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How can you know God?

It all starts with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ provides a relationship with the Father and eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection, see Romans. 5:10.

Romans. 10:9 promises, "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." If you have not yet begun your personal relationship with God, understand that the One who created you loves you no matter who you are or what you’ve done. He wants you to experience the profound depth of His care.

Therefore, tell God that you are willing to trust Him for salvation. You can tell Him in your own words or use this simple prayer:

Lord Jesus, I ask You to forgive my sins and save me from eternal separation from God. By faith, I accept Your work and death on the cross as sufficient payment for my sins. Thank You for providing the way for me to know You and to have a relationship with my heavenly Father. Through faith in You, I have eternal life. Thank You also for hearing my prayers and loving me unconditionally. Please give me the strength, wisdom, and determination to walk in the center of Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations!

You have received Christ as your Savior and have made the best decision you will ever make—one that will change your life forever!

@Former Member posted:

Please don't send me any more of your delusions!

What are you talking about. Who's sending what? Don't open the link and don't read the comments. Simple as that, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

Don't loose you cool, stay calm and relay, meditate on what's being discuss, you will learn a few things. As the Jews would say, aleichem shalom.

לום עליך

Your Gentile Friend

Last edited by Keith

God’s Wisdom Revealed

In today’s reading, the apostle Paul discusses godly wisdom. This kind of knowledge isn’t available through human reasoning. It is of a higher realm and comes through divine revelation.

This supernatural insight is the only way to accurately know the Lord and His ways. People who lack it will often try to fit God into their preconceived image of Him. This amounts to custom-designing a god, based on their own ideas, to fit their preferences.

The Bible is our most reliable source of divine revelation. When we search for truth, we must consider the entirety of God’s Word instead of just picking and choosing verses we want to believe. For example, imagine if we were to focus only on passages about the Lord’s lovingkindness while disregarding those that deal with His holiness and justice—we’d end up with a lopsided understanding of His true nature.

So let’s take the entire counsel of Scripture into consideration. And remember that divine wisdom is available to every believer through the Holy Spirit, who searches the depths of God. May we never try to limit Him to fit our preferences. Instead, let’s allow the Lord to enlarge our minds so that we can know Him fully.  


Entrusted With the Gospel

Imagine that you’re minding two children. As they play, the younger one asks you to hold a dirty plastic pail. Awhile later the older one hands you a necklace that had been her grandmother’s. You wouldn’t worry too much about the toy, but you’d probably guard the jewelry with great care. The way we handle a possession reveals its value to us.

We see this principle in Jesus’ parable about the master who entrusted his workers with various sums of money. The two who invested theirs were later commended. Their efforts showed that they valued both the treasure and their master. A third worker, however, simply buried the amount he’d been given, and all he “earned” was a harsh rebuke.

Like these men, we are responsible for something of great worth. God has placed in our keeping the most powerful and precious message in existence—the gospel of Jesus. And we are accountable for what we do with it.

Do you feed on God’s Word daily and obey all it says? He has commanded us to share His life-saving message with a hurting and needy world. Whether we listen and obey reveals how much we value the gospel.


God is a Spirit and so are you. Allow me to explain, please! I am irreligious and consider ALL religion as nonsense! However, I believe in Jesus' definition of God as given in the Gospel according to John, Chapter 4, Verse 24: God is a Spirit, or Intangible Living Energy, out of whom ALL the intangible living energies such as us and ALL life, and ALL the tangible latent energies such as our bodies and ALL matter, come! And we, intangible living energies, realizing that we are such, and that God is the Source of our being such, we must worship God, Intangible Living Energy, by being truthful, for out of God can only come TRUTH or REALITY, not untruth or unreality! Energy is neither created nor destroyed! Whatever is, was, and will always BE! There is NO death, just a separation of the spirit or intangible living energy from its tool, tangible latent energy, the body, matter! ALL is experience, whether personally acceptable or not, whether in this physical world of matter or in the world of energy or spirit!! The only change is the choice of matter, in this world of matter, for new experiences, according to the experiences desired! Jesus NEVER started ANY religion! He taught TRUTH not religion! 'Christianity' was Paul's creation to corrupt Jesus' teachings! Better corrupt than persecute, especially when you can't find them to persecute! Paul was a Pharisee, a materialist, just like the Zionist Jews of today! Jesus spoke against the Pharisees, calling then 'children of their father' the devil (an alien! Read Exodus 25, 30 and 31 and decide for yourself if this was God)! Paul was born before Jesus! Why didn't he persecute Jesus' followers when Jesus was alive? Because he feared Jesus' powers and the people who followed Jesus! People who hate ALL Jews are mistaken. There are thousands, maybe millions, of Jews who are against the Zionists, even in Israel! I believe that those Jews who were killed in the Holocaust were against the Zionists' plans so they left them to the criminal Nazis! The Nazis killed all they could find as they trusted NO Jew! I could tell you more but only if you're interested!

The only real possessions each of us has are our memories, our labour and our power to choose! Our memories are dependant on what we input into our brains from our five senses; we labour, whether physically or mentally to support our physical bodies; our power to choose we always have, whether in this physical world of matter or in the world of spirit or energy! We visit the world of spirit when we dream, temporarily, or for a longer while when we leave our bodies in the state we call 'death'! The body doesn't 'die', does it? It just decomposes and is used by other life forms! The spirits of our loved ones are still with us but do not interfere with our experiences unless to warn symbolically when we are in danger of doing something which could end our experiences here in this world of matter!

Heaven is the world of spirit where we no longer have to support a body! There is NO Hell! Is God a masochist or sadist! God is Spirit or Intangible Living Energy out of whom come ALL the intangible living energies such as us and ALL life, and ALL the tangible latent energies, such as our bodies and ALL matter!

Ananias, never heard of before or after, was a part of Paul's plot! "Paul, receive thy sight!" which he had never lost!

Now, because of Paul, Jesus' God, a Spirit, has become conflated with the 'god', an alien, of the Jewish high priests and the goyim (cattle), the Gentiles, mistakenly worship a false 'god'! Jesus called him the devil and those who worship him his children! No wonder there has been so many wars with the Jewish financiers, like Rothschild, profitting from both warring sides!

Last edited by Former Member

A Powerful Message

The word gospel comes from euaggelion, a Greek word meaning “good news.” It was translated as gōdspel in Old English. Salvation in Christ truly is good news, for though sinfulness reigns in men’s hearts, God can redeem us.

This is the message of the Bible. In Genesis, we see the love of God for man, but we also witness how sin entered the human race, with the result that mankind was lost. There was no permanent solution until Jesus took our sins upon Himself. As our substitute, He endured the penalty we all deserved and defeated death with His resurrection.

Think about the strength of the gospel. God’s Word isn’t simply ink on a page; it is living, active, sharper than a sword (Heb. 4:12), and powerful enough to transform anyone—even sinners like us.

Think about what divine truth is able to do: It can break the chains of sin, heal brokenness, and change hearts. It also guides us into wisdom and choices that bring life. Friend, we have access to the most powerful message in existence.

What’s your response to the gospel? Are you grateful for being entrusted with God’s life-giving Word? This is why we must meditate on Scripture daily and eagerly obey what it says, as it’s the life-source for our soul.

@Former Member posted:

God is a Spirit and so are you. Allow me to explain, please! I am irreligious and consider ALL religion as nonsense! However, I believe in Jesus' definition of God as given in the Gospel according to John, Chapter 4, Verse 24: God is a Spirit, or Intangible Living Energy, out of whom ALL the intangible living energies such as us and ALL life, and ALL the tangible latent energies such as our bodies and ALL matter, come! And we, intangible living energies, realizing that we are such, and that God is the Source of our being such, we must worship God, Intangible Living Energy, by being truthful, for out of God can only come TRUTH or REALITY, not untruth or unreality! Energy is neither created nor destroyed! Whatever is, was, and will always BE! There is NO death, just a separation of the spirit or intangible living energy from its tool, tangible latent energy, the body, matter!

Death is separation. A physical death is the separation of the soul from the body. Spiritual death, which is of greater significance, is the separation of the soul from God. In Genesis 2:17, God tells Adam that in the day he eats of the forbidden fruit he will "surely die." Adam does fall, but his physical death does not occur immediately; God must have had another type of death in mind—spiritual death. This separation from God is exactly what we see in Genesis 3:8. When Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord, they "hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God." The fellowship had been broken. They were spiritually dead. A man without Christ is spiritually dead.

To illustrate, think of Jesus’ raising of Lazarus in John 11. The physically dead Lazarus could do nothing for himself. He was unresponsive to all stimuli, oblivious to all life around him, beyond all help or hope except for the help of Christ who is "the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25). At Christ’s call, Lazarus was filled with life, and he responded accordingly. In the same way, we were spiritually dead, unable to save ourselves, powerless to perceive the life of God—until Jesus called us to Himself. He "quickened" us; "not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy" (Titus 3:5).

The book of Revelation speaks of a "second death," which is a final (and eternal) separation from God. Only those who have never experienced new life in Christ will partake of the second death (Revelation 2:11; 20:6, 14; 21:8).

ALL is experience, whether personally acceptable or not, whether in this physical world of matter or in the world of energy or spirit!! The only change is the choice of matter, in this world of matter, for new experiences, according to the experiences desired! Jesus NEVER started ANY religion! He taught TRUTH not religion! 'Christianity' was Paul's creation to corrupt Jesus' teachings! Better corrupt than persecute, especially when you can't find them to persecute! Paul was a Pharisee, a materialist, just like the Zionist Jews of today! Jesus spoke against the Pharisees, calling then 'children of their father' the devil (an alien! Read Exodus 25, 30 and 31 and decide for yourself if this was God)! Paul was born before Jesus! Why didn't he persecute Jesus' followers when Jesus was alive? Because he feared Jesus' powers and the people who followed Jesus! People who hate ALL Jews are mistaken. There are thousands, maybe millions, of Jews who are against the Zionists, even in Israel! I believe that those Jews who were killed in the Holocaust were against the Zionists' plans so they left them to the criminal Nazis! The Nazis killed all they could find as they trusted NO Jew! I could tell you more but only if you're interested!

Let us dive into to a little history lesson here. The church began 50 days after Jesus' resurrection (c. A.D. 30). Jesus had promised that He would build His church (Matthew 16:18), and with the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), the church ekklesia (the "called-out assembly") officially began. Three thousand people responded to Peter's sermon that day and chose to follow Christ.

The initial converts to Christianity were Jews or proselytes to Judaism, and the church was centered in Jerusalem. Because of this, Christianity was seen at first as a Jewish sect, akin to the Pharisees, the Sadducees, or the Essenes. However, what the apostles preached was radically different from what other Jewish groups were teaching. Jesus was the Jewish Messiah (the anointed King) who had come to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17) and institute a new covenant based on His death (Mark 14:24). This message, with its charge that they had killed their own Messiah, infuriated many Jewish leaders, and some, like Saul of Tarsus, took action to stamp out "the Way" (Acts 9:1-2).

It is quite proper to say that Christianity has its roots in Judaism. The Old Testament laid the groundwork for the New, and it is impossible to fully understand Christianity without a working knowledge of the Old Testament (see the books of Matthew and Hebrews). The Old Testament explains the necessity of a Messiah, contains the history of the Messiah's people, and predicts the Messiah's coming. The New Testament, then, is all about the coming of Messiah and His work to save us from sin. In His life, Jesus fulfilled over 300 specific prophecies, proving that He was the One the Old Testament had anticipated.

If we learn nothing else from church history, we should at least recognize the importance of letting "the word of Christ dwell in us richly" (Colossians 3:16). Each of us is responsible to know what the Scripture says and to live by it. When the church forgets what the Bible teaches and ignores what Jesus taught, chaos reigns.

There are many churches today, but only one gospel. It is "the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints" (Jude 3). May we be careful to preserve that faith and pass it on without alteration, and the Lord will continue to fulfill His promise to build His church.

The only real possessions each of us has are our memories, our labour and our power to choose! Our memories are dependant on what we input into our brains from our five senses; we labour, whether physically or mentally to support our physical bodies; our power to choose we always have, whether in this physical world of matter or in the world of spirit or energy! We visit the world of spirit when we dream, temporarily, or for a longer while when we leave our bodies in the state we call 'death'! The body doesn't 'die', does it? It just decomposes and is used by other life forms! The spirits of our loved ones are still with us but do not interfere with our experiences unless to warn symbolically when we are in danger of doing something which could end our experiences here in this world of matter!

Heaven is the world of spirit where we no longer have to support a body! There is NO Hell!

Say what! Again, what book are you reading? Clearly couldn't be the Bible.

The Bible speaks of the reality of hell in the same terms as the reality of heaven (Revelation 20:14–15; 21:1–2). In fact, Jesus spent more time warning people about the dangers of hell than He did in comforting them with the hope of heaven. The concept of a real, conscious, forever-and-ever existence in hell is just as biblical as a real, conscious, forever-and-ever existence in heaven. Trying to separate them is simply not possible from a biblical standpoint.

Rejection of the existence of hell can also be blamed on inaccurate assumptions about what hell is. Hell is frequently imagined as a burning wasteland, a dungeon full of cauldrons and pitchforks, or an underground city filled with ghosts and goblins. Popular depictions of hell often involve a flaming torture chamber or a spiritual jail where evil things reside and where good things travel to battle evil. This version of hell does not exist. There is a real place called hell, but it is not the Dante’s Inferno image most people think of. Certain details about hell are given in the Bible, but those details do not match the popular myths.

The Bible actually gives very few particulars about hell. We know that it was originally intended for demonic spiritual beings, not people (Matthew 25:41). The experience of being in hell is compared to burning (Mark 9:43; 9:48; Matthew 18:9; Luke 16:24). At the same time, hell is compared to darkness (Matthew 22:13) and associated with intense grief (Matthew 8:12) and horror (Mark 9:44).

In short, the Bible tells us only what being in hell is "like"; it does not explicitly say what hell is or how exactly it functions. What the Bible does make clear is that hell is real, eternal, and to be avoided at all costs (Matthew 5:29–30).

Is God a masochist or sadist! God is Spirit or Intangible Living Energy out of whom come ALL the intangible living energies such as us and ALL life, and ALL the tangible latent energies, such as our bodies and ALL matter!

Ananias, never heard of before or after, was a part of Paul's plot! "Paul, receive thy sight!" which he had never lost!
Explain, please enlighten me.

Now, because of Paul, Jesus' God, a Spirit, has become conflated with the 'god', an alien, of the Jewish high priests and the goyim (cattle), the Gentiles, mistakenly worship a false 'god'! Jesus called him the devil and those who worship him his children! No wonder there has been so many wars with the Jewish financiers, like Rothschild, profitting from both warring sides!

When a skeptic finds a "disagreeable" doctrine in the Bible, he/she is likely to say, "That passage has been corrupted," or, "Paul wrote that, and we know he was a liar." Where the Gospels teach a "Pauline" doctrine, such as Jesus' atonement for sin in John 1:29, the skeptic dismisses it as "inserted by devotees of Paul." In reality, the skeptic's only basis for such a selective approach to Scripture is a personal bias against the idea of Jesus' atonement.

Paul's apostleship is attested to by the miracles he performed (Romans 15:19), the training he received (Galatians 1:15-20), and the testimony of the other apostles. Peter, far from being Paul's enemy, wrote this about him: "Our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:15-16).


See my comments above, I still need to know what book you hold truth too. Is it the same bible (NIV/KJV/NLT etc..) I read or something else?

@Totaram posted:

See right here--now that's a very Christian comment.  Ain't it?

I can give you one too! Don't be jealous! Or impatient, Ram, my dear goat!

Last edited by Former Member
@Keith posted:

Hmm, it is impossible for a person to learn what he thinks he already knows. Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

You're a character all right! That's why I'm laughing, nut!

@Keith posted:

Hmm, it is impossible for a person to learn what he thinks he already knows. Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

If you already know, why bother to learn, stupid?

@Keith posted:

See my comments above, I still need to know what book you hold truth too. Is it the same bible (NIV/KJV/NLT etc..) I read or something else?

No, fool! I think for myself! I am responsible for ME! Go take your enema and maybe a douche as well!

Last edited by Former Member

The Importance of Maturity

In today’s passage, we are reminded that our growth as Christians is a long-term process. We do not instantly understand all spiritual things at the moment of salvation. Instead, we develop wisdom over time through Bible study, prayer, and obedience to God’s principles and commands. With diligence, we increasingly learn how to distinguish between truth and error, good and evil, and divine will and personal impressions.

One of the biggest dangers for believers is a failure to mature. To grow, we must have nourishment from God’s Word, and to become strong, we need the exercise of obedience. Otherwise, we would easily be deceived, tossed about, and distracted by every new teaching that comes our way (Eph. 4:13-14). What’s more, we wouldn’t become familiar with deeper spiritual truths. Our grasp of God’s greatness would be minuscule and our appreciation of Christ’s sacrifice, shallow. And the Bible would remain a confusing and unappealing book to us.

Growing shouldn’t be considered optional in a believer’s life. Too often we think spiritual immaturity is normal, but God doesn’t. He has greater hopes and plans for our relationship with Him. 

@Keith posted:

The Importance of Maturity

In today’s passage, we are reminded that our growth as Christians is a long-term process. We do not instantly understand all spiritual things at the moment of salvation. Instead, we develop wisdom over time through Bible study, prayer, and obedience to God’s principles and commands. With diligence, we increasingly learn how to distinguish between truth and error, good and evil, and divine will and personal impressions.

One of the biggest dangers for believers is a failure to mature. To grow, we must have nourishment from God’s Word, and to become strong, we need the exercise of obedience. Otherwise, we would easily be deceived, tossed about, and distracted by every new teaching that comes our way (Eph. 4:13-14). What’s more, we wouldn’t become familiar with deeper spiritual truths. Our grasp of God’s greatness would be minuscule and our appreciation of Christ’s sacrifice, shallow. And the Bible would remain a confusing and unappealing book to us.

Growing shouldn’t be considered optional in a believer’s life. Too often we think spiritual immaturity is normal, but God doesn’t. He has greater hopes and plans for our relationship with Him. go fk yourself!

@Keith posted:

The Importance of Maturity

In today’s passage, we are reminded that our growth as Christians is a long-term process. We do not instantly understand all spiritual things at the moment of salvation. Instead, we develop wisdom over time through Bible study, prayer, and obedience to God’s principles and commands. With diligence, we increasingly learn how to distinguish between truth and error, good and evil, and divine will and personal impressions.

One of the biggest dangers for believers is a failure to mature. To grow, we must have nourishment from God’s Word, and to become strong, we need the exercise of obedience. Otherwise, we would easily be deceived, tossed about, and distracted by every new teaching that comes our way (Eph. 4:13-14). What’s more, we wouldn’t become familiar with deeper spiritual truths. Our grasp of God’s greatness would be minuscule and our appreciation of Christ’s sacrifice, shallow. And the Bible would remain a confusing and unappealing book to us.

Growing shouldn’t be considered optional in a believer’s life. Too often we think spiritual immaturity is normal, but God doesn’t. He has greater hopes and plans for our relationship with Him.

Hey as*hole! Jesus said God is a Sirit


Hey asswi*e! Jesus God is a Spirit! Not a He or She!

You know the mind of God, don't you, Einstein?!!

Sh*t! You even know God's sex! hahahahahahaha.......

WHO can know the gender of God and why would god need gender anyway!

You're just stupid!

Last edited by Former Member

Developing Spiritual Discernment

In our individualistic society, we may think we don’t need anyone’s help in making decisions, forming convictions, or distinguishing truth from error. But such self-reliance doesn’t lead to true wisdom and spiritual discernment. To know the Lord’s mind about a matter, we must rely on His Word. In the pages of Scripture, God has revealed who He is, how He works, and the way His followers are to deepen both their understanding and their relationship with Him.

God has also appointed leaders in the church to help us develop spiritual discernment. They do this by teaching sound doctrine and refuting any ideas that contradict Scripture. Under the instruction of these mature believers, we can grow in righteousness by learning biblical truths and then applying them.

Since every aspect of life is influenced by our capacity to make wise, godly judgments, it’s essential that we read the Bible and heed the instruction of our pastors. The truths we learn become a filter for everything we see, hear, and experience. Then, if we encounter error, our internal alarm will go off to protect us from deception.

We all need help when it comes to wisdom. So let’s ask the Lord today to guide us away from self-reliance and towards His holy Word.


Setting Goals

Few things in life are accomplished by accident, which is why it’s important for us to set specific goals. However, in our planning, we should always seek the Lord’s guidance and not simply aim for our own earthly ambitions.

Whenever a new goal comes to mind, we should consider whether it is in line with God’s will. Some topics may be scripturally clear, but many are not, so we must also examine our motives. Are we seeking to please God or ourselves? Are we pursuing money, power, or self-advancement without considering its pitfalls (1 Timothy 6:9-10)? Does a desire for holiness and God’s glory influence our plans?

What’s more, we must hold our goals loosely in case God, in His providence, changes them. As Christians, we are servants of Christ and should readily yield to Him. So if our plans are upended, we must ultimately trust the Lord’s goodness, omniscience, and wisdom because He alone knows the best path for us.

Remember, the Lord is much more interested in your spiritual growth than in your temporal success. If your goals are truly of God, they will advance your maturity as a Christian. So evaluate them honestly, with a willingness to let them go.


Goals and Conscience

Perhaps this has happened to you: While working toward a goal that honestly seems good, you realize getting there will require a choice or action that feels troubling. Anytime that is the case, you can be sure the Lord hasn’t approved the plan, because a godly goal will never force you to violate your conscience.

As we spend time in prayer and Bible study, the Holy Spirit builds God’s truth into our conscience, the “filter” through which we process our behavior and decisions. An inner alarm will go off if we think or act in a way that doesn’t align with that filter—it is God’s warning when we have stepped out of bounds.

The Lord won’t ever approve a goal that is achieved on a godless trail. Following that path will lead only to heartache, disappointment, and regret. If reaching an objective requires violation of your conscience, then you are headed where God has not called you, and the goal is your own—not His.

Good intentions aren’t enough to make a proposed plan right. Learn to appreciate your conscience—God’s gift of an internal warning system—and heed its admonitions.


A Call to Repentance

Repentance is a concept that isn’t talked about enough in some churches today. Yet it was a key point in what Jesus preached and something He specifically instructed the church to proclaim everywhere (Matt. 4:17; Luke 24:47).

Repentance is prompted by the Holy Spirit: He brings conviction concerning sin so that we’re encouraged to depend on Jesus’ righteousness. When we commit to repent—that is, to turn from sin and toward God—the Spirit supplies the power for us to do so. He transforms the inner person and gives new desires for holiness and obedience.

While salvation involves an understanding of sin and a choice to repent, some people mistakenly think they themselves must clean up their life before coming to Christ. But that is actually impossible. No one can make himself righteous apart from the work of the Holy Spirit—only God can give a clean heart, holy desires, and a transformed mind.

For unbelievers, that false assumption can seem an insurmountable obstacle to salvation. That’s why God’s children must know the truth about repentance and share it, clearing the way for lost souls to trust Christ as Savior.


Turning From Discouragement

Many people view discouragement and disappointment as the same thing, but there’s a slight difference. Disappointment is an emotional response to a failed expectation, whereas discouragement, or despair, usually comes from prolonged disillusionment or continued hardship.

Since we cannot experience perfect success in a fallen world or keep ourselves from suffering, there’s no way to avoid all disappointments in life. However, we don’t have to yield to discouragement. With the right perspective of God and His sovereignty over us, we can avoid feelings of despair. When He, in His providence, allows failure and disappointment, it is part of His perfect plan, and He promises to use it for good (Rom. 8:28).

If our confidence is in ourselves and what we can accomplish, we will always be disappointed. The only true remedy for discouragement is to put our hope in God. He alone can give us the courage to persevere, but we must be willing to look beyond the immediate to the eternal.

The Lord wants us to succeed but not necessarily in our self-reliant endeavors. Instead, may we all become victorious over despair and disappointment by trusting in and depending on Him.


God’s Message to His Children

Sometimes we hear so much about love in books, songs, and conversations that we begin to lose sight of its spiritual dimensions. Believers must remember that God’s love is of a much higher caliber—it is the starting point of our salvation. If He had not loved us first, we’d be destined for eternal condemnation rather than eternal life.

God revealed the extent of His love by sending His Son to die in our place. Jesus Christ became our substitute and bore God’s wrath for our sins so we could be forgiven and receive life everlasting.

But divine love extends even further. Not only are we pardoned forever, but God has also adopted us into His family (Eph. 1:5). As His children we are loved, accepted, and cared for by our heavenly Father. Yet even this is not the full extent of His love. God has also made us co-heirs with His Son (Rom. 8:17). Our inheritance is reserved for us in heaven, and one day when He returns to earth as King, we will one day rule with Christ in His kingdom.

Never let the world’s shallow concept of love rob you of the wonder of being a recipient of God’s divine love, which transforms us from enemies to heirs.


The Promise of Eternal Life

Our culture is obsessed with longevity. While it’s natural to desire many healthy years on earth, we must remind ourselves life doesn’t end with physical death. The bigger issue is eternal destiny.

There is only one way to assure that we are destined for life in heaven: We must recognize our hopeless, sinful condition, turn to Jesus Christ in faith, and receive forgiveness of sins and the gift of everlasting life. Those who do this get to spend eternity in the presence of the Lord, where there is fullness of joy and pleasures forever (Psalm 16:11).

Those who reject the offer of salvation suffer the terrible fate of agony in hell and complete separation from the living God. After death, there is no mercy or grace that can bridge the gap between hell and heaven. The matter must be settled while we are alive on earth (Matt. 25:45-46; Heb. 9:27).

We know from Scripture that eternal life is irrevocably linked to the person of Jesus Christ. As the apostle John wrote, “He who has the Son has the life” (1 John 5:12). Reaching a healthy old age is a laudable goal, but nothing is more meaningful than receiving the Savior and the gift of eternity in His presence.


A Clean Heart

One of the most misleading pieces of advice you will hear is the recommendation to follow your heart. God says, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick” (Jer. 17:9). We all enter life with a inclination toward sin and selfishness, and there is no way we ourselves can change this. Instead of trusting a sinful heart, what we really need is a new, clean heart, and only the Lord can give us one.

Our heavenly Father sent His Son into this world to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins. Only in that way could we be forgiven and receive a clean heart from which flow holy desires and ambitions. Through Christ, we are set apart for God, welcomed into His family as adopted children, and indwelt by His Spirit.

Thanks to our new heart and the Holy Spirit’s empowering presence, we are enabled to live a righteous life of obedience to the Lord. Instead of living with a deceptive heart, we can now draw near to God in fellowship and understand the truth of His Word. With gratitude for our new heart, let’s rely on the Spirit’s power to help us discern error and make wise decisions.


Living Amidst False Teachers

Unsound teaching can be a danger in our Christian walk. Let’s learn to spot those who might lead us in the wrong direction. False teachers usually ...

Mock truth. That is, they attack or attempt to discredit the Word of God or the church. When presented in a passionate and intelligent-sounding way, anti-church sentiment can lure even the most sincere people to doubt the truth of Scripture.

Follow unrighteous impulses. False teachers pick and choose verses to justify their sinful habits and desires. For them, the interpretation of Scripture is selective.

Divide people. They try to appear superior to their listeners. Some claim an experience that elevates them to a “higher level,” while others profess a more advanced spirituality that no one else could ever achieve.

Are worldly-minded. False teachers are not interested in teaching God’s Word. Instead, their focus is usually on what they can achieve, how many people will follow them, or how much they can earn through their teaching.

Spirit-led teachers recognize that humility and unity with their students is key (Phil. 2:1-4). Let’s pray for discernment to distinguish true teachers from misguided ones—and for only godly instruction to influence the church (Phil. 1:9-10).


Our God Is Able

Unfortunately, there are times when, no matter how hard we try or how talented we may be, we fail. How are we to succeed when the odds are against us? For believers in Christ Jesus, the answer is to live with the knowledge that God works despite our weaknesses.

In Genesis, Sarah doubted when the Lord prophesied the birth of her son. “Is anything too difficult for the Lord?” He replied (Gen. 18:14). Within a year, Sarah gave birth to baby Isaac. She saw that God was able.

Moses was scared when God sent him to Pharaoh to demand that the Hebrew slaves be released. “Who am I,” he asked, “that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” (Ex. 3:11). God replied that He Himself would release Israel, which He did in a miraculous way. Moses saw that God was able.

On our own, we can accomplish nothing (John 15:5). But with God, we have access to power beyond our comprehension (1 Chronicles 29:12). If you are overcome by burdens in your life, it is time to trust the only One who can carry your heavy load (Matt. 11:28-30). Then you will see for yourself that He is able.


The Landmine of Unforgiveness

It can be difficult to let go of resentment towards those who have hurt us. But that is exactly what God asks us to do—not only for their good but also for our own. Unforgiveness causes stress and unhappiness that can creep into our relationships with co-workers, friends, and family. But when we choose to forgive, we will find freedom. Here are things to do if you have noticed bitterness in your heart:

Assume full responsibility for your unforgiving spirit. The other person may be responsible for wrongful actions toward us, but we are nonetheless responsible for the sin of harboring bitterness.

Confess honestly. It’s appropriate to admit to God when we harbor resentment or wish for someone’s punishment. But since an unforgiving spirit will return unless we can permanently lay down our anger, this is a choice many people must make repeatedly.

Pray for your wrongdoer. We may not feel like talking to God on behalf of someone who’s hurt us, but doing so is the way to break the hold bitterness has on us.

Even after we have done these things, resentment may still crop up in our hearts. When that happens, we can thank God that we have, in fact, forgiven. We can also refuse Satan’s invitation to rehash the past.


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