position, and Nagamootoo was left in the cold.
APNU’s leader, David Granger, openly rejected Nagamootoo because he was a former member of the PPP and could not be trusted with the Speaker’s position. In the same breath, Granger gave his blessings to Trotman, despite the fact that Trotman was also a former member of the PNC. So while Granger could not trust the former PPP man, he trusted the former PNC man.

It is not surprising that Moses Nagamootoo with all his self-professed guile as a politician deceived himself on principle, when in justifying Trotman’s elevation as Speaker; he failed to consider that Trotman was from the PNC, the same way Granger claimed that he (Nagamootoo) was from the PPP and could not be trusted for the Speaker’s position.

Now, it is in the public domain that the AFC and Nagamootoo have deceived their supporters who have also grown angry at the reckless leadership of Ramjattan. He is now collaborating fully with APNU. This is indeed a great betrayal of the people who voted for the AFC. The AFC supporters are certainly taking note of all these developments, for they know that time is the healer of all aches.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by D2:
that shit rag is on its message to demean and demonize by hinting at the PNC boogieman. These fools do not see that the Guyanese people will soon understand the benefit of having them in hocks.

Demonizing the people represented by APNU as somehow the inevitably despicable will not cut it any longer. They represent people, good, honest, hard working, Guyanese people who do not trust the PPP and who seek shelter where they must because the PPP simply targets them and labels them in bigoted ways.

That Moses is deceived can only be framed as such if the deceivers are the black hordes out to rape and pillage the hard working Indos. How could Moses ever have a reasonable argument when he support the unreasonable people? The PPP are indubitably the bastion of all that is good and honorable so he has to be mistaken or deceived to be on the wrong side. Since he is Indian he was not mistaken simply deceived!

Here is d2 using the word shi*, I hope that admin takes note.

I was warned for using the word "fool."
Originally posted by Cobra:
The majority of those 35,000 persons are now licking their wounds, because both Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have betrayed their trust by employing their wicked machinations of going to bed with the APNU. Great deal for Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, but a tragic recourse for the people who were duped into supporting that party. Their bitterness have now turned to anger because of the reckless leadership of the AFC.

Forget about Ramjattan--he is a nobody--a nonentity---but he got lucky---Moses joined the AFC a few weeks before the 2011 elections and suckered his fellow Berbicians into voting for the AFC---in the end the AFC got 10% of the votes---and 7 seats in parliament---power hungry PNC supporter Trotman backstabbed his way to the speakership.


In his quiet moments, Moses reflects on his hasty decision to betray the PPP.

His conscience now pricks him---just like Judas betrayed good old Jesus for 30 pieces of silver---Moses betrayed the PPP for promises of leadership(vice presidency) in the AFC.

Judas Moses is now trying to make amends by promising to vote for any PPP bill that is reasonable to the people of Guyana.

But when all is said and done:


And how was Judas Moses rewarded for his joining the AFC ?

Power Hungry PNC supporter Raphael Trotman stabbed him in the back and grabbed the speakership.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Cobra:
The majority of those 35,000 persons are now licking their wounds, because both Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan have betrayed their trust by employing their wicked machinations of going to bed with the APNU. Great deal for Ramjattan and Nagamootoo, but a tragic recourse for the people who were duped into supporting that party. Their bitterness have now turned to anger because of the reckless leadership of the AFC.

Forget about Ramjattan--he is a nobody--a nonentity---but he got lucky---Moses joined the AFC a few weeks before the 2011 elections and suckered his fellow Berbicians into voting for the AFC---in the end the AFC got 10% of the votes---and 7 seats in parliament---power hungry PNC supporter Trotman backstabbed his way to the speakership.


In his quiet moments, Moses reflects on his hasty decision to betray the PPP.

His conscience now pricks him---just like Judas betrayed good old Jesus for 30 pieces of silver---Moses betrayed the PPP for promises of leadership(vice presidency) in the AFC.

Judas Moses is now trying to make amends by promising to vote for any PPP bill that is reasonable to the people of Guyana.

But when all is said and done:


And how was Judas Moses rewarded for his joining the AFC ?

Power Hungry PNC supporter Raphael Trotman stabbed him in the back and grabbed the speakership.


Meh ah canecutta but meh follow de issue. Meh know yuh a write share shit. Jagdeo and Ramoutar rig de election and threaten people fuh vote fuh dem. Dem bin ah call am show of hand. Yuh nah hear about am? Meh bin want guh vote fuh Moses a PPP Congress. Ramoutar and Jagdeo tek away dah right from meh. Dat is why meh vote AFC. Dem ah rig election like a Farbes.
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.
Originally posted by Nehru:
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.

Meh ah canecutta but me know shit when meh see am. And dah a wan dump a shit yuh write deh.
TO ALL......

Thousands of blacks voted for PPP. Thousands of Indians voted for APNU. Thousands of Indians AND blanks voted for the AFC. Why the continuous spewing of so much hatred, venom and race baiting attitudes towards fellow Guyanese.
I am not surprise since you are a Canecutta. Berbice Campus ah ghee FREE Lessons in basic english and math. Make use of this opportunity DUNCE!!!
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.

Meh ah canecutta but me know shit when meh see am. And dah a wan dump a shit yuh write deh.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not surprise since you are a Canecutta. Berbice Campus ah ghee FREE Lessons in basic english and math. Make use of this opportunity DUNCE!!!
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.

Meh ah canecutta but me know shit when meh see am. And dah a wan dump a shit yuh write deh.

Bai meh know enuff maths fuh sell meh fowl. berbice UG nah gat enough teachas. bai dis flood gat abe bad. Pradoville 2 flood?
So continue to cut cane and Piss ah Backdam.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not surprise since you are a Canecutta. Berbice Campus ah ghee FREE Lessons in basic english and math. Make use of this opportunity DUNCE!!!
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.

Meh ah canecutta but me know shit when meh see am. And dah a wan dump a shit yuh write deh.

Bai meh know enuff maths fuh sell meh fowl. berbice UG nah gat enough teachas. bai dis flood gat abe bad. Pradoville 2 flood?
Originally posted by Nehru:
So continue to cut cane and Piss ah Backdam.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not surprise since you are a Canecutta. Berbice Campus ah ghee FREE Lessons in basic english and math. Make use of this opportunity DUNCE!!!
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.

Meh ah canecutta but me know shit when meh see am. And dah a wan dump a shit yuh write deh.

Bai meh know enuff maths fuh sell meh fowl. berbice UG nah gat enough teachas. bai dis flood gat abe bad. Pradoville 2 flood?

Bai meh gat fuh cut cane when dem do grind. The skelon nah wuk good. Abe nah gat ada kind factory a berbice. PPP nah bring no factory here. Meh ah sell fowl and meh gat 3 cow. Meh bin want get 10 cow but da milk a spile. Abe nah gat no way fuh grow. Den da bride tool a kill abe.
You can survive, you dont need toilet paper, Kack yuh baxside ah Crown Dam and wash yuh batty with Black Wata.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
So continue to cut cane and Piss ah Backdam.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not surprise since you are a Canecutta. Berbice Campus ah ghee FREE Lessons in basic english and math. Make use of this opportunity DUNCE!!!
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The writer has it CORRECT. I have said all theway that Moses was duped by Trotty. Al YUh remember how Trotty Prop him to release his Venom inBerbice but took him to Linden to kiss Babies. You dont have to be Einstein to understand the strategy.

Moses is RESPONSIBLE for his ACTIONS and is accountable to the 35000 People. I hope and pray he has an answer for those POOR and NAIVE People. It was Jimmy Cliff who sany " Time will tell, time will always tell". Groovy Baby.

Meh ah canecutta but me know shit when meh see am. And dah a wan dump a shit yuh write deh.

Bai meh know enuff maths fuh sell meh fowl. berbice UG nah gat enough teachas. bai dis flood gat abe bad. Pradoville 2 flood?

Bai meh gat fuh cut cane when dem do grind. The skelon nah wuk good. Abe nah gat ada kind factory a berbice. PPP nah bring no factory here. Meh ah sell fowl and meh gat 3 cow. Meh bin want get 10 cow but da milk a spile. Abe nah gat no way fuh grow. Den da bride tool a kill abe.
Originally posted by Gupta:
TO ALL......

Thousands of blacks voted for PPP. Thousands of Indians voted for APNU. Thousands of Indians AND blanks voted for the AFC. Why the continuous spewing of so much hatred, venom and race baiting attitudes towards fellow Guyanese.

I’ll tell you why. The PPP success is based on “divide & conquer” strategy. “Indos for Indos” with the objective of keeping the “Blackman “out. That model was just broken in recent election where some free thinking “Indos” opted out of that model and put the cat among the pigeons. Since then it has been damage control and fear mongering in an attempt to get back those votes. This tactic will not work because a lot of people have seen the corruption and want a change. PPP domination and monopoly on power is over.
So why a VIOLENT, INCOMPETENT and BACKWARD PNC got 98% of the Black Vote???????????
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Gupta:
TO ALL......

Thousands of blacks voted for PPP. Thousands of Indians voted for APNU. Thousands of Indians AND blanks voted for the AFC. Why the continuous spewing of so much hatred, venom and race baiting attitudes towards fellow Guyanese.

I’ll tell you why. The PPP success is based on “divide & conquer” strategy. “Indos for Indos” with the objective of keeping the “Blackman “out. That model was just broken in recent election where some free thinking “Indos” opted out of that model and put the cat among the pigeons. Since then it has been damage control and fear mongering in an attempt to get back those votes. This tactic will not work because a lot of people have seen the corruption and want a change. PPP domination and monopoly on power is over.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah canecutta but meh follow de issue. Meh know yuh a write share shit. Jagdeo and Ramoutar rig de election and threaten people fuh vote fuh dem. Dem bin ah call am show of hand. Yuh nah hear about am? Meh bin want guh vote fuh Moses a PPP Congress. Ramoutar and Jagdeo tek away dah right from meh. Dat is why meh vote AFC. Dem ah rig election like a Farbes.


The executive commitee of the People's Progressive party has never been a democracy---and Judas Moses knows that---Janet handpicked Barath---and Barath handpicked Ramotar---and after 2 terms in office Ramotar will handpick his successor.


Originally posted by Nehru:
So why a VIOLENT, INCOMPETENT and BACKWARD PNC got 98% of the Black Vote???????????
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Gupta:
TO ALL......

Thousands of blacks voted for PPP. Thousands of Indians voted for APNU. Thousands of Indians AND blanks voted for the AFC. Why the continuous spewing of so much hatred, venom and race baiting attitudes towards fellow Guyanese.

I’ll tell you why. The PPP success is based on “divide & conquer” strategy. “Indos for Indos” with the objective of keeping the “Blackman “out. That model was just broken in recent election where some free thinking “Indos” opted out of that model and put the cat among the pigeons. Since then it has been damage control and fear mongering in an attempt to get back those votes. This tactic will not work because a lot of people have seen the corruption and want a change. PPP domination and monopoly on power is over.

It is in response to PPP policy to keep blacks out.
Thank you Rev. Finally, someone with a bloody whole Brain on GNI!!!!
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah canecutta but meh follow de issue. Meh know yuh a write share shit. Jagdeo and Ramoutar rig de election and threaten people fuh vote fuh dem. Dem bin ah call am show of hand. Yuh nah hear about am? Meh bin want guh vote fuh Moses a PPP Congress. Ramoutar and Jagdeo tek away dah right from meh. Dat is why meh vote AFC. Dem ah rig election like a Farbes.


The executive commitee of the People's Progressive party has never been a democracy---and Judas Moses knows that---Janet handpicked Barath---and Barath handpicked Ramotar---and after 2 terms in office Ramotar will handpick his successor.


Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why a VIOLENT, INCOMPETENT and BACKWARD PNC got 98% of the Black Vote???????????
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Gupta:
TO ALL......

Thousands of blacks voted for PPP. Thousands of Indians voted for APNU. Thousands of Indians AND blanks voted for the AFC. Why the continuous spewing of so much hatred, venom and race baiting attitudes towards fellow Guyanese.

I’ll tell you why. The PPP success is based on “divide & conquer” strategy. “Indos for Indos” with the objective of keeping the “Blackman “out. That model was just broken in recent election where some free thinking “Indos” opted out of that model and put the cat among the pigeons. Since then it has been damage control and fear mongering in an attempt to get back those votes. This tactic will not work because a lot of people have seen the corruption and want a change. PPP domination and monopoly on power is over.

It is in response to PPP policy to keep blacks out.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Thank you Rev. Finally, someone with a bloody whole Brain on GNI!!!!
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah canecutta but meh follow de issue. Meh know yuh a write share shit. Jagdeo and Ramoutar rig de election and threaten people fuh vote fuh dem. Dem bin ah call am show of hand. Yuh nah hear about am? Meh bin want guh vote fuh Moses a PPP Congress. Ramoutar and Jagdeo tek away dah right from meh. Dat is why meh vote AFC. Dem ah rig election like a Farbes.


The executive commitee of the People's Progressive party has never been a democracy---and Judas Moses knows that---Janet handpicked Barath---and Barath handpicked Ramotar---and after 2 terms in office Ramotar will handpick his successor.



Talking about brains. You guys were behind the barn when they were giving out brains.
And you are convincing that you got all. yippie yippie partybanana partybanana GADAHA!!!! yippie yippie

Was you asking fuh Pulorie Seeds?? yippie yippie
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Thank you Rev. Finally, someone with a bloody whole Brain on GNI!!!!
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah canecutta but meh follow de issue. Meh know yuh a write share shit. Jagdeo and Ramoutar rig de election and threaten people fuh vote fuh dem. Dem bin ah call am show of hand. Yuh nah hear about am? Meh bin want guh vote fuh Moses a PPP Congress. Ramoutar and Jagdeo tek away dah right from meh. Dat is why meh vote AFC. Dem ah rig election like a Farbes.


The executive commitee of the People's Progressive party has never been a democracy---and Judas Moses knows that---Janet handpicked Barath---and Barath handpicked Ramotar---and after 2 terms in office Ramotar will handpick his successor.



Talking about brains. You guys were behind the barn when they were giving out brains.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh ah canecutta but meh follow de issue. Meh know yuh a write share shit. Jagdeo and Ramoutar rig de election and threaten people fuh vote fuh dem. Dem bin ah call am show of hand. Yuh nah hear about am? Meh bin want guh vote fuh Moses a PPP Congress. Ramoutar and Jagdeo tek away dah right from meh. Dat is why meh vote AFC. Dem ah rig election like a Farbes.


The executive commitee of the People's Progressive party has never been a democracy---and Judas Moses knows that---Janet handpicked Barath---and Barath handpicked Ramotar---and after 2 terms in office Ramotar will handpick his successor.



Nah bai...dis nah bout Moses and party. Dis about abe coolie and abe canecutta. Dont mess wid abe and tek away abe grassroot rights.
Indians have a tendency to build, work, save and provide for their family.

Afros have a tendency of destruction, spend, sleep and expect hand-outs, and party.

Let's re-visit Guyana political and social history, and you will understand what I am talking about. This is a cultural tendency between Indos and Afros from ancestral time.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Judas Moses will one day be scorned. It is only a matter of time. He reminds me of B.S. Rai. Another Judas.

yuji22 you should be banned permanently from this site for refering to Moses and Mr.Rai as Judas. You are probably some 3 and a half year member of the PPP.

I hope you are not trying to impress the bosses so you can get a small piece in your pocket so you can take the "sweets" out for valentines Day to the Chinese cook shop. Big Grin
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Indians have a tendency to build, work, save and provide for their family.

Afros have a tendency of destruction, spend, sleep and expect hand-outs, and party.

Let's re-visit Guyana political and social history, and you will understand what I am talking about. This is a cultural tendency between Indos and Afros from ancestral time.
Lets examine it. Africans cleared and created most of the farming infrastructure on the coast prior to Indians coming. Having demonstrated their habit for hard work here they proceeded to dominate administration of the colonies inclusive of teaching and health services. The British made sure that they did not open up virgin lands by creating the homesteading acts and taxed them to facilitate their project for indenture. In contrast, what holds dalits down in India to day if not the same culturally backward subaltern supposition as you have above? You better be happy your ancestors skipped out of the subcontinent. I think you are inventing ancestral habits to validate bigoted thesis.
Are you saying that East Indians were given caviar and toast bread by the British. I can demonstrate to you how hard it was for East Indians. Anytime you are ready I can pay an unemployed British guy to give you a beating and a kick to your behind. That will give you a hands on demonstration of how hard it was for indians during indentureship.
Bhai, D2 had it great. Cassava Bread and Peanuts were in abundance. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Wally:
Are you saying that East Indians were given caviar and toast bread by the British. I can demonstrate to you how hard it was for East Indians. Anytime you are ready I can pay an unemployed British guy to give you a beating and a kick to your behind. That will give you a hands on demonstration of how hard it was for indians during indentureship.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Judas Moses will one day be scorned. It is only a matter of time. He reminds me of B.S. Rai. Another Judas.

yuji22 you should be banned permanently from this site for refering to Moses and Mr.Rai as Judas. You are probably some 3 and a half year member of the PPP.

I hope you are not trying to impress the bosses so you can get a small piece in your pocket so you can take the "sweets" out for valentines Day to the Chinese cook shop. Big Grin

Yuji22 is a Tin Soldier that needs to be wound up now and then. Big Grin
Originally posted by Wally:
Are you saying that East Indians were given caviar and toast bread by the British. I can demonstrate to you how hard it was for East Indians. Anytime you are ready I can pay an unemployed British guy to give you a beating and a kick to your behind. That will give you a hands on demonstration of how hard it was for indians during indentureship.
Never said that. Read what I write and do not hyperventilate because I contested ( where you did not) an ignorant view of black people in history. Indians in Guyana were shackled by a parasitic caste with a high opinion of themselves for over 6 thousand years in India. Given the chance they reconstituted a viable society in under a hundred years, Actually the did it in close 50 since in the 50's most Indians were still illiterate, never sent their daughters to school and saw agriculture as their lot.
You have to be careful with what you say D2. People who do not know East Indians and their history may get the wrong impression. For example; a mixed race (Black, white and East Indian) Jamaican man told me recently how good the East Indians had it during indentureship. According to him they were given hundreds of thousands of acres of land by the British. So I told him if East Indians had it so great then he should apply for a job as a British Indentured Servant.
Originally posted by Wally:
You have to be careful with what you say D2. People who do not know East Indians and their history may get the wrong impression. For example; a mixed race (Black, white and East Indian) Jamaican man told me recently how good the East Indians had it during indentureship. According to him they were given hundreds of thousands of acres of land by the British. So I told him if East Indians had it so great then he should apply for a job as a British Indentured Servant.
I am on a forum where English not nuanced speech is my mode of communication. I am addressing a patently racist statement by an Indian person who categorically said ( not in any way misconstrued) that black "have a tendency of destruction, spend, sleep and expect hand-outs, and party". I suggest you addressed that without telling me to be careful about statements that might be misconstrued as prejudicial to Indians when I clearly do not give a damn about categories built on the non informational term "race". I believe I repeat that fact here over and over daily and may have done so earlier to day because we have a bunch of truly vile Indian bigots posting here. That open aggressively and disgusting form of racism is not embraced by any non indian poster on the site.

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