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Comrade Ksazma and comrade Nehru. Did you heard how the PPP speakers call each other at the meeting in Kitty.   All were comrade.  But the PPP and not anymore comrades they are conrades.

Comrade Granger is a honest and humble man like comrade Jagans.

Zara posted:

Comrade Ksazma and comrade Nehru. Did you heard how the PPP speakers call each other at the meeting in Kitty.   All were comrade.  But the PPP and not anymore comrades they are conrades.

Comrade Granger is a honest and humble man like comrade Jagans.

Why aren't you in school, you definitely Messed -up.


Only a FOOL will compare  a Killer, Dictator, Criminal and illegal President to the Father of the Land, the greatest Caribbean Leader ever lived!!  Stupid as Stupid gets but smelling shit whole day will do that to anyone!!

Zara posted:

Comrade Ksazma and comrade Nehru. Did you heard how the PPP speakers call each other at the meeting in Kitty.   All were comrade.  But the PPP and not anymore comrades they are conrades. Heh?

Comrade Granger is a honest and humble man like comrade Jagans.

Cde Zara, maybe the PNC needs to send you back to school to learn to write a proper sentence. Just being helpful to you. We are all comrades.

skeldon_man posted:
Zara posted:

Comrade Ksazma and comrade Nehru. Did you heard how the PPP speakers call each other at the meeting in Kitty.   All were comrade.  But the PPP and not anymore comrades they are conrades. Heh?

Comrade Granger is a honest and humble man like comrade Jagans.

Cde Zara, maybe the PNC needs to send you back to school to learn to write a proper sentence. Just being helpful to you. We are all comrades.

Bai, na give he bruk mind. He tekking English 101 for the fifth time !

Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Zara posted:

Comrade Ksazma and comrade Nehru. Did you heard how the PPP speakers call each other at the meeting in Kitty.   All were comrade.  But the PPP and not anymore comrades they are conrades. Heh?

Comrade Granger is a honest and humble man like comrade Jagans.

Cde Zara, maybe the PNC needs to send you back to school to learn to write a proper sentence. Just being helpful to you. We are all comrades.

Bai, na give he bruk mind. He tekking English 101 for the fifth time !

Me tired read the same comrade shit.

Zara posted:

Comrade Ksazma and comrade Nehru. Did you heard how the PPP speakers call each other at the meeting in Kitty.   All were comrade.  But the PPP and not anymore comrades they are conrades.

Comrade Granger is a honest and humble man like comrade Jagans.

I consider it an insult to be addressed as comrade. There is really no compliment in that term. Shame on the PPP is they use it too.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

What ethics have to do calling people sheeple ? it's commonly used .

There is a big difference than making frivolous accusation.[ To Individual]

Telling people that they are chasing soup is also commonly used so how is it different.

There are differences , use the though process (1) People (2) Individual

Generally  smart folks don't make frivolous accusation towards  Private Individual ,when ever there are disagreement in their views.

Except in one case. As the saying goes, if you throw a stick in a pigpen, the pig that yells is the one that got hit.

You are not as unbiased as you would like people to believe. You spent a lot of time pointing out that some PPP supporter photoshopped some images

[ It's called fact check ,to disclose skulduggery in Politics, I didn't spend lots of time ,looking at the pictures ,some thing clicked ,within a few seconds found the deception ]

but while there was the big news yesterday that the Coalition mostly the PNC will only disclose some information about the details of the revised Cummingsburg accord

[That was a trick to keep the opposition party guessing. It was disclosed at the Hopetown ,Region 5 , meeting yesterday  gathering of 12,000 ,Khemraj Ramjattan is the Prime Minister Candidate for the APNU-AFC,]

Brush up on Politrics

and today where Harmon is demeaning Phillips, you are conspicuously absent from condemning both actions.

[I have stated my view on Harmon ,perhaps you missed it]

Just like how you have not held Granger to account for over a year of dragging out the effects of the NCV.

[Granger acted within the limits of his power to defend an overthrow of his elected government , any government will seek the Court interpretation of the Constitution ]

My rebuttal to your post .

I have learned a lot how to evaluate my thoughts, having conversations with thousands of people of all walks ,during the course of my life.

Below is a primer for thoughts.

The only things we can control in life are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If we can manage those, we can achieve our goals and gain success in life.

To have this level of control, we need to learn about the science-based patterns behind our emotions and thoughts, and how to manage them. If we know how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our thinking and feeling patterns. We can evaluate reality more clearly, make better decisions and improve our ability to achieve our goals. Thus, we gain greater agency and the quality of living intentionally.

Alright, I could only do drivebys yesterday as I wanted to finish closing 2019. As of now, there is only one more entry and we done.

Coming to your responses, there is no difference between you addressing PPP supporters as sheeple and me suggesting that you are chasing soup in Guyana. Both cases makes claims against individuals. When you address posters here as sheeple, you are labeling certain individuals just as I did. But in either case, there is no legal jeopardy as all the posters including you use aliases so they are not real people. It is not like your name is Ram Singh and I address you as Ram Singh. Vish likes to address people by their real name and he did that a lot when he posted under his other handle. There is nothing frivolous in me suggesting that you are chasing soup. That is my assumption. I don't know who you are nor do I concern myself with digging into who people are. Some here have that kind of depravity so to each their own. Leonora used to like to dig into peoples personal lives and it is good I exposed her and made her run away in shame although I doubt someone like that can really be shameful. I don't disagree with your choices. You are entitled to them. I just made the observation that you are being deceitful alike the people you accuse of being so since you don't condemn any of the PNC actions but is quick to post things you think are embarrassing to the PPP.

Regarding your second comment, if you were truly disclosing skullduggery, you would have been the first to condemn the two news breaks regarding Granger pushing wallaba up Ramjattan's ass instead of worrying with some photoshopped images when those images could be mischievous. No one can claim that the two news breaks were mischievous.

Regarding your third comment, how do you know that Granger's comment about waiting after the elections was a trick to keep the opposition party guessing. Do you truly have inside information to support your statement or are you just so inclined to throw Granger lifelines that you recklessly suggested that it was a trick to keep the opposition party guessing? It is also possible that the backlash that came after Granger made what may very be his real intention of selecting his PM after the elections caused him to say at Hopetown that Ramjattan will be his PM. But given all Granger's deceptive actions since becoming president, only a fool would believe anything he says. His actions speaks to a very dictatorial creature.

Regarding your fourth comment, I was not asking you your view on Harmon. I was commenting that you did not comment on his comment. You have also stated your views on Jagdeo but you still does not allow any opportunity to pass commenting on his comments.

Regarding your fifth comment, Granger has not acted within the limits of his power and even the judges at the CCJ found it necessary to reprimand him for his actions since the passage of the NCV. I am certain that I am no way as smart or informed on the Guyana Constitution than those CCJ judges. It seems like you are claiming that you are more informed than them.

Regarding your Psychology Today snippet, I am not a fan of those kinds of indoctrination materials. In fact, I steer far from them and advise my children to do the same. Those are generally designed to achieve a set goal and I am not interested in being a sheeple. I truly believe that the priests are mostly more sinful than the congregation so following them is foolhardy. We can all decipher what is right and what is wrong and mostly we do. People who chase soup aren't doing so because they don't know better. They are usually doing so because they are chasing some self serving greed. You will never see me nor do I want my kids to face any firing squad to fight other peoples battle especially when those people are politicians because politicians are mostly about their own self serving goals and ambitions.


Well brother Kaz ,with the thousands of words the focus is chasing soup.

I willing to disclose my self here ,which will be done in the future ,none of the insinuations will hold water. I think perception  and conclusion are due to my views.

Django posted:

Well brother Kaz ,with the thousands of words the focus is chasing soup.

I willing to disclose my self here ,which will be done in the future ,none of the insinuations will hold water. I think perception  and conclusion are due to my views.

Aarite bro. No hard feelings.


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