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To PPP/C supporters: the fight isn't over just yet. The party would have to prove that the process was compromised, and if so, that a recount be concluded for Region 4. Again, Jagdeo's meddling and storming into GECOM's offices does not help your party whatsoever.

I believe APNUAFC will come out victorious after these events and also provides the party with an opportunity to introduce evidence that Jagdeo and the PPP/C compromised election results in other regions that triggered a recount. 

Best case scenario is a recount for Region 4. Worst case is a new election date. 

Granger will likely be sworn in within a few weeks. 

See you all on Tuesday, March 10th.  



@ Bibi true I was backing them in 2015, cause I was hoping that they will change the country, everyone here knew that I was backing them, it is public, I never denied that. As for this year, I remained neutral. I did not like Jagdeo trying to be Judge and Jury of what happens in the PPP. But that does not mean that I was backing APNU. This is the last time I am addressing this matter.


In 2015, I also backed them because of AFC...I was hoping for change. All I want now is a fair process...and the party with the most votes can control the country. 

The opposition should not be left out of major decisions! All Guyanese should benefit from the future oil money


What is so smart about Rochelle's statement? If the Coalition truly had the votes necessary to prevail, they wouldn't have gone through all the shenanigans including the one last night which received the admonition of the High Court Judge today. When in the history of Guyana did all three major persons in a circumstance to missing - kaput? Singh can't be found. Lowenfield can't be found and Mingo can't be found. As the saying goes, a one eyed man is king in a blind man's country. 


The PPP was in power for 25 years. But as soon as the PNC gets in power, oil is found and the PPP then start to make plans to rob black people of their share of Guyana. I am shocked that Granger had such a softly softly approach towards investigating PPP government crimes. Now it is coming to haunt Guyana.


I don't know if Django is posting under another handle but I will repeat, I can never appreciate why anyone would want to post under multiple handles. While D2 has several, he is not deceitful about them and I believe he maintains several because of the different professional roles he play outside of GNI. But no one else have explain why they have multiple handles. Well we understand Lena's circumstance when we went to Hoopla. 


So we back on making outlandish criminal allegations about the PPP when we have jailed no one as yet. Like Jagdeo asked the other day. Why they haven't jailed Ramayya if they think he was involved in illegal spy operation. If the outlandish allegations are starting up again, then those making them must also be beginning to accept that the PPP won the elections. 


If Django is posting under a different handle and keeping it a secret. Its bad on his part and shows poor judgement for someone who is planning on taking ownership in a few months. I give him however the benefit of the doubt. He stated he will be a reader for now. 


Here you go again speaking from two side of your mouth.

A) Why do PPP have to prove the system is compromise, when the world witness the barefaced thief.

B) There count is NOT done, so why do we need a recount... its pure English language. If something is not done, you cannot redone it.

Why would you conclude APNU will come out victorious, they have tarnish that reputation by thieving. 

APNU controls GECOM, we dont have to wait for APNU to get in power to show evidence as you claimed.  

You are sounding like Django or Django niece. 

This place is one Fck up site since January.  


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This is not ending with any court order or recount or verification. Prepare for the worse case scenario.  Don’t be surprised if the canisters of ballots disappear, then what?

PNC don’t intend to concede.


PPP under Janet Jagan first negotiated the oil deal with Exxon. Pnc rushed to grab, signed away Guyana's oil fields very cheap, because they know that their stay will be short. 

The big mistake they made was to open accounts in the US to deposit oil money. it can be frozen by the US.

 Let them be careful, they can't drink the oil, they can't sell the oil, they can't refine the oil if they are considered as a rogue government.

 Just because of greed, the country is divided by race, people are dying, the country is at a stand still , businesses are closed. All must do the right thing and abide by the laws, every vote MUST be counted, who gets the most win. I also listened to Jonas, he wants all races must have a say , A new government should consist of members of all major political parties, that will bring unity and stop the thieving.

Last edited by kp


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, this morning, met with representatives of the Organization of American States (OAS) Electoral Observer Mission, led by former Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

During the meeting, held at the Party’s headquarters, Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown, the PPP General Secretary raised several issues of concern.
He pointed out concerns about orchestrated and coordinated attempts by some elements within the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), in complicity with APNU+AFC Coalition members, to perpetrate electoral fraud in Guyana and subvert the will of the Guyanese people.
The PPP General Secretary expressed concern too about the willful actions of the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, which flouted an injunction restraining him from actions that facilitate a declaration of final results in the 2020 General and Regional Elections. This contempt of an order of the Court, according to him, is a serious matter.
Further, the signature of the PNCR’s Volda Lawrence on the fraudulent declaration made by the Region 4 Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, was also addressed with the OAS team. The PPP General Secretary pointed out that the nine other declarations only bear the stamp and signature of the Returning Officers of those areas. As such, he questioned where this document was generated and how Lawrence’s name appeared on a crucial document. He added that this is akin to the APNU+AFC Coalition declaring the results for Region 4.

He pointed out that the verification process was running smoothly and over 400 Statements of Poll were verified, when a spreadsheet, with substantial variations in favour of the Coalition, was introduced into the process. After vociferous protests by all the political parties, the Chief Elections Officer, he added, proffered assurances to all the political parties – in the presence of the international observers and members of the diplomatic corps – that the verification process would recommence and continue to completion using the Statements of Poll. Thereafter, without any continuation of the verification activities, a fraudulent declaration was made by the Region 4 Returning Officer. The PPP General Secretary stressed the need for the verification of results in Region 4 to be completed, as the only way to ensure a credible declaration of final results.
The OAS representatives were informed that the position of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) is that there can be no swearing-in of a president, without verification of the results in Region 4.

People’s Progressive Party

March 8, 2020


Bibi, Back in day, when PPP stole 1 seat from the AFC they argued that Court had no jurisdiction to figure out the outcome of the election. Suh how come de court have jurisdiction now?



Just peep in here ,i man have other things that's taking up my time. 

Why I am the subject of discussions, casting doubts ? Amral you know who are the members on the forum. Sometimes I read without signing in . I have noticed nothing of variety posting on the forum. I was thinking to post some news articles on a daily basis .

Will do like Sunil ,just post articles.



 @ Mitwah  Guyana is a funny country ,whatever suits politicians taste are fine. The elections are very close ,skulduggery took place , the funny thing most of the populated regions used spreadsheet for tabulation, now it's a problem for Region 4 .Never in history the PNC loss so many votes in the Region.

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