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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU+AFC got plenty Indian in Canada on their side.  150 people paid 150 Canadian to eat breakfast with Granger and Naggas.


All the food was donated and the place was donated.


That mean G$4.5 million raised from the breakfast.  - 1 hour of work.




The few Dirty Indians can give one Billion but they cannot change the outcome of this election.


PPP is headed to a landslide victory.

Say it some more azz.  If it make you feel happy since it not happening.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* There is simply not enough DIRTY INDIANS in Guyana to prevent the PPP from winning their 6th consecutive general election since 1992.


* You'll find numerous dirty ones in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto), but there aren't enough dirty ones in regions 1 thru 10 to bring the PNC into power.


* The TALKERS and blabbermouths on GNI can whine and scream all they want, they are quite good at it, but come May 11th 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.








The Dirty Indians are willing to sell their offsprings to the PNC for twelve pieces of silver.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* There is simply not enough DIRTY INDIANS in Guyana to prevent the PPP from winning their 6th consecutive general election since 1992.


* You'll find numerous dirty ones in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto), but there aren't enough dirty ones in regions 1 thru 10 to bring the PNC into power.


* The TALKERS and blabbermouths on GNI can whine and scream all they want, they are quite good at it, but come May 11th 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.








The Dirty Indians are willing to sell their offsprings to the PNC for twelve pieces of silver.





One cannot help you with the  bad choices in your past. Just keep your pessimism to your self. We know the world is holding itself together with good over evil because order still prevails in most places.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* There is simply not enough DIRTY INDIANS in Guyana to prevent the PPP from winning their 6th consecutive general election since 1992.


* You'll find numerous dirty ones in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto), but there aren't enough dirty ones in regions 1 thru 10 to bring the PNC into power.


* The TALKERS and blabbermouths on GNI can whine and scream all they want, they are quite good at it, but come May 11th 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.







Indians are at most 48% of the voters.  Not every Indian will vote PPP and your racist screams have scared away non Indos.


THE POWER OF INCUMBENCY: We all witnessed Obama obliterate Romney and the Rev's party, the Republicans in 2012. On May 11th, 2015 incumbency will work in Ramotar's favor like it did for Obama, much to the chagrin of PNC supporters.




* Donald Ramotar received 48.6% of the voters in 2011 when he was barely known across Guyana.


* In 2015, with the power of the incumbency, 50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will re-elect Ramotar and the PPP/Civic.


* The PNC supporters on GNI can bray morning, noon and night---but it is what it is---a PPP victory on May 11th.



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Nuff homo talk here Cain. Time for me to get the hell outa here.

Don't forget your battery operated network. You know the one you get stimulated from?

It's not rev you speaking to here, you're responding to a man.

The man created a wireless network. His network consisted of two batteries and a fantasy toy that he uses when he is on his chair.

Originally Posted by Rev:

THE POWER OF INCUMBENCY: We all witnessed Obama obliterate Romney and the Rev's party, the Republicans in 2012. On May 11th, 2015 incumbency will work in Ramotar's favor like it did for Obama, much to the chagrin of PNC supporters.




* Donald Ramotar received 48.6% of the voters in 2011 when he was barely known across Guyana.





And now that more know Ramotar fewer will vote.


Can you tell me why is Jagdeo, and not Ramotar, the most vocal person in the campaign, if you think that Ramotar is so popular?  I would think that we would hear nothing from Jagdeo, given he isn't the head of the ticket.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Nuff homo talk here Cain. Time for me to get the hell outa here.

Don't forget your battery operated network. You know the one you get stimulated from?

It's not rev you speaking to here, you're responding to a man.

The man created a wireless network. His network consisted of two batteries and a fantasy toy that he uses when he is on his chair.

That Rev's got style rass...he did say his own got diamond tip.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Nuff homo talk here Cain. Time for me to get the hell outa here.

Don't forget your battery operated network. You know the one you get stimulated from?

It's not rev you speaking to here, you're responding to a man.

The man created a wireless network. His network consisted of two batteries and a fantasy toy that he uses when he is on his chair.

That Rev's got style rass...he did say his own got diamond tip.

Bai Cain, you rass mad or wah. HM_Redux seh he created he own netwuk. Nah wurry wid de Rev. De Rev is harmless.


The AFC has now lost it's momentum and is heading the way of the Dodo bird.

Moses is trying to further convince Granger that he still  has sex appeal. Good luck loser. Thank you Moses for being so simple that the people can see right through your farce. But Moses can bully the laggard Granger because he is so desperate for votes he has drank the cool aid Rumjattan mixed with (stay home darling) white rum. Ting-A-ling. Put di don to di key and turn Granger inna donkey

Originally Posted by simple:

The AFC has now lost it's momentum and is heading the way of the Dodo bird.

Moses is trying to further convince Granger that he still  has sex appeal. Good luck loser. Thank you Moses for being so simple that the people can see right through your farce. But Moses can bully the laggard Granger because he is so desperate for votes he has drank the cool aid Rumjattan mixed with (stay home darling) white rum. Ting-A-ling. Put di don to di key and turn Granger inna donkey

There is no deference for this brazenly corrupt and  obscene regime. That you bottom feeders hope you can solicit some support with these facile sexually debasing jokes speaks to your depraved existence.

Originally Posted by Rev:


* There is an old Bantu proverb that says, "The bitter heart eats its owner."


* Moses is the most bitter politician in Guyana.


* A bitter heart also makes a man UGLY.


* Look at Moses---UGLY!


* 50+1% of the Guyanese electorate don't want un ugly Prime Minister.



that is form your shallow point of reference. You cannot help but frame you stupid Crayola commentary with bile attacks on the man and that is because you are the ugly one. It takes a vile and bitter heart to conjure so relentless an personal attack on a man for his public views.


The Guyanese electorate have all seen President Ramotar shrink before their eyes, and they deeply respect the fact that their leader chose to be the best version of himself.




* It takes discipline and commitment to lose weight.


* Ramotar decided to suffer the pain of discipline in losing weight and today he is healthier than ever.


* By the way folks, that weight loss will add at least 1% to the percentage vote Ramotar recived in 2011.


* In 2011 FAT Ramo received 48.6% of the votes; in 2015 Trim Ramo will receive 50+1% of the votes.





Originally Posted by Rev:

The Guyanese electorate have all seen President Ramotar shrink before their eyes, and they deeply respect the fact that their leader chose to be the best version of himself.




* It takes discipline and commitment to lose weight.


* Ramotar decided to suffer the pain of discipline in losing weight and today he is healthier than ever.


* By the way folks, that weight loss will add at least 1% to the percentage vote Ramotar recived in 2011.


* In 2011 FAT Ramo received 48.6% of the votes; in 2015 Trim Ramo will receive 50+1% of the votes.





Rev, how did you manage to get your head so far up your poop chute to come up with  these numbers? Your hate is eating you from the inside.


Listen up GNI PNC/AFC supporters!


* You should consider it a rare honor and privilege to be able to interact with the inimitable Rev whenever he makes an appearance on this forum.


* If you want the Rev to respond to you make sure you ask astute and intelligent questions.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Listen up GNI PNC/AFC supporters!


* You should consider it a rare honor and privilege to be able to interact with the inimitable Rev whenever he makes an appearance on this forum.


* If you want the Rev to respond to you make sure you ask astute and intelligent questions.



Rev, how did you manage to get your head so far up your poop chute to come up with  these numbers? Your hate is eating you from the inside.


* The most vile and vulgar politician in Guyana today is Moses Nagamootoo.


* Infact, bitter Moses is so rude and disgusting that the PPP has chosen not to have Guyana's next Prime Minister, the decent and respectable Elizabeth Harper, stand on the same platform and debate the depraved and despicable Moses.


* Now! Many of the PNC/AFC supporters on GNI have borrowed a page from Moses book and these filthy and wretched GNI souls take great pride in being vile, vulgar and offensive. No need to call then out. We all know who they are.





Originally Posted by Rev:

* The most vile and vulgar politician in Guyana today is Moses Nagamootoo.


* Infact, bitter Moses is so rude and disgusting that the PPP has chosen not to have Guyana's next Prime Minister, the decent and respectable Elizabeth Harper, stand on the same platform and debate the depraved and despicable Moses.


* Now! Many of the PNC/AFC supporters on GNI have borrowed a page from Moses book and these filthy and wretched GNI souls take great pride in being vile, vulgar and offensive. No need to call then out. We all know who they are.





Rev, how did you manage to get your head so far up your poop chute to come up with  these numbers? Your hate is eating you from the inside.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* There is simply not enough DIRTY INDIANS in Guyana to prevent the PPP from winning their 6th consecutive general election since 1992.


* You'll find numerous dirty ones in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto), but there aren't enough dirty ones in regions 1 thru 10 to bring the PNC into power.


* The TALKERS and blabbermouths on GNI can whine and scream all they want, they are quite good at it, but come May 11th 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.








The Dirty Indians are willing to sell their offsprings to the PNC for twelve pieces of silver.





and kwamr bugger you and turn you into a antiman

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* There is simply not enough DIRTY INDIANS in Guyana to prevent the PPP from winning their 6th consecutive general election since 1992.


* You'll find numerous dirty ones in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto), but there aren't enough dirty ones in regions 1 thru 10 to bring the PNC into power.


* The TALKERS and blabbermouths on GNI can whine and scream all they want, they are quite good at it, but come May 11th 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.








The Dirty Indians are willing to sell their offsprings to the PNC for twelve pieces of silver.





and kwamr bugger you and turn you into a antiman

Go easy on the Tranny.


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