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OK Folks:

AFC parliamentarian Moses Nagamootoo has made it explicitly clear that if the 2012 budget submitted by the PPP is fair, aboveboard, and reasonable to the people of Guyana, then his vote in parliament will represent the 33rd vote needed to pass the budget.

Mr. Nagamootoo said that in his estimation the AFC is an independent party and he views himself as an independent member of parliament, who is not beholden to either the PNC or the PPP.

Speaker of the Parliament Raphael Trotman, who is deeply obligated to Opposition leader David Granger and the PNC for his speakership position was angered and appalled by the comments made by Mr. Nagamootoo that he would willingly support a PPP budget that was good for Guyana.

According to Trotman, "We in the AFC and APNU must support each other. There must be a oneness and togetherness among us. We must not give in to the PPP. We are the opposition. We must fight the PPP. For Moses to proclaim that he will be the 33rd vote to pass the PPP 2012 budget, that is unacceptable to myself personally and to APNU parliamentarians who supported my speakership."

Moses maintains that his vote will be the 33rd vote in parliament, and as long as the 2012 budget is fair and good for Guyana it will have his support.

What do you folks think---Is Moses being reasonable or is Trotman being irrational and moronic ?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I fiorecasted a fight between the "PPP refugees" and the " G/T knife and fork" crew. Nagamootoo seems especially prone to make announcements reflecting his interests without permission from the AFC. Its clear Naga inst part of the AFC. He is a PPP exile and will eventually return.

Those PPPites and others who scream at APNU for not accepting Nagamootoo need not get any further proof that he cannot be trusted by anti PPP elements. Trotman is absolutely correct not to trust him.

Oh and if Nagamootoo votes against the rest of the AFc he will be recalled.

Nagamootoo needs to tell us why ne NEVER voted against the PPP, but now is threatening to do this to the PPP.

I am sure spicegirl is happy with this turn of events as she seems to be another closet PPP.
i gree wid naga. do what is good for guyana. That should be everyone's priority and it's teh right thing to do. moses said that "if it's a good budget that is good for Guyana, then he would vote for it." don't see why trotman got a problem with that. is is trotman's role to vote against everything the ppp propoes even if it's good for the country and people? seems like trotman is taking a page out of the republicans who is against obama on everything.
According to Trotman, "We in the AFC and APNU must support each other. There must be a oneness and togetherness among us. We must not give in to the PPP. We are the opposition. We must fight the PPP.

Trotman does not seem to understand that he is supposed to be neutral.

IF he can support the PNC then Ramjattan can support the PPP.

Coolieman is about to find out what kind of person Trotman is..
Originally posted by caribj:
I fiorecasted a fight between the "PPP refugees" and the " G/T knife and fork" crew. Nagamootoo seems especially prone to make announcements reflecting his interests without permission from the AFC. Its clear Naga inst part of the AFC. He is a PPP exile and will eventually return.

Those PPPites and others who scream at APNU for not accepting Nagamootoo need not get any further proof that he cannot be trusted by anti PPP elements. Trotman is absolutely correct not to trust him.

Oh and if Nagamootoo votes against the rest of the AFc he will be recalled.

Nagamootoo needs to tell us why ne NEVER voted against the PPP, but now is threatening to do this to the PPP.

I am sure spicegirl is happy with this turn of events as she seems to be another closet PPP.

OF COURSE, I'm happy!
He said that so long as the budget presented is good and fair for all of Guyana, he will support it. What's wrong about that? This is the progressive approach. When APNC puts forth a progressive proposal, I'm sure he will suport it too. But so far, APNC is bent on pursuing an obstructive agenda.
BTW, what's the source of this information?
Originally posted by Breado:
i gree wid naga. do what is good for guyana. That should be everyone's priority and it's teh right thing to do. moses said that "if it's a good budget that is good for Guyana, then he would vote for it." don't see why trotman got a problem with that. is it trotman's role to vote against everything the ppp propoes even if it's good for the country and people? seems like trotman is taking a page out of the republicans who is against obama on everything.

I see you are a newbie like the Rev on this forum. Welcome aboard! Very good first post.

Yes! Moses comes across as fair and reasonable---he says he will support any budget that is aboveboard and good for the people of Guyana; Trotman, on the other hand, comes across as a whiner, a snake and mischief-maker.

The bottom line is Moses represents the 33rd vote in parliament---he said it--and he is right.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
The bottom line is Moses represents the 33rd vote in parliament---he said it--and he is right.


What Nagamootoo ( who is desperate to return to the PPP) thinks is reasonable isnt the same as saying that the PPP as a reasonable proposal.

Funny he doesnt talk about a reasonable AFc proposal and the need for either or both the PPP and APNU to support it. Why is that?
According to Trotman, "We in the AFC and APNU must support each other. There must be a oneness and togetherness among us. We must not give in to the PPP. We are the opposition. We must fight the PPP. For Moses to proclaim that he will be the 33rd vote to pass the PPP 2012 budget, that is unacceptable to myself personally and to APNU parliamentarians who supported my speakership."

Like Caribj had some inside info before the elections since he kept pointing out that AFC was not putting enough effort into competing against APNU for the Afro vote.
Originally posted by caribj:
Nagamootoo seems especially prone to make announcements reflecting his interests without permission from the AFC.

Moses has made it crystal clear that the AFC is an independent party that is not beholden to any other party.

And why should he get permission from the AFC to express his intention to support a budget that, in his words, is "fair, aboveboard, and reasonable to the people of Guyana" ?

With that statement, Moses come across as mature and responsible and wanting Guyana to progress; Trotman come across as a whiner and bellyacher---who is intent on stalling progress in Guyana.

Originally posted by warrior:
why is the pnc supporters getting carry away,this is all lies and rumors by these ppp soup drinkers.rev is a upstart who is getting paid to spread these kind of rumors.the ppp will always smell like shit


What lies are you screaming about ?

Listen, there are folks on this board who know Moses personally.

Many will confirm those comments by Moses---he made it crystal clear that he represents the 33rd vote in parliament---and he would not vote to impede any budget that was good for the people of Guyana.

Originally posted by albert:
What yr thoughts on the budget warrior?....constructive that it...
if the budget is good for all guyanese,all the parties in parlament should support it.that is the only way to move guyana forward,i donot care about power struggle.but only the guyanese people welfare.i guess ALL THE GNI posters will strip it peice by peice and decide which party have guyana interst at present ramottar is not inpressing look like he will follow in bar--rat footstep
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by warrior:
why is the pnc supporters getting carry away,this is all lies and rumors by these ppp soup drinkers.rev is a upstart who is getting paid to spread these kind of rumors.the ppp will always smell like shit


What lies are you screaming about ?

Listen, there are folks on this board who know Moses personally.

Many will confirm those comments by Moses---he made it crystal clear that he represents the 33rd vote in parliament---and he would not vote to impede any budget that was good for the people of Guyana.

rev you know what the American use to do with people that spread rumors,spice girl is asking for the rest of the article post it
Originally posted by caribj:
Oh and if Nagamootoo votes against the rest of the AFc he will be recalled.


Who in the AFC has the balls to recall Moses ?
Surely not that whiner and political opportunist Raphael Trotman ?

And surely not Khemraj Ramjattan!

Without Moses the PPP would hold a majority in parliament today.

Just take a look at the AFC's votes in region 6 alone:

2006...AFC received 3091 votes in region 6

2011...AFC received 11634 votes in region 6

The AFC picked up 8543 votes in region 6---thanks to Moses.


Who in the AFC has the balls to recall Moses ?


Originally posted by albert:
The budget will pass....and Moses will be the 33rd vote in its favour....
budget will pass. It will be picked over by both the APNU and the AFC. The PPP is not getting a free ride, If the checks and balance in spending is in place and the spending is not spurious it should pass.
Originally posted by albert:
Moses will support the budget....the Budget will be as it always was prepared.... in the interest of all Guyanese.......especially those of the working class

You are spot on albert!

Moses has zero intention of hindering or obstructing a budget that is in the interest of all Guyanese.

By the way albert, note Moses comment "aboveboard"---Moses says he will not vote to faciliate any mickey mouse games by the PPP in the budget---everything in the budget must be aboveboard.

Originally posted by Gupta:
APNU and AFC will support a Budget WITHOUT gimmicks. ALL source of income and expenses MUST be accounted for. NO gimmicks like the 2008 and 2009 Budget where, e.g., $$$4 BILLIONS was unaccounted for...disappeared..vanished (maybe in a few folks bank accounts)


That is what Moses was talking about when he said he will support a budget that is "aboveboard"---no more gimmicks by the PPP.

Originally posted by warrior:
rev you know what the American use to do with people that spread rumors...

What rumors warrior ?

The Rev posting comments by Moses that he intends to support any budget that is fair, aboveboard and reasonable to the people of Guyana---that is a rumor ?

It's not a rumor warrior---just the facts.


Didn't Trotman comment in Demerara Waves recently that some AFC members were planning on crossing the aisle ?


Moses will not cross the aisle---he will just support a fair, aboveboard and reasonable budget.

Originally posted by caribj:
I fiorecasted a fight between the "PPP refugees" and the " G/T knife and fork" crew. Nagamootoo seems especially prone to make announcements reflecting his interests without permission from the AFC. Its clear Naga inst part of the AFC. He is a PPP exile and will eventually return.

Those PPPites and others who scream at APNU for not accepting Nagamootoo need not get any further proof that he cannot be trusted by anti PPP elements. Trotman is absolutely correct not to trust him.

Oh and if Nagamootoo votes against the rest of the AFc he will be recalled.

Nagamootoo needs to tell us why ne NEVER voted against the PPP, but now is threatening to do this to the PPP.

I am sure spicegirl is happy with this turn of events as she seems to be another closet PPP.

Naga gatt di Daga, now he a fite back. Dem PNC bais stab da man, now da man a lash bak, dem bais get mad. Ah wah kind ting diss.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:
Moses seems like a loose cannon in the A.F.C...
seems like you are a nutcase. He has a responsibility to the people to do what is right by them albeit after agreement within his party that such a vote is prudent.

Given the way that Guyana politics operates (MPs serve at the pleasure of their party and not of a constituency, and there is recall) basically Nagamootoo is saying that he will support the PPP if he thinks he ought to, regardless as to whether the AFC does so or not.

He knows full well that its either all 7 votes or none at all.

This is the man who the AFC wanted to be Speaker? Amazing.

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