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Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Thus far BJ has the winning hand.  Will he overplay?   Only time will tell!

As it is now, he has a firm grip on things.  That NCV has boosted him further!

Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:


Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Thus far BJ has the winning hand.  Will he overplay?   Only time will tell!

As it is now, he has a firm grip on things.  That NCV has boosted him further!

Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.


Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:


Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

That's the problem, good luck to him. Don't think people are fools, hope fully some of the folks here don't get shell shocked when the results of the coming elections are declared.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:


Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

Back in the days, FH meet with the local group, these local groups gather info from the villagers . The CC rely on this vital info on the way forward.

Jagdeo is gambling and will pay the price if he choose a dictator attitude. There is no question about his charisma as a political leader, however, decisions must be made collectively... this is not a one man show.

People will pull their support away and the chain will be weakened. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Thus far BJ has the winning hand.  Will he overplay?   Only time will tell!

As it is now, he has a firm grip on things.  That NCV has boosted him further!

Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.


Missy, continue with the big fat LOL. In your mind  and many others on GNI, thinks Afro Guyanese are stupid, well there are news for you, huge surprise coming.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

Back in the days, FH meet with the local group, these local groups gather info from the villagers . The CC rely on this vital info on the way forward.

Jagdeo is gambling and will pay the price if he choose a dictator attitude. There is no question about his charisma as a political leader, however, decisions must be made collectively... this is not a one man show.

People will pull their support away and the chain will be weakened. 

From all his actions presently and not far in to past, what do you think ?

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Not sure about that, don't think the other major party and observers sleeping.

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

Back in the days, FH meet with the local group, these local groups gather info from the villagers . The CC rely on this vital info on the way forward.

Jagdeo is gambling and will pay the price if he choose a dictator attitude. There is no question about his charisma as a political leader, however, decisions must be made collectively... this is not a one man show.

People will pull their support away and the chain will be weakened. 

From all his actions presently and not far in to past, what do you think ?

I don’t know where baseman get this info from. Just spoke with someone who is up there ... this is news to him. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:



They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

Back in the days, FH meet with the local group, these local groups gather info from the villagers . The CC rely on this vital info on the way forward.

Jagdeo is gambling and will pay the price if he choose a dictator attitude. There is no question about his charisma as a political leader, however, decisions must be made collectively... this is not a one man show.

People will pull their support away and the chain will be weakened. 

Listen banna, that’s all well and good.  The coalition behavior has provided the wind in his sail. The PPP under BJ is riding high.  There were many afraid of neo-Burnhamism. Well, he blunted that fear and here we are.  As of now, what ever he does will prevail because, thus far, his gambles have worked.  I cannot say what happens a few years out, but today is today!

I believe the PPP has a high chance of an outright win come March!  53/47 and 35 seats. I don’t think ANUG will be a big factor.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

They have deep structural problems.  The PPP is now BJs party.  The opposition has no one to match him political prowess.  He is now the standard bearer.  

The PPP reconstituted and resurged because of him.  The opposition has no one. They squandered their chances in many ways.  

Back in the days, FH meet with the local group, these local groups gather info from the villagers . The CC rely on this vital info on the way forward.

Jagdeo is gambling and will pay the price if he choose a dictator attitude. There is no question about his charisma as a political leader, however, decisions must be made collectively... this is not a one man show.

People will pull their support away and the chain will be weakened. 

From all his actions presently and not far in to past, what do you think ?

I don’t know where baseman get this info from. Just spoke with someone who is up there ... this is news to him. 

Saw it on FB!

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.


Missy, continue with the big fat LOL..

Actually she is in a good position to LOL now!  We all saw the Coalition and PNC crumble!

Me nuh guh argue with she LOL bai!

Anyway, me got fuh run, Aunt's funeral this morn!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

They are in too much disarray!

They can reorganize, it's not too late.


Missy, continue with the big fat LOL..

Actually she is in a good position to LOL now!  We all saw the Coalition and PNC crumble!

Me nuh guh argue with she LOL bai!

Anyway, me got fuh run, Aunt's funeral this morn!

Condolences to you and the family.

Django posted:

Missy, continue with the big fat LOL. In your mind  and many others on GNI, thinks Afro Guyanese are stupid, well there are news for you, huge surprise coming.

It is only the sloppy boys that are claiming that AfroG are stupid. I have yet to see evidence of the "many others" who made this claim. 

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo tightens the noose!!

Emerging new rules now require candidates to come from the Central Committee.

That is why it may be better that the APNU retains office and the middle ground be held by a third party. The PPP will not change. They do not want to forgo t his friends and family way of pillaging the state. That they choose to embrace more closely an 1921 edict of the third party congress  of Lenin, an era so long dead to the rest of us and forgotten by most  in the distant, as their guiding principle means they are still ideological communist as the Chinese are maoist. Capitalism under them will alway be crony capitalism.

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo tightens the noose!!

Emerging new rules now require candidates to come from the Central Committee.

That is why it may be better that the APNU retains office and the middle ground be held by a third party. The PPP will not change. They do not want to forgo t his friends and family way of pillaging the state. That they choose to embrace more closely an 1921 edict of the third party congress  of Lenin, an era so long dead to the rest of us and forgotten by most  in the distant, as their guiding principle means they are still ideological communist as the Chinese are maoist. Capitalism under them will alway be crony capitalism.

You have got to be joking, considering all the blunders made by apnu over the past 3 1/2 years, yet you still  think they are redeemable. 

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo tightens the noose!!

Emerging new rules now require candidates to come from the Central Committee.

That is why it may be better that the APNU retains office and the middle ground be held by a third party. The PPP will not change. They do not want to forgo t his friends and family way of pillaging the state. That they choose to embrace more closely an 1921 edict of the third party congress  of Lenin, an era so long dead to the rest of us and forgotten by most  in the distant, as their guiding principle means they are still ideological communist as the Chinese are maoist. Capitalism under them will alway be crony capitalism.

I disagree. APNU has been hapless and no less crooked. Their first 3+ years are far worse than the first 3+ years of the PPP.

Secondly, if the PPP choses a candidate that the gets the majority of votes in the upcoming elections, then they would have chosen the candidate that is also supported by the voters. If they chose a candidate that is not, then they would have chosen incorrectly. Who they chose does not become the next president without the consent of the voters.



President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

I disagree. APNU has been hapless and no less crooked. Their first 3+ years are far worse than the first 3+ years of the PPP.

Secondly, if the PPP choses a candidate that the gets the majority of votes in the upcoming elections, then they would have chosen the candidate that is also supported by the voters. If they chose a candidate that is not, then they would have chosen incorrectly. Who they chose does not become the next president without the consent of the voters.

As I said it is mangy dogs politics. I know the PPP had almost 3 decades to take us into democracy  but instead they grew to be totalized  crooks by conserving the edicts of the Burnham constitution. These people were given three years by agreement with Carter to revised the constitution and waited until three months before it expired to cobble together the hack job they presented as constitution change. From the beginning they were determined to be crooks and to establish themselves as eternal lords over us. I am for breaking those shackles.

I do not know the APNU has stolen any large sums of money even if the indicators are they are strategically devious. I know they stopped the give away of our state lands to the Chinese and curtailed the rapacious pillage of our forests. Combine that with their parsimony at accepting Chinese loans for useless projects and the fact they were not crooks for close to three decades with no attempt to rehabilitate and I have a preference. Their asses needs to be in the Dog house unless they can show us some modicum of respect by telling us they plan to be different. This new strategy to revert to rigid democratic centralism to shut our Ramson tells me they are the same people with the same mind set. Lacking some new presentation about a difference I am not supporting them.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:


President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate.

I think he has not yet contributed sufficiently to the party to rise above all those who have committed much more sweat and blood to it. He has to creep before he can walk.

Plus the PPP always have to prepare itself for PNC bullyism. 

Gilbakka posted:


President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate. that....we are not a communist nation. We are a democratic nation where anyone from the local fishwife to the privileged socialite should get a chance to be president. That this party still embrace a philosophically and intellectually dead creed in th is era of open democracy means they are petrified in their thinking.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:


President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate.

I think he has not yet contributed sufficiently to the party to rise above all those who have committed much more sweat and blood to it. He has to creep before he can walk.

Plus the PPP always have to prepare itself for PNC bullyism. 

No party should get to determine the criteria of what constitute contribution. What the hell has any of those graduates of GIMPEX U did to deem them worthy of office? Jagdeo's only claim to fame is because he was JJ lapdog. We are a democracy and to be a democracy no cabal of party institutionalist ( 15 persons) should get to select the president and offer him/her for the state to ratify. That kind of thing is for Russia and China and Tajikistan and Iran not us. We should be rid of such shackles a long time now

The PPP is like the bull in the snorts an kicks and tell you to walk. If you want to contrast that to the PNC bull that snorts and digs facing you the problem is the same. You are screwed if you get into the field.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:


President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate. that....we are not a communist nation. We are a democratic nation where anyone from the local fishwife to the privileged socialite should get a chance to be president. That this party still embrace a philosophically and intellectually dead creed in th is era of open democracy means they are petrified in their thinking.

Who is WE?  You are not a member of the PPP party or the CC.  Go and worry about the PNC candidate.  And what does communism has to do with the selection process.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

I disagree. APNU has been hapless and no less crooked. Their first 3+ years are far worse than the first 3+ years of the PPP.

Secondly, if the PPP choses a candidate that the gets the majority of votes in the upcoming elections, then they would have chosen the candidate that is also supported by the voters. If they chose a candidate that is not, then they would have chosen incorrectly. Who they chose does not become the next president without the consent of the voters.

As I said it is mangy dogs politics. I know the PPP had almost 3 decades to take us into democracy  but instead they grew to be totalized  crooks by conserving the edicts of the Burnham constitution. These people were given three years by agreement with Carter to revised the constitution and waited until three months before it expired to cobble together the hack job the presented as constitution change. From beginning they were determined to be crooks.  

I do not know the APNU has stolen any large sums of money even if the indicators are they are strategically devious. I know they stopped the give away of our state lands to the Chinese and curtailed the rapacious pillage of our forests. Combine that with their parsimony at accepting Chinese loans for useless projects and the fact they were not crooks for close to three decades with no attempt to rehabilitate and I have a preference. Their asses needs to be in the Dog house unless they can show us some modicum of respect by telling us they plan to be different. This new strategy to revert to rigid democratic centralism to shut our Ramson tells me they are the same people with the same mind set. Lacking some new presentation about a difference I am not supporting them.

All politicians in Guyana practice mangy dogs politics.

The PPP held free and fair elections from the time they entered the government in 1992 until they exited the government in 2015. The current indicators are that after 3+ years the Coalition government is looking like they will not respect the NCV so I am on more solid ground insisting that the PPP was a democratic government while the current one may prove not to be.

In regard to the constitution, the PPP made the kind of changes that they were able to make which did not require other than a majority vote. The ones that are of contention that were not changed requires a 2/3 majority vote and the PPP at no time had that situation. Getting cooperation from the PNC was impossible since the PNC adopted a violent resistance immediately after the 1992 elections. Therefore there is no blame on the PPP for not getting more accomplished on revising the constitution. The Coalition government promised to have that done within the first 100 days and three plus years later, they have no. So here again, the Coalition is in the negative.

Regarding more theft in the first 3+ years, it took an allegation from Ram to let the public know that there was a signing bonus from Exxon. And even after Ram's allegation, the Coalition government continued to lie about its existence until a copy of the bank account was leaked. Even today, it is still in a private account.

The PPP method of choosing their candidate is consistent with how all parties operate. Even the Democrats use Super Delegates to circumvent the popular vote in the primaries.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:


President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate. that....we are not a communist nation. We are a democratic nation where anyone from the local fishwife to the privileged socialite should get a chance to be president. That this party still embrace a philosophically and intellectually dead creed in th is era of open democracy means they are petrified in their thinking.

Who is WE?  You are not a member of the PPP party or the CC.  Go and worry about the PNC candidate.  And what does communism has to do with the selection process.

Dummy, I am a citizen of the state and since it is beyond your intellectual or philosophical grasp that the PPP's organizing precepts are directly relevant to citizens I suggest you quit making an ass of yourself.  Democratic Centralism, the organizing principle that is being used here by the PPP is a Communist legacy from the third Leninist congress held over a century ago. Let Gill advise you if you cannot grasp it from me.

D2 posted:

No party should get to determine the criteria of what constitute contribution. What the hell has any of those graduates of GIMPEX U did to deem them worthy of office? Jagdeo's only claim to fame is because he was JJ lapdog. We are a democracy and to be a democracy no cabal of party institutionalist ( 15 persons) should get to select the president and offer him/her for the state to ratify. That kind of thing is for Russia and China and Tajikistan and Iran not us. We should be rid of such shackles a long time now

The PPP is like the bull in the snorts an kicks and tell you to walk. If you want to contrast that to the PNC bull that snorts and digs facing you the problem is the same. You are screwed if you get into the field.

Fair enough. However, that is their right as an organization. In the end, they will only prevail if they get the support of the voters. Even the Democrats in the US has a rigged system for selecting their presidential candidate.

ksazma posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

I disagree. APNU has been hapless and no less crooked. Their first 3+ years are far worse than the first 3+ years of the PPP.

Secondly, if the PPP choses a candidate that the gets the majority of votes in the upcoming elections, then they would have chosen the candidate that is also supported by the voters. If they chose a candidate that is not, then they would have chosen incorrectly. Who they chose does not become the next president without the consent of the voters.

As I said it is mangy dogs politics. I know the PPP had almost 3 decades to take us into democracy  but instead they grew to be totalized  crooks by conserving the edicts of the Burnham constitution. These people were given three years by agreement with Carter to revised the constitution and waited until three months before it expired to cobble together the hack job the presented as constitution change. From beginning they were determined to be crooks.  

I do not know the APNU has stolen any large sums of money even if the indicators are they are strategically devious. I know they stopped the give away of our state lands to the Chinese and curtailed the rapacious pillage of our forests. Combine that with their parsimony at accepting Chinese loans for useless projects and the fact they were not crooks for close to three decades with no attempt to rehabilitate and I have a preference. Their asses needs to be in the Dog house unless they can show us some modicum of respect by telling us they plan to be different. This new strategy to revert to rigid democratic centralism to shut our Ramson tells me they are the same people with the same mind set. Lacking some new presentation about a difference I am not supporting them.

All politicians in Guyana practice mangy dogs politics.

The PPP held free and fair elections from the time they entered the government in 1992 until they exited the government in 2015. The current indicators are that after 3+ years the Coalition government is looking like they will not respect the NCV so I am on more solid ground insisting that the PPP was a democratic government while the current one may prove not to be.

In regard to the constitution, the PPP made the kind of changes that they were able to make which did not require other than a majority vote. The ones that are of contention that were not changed requires a 2/3 majority vote and the PPP at no time had that situation. Getting cooperation from the PNC was impossible since the PNC adopted a violent resistance immediately after the 1992 elections. Therefore there is no blame on the PPP for not getting more accomplished on revising the constitution. The Coalition government promised to have that done within the first 100 days and three plus years later, they have no. So here again, the Coalition is in the negative.

Regarding more theft in the first 3+ years, it took an allegation from Ram to let the public know that there was a signing bonus from Exxon. And even after Ram's allegation, the Coalition government continued to lie about its existence until a copy of the bank account was leaked. Even today, it is still in a private account.

The PPP method of choosing their candidate is consistent with how all parties operate. Even the Democrats use Super Delegates to circumvent the popular vote in the primaries.

Free and fair within the confines of a totalitarian constitution that elects autocratic ethnic based presidents is only free and fair by by definition. By practice it is a dictatorship. The PPP was tasked to transition us into a democracy. Instead they did a shuffle step and retained the dictators constitution because of greed hence we are in the same boat as we were in seven decades ago....a dictatorship by the ruling party. 

The PPP selection mechanism is completely per democratic centralism. At least eht PNC has a membership vote and not 15 party insiders. 

I can go into lots of things the PPP hide...skeldon funding...what the Marriott was being constructed to house, why sell ATN shares, why OMAI did not earn profits, Why give away thousands of square miles of land to a Chinese fellow etc but all of that is besides the point presently. It is about their failure to change and the act of deliberately inventing rules to be undemocratic so Jagdeo can be Putin.

ksazma posted:
D2 posted:

No party should get to determine the criteria of what constitute contribution. What the hell has any of those graduates of GIMPEX U did to deem them worthy of office? Jagdeo's only claim to fame is because he was JJ lapdog. We are a democracy and to be a democracy no cabal of party institutionalist ( 15 persons) should get to select the president and offer him/her for the state to ratify. That kind of thing is for Russia and China and Tajikistan and Iran not us. We should be rid of such shackles a long time now

The PPP is like the bull in the snorts an kicks and tell you to walk. If you want to contrast that to the PNC bull that snorts and digs facing you the problem is the same. You are screwed if you get into the field.

Fair enough. However, that is their right as an organization. In the end, they will only prevail if they get the support of the voters. Even the Democrats in the US has a rigged system for selecting their presidential candidate.

The democrats has no rigging system. It has reserved electors to prevent outsiders from invading. It was deemed rigging because one fellow who was not a party member wanted be president and had to confront the institutions in the party It is no less than the system of two senators per state even if California is the worlds fifth largest economy and Vermont is not sufficiently a big city compared.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:


President Cheddi Jagan was a PPP CC member.

President Janet Jagan was CC member.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was CC member.

President Donald Ramotar was CC member.

It's conventional that PPP presidential candidates be CC members.

Charles Ramson Jr can become a CC member at the next party congress. Thereafter he can become presidential candidate. that....we are not a communist nation. We are a democratic nation where anyone from the local fishwife to the privileged socialite should get a chance to be president. That this party still embrace a philosophically and intellectually dead creed in th is era of open democracy means they are petrified in their thinking.

Who is WE?  You are not a member of the PPP party or the CC.  Go and worry about the PNC candidate.  And what does communism has to do with the selection process.

Valid question. D2 has publicly stated that he supports the PNC and Shoeman. The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:
D2 posted:

No party should get to determine the criteria of what constitute contribution. What the hell has any of those graduates of GIMPEX U did to deem them worthy of office? Jagdeo's only claim to fame is because he was JJ lapdog. We are a democracy and to be a democracy no cabal of party institutionalist ( 15 persons) should get to select the president and offer him/her for the state to ratify. That kind of thing is for Russia and China and Tajikistan and Iran not us. We should be rid of such shackles a long time now

The PPP is like the bull in the snorts an kicks and tell you to walk. If you want to contrast that to the PNC bull that snorts and digs facing you the problem is the same. You are screwed if you get into the field.

Fair enough. However, that is their right as an organization. In the end, they will only prevail if they get the support of the voters. Even the Democrats in the US has a rigged system for selecting their presidential candidate.

The democrats has no rigging system. It has reserved electors to prevent outsiders from invading. It was deemed rigging because one fellow who was not a party member wanted be president and had to confront the institutions in the party It is no less than the system of two senators per state even if California is the worlds fifth largest economy and Vermont is not sufficiently a big city compared.  

Go tell that to Bernie Sanders. The same is true of the PPP then.

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

Fair enough. However, that is their right as an organization. In the end, they will only prevail if they get the support of the voters. Even the Democrats in the US has a rigged system for selecting their presidential candidate.

The democrats has no rigging system. It has reserved electors to prevent outsiders from invading. It was deemed rigging because one fellow who was not a party member wanted be president and had to confront the institutions in the party It is no less than the system of two senators per state even if California is the worlds fifth largest economy and Vermont is not sufficiently a big city compared.  

I see both of these as similar in essence. Ultimately it is moot as the one who prevails would only do so at the behest of the voters.

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:
D2 posted:

No party should get to determine the criteria of what constitute contribution. What the hell has any of those graduates of GIMPEX U did to deem them worthy of office? Jagdeo's only claim to fame is because he was JJ lapdog. We are a democracy and to be a democracy no cabal of party institutionalist ( 15 persons) should get to select the president and offer him/her for the state to ratify. That kind of thing is for Russia and China and Tajikistan and Iran not us. We should be rid of such shackles a long time now

The PPP is like the bull in the snorts an kicks and tell you to walk. If you want to contrast that to the PNC bull that snorts and digs facing you the problem is the same. You are screwed if you get into the field.

Fair enough. However, that is their right as an organization. In the end, they will only prevail if they get the support of the voters. Even the Democrats in the US has a rigged system for selecting their presidential candidate.

The democrats has no rigging system. It has reserved electors to prevent outsiders from invading. It was deemed rigging because one fellow who was not a party member wanted be president and had to confront the institutions in the party It is no less than the system of two senators per state even if California is the worlds fifth largest economy and Vermont is not sufficiently a big city compared.  

Go tell that to Bernie Sanders. The same is true of the PPP then.

Bernie is not a democrat.

ksazma posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

Fair enough. However, that is their right as an organization. In the end, they will only prevail if they get the support of the voters. Even the Democrats in the US has a rigged system for selecting their presidential candidate.

The democrats has no rigging system. It has reserved electors to prevent outsiders from invading. It was deemed rigging because one fellow who was not a party member wanted be president and had to confront the institutions in the party It is no less than the system of two senators per state even if California is the worlds fifth largest economy and Vermont is not sufficiently a big city compared.  

I see both of these as similar in essence. Ultimately it is moot as the one who prevails would only do so at the behest of the voters.

How can there ever be a similarity when candidates are primaried by the entire nation and the PPP has a 15 member cabal doing the job. By the time any candidate, GOP Or Democrat are selected they have millions of people selecting them.


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