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This is not about race, the smart Afro are speaking out, because they know what is at stake, some were  cuss at and threaten by their own people. 

Listen up fellas... PPPC is NOT a Indian party anymore, they gain considerable votes from the AFRO community. Social media is evident to this base on their comments. its there for everyone to see. 



So long as Jagdeo represents or uses his platform to represent PPP/C, the PPP will continue to be viewed as a racist political party.

Jagdeo has murdered numerous black Guyanese under his reign and people have not forgotten. You can liken this to how Indo Guyanese view and speak about Burnham and his reign.

Remove Jagdeo and his cabals, and then you can start talking about PPP not being a partial party. 


Ferlin F. Pedro


Who wants to debunk the PPP/C's copy of SOP and the RO's declaration of results? Which is accurate and truthful? It is easy to do. And you don't have to rely on the PPP/C's SOP copy. Go to this polling station and see for yourself.

Box# 4110 | Division# 412221 C (i) | Polling Station: Diamond Secondary | Presiding Officer: Samantha Williams

RO declared value APNU+AFC: 191
SOP copy value: 171

RO declared value PPP/C: 60
SOP copy value: 80

Small parties are consistent from both sides.

Total votes called: 258

Actual total votes: 258

Post your results below, including a picture of the polling station's posted SOP.

Let's do this!
No photo description available.

Where the frock is Django... do you wanna take up this challenge. I am still waiting for those frocking SOPs you promised over a week ago... 

People like Django is responsible for Guyana current state. 


@Former Member Guyana is not currently at a standstill. Parties going on, people rushing to markets and supermarkets to stock up for the Coronoavirus, The Health Minister is planning how to tackle the issue, Guyana will go on, with or without the support of Jagdeo or supposed international parties.

Until Guyana is listed on a sanctions or OFAC list, Guyana remains a civil and democratic society. It is PPP that is stalling the process like a little child who cannot get its way. 

If you don't agree with the SOPs used by Mingo that matches APNUAFC's SOPs, take it to court! Don't stop the process in the interim!


This is not about race, the smart Afro are speaking out, because they know what is at stake, some were  cuss at and threaten by their own people. 

Listen up fellas... PPPC is NOT a Indian party anymore, they gain considerable votes from the AFRO community. Social media is evident to this base on their comments. its there for everyone to see.


That may not be true ,it's still race based voting.


Last edited by Django

You dumb fvck, those PNC monkeys don't know how to count so they are relying on the only thing they know how to do which is behave like jungle animals. Soon it will be time for you to be placed back into your straight jacket. Hopefully they put you in one permanently as your PTSD doesn't seem to be getting any better.


Rae Lam states:

"I am going to say this one last time because I am genuinely tired of the circus about SOPs.

TCI’s SOPs came from the field. We received them from candidates, relatives and friends election night and the next morning. This was tabulated into a spreadsheet for me to use at the verification exercise.

Over the weekend when the SOPs in our possession were being discredited, we created a website for the public to upload any SOPs they could send us. This we then used to go to those locations of any new ones to verify if they were indeed valid images. We then tabulated these in a second spreadsheet.

I received hundreds of images via my own fb again. We attempted to verify them as valid images where we could. What we discovered was that many were taken away already or we were not allowed to enter via the security instructions. We kept those to see if the Gecom Sops would match still. Some did and some didn’t.

Y’all please ease me about the PPP SOPs. I have my own verified images of field SOPs in my phone. For instance a former student, posted his polling place’s own at 10.34 pm on election night. Guess what happened when that same polling place Sop was read out today. Just guess.

For the man who openly tagged me and invoking the blood of Jesus on me to tell the truth because a nation rests on it, I hope you know that that blood covers me too. I answer to my faith and the Father. He only knows my heart and my intentions. My integrity stands. Your loyalty to your party is blind. I fight for a country’s votes to be counted however it went. You want your party to win. We are not the same good sir. We are not the same.

After what I saw today, there are no words. I can count on 20 fingers and toes as to the handful of SOPs which matched the close to 300 in our possession.

Now if there is anybody else who’d like to take me on, y’all come. I have time today and I’m inclined to oblige you. I hope you ready."


Yall see how some dumb rasses here got the board screwed up? Now no one knows who an answer is aimed at because the quote feature is off...who is the cause of this? The dumb rasses who misused it and now everyone pays for their stupidity instead of action being taken against the one commiting the act.

If this board cannot be run efficiently how the rass do you people expect Guyana to be any better? Is sheer dumb rasses running that country.

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