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Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Judas Moses will one day be scorned. It is only a matter of time. He reminds me of B.S. Rai. Another Judas.

yuji22 you should be banned permanently from this site for refering to Moses and Mr.Rai as Judas. You are probably some 3 and a half year member of the PPP.

I hope you are not trying to impress the bosses so you can get a small piece in your pocket so you can take the "sweets" out for valentines Day to the Chinese cook shop. Big Grin

Wally, where were you when I was with Sash protesting in Ottawa to fight for free and fair elections in Guyana ?

Your were probably in your cradle then. Stop speaking nonsense.

Today Guyana is free of dictatorship and we can have free and fair elections and freedom of expression.

I have done my share. What have you done lately ?
Originally posted by albert:
It has been said...according to a source....that Moses is not trusted in the A.F.C camp....and he's constantly being watched....the recall legislation is being used as constant remember to him...

Your source is that voice you are constantly hearing in your head. You should sue your brain for support.

Moses departure has made you irrational.
Originally posted by albert:
Moses, is condemned to failure, just as Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh and Blaram Singh Rai, he (Moses) has wanted to leave with them since the 1970's he finally made his false step....condemned to the history the section of Neemakaramism

Thanks for proving me right that Moses departure from the PPP has made you irrational.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by albert:
Moses, is condemned to failure, just as Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh and Blaram Singh Rai, he (Moses) has wanted to leave with them since the 1970's he finally made his false step....condemned to the history the section of Neemakaramism

Thanks for proving me right that Moses departure from the PPP has made you irrational.

If you are getting some serious hate from Janet and her group of sucker up supporters thrown at you every day because you are seen as some type of competitor in her mind who you not want to leave also.
Vincent Teekah left....the P.P.P survived....Chadisingh left....the P.P.P survived....Bal ram singh left...the P.P.P survived...Nagamootoo left...and the P.P.P survived....the P.P.P is bigger than any single person....the P.P.P is the people's party...the P.P.P will survive to serve in the best interest of the people....Long live the P.P.P/C
Originally posted by albert:
Vincent Teekah left....the P.P.P survived....Chandisingh left....the P.P.P survived....Bal ram singh left...the P.P.P survived...Nagamootoo left...and the P.P.P survived....the P.P.P is bigger than any single person....the P.P.P is the people's party...the P.P.P will survive to serve in the best interest of the people....Long live the P.P.P/C


Excellent point made above.

By the way, Balram was a good man, but Teekah, Chandisingh and Judas Moses were all weasels and traitors.

Someone once said, "a person of dishonor is worse than dead."

That statement clearly applies to Judas Moses.

Originally posted by Wally:
Ha Ha Ha. Guys it look like Albert is getting into your heads. Just remember guys, Albert is a professional political Mercenary. You pay him some money and he is on your side. Personally he may agree with you. But what he is doing is just his job that he is getting paid to do.

To hell with that when this government falls it will be pay back time for people like Albert and Rev Al.
Prashad, don't take it personal man. Like I said before these guys are political mercenaries. It is not what they feel personally but what they are paid to do. It is their jobs. For example, I know Bookman personally for about 30 years. I never heard him say some of the things he has written here. It is just their jobs that they get paid to do.
Originally posted by Prashad:
To hell with that when this government falls it will be pay back time for people like Albert and Rev Al.


Which rock do you live under ?

Get with the program my bwoy---the PPP is guaranteed to win the next general election in Guyana---whether it's held next year or 5 years from now.

AFC and Nagamootoo

I see that the Jagdeo Pradoville Gang is still having belly-wok after they got a full dose of the Naga medicine (castor oil).
Boy, the Chronicle piece gat Nagamootoo name scattered all over, like de gang belly bust. Now the Chronicle becomes its true self - it look like it, smell of it, and full of it!
The Nagamootoo bashing will not save the Jagdeo-Ramotar gang. They have to stop tearing up their shirt and skirt and crying like babies that Comrade Moses brought their corrupt show down. Berbicians are not fools as they think. PPP Comrades are not robots. These riggers did everything to push Comrade Moses out de party, now look at them hollering how Comrade Moses shafted them!
They have to wait for more exposure. Nuff of dem will be investigated. Properties and bank accounts will be examined. And jail time coming.
Shame that the PPP joined up with PNC to prevent Comrade Moses from being the Speaker. But budget time coming, and the Jagdeoites will feel the effect of their hate and spitefullness by not having Comrade Moses in the Chair.
No confidence time!
Originally posted by Rev Al:


Before the election you all screamed landslide, PPP winning huge numbers of black votes. PPP stomping APNu in Linden.

After the election Ramotar ha sto beg Granger to let him go to the men's room when he is in parliament.

I have long since stopped worrying about PPP predictions.

Maybe when the Indos realize that blacks didnt all kill them off with a PPP loss of control of parliament more will try not voting for them.

AFC might also get their act together and woo Amerindians living in regions 1 and 9.

With every election the PPP has been getting fewer and fewer votes. Now that APNU has began to win back support all the AFC needs to do is expand its voting base and the PPP will lose even more.
Originally posted by comrade:
AFC and Nagamootoo

I see that the Jagdeo Pradoville Gang is still having belly-wok after they got a full dose of the Naga medicine (castor oil).
Boy, the Chronicle piece gat Nagamootoo name scattered all over, like de gang belly bust. Now the Chronicle becomes its true self - it look like it, smell of it, and full of it!
The Nagamootoo bashing will not save the Jagdeo-Ramotar gang. They have to stop tearing up their shirt and skirt and crying like babies that Comrade Moses brought their corrupt show down.

Berbicians are not fools as they think.

PPP Comrades are not robots.
These riggers did everything to push Comrade Moses out de party, now look at them hollering how Comrade Moses shafted them!

They have to wait for more exposure. Nuff of dem will be investigated. Properties and bank accounts will be examined.

And jail time coming.

Shame that the PPP joined up with PNC to prevent Comrade Moses from being the Speaker.

But budget time coming, and the Jagdeoites will feel the effect of their hate and spitefullness by not having Comrade Moses in the Chair.
No confidence time!
Originally posted by caribj:
Before the election you all screamed landslide, PPP winning huge numbers of black votes. PPP stomping APNu in Linden.

carib bhai:

The Rev started posting on this forum on Jan 6th, 2012---the election was in Nov 2011----so I could not have been screaming landslide or PPP win in Linden.

Now, did I expect the PPP to pull less than 50% of the votes---NO!

The Judas Moses presence in the AFC clearly hurt the PPP.


It wouldn't be a landslide for the PPP---but there is a 90% chance they will regain the majority.

Why ?


* Ramotar will be running as a popular, respected, successful incumbent president.

* Judas Moses will no longer have his magic--Berbicians will not flock to him---his novelty has worn away.


Al...stop this bilge about Moses hurting the PPP !...the PPP hurt itself especially in region 6 when the Champion blamed the sugar workers for the failures in the sugar industry...also the workers were aware that the Jagdeo croney who signed the letter threatening to derecognise GAWU was on the party's list of candidates....the Jagdeo vultures, including Ramoutar insulted the party's political base so how can they hope to retain maximum support from the sugar workers ?
Originally posted by Prashad:
The President is trying to reach out to Comrade Moses. He has no ill will towards Comrade Moses and recognizes his contribution to the PPP over the years.

Too late now....Ramoutar had his chance many years ago to reach out to all the Jaganites in the party but he failed to do so.....he failed to curtail the plans of Jagdeo to sideline honest,hardworking comrades who were not supportive of his corruption....he failed to help the party's support base when he sat for close to twenty years on the Guysuco board....

Up to the time of Ramjattan approaching Ramoutar to support Moses for the speakership this was rebuffed by a definite no in vulgar terms.....

So the statement that Ramoutar is reaching out to Moses holds no validity.....
Originally posted by Nehru:
President Ramotar has nothing to gain trying to reach out to Moses. He made his choice and he has to live with it. Let us wait and see who will be crying or laughing.

The word is that Ramoutar is worried about a possible vote of no confidence in the govt in the not too far distance.....
I dont believe that since such a thing will be a BLESSING in disguise.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Nehru:
President Ramotar has nothing to gain trying to reach out to Moses. He made his choice and he has to live with it. Let us wait and see who will be crying or laughing.

The word is that Ramoutar is worried about a possible vote of no confidence in the govt in the not too far distance.....
Originally posted by Nehru:
I dont believe that since such a thing will be a BLESSING in disguise.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Nehru:
President Ramotar has nothing to gain trying to reach out to Moses. He made his choice and he has to live with it. Let us wait and see who will be crying or laughing.

The word is that Ramoutar is worried about a possible vote of no confidence in the govt in the not too far distance.....

Not for Ramoutar nor the the past three months since Ramoutar " won " the presidency he hasn't done anything to bring relief to the sugar workers especially in region 6....

If his govt should fall at this time or soon the PPP will lose more support especially in the sugar belt because so far nothing has been done to help the struggling workers.....
I would love to see a new Election tomorrow.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I dont believe that since such a thing will be a BLESSING in disguise.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Nehru:
President Ramotar has nothing to gain trying to reach out to Moses. He made his choice and he has to live with it. Let us wait and see who will be crying or laughing.

The word is that Ramoutar is worried about a possible vote of no confidence in the govt in the not too far distance.....

Not for Ramoutar nor the the past three months since Ramoutar " won " the presidency he hasn't done anything to bring relief to the sugar workers especially in region 6....

If his govt should fall at this time or soon the PPP will lose more support especially in the sugar belt because so far nothing has been done to help the struggling workers.....
President Ramotar has said on several occasions that he values the service of Comrade Moses to the PPP party and has no ill will towards him.

Now may not be the right time for the two men to sit down and work out their differences but that does not mean that in the future they will not do so.

Albert and his protector may be trying to create political issues that they can use to propel them to the leadership of the PPP party in the future. But there may be many hurdles to past and many miles to walk.

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