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The New Amsterdam Technical Institute

March 27 2019


The New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI) has launched an investigation after a video surfaced on Tuesday showing a student beating three of his schoolmates with a belt.

The incident is said to have occurred on Monday during the lunch break at the NATI.

Last evening, the Ministry of Education said it had launched an investigation after the video  emerged on social media.

The Assistant Chief Education Officer (ACEO- Technical) and the Institute’s  administration have been advised by the Chief Education Officer (CEO) Marcel Hutson, to ensure a thorough and expeditious investigation into the incident that the Ministry views as “disturbing”.

“The findings of that investigation will be shared when completed. The Education Ministry assures that the appropriate action (s) will be taken”, a release from the ministry said.

A video of the incident, which surfaced yesterday on various social media sites, shows one student standing with a belt in hand dealing three students, who were seated, lashes to the head and about the upper body. The student with the belt can also be seen using his hands to hit his schoolmates.

Additionally, the attacker was heard asking the trio why they were troubling him about his food, as he was cheered on by other students, who were recording the incident.

Stabroek News visited the school yesterday and was told that the head teacher was not present and that the deputy was unavailable to meet since she was in a meeting.

The Regional Education Officer for Region Six, when contacted, stated that she could not comment on the matter and that this newspaper should contact the Regional Executive Officer (REO) Kim Williams-Stephen. However, the REO advised that this publication contact the school’s board, since the school falls under its purview.

When contacted, Regional Chairman David Armogan said officials at the school told him that an investigation was launched on Monday. He noted that he was told that all four students and their parents were invited to the school yesterday as part of the investigation.

According to Armogan, he was told that the issue had its genesis in the three students allegedly taunting their assailant, telling him that he had brought “dog food” for lunch to school. “But that doesn’t give him the right to take out his belt and beat three students. It’s wrong. He should have taken it to the head teacher or deputy and they would have been able to deal with it,” he said.

Armogan noted that as of yesterday all four students remained at school. “All they are saying to me at the moment is that they are still investigating. Up to now they can’t make a decision. I think he needs to be expelled,” he said. “I think the ministry will need to get into it because I don’t expect them [NATI] to make any headway with it. If they [NATI] got a chance, I think they will just leave it like that,” he added.

Armogan further stated that the school will have to make recommendations for the necessary disciplinary action to be taken. “I don’t know what’s taking so long to do a simple investigation,” he said, while adding that to his knowledge no official police report has been filed.

Armogan noted that he has told the school to provide a report to him by today.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

When contacted, Regional Chairman David Armogan said officials at the school told him that an investigation was launched on Monday. He noted that he was told that all four students and their parents were invited to the school yesterday as part of the investigation.

According to Armogan, he was told that the issue had its genesis in the three students allegedly taunting their assailant, telling him that he had brought “dog food” for lunch to school. “But that doesn’t give him the right to take out his belt and beat three students. It’s wrong. He should have taken it to the head teacher or deputy and they would have been able to deal with it,” he said.

This video may show violent or graphic content:


Last edited by Django

The assailant is definitely wrong to mete out violence on his classmates. But in fairness those classmates must learn to mind their own business.

A man has a right to eat in peace. No one has a right to tell the man he is eating dogfood. Or to suggest that the man's wife is cooking dogfood, as I suspect that's how "wife" is mentioned in a related thread here.

ksazma posted:

Taunting someone doesn’t give that person the right to physically assault the person taunting them. 

that's correct

and the contrived, decontextualized cross burning by you and the other racist punks is 1000 times worse

ksazma posted:

That straw clutching discrimination excuse is worn out. Try the better approach of getting up like everyone else and personally doing what is necessary to improve your lives.

apropos what? punk banna

this is what i wrote:

"and the contrived, decontextualized cross burning by you and the other racist punks is 1000 times worse"

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

The assailant is definitely wrong to mete out violence on his classmates. But in fairness those classmates must learn to mind their own business.

A man has a right to eat in peace. No one has a right to tell the man he is eating dogfood. Or to suggest that the man's wife is cooking dogfood, as I suspect that's how "wife" is mentioned in a related thread here.

I hope you are not saying he has the right to act as a savage!!!

ksazma posted:

That straw clutching discrimination excuse is worn out. Try the better approach of getting up like everyone else and personally doing what is necessary to improve your lives.

They will die that way Bhai. Dont waste time, they will be forever RACIST PIGS!!!


I think that brown belt started it fuss

He probably insulted dem bais about dem food, hence dem retaliated accordingly 

Jus saying..

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

That straw clutching discrimination excuse is worn out. Try the better approach of getting up like everyone else and personally doing what is necessary to improve your lives.

Yes I see once again your head wearing behavior comes out.  Did you spend all night in a white robe with a hood burning black people's homes down.

One kid beats up so others and now suddenly its an event that concerns the billion + blacks who live on the planet.


Django posted:

The New Amsterdam Technical Institute

March 27 2019


The New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI) has launched an investigation after a video surfaced on Tuesday showing a student beating three of his schoolmates with a belt.

The incident is said to have occurred on Monday during the lunch break at the NATI.

Last evening, the Ministry of Education said it had launched an investigation after the video  emerged on social media.

The Assistant Chief Education Officer (ACEO- Technical) and the Institute’s  administration have been advised by the Chief Education Officer (CEO) Marcel Hutson, to ensure a thorough and expeditious investigation into the incident that the Ministry views as “disturbing”.

“The findings of that investigation will be shared when completed. The Education Ministry assures that the appropriate action (s) will be taken”, a release from the ministry said.

A video of the incident, which surfaced yesterday on various social media sites, shows one student standing with a belt in hand dealing three students, who were seated, lashes to the head and about the upper body. The student with the belt can also be seen using his hands to hit his schoolmates.

Additionally, the attacker was heard asking the trio why they were troubling him about his food, as he was cheered on by other students, who were recording the incident.

Stabroek News visited the school yesterday and was told that the head teacher was not present and that the deputy was unavailable to meet since she was in a meeting.

The Regional Education Officer for Region Six, when contacted, stated that she could not comment on the matter and that this newspaper should contact the Regional Executive Officer (REO) Kim Williams-Stephen. However, the REO advised that this publication contact the school’s board, since the school falls under its purview.

When contacted, Regional Chairman David Armogan said officials at the school told him that an investigation was launched on Monday. He noted that he was told that all four students and their parents were invited to the school yesterday as part of the investigation.

According to Armogan, he was told that the issue had its genesis in the three students allegedly taunting their assailant, telling him that he had brought “dog food” for lunch to school. “But that doesn’t give him the right to take out his belt and beat three students. It’s wrong. He should have taken it to the head teacher or deputy and they would have been able to deal with it,” he said.

Armogan noted that as of yesterday all four students remained at school. “All they are saying to me at the moment is that they are still investigating. Up to now they can’t make a decision. I think he needs to be expelled,” he said. “I think the ministry will need to get into it because I don’t expect them [NATI] to make any headway with it. If they [NATI] got a chance, I think they will just leave it like that,” he added.

Armogan further stated that the school will have to make recommendations for the necessary disciplinary action to be taken. “I don’t know what’s taking so long to do a simple investigation,” he said, while adding that to his knowledge no official police report has been filed.

Armogan noted that he has told the school to provide a report to him by today.

One newspaper reported that the person with the belt was reacting that way because the other boys were making fun of his food.

Some of you here claim the boys insulted the other person’s wife.

Knuckleheads here claim it was “ethnic cleansing”.

I thought it was a case of bullyism.

Thats at least 4 versions of the motive for the reaction.

Thats how rumors spread....


Vice principal Frank Azores use to tell us during assembly that...



Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The assailant is definitely wrong to mete out violence on his classmates. But in fairness those classmates must learn to mind their own business.

A man has a right to eat in peace. No one has a right to tell the man he is eating dogfood. Or to suggest that the man's wife is cooking dogfood, as I suspect that's how "wife" is mentioned in a related thread here.

I hope you are not saying he has the right to act as a savage!!!

I repeat: he is definitely WRONG.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

That straw clutching discrimination excuse is worn out. Try the better approach of getting up like everyone else and personally doing what is necessary to improve your lives.

Yes I see once again your head wearing behavior comes out.  Did you spend all night in a white robe with a hood burning black people's homes down.

One kid beats up so others and now suddenly its an event that concerns the billion + blacks who live on the planet.


We don’t burn people or properties down bai. That is what some blacks do whether they are in Guyana, Miami, Los Angeles, etc. live with your history or do something to correct it. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

That straw clutching discrimination excuse is worn out. Try the better approach of getting up like everyone else and personally doing what is necessary to improve your lives.

Yes I see once again your head wearing behavior comes out.  Did you spend all night in a white robe with a hood burning black people's homes down.

One kid beats up so others and now suddenly its an event that concerns the billion + blacks who live on the planet.


We don’t burn people or properties down bai. That is what some blacks do whether they are in Guyana, Miami, Los Angeles, etc. live with your history or do something to correct it. 

What about the March on DC...anything burned down then?

Watch the series...Eyes on the Prize


The person who wrote this article need to get their facts straight.  Mars said the perpetrator’s wife was being harassed by those Indian boys.  He even pointed out that they knew they were guilty that’s why they sat there and took the beating.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The person who wrote this article need to get their facts straight.  Mars said the perpetrator’s wife was being harassed by those Indian boys.  He even pointed out that they knew they were guilty that’s why they sat there and took the beating.

That makes no sense whatsoever...sometimes guilty people over react too to camouflage their guilt....but that video is quite telling...I would like to hear the defense from the guy with the belt...

Obviously, this kind of video get people all riled up...some of you are encouraging the rumors by contributing your own versions to it.

Nehru posted:

Bibi, you really expected Mars Bars to say anything different. Some one mentioned Bush and Gutter. I rest their cases

Here is what I can tell you, if an Indian person had done that to three black boys he would not have lived to see another day.

Bibi Haniffa

I’m disappointed in the way Indian parents are raising their children. My father used to tell us if they touch you beat them to a pulp. In cases where we couldn’t beat them, my father would accompany us and make sure we beat them to a pulp.

I had good upbringing.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m disappointed in the way Indian parents are raising their children. My father used to tell us if they touch you beat them to a pulp. In cases where we couldn’t beat them, my father would accompany us and make sure we beat them to a pulp.

I had good upbringing.  

What kind of a society are you people living in???

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The person who wrote this article need to get their facts straight.  Mars said the perpetrator’s wife was being harassed by those Indian boys.  He even pointed out that they knew they were guilty that’s why they sat there and took the beating.

I wasn’t there so I don’t know exactly what happened. I’m going by what I heard on the video and the actions of all parties involved. The sound is not great but I distinctly heard the guy sharing licks shouting “y’all troubling my wife”. I said that the boys who were being beaten seem to be accepting that they did something wrong prior to the other guy assaulting them. The newspaper article spells out some of that by stating that the kids were taunting the other one before he resorted to violence. 

This is a fight between schoolboys which happens all the time but you never hear of these incidents. It’s been blown out of proportion because of the exposure on Social Media and because of the race of the participants. I bet if it were all black kids having a fight no one would care but a simple fight has been described as ethnic cleansing and a lot of other nonsense.


Last edited by Mars

Let’s hear what the school says. If someone refers to my food as dog food which the wife took time to prepare, I might haul off my belt too!

Anyway, let’s wait for the facts!  The administration of the school acting appropriately!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m disappointed in the way Indian parents are raising their children. My father used to tell us if they touch you beat them to a pulp. In cases where we couldn’t beat them, my father would accompany us and make sure we beat them to a pulp.

I had good upbringing.  

So alyuh was raised to be  tantaryah , what kind of parents would encourage their kids to be violent.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m disappointed in the way Indian parents are raising their children. My father used to tell us if they touch you beat them to a pulp. In cases where we couldn’t beat them, my father would accompany us and make sure we beat them to a pulp.

I had good upbringing.  

What kind of a society are you people living in???

One that does not tolerate bullying.  My family built a reputation and lived by it.  Many kids in our school were getting beaten on a daily basis.  Their lunches were grabbed from their hands.  Not us.  Everyone knew not to bully my father’s children. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m disappointed in the way Indian parents are raising their children. My father used to tell us if they touch you beat them to a pulp. In cases where we couldn’t beat them, my father would accompany us and make sure we beat them to a pulp.

I had good upbringing.  

What kind of a society are you people living in???

One that does not tolerate bullying.  My family built a reputation and lived by it.  Many kids in our school were getting beaten on a daily basis.  Their lunches were grabbed from their hands.  Not us.  Everyone knew not to bully my father’s children. 

Is taunting a form of bullying?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:

Bibi, you really expected Mars Bars to say anything different. Some one mentioned Bush and Gutter. I rest their cases

Here is what I can tell you, if an Indian person had done that to three black boys he would not have lived to see another day.

If an Indian guy was bold enough to do that, no one would mess with him. You can bet on that!

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I’m disappointed in the way Indian parents are raising their children. My father used to tell us if they touch you beat them to a pulp. In cases where we couldn’t beat them, my father would accompany us and make sure we beat them to a pulp.

I had good upbringing.  

What kind of a society are you people living in???

One that does not tolerate bullying.  My family built a reputation and lived by it.  Many kids in our school were getting beaten on a daily basis.  Their lunches were grabbed from their hands.  Not us.  Everyone knew not to bully my father’s children. 

Is taunting a form of bullying?

I think...

Taunting is more like teasing...not necessarily a repetitive act.

Bullying is more intense, seeks to empower the bully and demean the victim, and is generally more repetitive...

In any case....from what I am reading from you folks here...I dont think Guyanese are sophisticated to understand the causes and impact of bullying and how they affect both aggressor and i am sure this is a recurring incident in Guyana, among all different people, who will not necessarily readily jump to import "racial animosity" as a factor in the equation.

I think stereotypical views does influence the behavior of both aggressor and victim...

This is what I gathered from one of my Psychology 101 class years ago...

AND...this is good schooling for Skeldon-Man, DrugB and KP...dem bannas never had tertiary education... 

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