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Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP has to reinvent itself.



* Thanks to that man the PPP lost by a massive 4506 votes. 


* This thread is a tribute to the esteemed Prime Minister.


* The Prime Minister was pissed on and denigrated by many, included the Rev, but he ended up making fools out of all of us.


* The Rev is rooting for the Prime Minister to succeed in his position.


* But lemme be blunt! Unless the constitution is changed to at least remove the President's power to recall---then the Prime Minister will be powerless---the Prime Minister knows this.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Granger will not allow the Constitution to be changed oe should he?

If there was a recount and the PPP received the 100 votes they needed to get the other regional seat, then the PPP would have still be in power.



Rama Bhai:


* There is no word like IF after the fact.


* The fact is Guyana has a new President and a new Prime Minister.




* Well, when Cheddi took office in 1992 he and his boys were quite happy with the Burnham constitution, so Guyanese can all expect Granger and his PNC supporters to be satisfied with the Burnham constitution.


* Of course, Prime Minister Nagamootoo from the AFC will insist that changes be made and the President's power be diminished.


* It is left to be seen if the Prime Minister will make any headway.





Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Is the Most Reverend a staunch supporter of Moses ?



* You do realize that the esteemed Prime Minister is impotent under the Burnham constitution.


* The Prime Minister is fully aware of this and is hell bent on making sure that Granger's presidential powers are cut and the Prime Minister's powers are increased.


* It will be fun observing the tug of war between the President and the Prime Minister in the coming years.


* Maybe you don't understand the Rev's motives---The Rev wants to see war between the President and Prime Minister regarding the rewriting of the constitution.


* It's all hunky-dory between the PNC President and the AFC Prime Minister right now, but let's give them time to settle in.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:

OK let the APNU AFC fight begin.

Carib, I hope you stop blaming the coolie man for all the blackman problems. Let's see how you address the problems of the blackman now that a PNC goernment is in power. And yes, I am invoking race in this.

What fight - there is the Cummingburg Accord that sets out who get what.


AFC gets 12 seats and they done name them.


AFC gets 4 Ministries and they done name them - Home Affairs, Public Works, Trade and Tourism and Agriculture.


They get 40% of all boards and regional council seats allocated to the coalition.


Simple maths.

Last edited by Former Member

Then the 12 MP are (1/3 women and 2 amerindians)


1. Moses Nagamootoo,


2. Khemraj Ramjattan,


3. Valerie Lowe,


4. David Patterson, 


5. Sarah Punalal.


6.  Charandass Persaud 


7.  Veersammy Ramaya (region 6 Rep)


8. Cathy Hughes


9.  amerindian from region 8


10.  Raphel trotman


11.  woman


12. Youth



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Carib, I hope you stop blaming the coolie man for all the blackman problems. Let's see how you address the problems of the blackman now that a PNC goernment is in power. And yes, I am invoking race in this.


Skeldon Bhai:


* As long as Granger is President, afro Guyanese will have zero problems. You will not hear a single complaint from them about economic hardships or difficulties. What a loyal set of people.


Listen! PNC people in Guyana are in HOG'S HEAVEN right now.


The most literal sense of the expression "hog heaven" is a filthy pig sty with plenty of fresh slop on which to feed. Thus the pigs would be just about as happy as they could be.


* The PNC/AFC won by 4506 votes---that made for a heavenly experience for all PNC/AFC supporters.



Last edited by Former Member

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses wants to change the rules half way through the game...


Don't trust the PNC and Caribj...

RULES = CUMMINGSBURG ACCOPRD.  Read it and stop posting ignorance.

It has nothing to do with the Alliance handshake agreement.

Alright, August 30th will give you all the answer.


Sorry May 26th will provide all answers.


The full cabinet and MPs will be in place.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses wants to change the rules half way through the game...


Don't trust the PNC and Caribj...

RULES = CUMMINGSBURG ACCOPRD.  Read it and stop posting ignorance.

It has nothing to do with the Alliance handshake agreement.

Then it has everything to do with some Black Label  or your Mental lated Spirits.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses wants to change the rules half way through the game...


Don't trust the PNC and Caribj...

RULES = CUMMINGSBURG ACCOPRD.  Read it and stop posting ignorance.

It has nothing to do with the Alliance handshake agreement.

Then it has everything to do with some Black Label  or your Mental lated Spirits.

I thought you were less stupid...

Originally Posted by baseman:

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.


* You may very well be hitting the nail on the head there Mr. baseman.




Ain't it funny. The PPP analysts on GNI failed to deliver the victory they guaranteed. Now they are using their failed and discredited stupidity to try to sell the AFC some BS. Or maybe they are looking for a new job after the PPP money stop coming in.

Baseman has seen his party shredded to pieces at the election, even though he was full of racial advise to Jagdeo. Now he shouting that Jagdeo was not good for the party. At the same time he claimin the PNC is no good to the AFC. Desperate times has turned Rama, Baseman, Cobra etc into desperate liars.



Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Ain't it funny. The PPP analysts on GNI failed to deliver the victory they guaranteed.



* The Rev finds that a lot of you PNC/AFC supporters on GNI seem lost---you have been losers for such a long time that now your party has won, you just don't know how to enjoy the victory.


* Listen people! The PPP has been kicked out of office. Let's see if your beloved PNC/AFC will surpass the economic performance of the PPP over the next 5 years.






Rev, the PPP had 23 years in office and have turned Guyana in a failed state. It will take more than one election for the coalition to bail out this sinking ship, tow it to harbour, and repair it so that it is sea worthy again. Right now we have no idea if the central bank has any money left. The PPP has been busy doing foreign transfers up to the moment of their ejection from parliament.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Rev, the PPP had 23 years in office and have turned Guyana in a failed state.


Mr. T:




* Look the elections are over and your beloved PNC/AFC won, so no need to keep lying.




* When the PPP took over in 1992 the country was bankrupted and pauperized by the PNC.


* In 2015 the PNC/AFC takes over a country that has experienced positive Real GDP growth rates the past 9 years.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

If OBAMA didn't interfere, we would have delivered. 

Obama is a good man.  GOD BLESS AMERICA.

You all scrunt think that America not watching the PPP and their narco trafficking buddies.


LOL  - America works in mysterious ways.

America is the receiver.  All you people are on drugs.  The jails are full of addicts.   Your presidents didn't inhale were their excuses.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.


* You may very well be hitting the nail on the head there Mr. baseman.



Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.


The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay.  However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality.  The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill.  Classic "Art of War".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.


* You may very well be hitting the nail on the head there Mr. baseman.



Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.


The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay.  However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality.  The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill.  Classic "Art of War".





I am East Indian and Hindu.


This shyte got nothing to do with Indian or Black.


It got to do with how we rule the country.


Let Jagdeo explain the source of funds for the mansion first.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The change Nagamooto wants aint going to happen.  That a deal he should have struck before entering into the alliance.  The AFC were out-foxed.  They provided the cover for the electoral fraud which saw the PNC rise and the fell for quantity over quality.  They got 12 seats, but the constitutional power guarantee in very much intact for the PNC to exploit in the long run.


* You may very well be hitting the nail on the head there Mr. baseman.



Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.


The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay.  However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality.  The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill.  Classic "Art of War".





I am East Indian and Hindu.


This shyte got nothing to do with Indian or Black.


It got to do with how we rule the country.


Let Jagdeo explain the source of funds for the mansion first.

Flour boy, you don't have to tell me who you are, we know who you are, and you fit the mold very well.  Now, which of the 12 seats you getting?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.


The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay.  However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality.  The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill.  Classic "Art of War".


As I said.  Let the PPP transform itself into  avalid multi racial party by dumping this coolie party with a few black tokens nonsense.  Find black people with a valid black constituency.  People who have been known to advocate on behalf of Afro Guyanese people, and therefore trusted by them.


In other words learn from APNU and the AFC.  They won because there was  small swing Indo vote combined with the African and mixed vote.  This outnumbered the PPPs scared Indo vote and purchased Amerindian vote.


BTW, lacking largesse over the next 5 years the PPP will no longer have its Amerindian vote, unless the coalition govt is stupid, and neglects these people.  In addition the small black/mixed vote that the PPP got will probably not be there either as much of it was from milk drinkers voting for the people who they assumed would have won.....people like Dizzy Lizzy.


How can a group which is going to be just over 35% of the population by 2020 think that they can form an Indo government.  If the PPP continues to be racist then they will be punished for it.


BTW of the coalition performs and succeeds in demonstrating that multi ethnic govt can work the swing Indian vote will be even larger.



So basemen, shift your thinking form Indo this and Indo that, and understand that, ethnic groups aren't monolithic, and that no ethnic can stand outside of a multi ethnic environments and still succeed.



I warned you and Shaitaan about this and yet you both stuck to this ethnically exclusive Indo tribal model.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:

OK let the APNU AFC fight begin.

Carib, I hope you stop blaming the coolie man for all the blackman problems. Let's see how you address the problems of the blackman now that a PNC goernment is in power. And yes, I am invoking race in this.

What fight - there is the Cummingburg Accord that sets out who get what.


AFC gets 12 seats and they done name them.


AFC gets 4 Ministries and they done name them - Home Affairs, Public Works, Trade and Tourism and Agriculture.


They get 40% of all boards and regional council seats allocated to the coalition.


Simple maths.

I thought you said they done name them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Indians were so hell bent in outfoxing each other that they fail to see themselves being outfoxed by the PNC.  This is the end of any hope of any other party ruling over Guyana, but the PNC.  The PNC will, in time, debase and take back the seats that was handed to the AFC and if they don't like it, they can go to hell, the PNC don't need anyone to remain in power, they have the GDF.


The rise of the new 1% privilege Indo class under "neo-Burnhamism" is here to stay.  However, the PPP hold a much of the fault as they were contemptuous, self-centered and myopic in they view of reality.  The PPP and AFC where locked in their own "civil war" and the military-minded Granger moved in for the kill.  Classic "Art of War".

Should despair because you cannot get beyond your Indo tribal mode.


As I said.  Let the PPP transform itself into  avalid multi racial party by dumping this coolie party with a few black tokens nonsense.  Find black people with a valid black constituency.  People who have been known to advocate on behalf of Afro Guyanese people, and therefore trusted by them.


In other words learn from APNU and the AFC.  They won because there was  small swing Indo vote combined with the African and mixed vote.  This outnumbered the PPPs scared Indo vote and purchased Amerindian vote.


BTW, lacking largesse over the next 5 years the PPP will no longer have its Amerindian vote, unless the coalition govt is stupid, and neglects these people.  In addition the small black/mixed vote that the PPP got will probably not be there either as much of it was from milk drinkers voting for the people who they assumed would have won.....people like Dizzy Lizzy.


How can a group which is going to be just over 35% of the population by 2020 think that they can form an Indo government.  If the PPP continues to be racist then they will be punished for it.


BTW of the coalition performs and succeeds in demonstrating that multi ethnic govt can work the swing Indian vote will be even larger.



So basemen, shift your thinking form Indo this and Indo that, and understand that, ethnic groups aren't monolithic, and that no ethnic can stand outside of a multi ethnic environments and still succeed.



I warned you and Shaitaan about this and yet you both stuck to this ethnically exclusive Indo tribal model.

I do believe the PPP should have reinvent themselves a long time ago.  This was not my point.  As I said, the blame lies at their feet.  I do believe both parties should be more multi-ethnic.  Read again and understand my position.  AFC jump the gun and fell for quantitative measures over qualitative.


Hear me out in simple terms.  I DON'T SEE GRANGER GRANTING NAGAMOOTOO THE CHANGES HE WANTS.  Absolute power now lies with the PNC as it did pre-1992 and presents a clear opportunity for an era of "neo-Burnhamism".  Nothing stands in they way except the good intentions of any PNC leader.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I do believe the PPP should have reinvent themselves a long time ago.  This was not my point.  As I said, the blame lies at their feet.  I do believe both parties should be more multi-ethnic.  Read again and understand my position.  AFC jump the gun and fell for quantitative measures over qualitative.


Hear me out in simple terms.  I DON'T SEE GRANGER GRANTING NAGAMOOTOO THE CHANGES HE WANTS.  Absolute power now lies with the PNC as it did pre-1992 and presents a clear opportunity for an era of "neo-Burnhamism".  Nothing stands in they way except the good intentions of any PNC leader.

More paranoia on your part.


1.  People screamed that Granger will renege.  Well to their disappointment they now see that he isn't as the cabinet begins to be assembled and MPs are being named.


2. Armed with 12 seats the AFC can demolish the coalition government if Granger uses the constitution to exclude them.


3. APNU with 21 seats will crumble in the face of a combined PPP AFC MONC and they will lose that election.  Granger will then need to explain as to why he allowed that to happen.


Its no point talking about the fact that people ought to have multi racial coalitions, and then pour hot water when one is staring at you.


FACT.  The AFC promised a new constitution and will benefit from it.  FACT.  If APNU drags their feet this will be the trigger that might lead to an APNU AFC conflict.  FACT.  The PPP in opposition will also want a new constitution.


So there will be discussions about a new constitution.


BTW the PPPs idea of a multi racial coalition is to remain an Indian party, and appoint some black tokens who lack a black constituency, and who have no known track record in advocating on behalf of Afro Guyanese.  Black people aren't going to buy that, so the PPP will have to change its entire mentality.  I don't see that with its existing leadership because Jagdeo is a proven racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Ain't it funny. The PPP analysts on GNI failed to deliver the victory they guaranteed. Now they are using their failed and discredited stupidity to try to sell the AFC some BS. Or maybe they are looking for a new job after the PPP money stop coming in.

Baseman has seen his party shredded to pieces at the election, even though he was full of racial advise to Jagdeo. Now he shouting that Jagdeo was not good for the party. At the same time he claimin the PNC is no good to the AFC. Desperate times has turned Rama, Baseman, Cobra etc into desperate liars.



You really believed that people posting on GNI actually got paid by the PPP?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Ain't it funny. The PPP analysts on GNI failed to deliver the victory they guaranteed. Now they are using their failed and discredited stupidity to try to sell the AFC some BS. Or maybe they are looking for a new job after the PPP money stop coming in.

Baseman has seen his party shredded to pieces at the election, even though he was full of racial advise to Jagdeo. Now he shouting that Jagdeo was not good for the party. At the same time he claimin the PNC is no good to the AFC. Desperate times has turned Rama, Baseman, Cobra etc into desperate liars.



You really believed that people posting on GNI actually got paid by the PPP?

Some of them did.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I do believe the PPP should have reinvent themselves a long time ago.  This was not my point.  As I said, the blame lies at their feet.  I do believe both parties should be more multi-ethnic.  Read again and understand my position.  AFC jump the gun and fell for quantitative measures over qualitative.


Hear me out in simple terms.  I DON'T SEE GRANGER GRANTING NAGAMOOTOO THE CHANGES HE WANTS.  Absolute power now lies with the PNC as it did pre-1992 and presents a clear opportunity for an era of "neo-Burnhamism".  Nothing stands in they way except the good intentions of any PNC leader.

More paranoia on your part.


1.  People screamed that Granger will renege.  Well to their disappointment they now see that he isn't as the cabinet begins to be assembled and MPs are being named.


2. Armed with 12 seats the AFC can demolish the coalition government if Granger uses the constitution to exclude them.


3. APNU with 21 seats will crumble in the face of a combined PPP AFC MONC and they will lose that election.  Granger will then need to explain as to why he allowed that to happen.


Its no point talking about the fact that people ought to have multi racial coalitions, and then pour hot water when one is staring at you.


FACT.  The AFC promised a new constitution and will benefit from it.  FACT.  If APNU drags their feet this will be the trigger that might lead to an APNU AFC conflict.  FACT.  The PPP in opposition will also want a new constitution.


So there will be discussions about a new constitution.


BTW the PPPs idea of a multi racial coalition is to remain an Indian party, and appoint some black tokens who lack a black constituency, and who have no known track record in advocating on behalf of Afro Guyanese.  Black people aren't going to buy that, so the PPP will have to change its entire mentality.  I don't see that with its existing leadership because Jagdeo is a proven racist.

Caribj, you are a very smart guy, you know all this is window dressing.  But, I don't blame you, you ought to be gleeful, all Afro "ethnic Security" issues have been fully accomplished.  You are now in "heaven".

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are a very smart guy, you know all this is window dressing.  But, I don't blame you, you ought to be gleeful, all Afro "ethnic Security" issues have been fully accomplished.  You are now in "heaven".

Baseman.  Continue to mourn.  A small Indo swing vote combined with others to install a coalition.  If this coalition succeeds a LARGER Indo swing vote will emerge as people like you will no longer be able to scare them with "black man gun rape yo daughter" which you all engaged in a few weeks ago.


Join the rest of the world baseman.  The population of Guyana is 60% non Indian identified.  Your Hindutva paradis cannot ever exist in Guyana AGAIN.  Now you can either join the rest of Guyana, or you can sulk in the corner.



BTW the African insecurity dilemma is no more solved now than the Indian insecurity dilemma was resolved under the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member

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