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Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Indians have a tendency to build, work, save and provide for their family.

Afros have a tendency of destruction, spend, sleep and expect hand-outs, and party.

Let's re-visit Guyana political and social history, and you will understand what I am talking about. This is a cultural tendency between Indos and Afros from ancestral time.

Meh a canecutta. Me a knack XM glass wid meh blackman buddy canecutta fren ah rum shap. meh know da a wan racial post. ah de same ting dem a come tell abe a berbice how blackman guh kill abe. meh nah know about alyuh but da shithead Abhida must get ban fuh da. meh know shit when meh see am.
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why a VIOLENT, INCOMPETENT and BACKWARD PNC got 98% of the Black Vote???????????[QUOTE]]

because the PPP is a racuist black hating KKK like party with the sole aim of ensuring that blacks are excluded from decision making and reduce dto being used for entertainment and as charity cases.

Now I told you all so long before the lection. Why are you all shocked that the PPP is rejected by most non Indian Guyanese. Even mixed voters.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nehru:
So why a VIOLENT, INCOMPETENT and BACKWARD PNC got 98% of the Black Vote???????????[QUOTE]]

because the PPP is a racuist black hating KKK like party with the sole aim of ensuring that blacks are excluded from decision making and reduce dto being used for entertainment and as charity cases.

Now I told you all so long before the lection. Why are you all shocked that the PPP is rejected by most non Indian Guyanese. Even mixed voters.

Why blacks (PNC) are rejected by the Indian voters??
Originally posted by Gupta:
Racists posters has now hijacked this MB. I thought we were all Guyanese.

No they are PPP. They hate the fact that leaders who happen to be AfroGuyanese now have some input as to how Guyana will be run. So the manufacture that Trotman is an APNU.

They dont even see how illogical it is for them to see Nagamootoo who arrived in the AFC two months ago as being more AFc than Trotman who co founded it.

The key point is the PPP "didnt keep dem blackman out". They think that AfroGuyanese must sign a suicidal pledge by voting for a party which sees them as violent and destructive and lazy.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Gupta:
Racists posters has now hijacked this MB. I thought we were all Guyanese.

No they are PPP. They hate the fact that leaders who happen to be AfroGuyanese now have some input as to how Guyana will be run. So the manufacture that Trotman is an APNU.

They dont even see how illogical it is for them to see Nagamootoo who arrived in the AFC two months ago as being more AFc than Trotman who co founded it.

The key point is the PPP "didnt keep dem blackman out". They think that AfroGuyanese must sign a suicidal pledge by voting for a party which sees them as violent and destructive and lazy.

Those are your words..
Originally posted by caribj:
And then the PPP cries about how they got stomped because the mixed population, the fastest growing, REJECTS them.


When did the PPP complain about not getting sufficient black or mixed votes ?

I believe you are fibbing---LYING!

But if any PPP supporter did, indeed, complain about the party not getting sufficient black and mixed votes then that supporter ought to be castrated.

Pay attention:

The PPP received 17,527 less votes in 2011 than they did in 2006---and this was due mainly to the Judas Moses factor---Judas Moses betrayed the PPP a few weeks before the election and took thousands of Berbician votes with him.


Listen carib, the well-bred, reasonable, and moderate blacks and mixed Guyanese folks will always support the PPP---in 2011 12% of blacks and 20% mixed supported the PPP---that's good enough.


There is a 99% chance that the PPP will form the Guyana government for the next 250 years.

Ow BHAI, Deh man was NEVER good at Math. Please dont insult his intelligence. He does tell he Techa he cant spell COW cause Cow too big. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by caribj:
And then the PPP cries about how they got stomped because the mixed population, the fastest growing, REJECTS them.


When did the PPP complain about not getting sufficient black or mixed votes ?

I believe you are fibbing---LYING!

But if any PPP supporter did, indeed, complain about the party not getting sufficient black and mixed votes then that supporter ought to be castrated.

Pay attention:

The PPP received 17,527 less votes in 2011 than they did in 2006---and this was due mainly to the Judas Moses factor---Judas Moses betrayed the PPP a few weeks before the election and took thousands of Berbician votes with him.


Listen carib, the well-bred, reasonable, and moderate blacks and mixed Guyanese folks will always support the PPP---in 2011 12% of blacks and 20% mixed supported the PPP---that's good enough.


There is a 99% chance that the PPP will form the Guyana government for the next 250 years.

Originally posted by Wally:
Pooran_Lall. boy like you never took any English classes in School. I hope you did not waste Burnham and Jagan money that they spend on free education.

Meh nah bin guh school. Meh bin a run behind dem gyal. Meh dacta buddy a seh de same ting you seh. That meh muss become wan english duck. Meh guh learn english juss like how meh learn mats fuh sell meh fowl. Meh can still point out wan shithead when meh see one.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh nah bin guh school. Meh bin a run behind dem gyal.


Do you recall your first post on this forum ?

It was addressed to the Rev and you wrote:

"You are a pathological liar."

Big Grin ha ha ha ha Big Grin

Now, pooran bhai---that was some BIG word(pathological) by someone who's now says:

"Meh nah bin guh school."

lol Big Grin lol

Anyway, keep up the acting pooran bhai---yuh might win wan oscar one day. Big Grin

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
Meh nah bin guh school. Meh bin a run behind dem gyal.


Do you recall your first post on this forum ?

It was addressed to the Rev and you wrote:

"You are a pathological liar."

Big Grin ha ha ha ha Big Grin

Now, pooran bhai---that was some BIG word(pathological) by someone who's now says:

"Meh nah bin guh school."

lol Big Grin lol

Anyway, keep up the acting pooran bhai---yuh might win wan oscar one day. Big Grin


Me cyant act fuh save meh life. Meh son gat 8 subjects. Da bai set up dis account fuh meh. He mek post hare to. Meh tell am get e own account now.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Judas Moses will one day be scorned. It is only a matter of time. He reminds me of B.S. Rai. Another Judas.

Balram Singh Rai was no Judas. He was a hero. What the PPP did to Moses they did to B. S Rai. Only brilliant Indian people the PPP know to attack. Name one Black Minster that they asked to resign or got dismissed. It was Janet Jagan who rigged the votes in favour of Brindley Benn againdt Rai who ran for the Chairmanship of the PPP. When Rai opened his mouth and spoke out. Cheddi and Janet called him a racist. Let me ask you a question. When the PNC goons were going to the Red House to kill Cheddi, all the PPP ministers had left Georgetown and went into hiding leaving the Minter of Home Affairs Balram Singh Rai to protect the people. Had he not stood his ground, thousands of Indians would have been slaughtered in Guyana.
So BS Rai stayed and HELP his People, MOSES Gallop to DESTROY his People, right?
Originally posted by Dondadda:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Judas Moses will one day be scorned. It is only a matter of time. He reminds me of B.S. Rai. Another Judas.

Balram Singh Rai was no Judas. He was a hero. What the PPP did to Moses they did to B. S Rai. Only brilliant Indian people the PPP know to attack. Name one Black Minster that they asked to resign or got dismissed. It was Janet Jagan who rigged the votes in favour of Brindley Benn againdt Rai who ran for the Chairmanship of the PPP. When Rai opened his mouth and spoke out. Cheddi and Janet called him a racist. Let me ask you a question. When the PNC goons were going to the Red House to kill Cheddi, all the PPP ministers had left Georgetown and went into hiding leaving the Minter of Home Affairs Balram Singh Rai to protect the people. Had he not stood his ground, thousands of Indians would have been slaughtered in Guyana.
AFC Team and our supporters are walking tall with our heads held high,AFC IS ABOVE THE CROWD,we have love and unity and we show it.IF YOU GET ANY CONNECTION WITH THE PPP STOOGES AND SOUP-MOUTHS ASK THEM WHAT I DID AND TOLD THEM IN THEIR FACES IN GUYANA ON THE 24TH OF JAN/2012.I am sorry for you Guys here talking lies and going by hear-say and GOSSIPS.
HEHEHE Pot call he Mattie black. yippie yippie
Originally posted by creative:
AFC Team and our supporters are walking tall with our heads held high,AFC IS ABOVE THE CROWD,we have love and unity and we show it.IF YOU GET ANY CONNECTION WITH THE PPP STOOGES AND SOUP-MOUTHS ASK THEM WHAT I DID AND TOLD THEM IN THEIR FACES IN GUYANA ON THE 24TH OF JAN/2012.I am sorry for you Guys here talking lies and going by hear-say and GOSSIPS.
Originally posted by albert:
Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh , Balram Singh Rai, joined forces against the P.P.P and lost...Moses has to realize nothing formed against the P.P.P shall prosper......the P.P.P/C will always remind steadfast in the principles of the working class....

The not-working class is bigger than the working class.
Originally posted by albert:
Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh , Balram Singh Rai, joined forces against the P.P.P and lost...Moses has to realize nothing formed against the P.P.P shall prosper......the P.P.P/C will always remind steadfast in the principles of the working class....

Ow bai meh like dat US dalla 2 million house pun de wata front by de champ.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by caribj:
And then the PPP cries about how they got stomped because the mixed population, the fastest growing, REJECTS them.


When did the PPP complain about not getting sufficient black or mixed votes ?


You and your racist brigade whine about blacks not voting PPP. Well mixed people vote almost the same as blacks so you, by implication view them too.

Any way your behavior and the rest of you PPP bigots prove how hostile blacks are. The 2% of blacks who voted PPP must deeply regret now that your racism isno longer hidden and yourhatred of blacks obvious.

A shrinking Indo vote. More Indos exploring other options!!!! Hmmmm. Unless APNU and/or AFC mess up big time I see the PPP back is a minority govt next time. Apan jhat as your main plank isnot working well anymore.

If 17% of the black and mixed voters supported the PPP then loads of Indians must have voted APNU. How could they have gotten 41%, with the AFC also getting some black/mixed votes, having lost so many black/mixed votes unless hordes of Indos came to their side.

So there are many APNU Indos.
Originally posted by Dondadda:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Judas Moses will one day be scorned. It is only a matter of time. He reminds me of B.S. Rai. Another Judas.

Balram Singh Rai was no Judas. He was a hero. What the PPP did to Moses they did to B. S Rai. Only brilliant Indian people the PPP know to attack. Name one Black Minster that they asked to resign or got dismissed. It was Janet Jagan who rigged the votes in favour of Brindley Benn againdt Rai who ran for the Chairmanship of the PPP. When Rai opened his mouth and spoke out. Cheddi and Janet called him a racist. Let me ask you a question. When the PNC goons were going to the Red House to kill Cheddi, all the PPP ministers had left Georgetown and went into hiding leaving the Minter of Home Affairs Balram Singh Rai to protect the people. Had he not stood his ground, thousands of Indians would have been slaughtered in Guyana.

Just thinking about that woman supporting a cuss up/ cuss down man like Brindley Benn to defeat and destroy a man like Mr. Rai just boils my blood.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
As I read the various postings here , I can't help this song came to mind:

[FLASH_VIDEO]<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
> value="never"
> value="transparent"
> name="movie"
/> /> /><embed allowScriptAccess="never"

Thanks Mitwah for posting the music of the great Pradeep.
Originally posted by albert:
Vincent Teekah, Chandisingh , Balram Singh Rai, joined forces against the P.P.P and lost...Moses has to realize nothing formed against the P.P.P shall prosper......the P.P.P/C will always remind steadfast in the principles of the working class....

Aye yuh shithead. Da man Moses do wah none a dem name you list did. Abe deh Berbice and dem bandit a rob. Aye yuh shithead when abe guh see forsic lab.
Originally posted by TI:
After slavery was over, blacks ran away from this hard work ! Big Grin

And PPP supporters continue to ensure that their party is condemned to minority status. Keep on showing how racist the PPP is. Fewr and fewer Indians will be left to support the PPP, especially with many who remain in Guyana looking at other parties.
Originally posted by caribj:
And PPP supporters continue to ensure that their party is condemned to minority status. Keep on showing how racist the PPP is. Fewr and fewer Indians will be left to support the PPP, especially with many who remain in Guyana looking at other parties.

carib bhai:

That 48.6% of the votes the PPP received in the 2011 election---that looks like an outlier.

By the way, the PPP only missed out on getting 50% of the votes by 4478 votes--thanks to judas Moses.

Anyway, Berbicians have finally awaken---they know they were duped--they know it was a gross mistake to vote for Judas Moses and the AFC and most will return to Ramotar and the PPP in the next election--Berbicians now realize Ramotar is a man of honesty and integrity and decency---Judas Moses they now know is a weasel and a traitor.


Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:
After slavery was over, blacks ran away from this hard work ! Big Grin

And PPP supporters continue to ensure that their party is condemned to minority status. Keep on showing how racist the PPP is. Fewr and fewer Indians will be left to support the PPP, especially with many who remain in Guyana looking at other parties.

Bhai carib,

Stop speculating, the next thing is that you will start using voodoo numbers again and make yourself a laughing stock once again.

I spoke with friends from Berbice recently and they have not seen Judas Moses and RUMjattan recently.

They are just waiting for them to visit Berbice soon, they have lots of rotten eggs waiting to welcome Judas and the RUM.
OUCH!!!!! Dat is why I dont like Politics, yuh need a BIG BIG stomach. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by caribj:
And PPP supporters continue to ensure that their party is condemned to minority status. Keep on showing how racist the PPP is. Fewr and fewer Indians will be left to support the PPP, especially with many who remain in Guyana looking at other parties.

carib bhai:

That 48.6% of the votes the PPP received in the 2011 election---that looks like an outlier.

By the way, the PPP only missed out on getting 50% of the votes by 4478 votes--thanks to judas Moses.

Anyway, Berbicians have finally awaken---they know they were duped--they know it was a gross mistake to vote for Judas Moses and the AFC and most will return to Ramotar and the PPP in the next election--Berbicians now realize Ramotar is a man of honesty and integrity and decency---Judas Moses they now know is a weasel and a traitor.



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