When is this roller coaster ride gonna end? Ive been hearing from some folks APNU might win. I thought the PPP had the edge before Mingo and Lowenfield shut up shop.
As provided for in our laws, they have two elements β the SOPs and the recount,β Jagdeo said. βThe recount has always been part of our law; some of the leaders of CARICOM were asking βwhat is the big deal?β That is how you end it all. What is this big deal about not allowing a recount, when the law says that and that is how you end the controversy?β Jagdeo said. He emphasised that the matter can be laid to rest definitively βby going to the ballot boxes and recounting them in front of everyone.β
@Sheik101, there are still folks saying Hillary won in 2016.
Fact is, PNC lost the elections, thatβs why there is this big halabalu!
@Totaram, no need for elaborate statistical analysis to ascertain probabilities of outcome after the event has occurred. You can now do a postmortem of the elections.
What is needed now is the credible and transparent verification of the outcome.
Take the lessons to the next election!
@Former Member Not predicting...illustrating PPP deception.
It is glaring how vehemently the Coalition and itβs supporters oppose the actual vote counts.
Hey Base, is that your summary that these fools are using to accuse the PPP of deception?
The roller coaster will be over the moment Granger comes to terms with the truth and do the right thing which is step aside and not stand in the way of President Ali doing what the electorate mandated him to do.
@Former Member: Granger is delusional. He will not accept defeat. He knew before the elections that he was a one-term president who by chance got to be president because Surujballi refused a recount in one region. The man is living in an African dictatorship mentality, the likes of Mugabe and Idi Amin. He believes that he is the law and the constitution and no one dares question him because he has backers in the army and police.
@Totaram, you seem confused with your own self. You threw out statistics, then you say no prediction but exposing deception.
Well, there is no need for all that fancy analysis. The event has occurred, just validate the outcome.
@Django, Rochelle, Totaram (Mit) ..
1) Do you have objection to a total recount.
2) Do you have objection to observers and or anyone to oversee this process in a transparent environment.
@Former Member, donβt know what the arguing over when the facts are in front of them.
PNC legal arguments, beginning with the NCV math to yesterday comedy show makes them look like jokers. And we know they are not that silly. They are actually well educated are skilled. However, contortion of facts make people do stupidness.
I actually pity them. Maybe Jagdeo should offer as olive branch. I believe they feeling desperate. Offer some PNC officials key positions in a PPP/C administration.
@Former Member: Who is there in the PNC you can trust and capable of holding a ministerial position? Oh, maybe they should offer Naga and Ramjattan positions.
Nah, they have some good people. Not ramjattan or nagamootoo. Separate the people from the politics. But I would not offer voting positions.
@Former MemberThe validation will come later today or tomorrow. It is you who is confused . The numbers being peddled by the PPP make no sense. Statistics is not used only to predict.
Totaram, Tell us what makes sense.