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General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, this morning, met with representatives of the Organization of American States (OAS) Electoral Observer Mission, led by former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

During the meeting, held at the Party’s headquarters, Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown, the PPP General Secretary raised several issues of concern.
He pointed out concerns about orchestrated and coordinated attempts by some elements within the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), in complicity with APNU+AFC Coalition members, to perpetrate electoral fraud in Guyana and subvert the will of the Guyanese people.
The PPP General Secretary expressed concern too about the willful actions of the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, which flouted an injunction restraining him from actions that facilitate a declaration of final results in the 2020 General and Regional Elections. This contempt of an order of the Court, according to him, is a serious matter.
Further, the signature of the PNCR’s Volda Lawrence on the fraudulent declaration made by the Region 4 Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, was also addressed with the OAS team. The PPP General Secretary pointed out that the nine other declarations only bear the stamp and signature of the Returning Officers of those areas. As such, he questioned where this document was generated and how Lawrence’s name appeared on a crucial document. He added that this is akin to the APNU+AFC Coalition declaring the results for Region 4.

He pointed out that the verification process was running smoothly and over 400 Statements of Poll were verified, when a spreadsheet, with substantial variations in favour of the Coalition, was introduced into the process. After vociferous protests by all the political parties, the Chief Elections Officer, he added, proffered assurances to all the political parties – in the presence of the international observers and members of the diplomatic corps – that the verification process would recommence and continue to completion using the Statements of Poll. Thereafter, without any continuation of the verification activities, a fraudulent declaration was made by the Region 4 Returning Officer. The PPP General Secretary stressed the need for the verification of results in Region 4 to be completed, as the only way to ensure a credible declaration of final results.
The OAS representatives were informed that the position of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) is that there can be no swearing-in of a president, without verification of the results in Region 4.

People’s Progressive Party

March 8, 2020


Just peep in here ,i man have other things that's taking up my time. 

Why I am the subject of discussions, casting doubts ? Amral you know who are the members on the forum. Sometimes I read without signing in . I have noticed nothing of variety posting on the forum. I was thinking to post some news articles on a daily basis .

Will do like Sunil ,just post articles.



All: please also note that Guyana's constitutional laws imposes a 15-day limit for a declaration to be made after a general election. Verification or not, a declaration must be made by March 17th of this month. I suspect a Granger win would trigger an appeal by PPP/C against GECOM as I do not see the party or its supporters agreeing to an incumbent win.

Once again, the court will exam the election PROCESS, and whether it was compromised. Exciting times in Guyana's history.  





Peoples Progressive Party/Civic

1 hr Â· 

We wish to draw to the public's attention the fact that Roysdale Forde, Neil Boston and an unknown individual is currently visiting GECOM Chairwoman, Claudette Singh at the Commission's High Street Office. Forde is a candidate on the APNU+AFC list.
This follows an earlier visit by PNC General Secretary, Amna Ally to the home of the Chair which lasted over 2 hours.
This demonstrates how compromised certain high ranking officials of GECOM are.
We have informed the international community about this


While Guyana Law indeed stipulate that election results should be declared within 15 days; it does not mean that the announced results are valid and beyond the scope of being contested.

SOPs are the tallied votes for each political party and each group has the results before the election officials make the public announcements.

Major issue here is that the declared results for Region 4 does not match the SOPs.

Hence the current court proceedings because the announced results does not coincide with the SOPs.


@Django  Nine and half of the regions the SOP was used for tabulation of the final votes, then at about half way of region 4 Mingo play sick when he noticed the trend was giving the PPP quite a few votes.

 Well, he is OK now let's continue the process with all present  including RO Mingo. If that is allowed to be completed, yes APNU/AFC will win region 4 ,but not to over take the grand lead the PPP has accumulated.

  What is fair is fair, no short cuts, transparency to the fullest, the whole world is watching. If this counting of region 4 is done with all present and at the final end the PNC won, I will respect the results, but don't change the rules of the game at half time.


@Totaram. Don't blame the Indians who turned up for the protest in Toronto for the blacks who didn't. Those Indians are on the right side of history. Their position coincides with every other local and international body which has opined on the PNC illegal behavior regarding region 4 elections results.

You being on the wrong side of history is your funeral.

Last edited by Former Member

GECOM Chairman turns down PPP vote verification requests because issue before court


Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh has refused requests by the People’s Progressive Party for a restart of the verification of votes cast in Region Four before they are declared.

Justice Singh has also refused the PPP’s request for a final count of the Region Four votes to begin immediately, all without prejudice to the court case.

But, Justice Singh says since the issues are under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public discussion elsewhere, she will await the Court’s decision to determine the Commission’s next step.

The PPP, through its General Secretary and Representative of the List, Bharrat Jagdeo in a letter to the GECOM Chairman on Saturday, also asked that the Region Four Returning Officer refrain from declaring the results for that region.

Mr Jagdeo also asked that the Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield and the Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo collectively preserve the original statements of poll for Region Four.

The PPP General Secretary also, in his letter to the GECOM Chairman, demanded that the Chief Elections Officer does not make any public declaration of results of the March 2, 2020 general election or deliver any results to the election commission.

In his letter, the PPP leader said his party got 152,121 votes and APNU+AFC 100,682 votes – a lead of more than 51,000 in the verified and declared results for the other nine districts.


@Former Member You are biased beyond redemption.  It is an illness but yours is so serious you cannot be helped.  Your only hope is prayer.  If you are sincere, who knows, it may be answered and then you will see the world differently.  On another matter:  the numbers being circulated for Region 4 by PPP operatives are fake.  


The case before the court is to demand that GECOM perform their job as defined in article 84 because GECOM was not doing so. Singh is a nasty skont to insist that she needs to wait on the court rather than do the right thing and demand that her CEO demand that RO Mingo do the right thing. If she wasn't a nasty skont, she could have withdrawn the case before the Chief Justice and instructed Mingo to continue his verification of the SOPs as he was doing before he aborted it.


Totaram at what point did I ask anyone for help? I am perfectly comfortable with who I am and there is nothing in my consciousness which will change that. As much as you love black men, you should look into your own diseased soul as to why you continue to ignore what is obvious to everyone else who is not condoning the illegal behavior of the PNC. If the numbers being circulated by the PPP are fake, why doesn't Mingo place his SOPs next to the PPP ones and do a visual comparison? Why has Singh, Lowenfield and Mingo gone into hiding? Y'all have yet to understand the laws of civilization. 


@Former Member who appears to being posting for Anil:  have you ever wondered who is paying the fees for the expensive lawyers representing the PPP.  Do you know anything about the political party financing laws of Guyana?  Do you think that the PPP is violating those rules?  You know handing out hampers, red uniforms etc.


Whatever comforts you. Mendes also litigated the case before the CCJ and those same PNC lawyers made major fools of themselves before the CCJ just as they did yesterday. I stopped counting how many times Justice George effectively ask Douglas what his statements had to do with the argument being presented. He also sounded as if he was under the influence or alcohol.

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