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Former Member



You posted in the other thread that you'd be interested in delving into the technical issues regarding the demise of Long Term Capital Management(LTCM).


Below is part of what you posted:


"Your most important contribution here is the notion of leverage, which is at the root of LTCM's failure.  I would urge you to dig deeper into this. Why did the risk management model fail? What role Russia's financial crisis had? Once you have completed these we will get into technical more issues..."TK






Leverage was not the root cause of LTCM failure TK---it was a proximate cause---but the root cause of LTCM's failure was the flight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets triggered by the Russian crisis.


TK You said you wanted to discuss more technical issues---let's have a discussion about flight to quality---that results in a liquidity crisis when situations like the Russian crisis arises---we'll use LTCM as an example---they had 125 billion in debt on the balance sheet when the crisis hit---we can discuss market vs fair value and how market values matter for leveraged portfolios like LTCM.





TK, as you know LTCM's main strategy, which they clearly outlined to their investors was to make CONVERGENCE trade.


Now TK, at the beginning of 1998, LTCM had 125 billion in debt on their balance sheet and 5 billion in equity---that's a 25-1 debt to equity ratio---do you understand why LTCM carried such huge leverage ? Explain in terms of their CONVERGENCE trades.





As you are aware, the Russian crisis arose in August 1998 when Russia devalued the Ruble and declared a moratorium on its debt--281 billion rubles = 13.5 billion dollars.




Again TK, you said you wanted to discuss technical issues--let's have that discussion---there was a massive flight to quality after the Russian crisis---investors flooded out of risky markets---how did this affect LTCM---remember they had 125 billion in debt on their balance sheet---let's discuss liquidity---and liquidity as a risk factor.





I hope you are ready to discuss this topic TK!


* Remember LTCM's main investment strategy was to make convergence trades.


* Regarding risk management, LTCM partners believed on the basis of their complex and sophisticated mathematical and computer models that the long and short portions they held were highly correlated---so they assumed the net risk for them was small.




When the Russians defaulted on bonds---LTCM believed it had somewhat  hedged its Russian bond position by selling rubbles---in theory if Russia defaulted on its bonds---then the value of the rubble would collapse--and LTCM would make a profit on the foreign exchange market that would offset its loses on the Russian bonds---that was the THEORY.


Now TK, what went wrong---why did the LTCM's theory fail ? Hint: Russian govt prevented further trading in rubble.




If you are keen on having that discussion on the technical issues regarding LTCM---let's have a go---take your time---no rush.


Rev(former investment banker and now business owner--last 23 years)

Replies sorted oldest to newest



Leverage was not the root cause of LTCM failure TK---it was a proximate cause---but the root cause of LTCM's failure was theflight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets triggered by the Russian crisis.


Dude you have completely messed up terms there. Liquidity and leverage are connected. Why don't you get an understanding of liquidity and come back. I have not read the other parts of your post because your first contribution is erroneous. 

Originally Posted by TK:



Leverage was not the root cause of LTCM failure TK---it was a proximate cause---but the root cause of LTCM's failure was theflight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets triggered by the Russian crisis.


Dude you have completely messed up terms there. Liquidity and leverage are connected. Why don't you get an understanding of liquidity and come back. I have not read the other parts of your post because your first contribution is erroneous. 



Looks like you are running from the Rev.hahahaha


You need to talk to the finance professors at your 3rd rate college--let them enlighten you about LIQUIDITY!


Listen TK! The ultimate cause of the LTCM demise was the flight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets---when the Russians devalued the rubble and defaulted on their debt---the result was a massive flight to quality---investors bolted from risky markets into more secure investments like US treasuries---the result of all this chaos was a liquidity crisis of enormous proportions---dealing a severe blow to the portfolio of LTCM


TK--you are the one who said you wanted to discuss the technical issues of the LTCM demise--but how can you discuss technical issues when you don't even understand the phrase I used--'flight to liquidity across global fixed income markets" ?


Surely you are not afraid of the Rev exposing you as severely lacking in the field of finance, huh TK---you might know a little economics TK bai, after all you are a 3rd rate/3cents economics Phd---but if you don't comprehend the phrase "flight to liquidity" it is pointless having a discussion with you.


TK--Stick with your alter ego redux --you guys have a great time chatting shyt on this forum.










Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot.





Why not help out your friend TK---he likes to brag about RISK MANAGEMENT---the only thing TK knows about RISK MANAGEMENT is how to spell 'RISK" and "MANAGEMENT".hahahahaha


Help the poor boy out Stormy--come to his rescue.hahahaha



Originally Posted by Nehru:

TK--Stick with your alter ego redux --you guys have a great time chatting shyt on this forum  

Nehru bhai:


TK and his alter ego redux come on this board daily and berate posters here--questioning their intelligence and IQ.




The man is just a 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd and he loves to brag and boast.


Now, TK said to the Rev that he wants to discuss the "technical issues of the LTCM demise".


What TK doesn't know is the Rev used to be an investment banker ages ago and understands a thing or two about finance.


Anway the Rev puts a challenge to TK---and he pulls his usual trick---start bragging about how smart he is---and the runs away---the poor boy, TK/redux is deeply insecure---he'll come back chatting his usual shyt about how he refuses to give lessons for free.hahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot.





Why not help out your friend TK---he likes to brag about RISK MANAGEMENT---the only thing TK knows about RISK MAMAGEMENT is how to spell 'RISK" and "MANAGEMENT".hahahahaha


Help the poor boy out Stormy--come to his rescue.hahahaha



Stormy ain't know either. lol.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



Leverage was not the root cause of LTCM failure TK---it was a proximate cause---but the root cause of LTCM's failure was theflight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets triggered by the Russian crisis.


Dude you have completely messed up terms there. Liquidity and leverage are connected. Why don't you get an understanding of liquidity and come back. I have not read the other parts of your post because your first contribution is erroneous. 



Looks like you are running from the Rev.hahahaha


You need to talk to the finance professors at your 3rd rate college--let them enlighten you about LIQUIDITY!


Listen TK! The ultimate cause of the LTCM demise was the flight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets---when the Russians devalued the rubble and defaulted on their debt---the result was a massive flight to quality---investors bolted from risky markets into more secure investments like US treasuries---the result of all this chaos was a liquidity crisis of enormous proportions---dealing a severe blow to the portfolio of LTCM


TK--you are the one who said you wanted to discuss the technical issues of the LTCM demise--but how can you discuss technical issues when you don't even understand the phrase I used--'flight to liquidity across global fixed income markets" ?


Surely you are not afraid of the Rev exposing you as severely lacking in the field of finance, huh TK---you might know a little economics TK bai, after all you are a 3rd rate/3cents economics Phd---but if you don't comprehend the phrase "flight to liquidity" it is pointless having a discussion with you.


TK--Stick with your alter ego redux --you guys have a great time chatting shyt on this forum.










Dude...I am well trained in finance and I invest my own money. Salih Neftci was my finance prof...God rest his soul. Now please lean the connection between liquidity and leverage. That's the whole point of the great Hyman Minsky. At the core of his work is that connection. I do sincerely hope you learn something because as I said I want to see one fewer ignoramus in the Guyana government. And you have not yet demonstrated the various forms liquidity take. Continue your learning. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

Originally Posted by TK:
Dude...I am well trained in finance and I invest my own money. Salih Neftci was my finance prof...God rest his soul. 



You surprised the Rev! I was shocked you didn't know there is a vast, huge, humongous difference between leverage and liquidity.


If Salih Neftci was, indeed, your finance professor, he did a piss poor job explaining LIQUIDITY to you.


You like talking about RISK MANAGEMENT---you are good at talking TK---you are a great TALKER.


Anyway TK/redux, go and speak to your finance professors---have them explain to you the mistake LTCM made in their risk management.


I'll give you a hint:


What LTCM failed to account for is that a substantial portion of its balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the "price of liquidity."





Ask your finance professors to explain that phrase---general change in "price of liquidity".


It will help you understand why LTCM's equity shrunk from $5 billion at the start of 1998 to $600 million by the end of Sept 1998---at the same time LTCM's portfolio had not shrunk significantly---so it's leverage(25/1 at the start of 1998) was even higher by sept 1998.





Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

You are NOT ONLY delusional but a COMPLETE JACKASS. Watching the President in person my ASS. Stay in your Basement and watch!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

You are NOT ONLY delusional but a COMPLETE JACKASS. Watching the President in person my ASS. Stay in your Basement and watch!!!

 I know, you writing the prescription on my mental state should be taken with the authority of a brick on the head! I guess a basement is your frame of reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work. Let him go measuring head size if he so chose because there is no value in discussing this. Further, even if his head is bigger it is on account of the air inside.

You are a sorry man, you are merely jealous that Rev called out TK instead of you, a dollar store clerk, for an intellectual discussion. Let the gentlemen have their discussion even if you are not involved. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

You are NOT ONLY delusional but a COMPLETE JACKASS. Watching the President in person my ASS. Stay in your Basement and watch!!!

 I know, you writing the prescription on my mental state should be taken with the authority of a brick on the head! I guess a basement is your frame of reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!

Nah meh come from Barefoot, cassava eating, Piwari drinking Region!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
Dude...I am well trained in finance and I invest my own money. Salih Neftci was my finance prof...God rest his soul. 



You surprised the Rev! I was shocked you didn't know there is a vast, huge, humongous difference between leverage and liquidity.


If Salih Neftci was, indeed, your finance professor, he did a piss poor job explaining LIQUIDITY to you.


You like talking about RISK MANAGEMENT---you are good at talking TK---you are a great TALKER.


Anyway TK/redux, go and speak to your finance professors---have them explain to you the mistake LTCM made in their risk management.


I'll give you a hint:


What LTCM failed to account for is that a substantial portion of its balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the "price of liquidity."





Ask your finance professors to explain that phrase---general change in "price of liquidity".


It will help you understand why LTCM's equity shrunk from $5 billion at the start of 1998 to $600 million by the end of Sept 1998---at the same time LTCM's portfolio had not shrunk significantly---so it's leverage(25/1 at the start of 1998) was even higher by sept 1998.







Google search cannot help you to understand these things. Not because you learnt one definition and then the other you know. I never said liquidity and leverage are the same. What I said is they are connected. Moreover, they are connected by a feedback loop. The hallmark of true learning is not when a mal-educated one as yourself learn definitions and think you can do analysis. Once I am convinced you know how to more from definition to analysis, I shall talk about convergence trading. Keep learning because I sincerely hope I can eradicate one ignoramus from the lineup of the PPP.  You can keep attacking me personally but does not matter. As I said, I went to the best school in its class. Salih was one of the great lineup of profs we had. And I wrote my dissertation on liquidity. Eat your heart out but I published three peer-reviewed papers on liquidity from the dissertation. And I can manage my risk to make my portfolio grow at 9.3% last year. I look forward to seeing how much of a DOER you are. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

You are NOT ONLY delusional but a COMPLETE JACKASS. Watching the President in person my ASS. Stay in your Basement and watch!!!

 I know, you writing the prescription on my mental state should be taken with the authority of a brick on the head! I guess a basement is your frame of reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!

Nah meh come from Barefoot, cassava eating, Piwari drinking Region!!!!

 Very funny, if you really knew who I am you would swallow your shoe punk. Be assured that my coming into this world from amerind heritage does imply destitution. Actually, amerinds own more land than any group in the place...until of course the PPP begin to steal it for its kith and kin.


Further, even the least of my people did not come from the bottom of the the horrible condition most indentured knew for many thousands of years! Recasting yourself will not make that go away. Not that it mattered. What matters is the arrogance with with some of you idiots recast yourselves as the new Brahmins in a land and place that rescued your pitiful asses!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

You are NOT ONLY delusional but a COMPLETE JACKASS. Watching the President in person my ASS. Stay in your Basement and watch!!!

 I know, you writing the prescription on my mental state should be taken with the authority of a brick on the head! I guess a basement is your frame of reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!

Nah meh come from Barefoot, cassava eating, Piwari drinking Region!!!!

 Very funny, if you really knew who I am you would swallow your shoe punk. Be assured that my coming into this world from amerind heritage does imply destitution. Actually, amerinds own more land than any group in the place...until of course the PPP begin to steal it for its kith and kin.

I am not speaking to the Amerindian People but you, a pathetic, self-serving IDIOT!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

Let me see, you a racial supremacist, pigheaded mathematical dunce are living in the real world? I am here watching the inauguration of the president in person....yes the same one you know the white people will kick out of office for the smarter Romney and his "pretty sexy were 110 percent sure of that as you are sure you are living in the real world!

You are NOT ONLY delusional but a COMPLETE JACKASS. Watching the President in person my ASS. Stay in your Basement and watch!!!

 I know, you writing the prescription on my mental state should be taken with the authority of a brick on the head! I guess a basement is your frame of reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!

Nah meh come from Barefoot, cassava eating, Piwari drinking Region!!!!

 Very funny, if you really knew who I am you would swallow your shoe punk. Be assured that my coming into this world from amerind heritage does imply destitution. Actually, amerinds own more land than any group in the place...until of course the PPP begin to steal it for its kith and kin.

I am not speaking to the Amerindian People but you, a pathetic, self-serving IDIOT!!!

 Who should I serve... you? Do you think using the racist linguistic iconography co opted by you half educated asses such as "piwari and cassava bread" does not attempt to belittle Amerind peoples? How in the world do you think that would apply to me specifically? What a confused ass!

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!


Dude...anyone who pulls them up will see exactly the outpouring of the muck you store in your head. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!


Dude...anyone who pulls them up will see exactly the outpouring of the muck you store in your head. 

So why dont you JACKASS. I am waiting!!!  You HO!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!


Dude...anyone who pulls them up will see exactly the outpouring of the muck you store in your head. 

So why dont you JACKASS. I am waiting!!!  You HO!!!!

Nope! Don't have the time for that. But try to not pour out the abundance of "daag donk" you store up in that despoils this forum. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!


Dude...anyone who pulls them up will see exactly the outpouring of the muck you store in your head. 

So why dont you JACKASS. I am waiting!!!  You HO!!!!

Nope! Don't have the time for that. But try to not pour out the abundance of "daag donk" you store up in that despoils this forum. 

You bareface LYING Bastard!!!! Is that how you intend to attain WEALTH, STATUS and POWER. Is there anything you will not do to achieve your Goals. You ROBBER BARRON SHAMELESS HO!!!!

Originally Posted by TK:


TK: I never said liquidity and leverage are the same. What I said is they are connected. Moreover, they are connected by a feedback loop.


Rev: Any freshman taking Finance 101 will tell you leverage and liquidity are connected---what I wrote in the lead post was this:


Leverage was not the root cause of LTCM failure TK---it was a proximate cause---but the root cause of LTCM's failure was the flight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets triggered by the Russian crisis.


You clearly did not comprehend the statement "flight to liquidity"---so you started nitpicking about leverage and liquidity being connected.




TK: Once I am convinced you know how to more from definition to analysis, I shall talk about convergence trading.


Rev: I am convinced you are a bullshitter---you want to talk about convergence trading ? Explain to the forum why LTCM had to take huge leveraged positions---what is it about convergence trades that compels funds like LTCM to take highly leveraged positions ?




TK. And I wrote my dissertation on liquidity.


Rev: If you, indeed, wrote your dissertation on liquidity then you would know that LTCM fell victim to a flight to liquidity---and since you like talking about RISK MANAGMENT---I would have expected you to delve into how after the LTCM demise-- liquidity was built into risk models--yes! Liquidity itself was viewed as a rick factor by quant fund managers.


Anyway, keep braying TK/redux---you are a bullshitter---with some book sense--who loves to brag and boast---I this, I that, I the next.


The Rev won't waste time discussing the LTCM demise with you---you are severely lacking---go ask your finance professors for help.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


TK: I never said liquidity and leverage are the same. What I said is they are connected. Moreover, they are connected by a feedback loop.


Rev: Any freshman taking Finance 101 will tell you leverage and liquidity are connected---what I wrote in the lead post was this:


Leverage was not the root cause of LTCM failure TK---it was a proximate cause---but the root cause of LTCM's failure was the flight to liquidity across the global fixed income markets triggered by the Russian crisis.


You clearly did not comprehend the statement "flight to liquidity"---so you started nitpicking about leverage and liquidity being connected.




TK: Once I am convinced you know how to more from definition to analysis, I shall talk about convergence trading.


Rev: I am convinced you are a bullshitter---you want to talk about convergence trading ? Explain to the forum why LTCM had to take huge leveraged positions---what is it about convergence trades that compels funds like LTCM to take highly leveraged positions ?




TK. And I wrote my dissertation on liquidity.


Rev: If you, indeed, wrote your dissertation on liquidity then you would know that LTCM fell victim to a flight to liquidity---and since you like talking about RISK MANAGMENT---I would have expected you to delve into how after the LTCM demise-- liquidity was built into risk models--yes! Liquidity itself was viewed as a rick factor by quant fund managers.


Anyway, keep braying TK/redux---you are a bullshitter---with some book sense--who loves to brag and boast---I this, I that, I the next.


The Rev won't waste time discussing the LTCM demise with you---you are severely lacking---go ask your finance professors for help.





Dude...this is not very convincing. I am not bullshitting I said I want to eradicate darkness from the PPP's lineup. Dude...keep learning definitions. However, you cannot analyze LTCM in isolation of the work done by people like Hyman Minsky. So now that you have come down to your some work on liquidity. Read the great man - Minsky. You would be much better positioned to to make Guyana better and lift the lives of the poor people. Focus on these things. I am not convinced you have yet reached that elevation so as to understand the mathematics behind the convergence trades

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!


Dude...anyone who pulls them up will see exactly the outpouring of the muck you store in your head. 

So why dont you JACKASS. I am waiting!!!  You HO!!!!

Nope! Don't have the time for that. But try to not pour out the abundance of "daag donk" you store up in that despoils this forum. 

You bareface LYING Bastard!!!! Is that how you intend to attain WEALTH, STATUS and POWER. Is there anything you will not do to achieve your Goals. You ROBBER BARRON SHAMELESS HO!!!!

 You always interpret the world around you with that depleted IQ of yours.  

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

reference coming from the bare foot legion of guava bush!


And you really think I will let a JACKASS like you get away with your Racism. You have to be a bloody MORON, and this is a statement not a question!!!!



You have a track record of racist posts here. Go back six years. 

HEY JACKASS, If you cany read and understand that is NOT my problem you who will sell EVERYTHING for Fame, Power and Status. You SHAMELESS HO. Keep repeating your ILLITERACY and MAYBE someone will take it as fact!!!!


Dude...anyone who pulls them up will see exactly the outpouring of the muck you store in your head. 

So why dont you JACKASS. I am waiting!!!  You HO!!!!

Nope! Don't have the time for that. But try to not pour out the abundance of "daag donk" you store up in that despoils this forum. 

You bareface LYING Bastard!!!! Is that how you intend to attain WEALTH, STATUS and POWER. Is there anything you will not do to achieve your Goals. You ROBBER BARRON SHAMELESS HO!!!!

 You always interpret the world around you with that depleted IQ of yours.  

I respect your limited intelligence and would not argue with you . You are certainly displaying a very high level of IQ. I wonder if the meaning of IQ has been changed.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work. Let him go measuring head size if he so chose because there is no value in discussing this. Further, even if his head is bigger it is on account of the air inside.

You are a sorry man, you are merely jealous that Rev called out TK instead of you, a dollar store clerk, for an intellectual discussion. Let the gentlemen have their discussion even if you are not involved. 

 You  could only parse opinions in terms of petty jealousies as that is your frame of reference. The man is a nut. He is not here to discuss the mathematical strategies used or the fact this company lost its shareholders assets while its execs prospered. The company was one of those that made no goods performed no services and  functioned merely as a betting pool with its odds being directives and their "product".


Indeed if he and TK see this as worthy "financial" discussion ,so be it. I believe money should be made on products and services and its value should be based on the value of those. The US economy is surely going to tank if casino financial schemes are what drive market "value"

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

TK, do not be distracted by this idiot. We have work to do, Guyana's work.

You guys spend your whole day posting on GNI, did not know that is how you do Guyana's work.

Gal, Stormy in a world all by himself. Talk about being delusional.

 I knew something is wrong with this dude. He got very defensive after I labelled him as being neurotic.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You  could only parse opinions in terms of petty jealousies as that is your frame of reference. The man is a nut. He is not here to discuss the mathematical strategies used or the fact this company lost its shareholders assets while its execs prospered. The company was one of those that made no goods performed no services and  functioned merely as a betting pool with its odds being directives and their "product".


Indeed if he and TK see this as worthy "financial" discussion ,so be it. I believe money should be made on products and services and its value should be based on the value of those. The US economy is surely going to tank if casino financial schemes are what drive market "value"

When you are left out of intellectual discussion you tend to sulk. In this case Rev chose to exclude you because of your recent irrational behavior, screaming and shouting about PPP criminals and the like without any rational reason.

Originally Posted by TK:

I am not convinced you have yet reached that elevation so as to understand the mathematics behind the convergence trades



The Rev has exposed you as a bullshitter!


You said you wanted to discuss the technical issues regarding Long Term Capital Management and its demise--the Rev called you on it---and now you are all over the friggin place:


* You are now talking about eradicating darkness from the PPP line up.


* You said you cannot analyze LTCM in isolation of the work done by Minsky.


* You're telling me that I would be better positioned to make Guyana better and improve the lives of Guyanese.


* You said I have not reached the elevation to understand the mathematics behind the convergnce trades.


You are an absolute bullshitter Tarron Khemraj, and by the way you need to stop with your condescending nonsense---you are just a 3rd rate/ 3cents economics Phd--you are absolutely not qualified to discuss LTCM---and so you resort to bullshitting and obfuscation--you are a friggin braggart TK--and I have called you out--now you are hiding--and making all the excuses you see fit.





TK, this is another attempt of bullshitting by you.


Listen TK! LTCM's main strategy, when initially founded, was to make CONVERGENCE TRADES. These trades involved finding securities that were mispriced relative to one another---LTCM took long positions in the cheap ones and short positions in the rich ones.


Now, there were 4 main types of CONVERGENCE TRADES LTCM focused on----you ought to know what they were back in 1998.





Pay attention TK--because the differences in values of the convergence trades were tiny, LTCM needed to take large and highly leveraged positions inorder to make a significant profit---that explains LTCM having 125 billion in debt with only 5 billion in equity at the start of 1998.


So TK--what crap are you talking about the mathematics behind convergence trades---who are you trying to impress ? of course the LTCM quantitative models involved complex mathematics---what you could not explain TK was the ultimate cause for LTCM failure---what they failed to account for in their models---and how the liquidity crisis dealt a severe blow to LTCM's portfolio.


YOU ARE A BIG FRAUD TK! I wont call you a dunce--but you are a show off and a braggart who has been exposed--you don't know as much as you think you know. The Rev called you out regarding LTCM and you ducked--you chose to engage in obfuscation---you are a friggin bullshitter TK.


Listen TK, why don't you send your alter ego redux to post on this thread--he'll start blabbering about antimen, homos, stink panties, etc, etc







Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 I knew something is wrong with this dude(stormborn). He got very defensive after I labelled him as being neurotic.




Didn't you know that old man Stormborn suffers from Male Menopause--that explains his grumpiness, his peevishness, and his cantankerous nature---the man stormy can't help himself---he is ruled by his hormones.hahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

I am not convinced you have yet reached that elevation so as to understand the mathematics behind the convergence trades



The Rev has exposed you as a bullshitter!


You said you wanted to discuss the technical issues regarding Long Term Capital Management and its demise--the Rev called you on it---and now you are all over the friggin place:


* You are now talking about eradicating darkness from the PPP line up.


* You said you cannot analyze LTCM in isolation of the work done by Minsky.


* You're telling me that I would be better positioned to make Guyana better and improve the lives of Guyanese.


* You said I have not reached the elevation to understand the mathematics behind the convergnce trades.


You are an absolute bullshitter Tarron Khemraj, and by the way you need to stop with your condescending nonsense---you are just a 3rd rate/ 3cents economics Phd--you are absolutely not qualified to discuss LTCM---and so you resort to bullshitting and obfuscation--you are a friggin braggart TK--and I have called you out--now you are hiding--and making all the excuses you see fit.





TK, this is another attempt of bullshitting by you.


Listen TK! LTCM's main strategy, when initially founded, was to make CONVERGENCE TRADES. These trades involved finding securities that were mispriced relative to one another---LTCM took long positions in the cheap ones and short positions in the rich ones.


Now, there were 4 main types of CONVERGENCE TRADES LTCM focused on----you ought to know what they were back in 1998.





Pay attention TK--because the differences in values of the convergence trades were tiny, LTCM needed to take large and highly leveraged positions inorder to make a significant profit---that explains LTCM having 125 billion in debt with only 5 billion in equity at the start of 1998.


So TK--what crap are you talking about the mathematics behind convergence trades---who are you trying to impress ? of course the LTCM quantitative models involved complex mathematics---what you could not explain TK was the ultimate cause for LTCM failure---what they failed to account for in their models---and how the liquidity crisis dealt a severe blow to LTCM's portfolio.


YOU ARE A BIG FRAUD TK! I wont call you a dunce--but you are a show off and a braggart who has been exposed--you don't know as much as you think you know. The Rev called you out regarding LTCM and you ducked--you chose to engage in obfuscation---you are a friggin bullshitter TK.


Listen TK, why don't you send your alter ego redux to post on this thread--he'll start blabbering about antimen, homos, stink panties, etc, etc









I see you took several hours and read Google but you have not yet understood convergence trading. So now you are shouting and calling me names like someone with a very low IQ. What I said in my previous post is still I'll edit it and re post...I hope you will get yourself some enlightenment. Here you go:



Dude...this is not very convincing. I am not bullshitting I said I want to eradicate darkness from the PPP's lineup. Dude...keep learning definitions. However, you cannot analyze LTCM in isolation of the work done by people like Hyman Minsky. So now that you have come down to your some work on liquidity. Read the great man - Minsky. You would be much better positioned to to make Guyana better and lift the lives of the poor people. Focus on these things. I am not convinced you have yet reached that elevation so as to understand the mathematics behind the convergence trades

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen TK, why don't you send your alter ego redux to post on this thread--he'll start blabbering about antimen, homos, stink panties, etc, etc



u miss me nuh bai . . . dem lash does mek u feel nice, eh?

 ah spending lil quality time with the fambly . . . dat OK with U?



Good to see you release your alter ego redux onto this thread.




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