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Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Mara:
Although I am no longer surprised at the idiocy emanating from political leaders of all hues and stripes, I seriously doubt that the Speaker would verbalize such drivel - even among colleagues.


You are making the dreadful mistake of putting Trotman on a pedestal.

Do you know him personally ? Can you vouch for his honesty and his character ?

This may come as a surprise to you---but the real Raphael Trotman is a sly, cunning, scheming, manipulative scoundrel.



Post evidence please.
Originally posted by FC:
That is not what you posted in the opening comment of this thread which leads me to conclude your are intentionally mischievous.

This is what I wrote in the lead post:

AFC parliamentarian Moses Nagamootoo has made it explicitly clear that if the 2012 budget submitted by the PPP is fair, aboveboard, and reasonable to the people of Guyana, then his vote in parliament will represent the 33rd vote needed to pass the budget.

Moses had talked about his being the 33rd vote on spotlight TV---but his comments above regarding the budget were made recently.

Originally posted by Mara:
"For Moses to proclaim that he will be the 33rd vote to pass the PPP 2012 budget, that is unacceptable to myself personally and to APNU parliamentarians who supported my speakership."


I have checked all sources for this pronouncement by Trotman and except on this tread nothing showed up. So would you kindly cite your source or admit it is minted scatology emanating from a nervous & agitated orifice? Haven't read the two page verbiage here but at the end of the day if you cannot name your source, you have only yourself to blame for your lost credibility.

The day is coming to an end . . . whither the Rhevarrhend!!?

marlon wrote:

I attended the meeting last night, with two of my friends that came to NYC from Schnectady with me.

My friends are PPP supporters and went only to hear what Moses had to say. Moses in no way convinced them to support or join the AFC with his speech.

I counted at least 60 people. Make no mistake, many PPP suporters were there but only to observe and report to Emperor Raj Singh and the Donald when he comes to NY, in order to get in his good grace.

Many old PPPites attended because of their friendship with Moses, including, Mel Carpen{ who is a Jaganite and will not join the AFC} Joe Kanhai, Rick Moonsammy, Bristol, Mustapha, Dr. Rudy whose outfit seemed that he was auditioning for the circus}, Aleem Ali{exiled by Jagdeo from the PPP} Aftab Karimullah { former PNC operative, trying to rehabilitate himself posing as the media, but is confused whether he should join Aleem and support the AFC outright or just give Ramotar a chance and associate with the PPP}.

I am in total agreement with Moses when he said that anything that the government does and its in the best interest of the Guyanese people, he will support. This position is a Jaganite position of critical support.I believe that while Moses left the PPP because of Jagdeo and the corruption, his heart is still with the PPP.

I hope that the PPP will rehabilitate itself after Bharras Jagdeo and Moses wil go back home. While I don't agree with Moses aloof attitude, I believe he means well.

I noticed that Mel was in deep conversation with Aleem and Aftab. I wonder if he was trying to recruit them for the PPP. However, I believe that this would be an exercise in futility since these two guys are wishy washee.

I know that the AFC and the PNC are in bed together and are calling for all kinds of investigation for corruption under Jagdeo and I totally agree with this.

How about the AFC call for the completion of the Walter Rodney murder investigation, which was started by the great Cheddi Jagan or will this rupture the coalition between the AFC and the PNC? I WONDER!

The food and service was good, but I thought that the venue should have been at a Guyanese owned facility. Remember, its those same Guyanese that the AFC and PPP ask for financial support. Just an observation, based on conversations with some of the attendees

Note the highlighted part in marlon's report above:

"I am in total agreement with Moses when he said that anything that the government does and its in the best interest of the Guyanese people, he will support. This position is a Jaganite position of critical support.I believe that while Moses left the PPP because of Jagdeo and the corruption, his heart is still with the PPP."


Excellent report marlon---good to know that Moses, the 33rd vote in parliament, will support any PPP agenda that is good for Guyana and Guyanese.

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The AFC will support the PPP if the bill is good for Guyana and Trotman will have nothing to do with it.
Ramjattan is the Parliamentary Leader of the AFC. He calls the shots.


The power hungry Trotman has resigned himself to being speaker only.

He was hoping to wear 2 hats---leader of the AFC and speaker of parliament---but his power grab has been cut in half---he can only be speaker.

Trotman now realizes that Moses and Ramjattan will be in charge of the AFC until the next election---the man is depressed.

Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The AFC will support the PPP if the bill is good for Guyana and Trotman will have nothing to do with it.
Ramjattan is the Parliamentary Leader of the AFC. He calls the shots.


The power hungry Trotman has resigned himself to being speaker only.

He was hoping to wear 2 hats---leader of the AFC and speaker of parliament---but his power grab has been cut in half---he can only be speaker.

Trotman now realizes that Moses and Ramjattan will be in charge of the AFC until the next election---the man is depressed.


LOL, Trotman now has a big hole on his hat. Payback is sweet.

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