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Coalition Govt responsible for hikes in Berbice Bridge tolls – PPP


…did not follow financial model that guaranteed minimal increases
…as Govt opposed increase; to review legal options

While the Government is digging its heels in when it comes to impending increases in tolls to use the Berbice Bridge, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has weighed in on the saga by calling the Government out for precipitating the toll increases.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

According to the Party on Tuesday, a formula for minor increases was supposed to be in place – increases that would have lessened the impact on commuters. Instead, however, the Party noted that Government abandoned this formula and even tinkered with it.
“Had the Coalition Government pursued the financial model used by the former People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, there would have been no proposed increases of this magnitude. The Bridge was built around a financial model that did not envisage such massive increases in tolls.
“Rather, minimal increases were envisaged – followed by a steep decline in tolls – until the Berbice Bridge was handed over to the State,” the Party continued. “Since July 2018, the PPP General Secretary and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, questioned whether the current Administration tinkered with the financial model. To date, this question remains unanswered.”
The PPP stated that Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson would have in his possession the financial model and contract documents for the Berbice Bridge. The Party called for these to be released.

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson

“The Minister, instead, is trying to absolve himself of responsibility by claiming that there is a confidentiality clause preventing the documents’ release – there is none. It was the Coalition Government that promised a reduction in tolls, but the incompetence which has marked almost all of its actions, has come back to haunt the Administration,” the Party said on Tuesday.
The PPP also pointed out that the Chairman of the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI), Dr Surendra Persaud and the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), is a supporter of the Alliance For Change (AFC) party of which Patterson is an executive member.
“Blaming the PPP seems to be a tactic of the AFC – Minister Patterson, as campaign manager for the AFC, seems to have forgotten that the AFC is part of the current Government. The PPP is categorically opposed to any increase in tolls at the Berbice Bridge. We do not support an increase in the tolls, particularly given what is happening in Berbice – loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry and other sectors – as a result of the policies of the APNU/AFC Coalition Government.
“The Government should take measures to prevent the increase in tolls, given the hardship policies it has imposed on our people. If there is any move by the APNU/AFC Coalition Government to sign a toll order to bring into effect the proposed increases, the People’s Progressive Party commits to reversing the increase after the 2020 General and Regional Elections.”

Legal options
Earlier on Tuesday, the Public Infrastructure Minister had called a hasty press conference after the news of the increase broke. When asked about the agreement, Patterson had claimed that a confidentiality clause was in effect.
Patterson informed the press that all options to stop the increases would be considered. These options ran the gamut from amending the Berbice Bridge agreement to an injunction to stating that “if the Minister of Public Security says it’s a vital and important service and says declare an order to keep it open, we’ll do that.”
Patterson indicated that he has been written to by associations representing Berbice businesses. The Minister related that they have asked that the increases not be passed down to them. And according to the Minister, Government’s position is, it is against the increases.
Patterson said that at a recent meeting with the BBCI officials, he was informed of their debt and the fact that they were not making enough money to upkeep the bridge. According to the minister, he gave the company the Government’s offer; which was to take over maintenance of the pontoons for the remaining nine years of the agreement.
Patterson related that he tried to negotiate a lower rate of return than the one the company is entitled to by contract. He claimed that he also requested that a detailed proposal containing a breakdown of their reported $6 billion debt be sent.
This proposal, according to Patterson, would have been sent to the Finance Minister, since he was only empowered to speak to certain aspects of the agreement. The Minister claimed that BBCI did not send this information.
Jagdeo has previously pointed out that the financial model would have seen tolls rising just enough to repay the debt, after which the tolls would have been significantly reduced. This model was not used by the Government, as requests from BBCI for increases were refused.
Failing this, the Opposition Leader had also suggested that Government buying out the shares from the stakeholders was the only feasible way to prevent the impact of increases on commuters.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gyam Fiah PPP, Gyam.

"The PPP is categorically opposed to any increase in tolls at the Berbice Bridge. We do not support an increase in the tolls, particularly given what is happening in Berbice – loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry and other sectors – as a result of the policies of the APNU/AFC Coalition Government."

Last edited by Former Member

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!


Alena, I agree 100 percent.

PPP played a master stroke leaving the clueless AFC/PNC in the dust. Dr. Surendra will become the "fall guy" as correctly noted by Gil.

This is a huge victory for the PPP Local Election Campaign.

Last edited by Former Member

It appears as if the AFC/PNC are the opposition and clueless on how to govern with their Donkey Kong President.

His only aim is to rig in 2020.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Gyam Fiah PPP, Gyam.

"The PPP is categorically opposed to any increase in tolls at the Berbice Bridge. We do not support an increase in the tolls, particularly given what is happening in Berbice – loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry and other sectors – as a result of the policies of the APNU/AFC Coalition Government."

So the rates would have eventually become what the private investors would have wanted.  Gradual increases would have fooled the public in ways that this draconian increase doesn't.  This drastic increase is blatant for all to see.

The PPP really seems to hate their supporters.  The Skeldon fiasco, destruction of Guysuco and imposing on Berbice this bridge, destroying the ferry service in the process.

Demerara_Guy posted:

PNCR/AFC scrambling far below the sea to get above water to understand what they are doing.

Perhaps, they have completely forgotten that they are the government.

The PNC/AFC might be incompetent but the PPP are blatant thieves.  From the beginning there were protests over the bridge and especially when the PPP forced everyone to use it by discontinuing the ferry service.

The PPP can spin this as much as they like and those who drink this toxic coolaid of lies deserve the slow and painful death that imbibing this concoction will cause.

The PPP is really Animal Farm.  Look at the PPP runts screaming "4 legs good, 2 legs better" just as the sheep in that famous novel did.

alena06 posted:


I think PPP won this one though!

I suggest that you read the angst when the bridge was opened, the ferry service stopped and the Berbicians screamed hardship.

This venture was a money making scam for PPP elites who now want to cash out by embarrassing the existing gov't.  As with Skeldon and the destruction of Guysuco this is a Jagdeo fiasco.  Only the foolish will think otherwise.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PNCR/AFC scrambling far below the sea to get above water to understand what they are doing.

Perhaps, they have completely forgotten that they are the government.

The PNC/AFC might be incompetent but the PPP are blatant thieves.  From the beginning there were protests over the bridge and especially when the PPP forced everyone to use it by discontinuing the ferry service.

The PPP can spin this as much as they like and those who drink this toxic coolaid of lies deserve the slow and painful death that imbibing this concoction will cause.

The PPP is really Animal Farm.  Look at the PPP runts screaming "4 legs good, 2 legs better" just as the sheep in that famous novel did.

ARE not might.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PNCR/AFC scrambling far below the sea to get above water to understand what they are doing.

Perhaps, they have completely forgotten that they are the government.

The PNC/AFC might be incompetent but the PPP are blatant thieves.  From the beginning there were protests over the bridge and especially when the PPP forced everyone to use it by discontinuing the ferry service.

The PPP can spin this as much as they like and those who drink this toxic coolaid of lies deserve the slow and painful death that imbibing this concoction will cause.

The PPP is really Animal Farm.  Look at the PPP runts screaming "4 legs good, 2 legs better" just as the sheep in that famous novel did.

ARE not might.

And the PPP ARE thieves.

alena06 posted:

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!

Why is it a winnable case for the PPP? It is an example of obscene crony capitalism. They government put in 95 percent of the funding, investors only 5 and they control 100 percent of the asset. 

That is an ugly bridge. It has no pedestrian walk way. A suspension bridge was proposed up river by the bend for 45 million. This was moved there and the infrastructure built up at government expense ( inclusive of compensating land owners) because they give the same people some 25 hectares lease for 99 years to build a deep sea harbor and oil refinery. Up river they could have fostered New Amsterdam, had a narrower section to scan and all the road work was already in place. Now we have a warped monstrosity what is prohibitive to poor people in a poor region...especially now since no body has work.

This is PPP crookedness in nth degree. And by the way, it does not take smarts to be crooked. Actually, smarts would be involved if it was done right. 


It is my belief the PPP are smarter than PNC when it comes to tiefin. PNC people dem bradar tarasss..dem people does tell you they tiefin something from you...mus stan easy. PPP dem know fo hide dem slack business from auditors an ting.

alena06 posted:

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!

But you were much brighter than him in class.  He himself has acknowledged that several times.  He has education, but no intelligence.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!

Why is it a winnable case for the PPP? It is an example of obscene crony capitalism. They government put in 95 percent of the funding, investors only 5 and they control 100 percent of the asset. 

That is an ugly bridge. It has no pedestrian walk way. A suspension bridge was proposed up river by the bend for 45 million. This was moved there and the infrastructure built up at government expense ( inclusive of compensating land owners) because they give the same people some 25 hectares lease for 99 years to build a deep sea harbor and oil refinery. Up river they could have fostered New Amsterdam, had a narrower section to scan and all the road work was already in place. Now we have a warped monstrosity what is prohibitive to poor people in a poor region...especially now since no body has work.

This is PPP crookedness in nth degree. And by the way, it does not take smarts to be crooked. Actually, smarts would be involved if it was done right. 

Lies by our resident know it all. No fixed bridge structure was suggested by the feasibility study. In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
alena06 posted:

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!

Why is it a winnable case for the PPP? It is an example of obscene crony capitalism. They government put in 95 percent of the funding, investors only 5 and they control 100 percent of the asset. 

That is an ugly bridge. It has no pedestrian walk way. A suspension bridge was proposed up river by the bend for 45 million. This was moved there and the infrastructure built up at government expense ( inclusive of compensating land owners) because they give the same people some 25 hectares lease for 99 years to build a deep sea harbor and oil refinery. Up river they could have fostered New Amsterdam, had a narrower section to scan and all the road work was already in place. Now we have a warped monstrosity what is prohibitive to poor people in a poor region...especially now since no body has work.

This is PPP crookedness in nth degree. And by the way, it does not take smarts to be crooked. Actually, smarts would be involved if it was done right. 

Lies by our resident know it all. No fixed bridge structure was suggested by the feasibility study. In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic.

OP-ED | ‘Suarez brothers Circus faces stiff competition’

By Imran Khan

INITIALLY, when they arrived, the Saurez Brothers Circus had announced that they will be in Guyana for a “long period”.

On September 28th last, The Guyana Times reported thusly: “The Suarez Brothers Circus…. was in Guyana 13 years ago for a short time. This time, they (sic) are here for a longer period…”

Via public notices, the Suarez Circus has now announced that it is back to a “short season” and “only in Georgetown”. The competition from across the way on upper Church Street with its weekly press conference ‘performances’ seems to be too stiff for Saurez Brothers. They are packing up and shipping out early. And so he was at it again yesterday, frothing at the mouth with his trademark vitriol and his infamous invectives, for part of his performance, while cornered and afraid for another part. His supporters must have been wincing as noted journalist, Gordon Moseley, interrogated him on his feeble, convoluted defence of the obscene Berbice Bridge contract (which was conceived and signed during his presidency).

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo became incensed and irritated at Moseley’s insistence that he provides credible answers which he was incapable of doing and became evasive and insulting. It was the kind of performance we have become accustomed to from this ill-tempered, vindictive former President who once instituted a ban against the very Moseley from the Office of the President.

In a sad attempt to evade Moseley, Jagdeo went into an elongated spiel, repeating what he deemed successes of his presidency. He mentioned a number of projects.
Let us examine some: The Leonora Athletic Stadium. The location of this facility was purely political and had nothing to do with the development of athletics in Guyana. Leonora has no history or legacy of athletics. The stadium should have been located in either Linden or Georgetown where the majority of Guyana’s athletics emerge from. They would have been able to use the facility on a daily basis to train and prepare for domestic and international competition. In addition the facility was poorly designed and the construction was shoddy with the walls cracking and buckling. The seats in this “stadium” are cheap wooden benches which resemble crude road corner liming spots. It is a disgrace for anyone to boast that this is a shining achievement.

The Guyana National Stadium: Another horribly designed project which is so badly designed that tarpaulins have to be used to prevent the seats in the esteemed Presidential Box from getting wet when it rains. Several areas have also been cracking and certain parts of the stands and surrounding areas flood. The dressing rooms for the teams are so small that some players have had to sit in the washroom. These are irrefutable, if not well known, facts.

The Skeldon Sugar Factory remains a glorious white elephant– a colossal waste of money and a multi-billion dollar burden on taxpayers. We now know of the vulgar and oppressive contract which preceded the building of the Berbice Bridge. The location of the bridge too was done to spite the people of New Amsterdam (where the stelling is located) because they are deemed to be supportive of the Coalition.

Drugb posted:

Lies by our resident know it all. No fixed bridge structure was suggested by the feasibility study. In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And yet your Lord and Master and fellow baigan lover, Bharat Jagdeo screamed that he wanted the bridge and stopped ferry service.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lies by our resident know it all. No fixed bridge structure was suggested by the feasibility study. In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And yet your Lord and Master and fellow baigan lover, Bharat Jagdeo screamed that he wanted the bridge and stopped ferry service.

Don't you like baigan?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:

Both sides will continue to blame each other.  Bottom line you don’t put a Medical Doctor like Surendra (btw he is a super smart and US trained doctor) to oversee a bridge project.

I think PPP won this one though!

But you were much brighter than him in class.  He himself has acknowledged that several times.  He has education, but no intelligence.

But he's a doctor, what is alena, a scientist?

Drugb posted:


....In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And isn’t it the crux of the matter today?  Low volume/fixed costs = high rate.  Lower volume/same fixed costs = higher rate.  Then higher rates = lower volume = higher rate.....and so it goes.

The world bank was correct.

i see bigger trouble ahead for the bridge.  And BJ does not have a solution!

BTW, didn’t the EU also advised against Skeldon?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lies by our resident know it all. No fixed bridge structure was suggested by the feasibility study. In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And yet your Lord and Master and fellow baigan lover, Bharat Jagdeo screamed that he wanted the bridge and stopped ferry service.

I have no lord or master in BJ. You folks have him stuck in your craws as you can't get enough of him. Maybe you should get an extra room in your apartment and keep him close to you so you could watch him take a dump daily so you get your good dose of Jagdeo. 

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:


....In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And isn’t it the crux of the matter today?  Low volume/fixed costs = high rate.  Lower volume/same fixed costs = higher rate.  Then higher rates = lower volume = higher rate.....and so it goes.

The world bank was correct.

i see bigger trouble ahead for the bridge.  And BJ does not have a solution!

BTW, didn’t the EU also advised against Skeldon?

Forget about BJ he is a has been, what does afc/pnc have as a solution, they in charge now. 

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:


....In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And isn’t it the crux of the matter today?  Low volume/fixed costs = high rate.  Lower volume/same fixed costs = higher rate.  Then higher rates = lower volume = higher rate.....and so it goes.

The world bank was correct.

i see bigger trouble ahead for the bridge.  And BJ does not have a solution!

BTW, didn’t the EU also advised against Skeldon?

Hey hey hey...was always obvious as doh foh true...hey hey hey. Dem bais seh dem is doers. Dat we is takers. Ask dem mattie coolie and some of dem berbice blackman gat to face de brunt while dem gat good mansion pon Prado 1 and 2. Hey hey hey. 

Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:


....In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And isn’t it the crux of the matter today?  Low volume/fixed costs = high rate.  Lower volume/same fixed costs = higher rate.  Then higher rates = lower volume = higher rate.....and so it goes.

The world bank was correct.

i see bigger trouble ahead for the bridge.  And BJ does not have a solution!

BTW, didn’t the EU also advised against Skeldon?

Hey hey hey...was always obvious as doh foh true...hey hey hey. Dem bais seh dem is doers. Dat we is takers. Ask dem mattie coolie and some of dem berbice blackman gat to face de brunt while dem gat good mansion pon Prado 1 and 2. Hey hey hey. 

Bai stop your nonsense. I man have NEVER associated with any political party and NEVER drank soup. I dont go for soup. I have bigger fishes to fry. You were de one who wanted a cheap paying MINISTA Wuk and Freddie seh no way. He want you teach in Guyana fuss and den wuk you way up de ladda.

Hey Hey Hey.

yuji22 posted:
Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:


....In fact the world bank suggested improving the ferry service rather than build a bridge due to the low volume of traffic. 

And isn’t it the crux of the matter today?  Low volume/fixed costs = high rate.  Lower volume/same fixed costs = higher rate.  Then higher rates = lower volume = higher rate.....and so it goes.

The world bank was correct.

i see bigger trouble ahead for the bridge.  And BJ does not have a solution!

BTW, didn’t the EU also advised against Skeldon?

Hey hey hey...was always obvious as doh foh true...hey hey hey. Dem bais seh dem is doers. Dat we is takers. Ask dem mattie coolie and some of dem berbice blackman gat to face de brunt while dem gat good mansion pon Prado 1 and 2. Hey hey hey. 

Bai stop your nonsense. I man have NEVER associated with any political party and NEVER drank soup. I dont go for soup. I have bigger fishes to fry. You were de one who wanted a cheap paying MINISTA Wuk and Freddie seh no way. He want you teach in Guyana fuss and den wuk you way up de ladda.

Hey Hey Hey.

Hey hey hey...bai de only ladda me know bout when me was doing lil wuk at Mirror was dem ladda cyar. Ask uncle Gilly...


Ow Bhai, thanks for the correction. TK can count but he can’t spell too well and me mek me self look foolish by spelling like the Professa.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...bai de only ladda me know bout when me was doing lil wuk at Mirror was dem ladda cyar. Ask uncle Gilly...

LADA cars. 

Thanks foh doh uncle Gilly...dem lada was good cyars. 

yuji22 posted:

Ladda Cyar. Me forget bout those, dem does bruk down everywhere. 

The LADA cars that Cheddi Jagan and other PPP officials drove lasted long through care and maintenance. PNC officials bruk down dem LADA quickly through don't-care-a-damn/nah-me-cyar attitude and poor maintenance. Don't run down LADA.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ladda Cyar. Me forget bout those, dem does bruk down everywhere. Another Burnham Legacy.

Hey Hey Hey

You can remember who import them Lada cars ?

Hey hey hey...ah ge de man a clue but he dint get it. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ladda Cyar. Me forget bout those, dem does bruk down everywhere. Another Burnham Legacy.

Hey Hey Hey

You can remember who import them Lada cars ?

GIMPEX imported LADA & FIAT for PPP. I think PNC government officials got theirs through Guyana Gajraj.

yuji22 posted:

Coalition Govt responsible for hikes in Berbice Bridge tolls – PPP


…did not follow financial model that guaranteed minimal increases
…as Govt opposed increase; to review legal options

While the Government is digging its heels in when it comes to impending increases in tolls to use the Berbice Bridge, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has weighed in on the saga by calling the Government out for precipitating the toll increases.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

According to the Party on Tuesday, a formula for minor increases was supposed to be in place – increases that would have lessened the impact on commuters. Instead, however, the Party noted that Government abandoned this formula and even tinkered with it.
“Had the Coalition Government pursued the financial model used by the former People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, there would have been no proposed increases of this magnitude. The Bridge was built around a financial model that did not envisage such massive increases in tolls.
“Rather, minimal increases were envisaged – followed by a steep decline in tolls – until the Berbice Bridge was handed over to the State,” the Party continued. “Since July 2018, the PPP General Secretary and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, questioned whether the current Administration tinkered with the financial model. To date, this question remains unanswered.”
The PPP stated that Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson would have in his possession the financial model and contract documents for the Berbice Bridge. The Party called for these to be released.

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson

“The Minister, instead, is trying to absolve himself of responsibility by claiming that there is a confidentiality clause preventing the documents’ release – there is none. It was the Coalition Government that promised a reduction in tolls, but the incompetence which has marked almost all of its actions, has come back to haunt the Administration,” the Party said on Tuesday.
The PPP also pointed out that the Chairman of the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI), Dr Surendra Persaud and the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), is a supporter of the Alliance For Change (AFC) party of which Patterson is an executive member.
“Blaming the PPP seems to be a tactic of the AFC – Minister Patterson, as campaign manager for the AFC, seems to have forgotten that the AFC is part of the current Government. The PPP is categorically opposed to any increase in tolls at the Berbice Bridge. We do not support an increase in the tolls, particularly given what is happening in Berbice – loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry and other sectors – as a result of the policies of the APNU/AFC Coalition Government.
“The Government should take measures to prevent the increase in tolls, given the hardship policies it has imposed on our people. If there is any move by the APNU/AFC Coalition Government to sign a toll order to bring into effect the proposed increases, the People’s Progressive Party commits to reversing the increase after the 2020 General and Regional Elections.”

Legal options
Earlier on Tuesday, the Public Infrastructure Minister had called a hasty press conference after the news of the increase broke. When asked about the agreement, Patterson had claimed that a confidentiality clause was in effect.
Patterson informed the press that all options to stop the increases would be considered. These options ran the gamut from amending the Berbice Bridge agreement to an injunction to stating that “if the Minister of Public Security says it’s a vital and important service and says declare an order to keep it open, we’ll do that.”
Patterson indicated that he has been written to by associations representing Berbice businesses. The Minister related that they have asked that the increases not be passed down to them. And according to the Minister, Government’s position is, it is against the increases.
Patterson said that at a recent meeting with the BBCI officials, he was informed of their debt and the fact that they were not making enough money to upkeep the bridge. According to the minister, he gave the company the Government’s offer; which was to take over maintenance of the pontoons for the remaining nine years of the agreement.
Patterson related that he tried to negotiate a lower rate of return than the one the company is entitled to by contract. He claimed that he also requested that a detailed proposal containing a breakdown of their reported $6 billion debt be sent.
This proposal, according to Patterson, would have been sent to the Finance Minister, since he was only empowered to speak to certain aspects of the agreement. The Minister claimed that BBCI did not send this information.
Jagdeo has previously pointed out that the financial model would have seen tolls rising just enough to repay the debt, after which the tolls would have been significantly reduced. This model was not used by the Government, as requests from BBCI for increases were refused.
Failing this, the Opposition Leader had also suggested that Government buying out the shares from the stakeholders was the only feasible way to prevent the impact of increases on commuters.

Correct me if I am wrong but weren't the minimal increases envisaged under 10% and under 20%? How does this translate in a 400% increase now? AND, as he said, "Rather, minimal increases were envisaged – followed by a steep decline in tolls – until the Berbice Bridge was handed over to the State,” if there was to be some steep decline, what exactly is the issue?  


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