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* The honorable Prime Minister is a man who knows his history. He is fully aware that back in 1964 the UF after forming a coalition with the PNC was royally screwed.


* The Prime Minister is secretly adamant that the AFC must absolutely protect its domain by insisting on CONSTITUTIONAL changes.


* For example, under the current Guyana constitution President Granger has the power of recall---if the Prime Minister or any AFC MP votes with the PPP in parliament they can be re-called by the President.


* The Prime Minister knows that he and the AFC are powerless unless the constitution is changed and the power of the President is reduced.


* Best of wishes to the Prime Minister----not sure if President Granger will be amenable to any changes in the constitution---he is now the BIG KAHUNA---and he loves the power granted to him.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

Congrats to Moses.


* In 5 years time the AFC may demand the Presidency as part of any agreement to stay in the APNU+AFC coalition.


* If Prime Minister Moses and the AFC are wise they will maintain their party's independence.


* Yes they are now part of the coalition government----but by maintaining their independence---they'll always have immense bargaining power. Maybe in 5 years time the AFC may form a coalition with the PPP. 



Originally Posted by Rev:




* The honorable Prime Minister is a man who knows his history. He is fully aware that back in 1964 the UF after forming a coalition with the PNC was royally screwed.


* The Prime Minister is secretly adamant that the AFC must absolutely protect its domain by insisting on CONSTITUTIONAL changes.


* For example, under the current Guyana constitution President Granger has the power of recall---if the Prime Minister or any AFC MP votes with the PPP in parliament they can be re-called by the President.


* The Prime Minister knows that he and the AFC are powerless unless the constitution is changed and the power of the President is reduced.


* Best of wishes to the Prime Minister----not sure if President Granger will be amenable to any changes in the constitution---he is now the BIG KAHUNA---and he loves the power granted to him.





The euphoria will soon subside and real life begins.  Let the games begin.  The masses should throw their weight behind Nagamootoo regarding these changes he seek.  This is not an issue of race, it an issue of accountability and good governance.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rev, This what James Bond said " THe PNC is alive and well and that Burnham's Party is standing alone in victory, so go figure.


* If the Burnham constitution remains intact then what James Bond says is correct, "the PNC is alive and well..."


* It is paramount for Prime Minister Nagamootoo and his AFC party to absolutely insist that the Constitution, particularly the part giving the President the power of recall, be changed.




if we cannot put the past behind us how can we expect to progress. This is a new generation of Guyanese, it is pointless to try and poison their minds, all over the world changes are happening. Why are we reluctant to accept these changes. And as a matter of fact how many here actually have a true interest in Guyana, we are living the comfy life here, the Guyanese living over there back home seems to be embracing this new regime.

Originally Posted by Amral:

if we cannot put the past behind us how can we expect to progress. This is a new generation of Guyanese, it is pointless to try and poison their minds, all over the world changes are happening. Why are we reluctant to accept these changes. And as a matter of fact how many here actually have a true interest in Guyana, we are living the comfy life here, the Guyanese living over there back home seems to be embracing this new regime.

Amral, What past behind?? So why were there Looting , Burning, Molesting????

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:




* The honorable Prime Minister is a man who knows his history. He is fully aware that back in 1964 the UF after forming a coalition with the PNC was royally screwed.


* The Prime Minister is secretly adamant that the AFC must absolutely protect its domain by insisting on CONSTITUTIONAL changes.


* For example, under the current Guyana constitution President Granger has the power of recall---if the Prime Minister or any AFC MP votes with the PPP in parliament they can be re-called by the President.


* The Prime Minister knows that he and the AFC are powerless unless the constitution is changed and the power of the President is reduced.


* Best of wishes to the Prime Minister----not sure if President Granger will be amenable to any changes in the constitution---he is now the BIG KAHUNA---and he loves the power granted to him.





The euphoria will soon subside and real life begins.  Let the games begin.  The masses should throw their weight behind Nagamootoo regarding these changes he seek.  This is not an issue of race, it an issue of accountability and good governance.

Isn't in interesting that the man who you lambasted as a race traitor is now a pillar of morality.


I guess even a "bad" Indian is better than a black man in your books.

Originally Posted by caribny:

OK let the APNU AFC fight begin.


* The AFC was the catalyst in the coalition getting 50.6% of the votes---the Prime Minister delivered on his promise.


* But in order to protect themselves from the PNC---it is pivotal for Prime Minister Nagamootoo and AFC insist very early that changes be made in the constitution.


* It is true that a 66% vote is needed to change the constitution---but I am 100% certain that the PPP will agree that the President's power of recall be abolished.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:




* The honorable Prime Minister is a man who knows his history. He is fully aware that back in 1964 the UF after forming a coalition with the PNC was royally screwed.


* The Prime Minister is secretly adamant that the AFC must absolutely protect its domain by insisting on CONSTITUTIONAL changes.


* For example, under the current Guyana constitution President Granger has the power of recall---if the Prime Minister or any AFC MP votes with the PPP in parliament they can be re-called by the President.


* The Prime Minister knows that he and the AFC are powerless unless the constitution is changed and the power of the President is reduced.


* Best of wishes to the Prime Minister----not sure if President Granger will be amenable to any changes in the constitution---he is now the BIG KAHUNA---and he loves the power granted to him.





The euphoria will soon subside and real life begins.  Let the games begin.  The masses should throw their weight behind Nagamootoo regarding these changes he seek.  This is not an issue of race, it an issue of accountability and good governance.

Isn't in interesting that the man who you lambasted as a race traitor is now a pillar of morality.


I guess even a "bad" Indian is better than a black man in your books.

It depends who the "Blackman" is, for example you Marcus Greene AKA Caribj will be one of those.

Originally Posted by asj:

I do not thing that APNU would risk getting the AFC riled, without AFC we are in for another prorogation of Parliament, another Election........think that this marriage is heavenly blessed.

As we saw at the last congress APNU isn't a monolithic group.  The AFC has to be just as careful with APNU as APNU has to be with the AFC.  If the coalition ends AFC supporters would have put themselves in a position for the PPP to really punish them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:




* The honorable Prime Minister is a man who knows his history. He is fully aware that back in 1964 the UF after forming a coalition with the PNC was royally screwed.


* The Prime Minister is secretly adamant that the AFC must absolutely protect its domain by insisting on CONSTITUTIONAL changes.


* For example, under the current Guyana constitution President Granger has the power of recall---if the Prime Minister or any AFC MP votes with the PPP in parliament they can be re-called by the President.


* The Prime Minister knows that he and the AFC are powerless unless the constitution is changed and the power of the President is reduced.


* Best of wishes to the Prime Minister----not sure if President Granger will be amenable to any changes in the constitution---he is now the BIG KAHUNA---and he loves the power granted to him.





The euphoria will soon subside and real life begins.  Let the games begin.  The masses should throw their weight behind Nagamootoo regarding these changes he seek.  This is not an issue of race, it an issue of accountability and good governance.

Isn't in interesting that the man who you lambasted as a race traitor is now a pillar of morality.


I guess even a "bad" Indian is better than a black man in your books.

Basemen never cuss the man but was apprehensive, but baseman ready to admit being wrong if he does fight and get these changes.  He was able to do more that I had expected.  The changes he wants is good for all Guyanese, you have to agree.  Hats off to him...thus far!

Originally Posted by asj:

I do not thing that APNU would risk getting the AFC riled, without AFC we are in for another prorogation of Parliament, another Election........think that this marriage is heavenly blessed.


* The AFC learned the following from the great American President Ronald Wilson Reagan:




* Prime Minister Nagamootoo and the AFC are willing to TRUST their new coalition partner, the PNC. But they will insist on verification.


* To begin with the constitution must be changed---and the President's power to recall must be removed.



Originally Posted by Amral:

Nehru the past as in the 60's70's and 80's


Give them a chance, the PPP was really no better in the later half of their 23 years

I agree with you Bhai.  I said they should have their chance.  All I am asking for is FAIRNESS and for someone to teach the Opposition supporters humanity and civility.  The PNC cant cry like women when they lost and expect the PPP to be quiet when they do. That is not FAIRNESS

Originally Posted by baseman:

The euphoria will soon subside and real life begins.  Let the games begin.  The masses should throw their weight behind Nagamootoo regarding these changes he seek.  This is not an issue of race, it an issue of accountability and good governance.


* I am 100% confident the PPP will support Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo regarding the changes in the constitution he is seeking.


* Changes should also be made to the constitution regarding coalitions---coalitions should be allowed after the elections.




* President Granger will be put to a test by his AFC coalition partners very early in his administration.





Originally Posted by Amral:

I am not a supporter of any party never was never will be, but I am happy for the new party that will soon take power.


* The PPP was in power since 1992---that's 23 years---no one can deny that Guyana experienced decent growth and development during the PPP's tenure.


* But lemme be honest---the PPP politicians abused their power---they were corrupt---and their arrogance poisoned the minds of many Guyanese voters.




* But look at the numbers--the COALITION won by just 5400 votes---if 2700 voters had chosen to remain with the PPP---they would still be in power.


* Anyway, APNU/AFC has won---they are now in charge---let's see how they will rule the country.


* 5 years from now if APNU/AFC politicians are perceived to be just as power hungry and arrogant and self serving as PPP politicians---they'll be voted out of office.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rev, This what James Bond said " THe PNC is alive and well and that Burnham's Party is standing alone in victory, so go figure.


* If the Burnham constitution remains intact then what James Bond says is correct, "the PNC is alive and well..."


* It is paramount for Prime Minister Nagamootoo and his AFC party to absolutely insist that the Constitution, particularly the part giving the President the power of recall, be changed.



Those changes, as a minimum, requires two-thirds support of the MPs.

Originally Posted by caribny:

OK let the APNU AFC fight begin.

Yuh jus like Cobra. Look how quick yuh done laff and now ready fuh cry again. On a serious note, the general tone from some AFC supporters here is discouraging. Yes, there is work to do on the constitution (which is not a quick process) but there are smaller issues which can be addressed to immediately improve the quality of life for ALL Guyanese. It appears the focus continues to be on politics and power. Almost as if the AFC supporters didn't expect to win.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The euphoria will soon subside and real life begins.  Let the games begin.  The masses should throw their weight behind Nagamootoo regarding these changes he seek.  This is not an issue of race, it an issue of accountability and good governance.


* I am 100% confident the PPP will support Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo regarding the changes in the constitution he is seeking.


* Changes should also be made to the constitution regarding coalitions---coalitions should be allowed after the elections.




* President Granger will be put to a test by his AFC coalition partners very early in his administration.





Has pros and cons, but worth a consideration.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

OK let the APNU AFC fight begin.

Yuh jus like Cobra. Look how quick yuh done laff and now ready fuh cry again. On a serious note, the general tone from some AFC supporters here is discouraging. Yes, there is work to do on the constitution (which is not a quick process) but there are smaller issues which can be addressed to immediately improve the quality of life for ALL Guyanese. It appears the focus continues to be on politics and power. Almost as if the AFC supporters didn't expect to win.

Hey hey, you have to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rev, This what James Bond said " THe PNC is alive and well and that Burnham's Party is standing alone in victory, so go figure.

 PPP should back the change.

* If the Burnham constitution remains intact then what James Bond says is correct, "the PNC is alive and well..."


* It is paramount for Prime Minister Nagamootoo and his AFC party to absolutely insist that the Constitution, particularly the part giving the President the power of recall, be changed.



Those changes, as a minimum, requires two-thirds support of the MPs.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

OK let the APNU AFC fight begin.

Yuh jus like Cobra. Look how quick yuh done laff and now ready fuh cry again. On a serious note, the general tone from some AFC supporters here is discouraging. Yes, there is work to do on the constitution (which is not a quick process) but there are smaller issues which can be addressed to immediately improve the quality of life for ALL Guyanese. It appears the focus continues to be on politics and power. Almost as if the AFC supporters didn't expect to win.

Hey hey, you have to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time.

PPP been walking and chewing gum for 23 years. Didn't hear a peep about constitutional reform.

Originally Posted by Amral:

if we cannot put the past behind us how can we expect to progress. This is a new generation of Guyanese, it is pointless to try and poison their minds, all over the world changes are happening. Why are we reluctant to accept these changes. And as a matter of fact how many here actually have a true interest in Guyana, we are living the comfy life here, the Guyanese living over there back home seems to be embracing this new regime.

No one is poisoning their minds.  Don't forget almost half of the people voted against the new Government, and feel they were cheated.  The Country is no way more United.



Last edited by alena06
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

* It is paramount for Prime Minister Nagamootoo and his AFC party to absolutely insist that the Constitution, particularly the part giving the President the power of recall, be changed.



Demerara-Guy: Those changes, as a minimum, requires two-thirds support of the MPs.




* Surely you are not telling me that PPP members of parliament would not support the taking away the President's power to recall in the constitution.


* There is too much power in the Presidency. That has to change.



Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Amral:

if we cannot put the past behind us how can we expect to progress. This is a new generation of Guyanese, it is pointless to try and poison their minds, all over the world changes are happening. Why are we reluctant to accept these changes. And as a matter of fact how many here actually have a true interest in Guyana, we are living the comfy life here, the Guyanese living over there back home seems to be embracing this new regime.

No one is poisoning their minds.  Don't forget almost half of the people voted against the new Government, and feel they were cheated.  The Country is no way more United.



Baseman is cautious, we have to see real change, not nice words and promises.  I will not let my guard down until I see some movement on some of the initiatives proposed by the new PM.  The coming elections will be as close as this, let"s see if Granger resists calling in the military to thwart the outcome.


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