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Rev, it is not so much that you admit you're (sometimes - sic!) wrong. It is the not even the lack of contrition. The amount of bile you spewed in this and other similar threads will require several generations of contrition to make you relevant again.


Keep up the attempts at rehabilitation. It is what you're a master of....having lots of occasions to practice.


CaribJ also has a fundamental lack of understanding of Obama means to Blacks, as evidenced by his (CaribJ's) constant complaining about what Obama has failed to do for Blacks. Obama is not going to be this accommodating fellah to the Repubs. It's time for the metaphorical drones of the bully pulpit.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev, it is not so much that you admit you're (sometimes - sic!) wrong. It is the not even the lack of contrition. The amount of bile you spewed in this and other similar threads will require several generations of contrition to make you relevant again.

kari bai:


The Rev never holds grudges or resentments! I believe in fighting a good fight--sometimes a brutal fight--but when it's over--it's over---I accept the result and move on---life is too short to harbor bitterness and antipathy.


The Rev is a man of kindness, compassion, magnanimity, and good will.  I wish President Obama good health and great success in his 2nd term.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev, it is not so much that you admit you're (sometimes - sic!) wrong. It is the not even the lack of contrition. The amount of bile you spewed in this and other similar threads will require several generations of contrition to make you relevant again.

kari bai:


The Rev never holds grudges or resentments! I believe in fighting a good fight--sometimes a brutal fight--but when it's over--it's over---I accept the result and move on---life is too short to harbor bitterness and antipathy.


The Rev is a man of kindness, compassion, magnanimity, and good will.  I wish President Obama good health and great success in his 2nd term.



What you need is to have someone sit you down and say that a good fight, a brutal fight, is not calling Obama all the names you called him. Those words taken from Fox Noise Central and the Limbaugh  rodeo show are not what you would call a brutal fight. And the Dick Morris-certitude calling of the elections by your numbers - that just shows how ridiculous you were. That's not a good fight. That's not a brutal fight. Heck, you can't even hold your own against Joker in this here forum. You're just a sissy talker behind a keyboard. Gwan suh......and stop kitch kitch-ahing like some lagoo bagoo about numbers. Numbers my foot. You ain't know jack sh1t about numbers.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev, it is not so much that you admit you're (sometimes - sic!) wrong. It is the not even the lack of contrition. The amount of bile you spewed in this and other similar threads will require several generations of contrition to make you relevant again.

kari bai:


The Rev never holds grudges or resentments! I believe in fighting a good fight--sometimes a brutal fight--but when it's over--it's over---I accept the result and move on---life is too short to harbor bitterness and antipathy.


The Rev is a man of kindness, compassion, magnanimity, and good will.  I wish President Obama good health and great success in his 2nd term.



What you need is to have someone sit you down and say that a good fight, a brutal fight, is not calling Obama all the names you called him. Those words taken from Fox Noise Central and the Limbaugh  rodeo show are not what you would call a brutal fight. And the Dick Morris-certitude calling of the elections by your numbers - that just shows how ridiculous you were. That's not a good fight. That's not a brutal fight. Heck, you can't even hold your own against Joker in this here forum. You're just a sissy talker behind a keyboard. Gwan suh......and stop kitch kitch-ahing like some lagoo bagoo about numbers. Numbers my foot. You ain't know jack sh1t about numbers.



I could not have said it better.

Originally Posted by Kari:
You ain't know jack sh1t about numbers.




You seem like an angry and bitter man--full of resentment!!


Listen up! Let me remind you of that old saying:


Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die---LET IT GO Kari bai---do yourself a favor and get rid of your bitterness!




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:
You ain't know jack sh1t about numbers.




You seem like an angry and bitter man--full of resentment!!


Listen up! Let me remind you of that old saying:


Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die---LET IT GO Kari bai---do yourself a favor and get rid of your bitterness!





What Dear Mudhead gives you the vaguest of impressions that you and your auntyman crew are somehow envied by anyone?


You truly are a legend in your own empty skull

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:
You ain't know jack sh1t about numbers.




You seem like an angry and bitter man--full of resentment!!


Listen up! Let me remind you of that old saying:


Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die---LET IT GO Kari bai---do yourself a favor and get rid of your bitterness!






It's a terrible thing when people don't know they don't know...must be that low IQ. 


The focus is not on any one saying anything in any kind of manner of Rev and his lofty "numbers" and how he can "fight" a good fight or a brutal fight. Nah...nah....nah.



It is about some piss-pot fellah coming here with the certitude of "numbers" that don't lie, and worse, calling the President of the USA names and insinuating he is not American and that he's a darkie and Hussein (and the worse implication is that being Islamic is the standard for the lowest of creatures). Look here dunlayguana, this is not about resentment. I have not danced in the end zone on Nov 6th last year. I left you and CaribJ to stew in your own follies. But I must point out your ad hominem assault on a human being whom history will speak highly of.

Originally Posted by Kari:



It is about some piss-pot fellah coming here with the certitude of "numbers" that don't lie, and worse, calling the President of the USA names and insinuating he is not American and that he's a darkie and Hussein (and the worse implication is that being Islamic is the standard for the lowest of creatures).




It is patently clear that the Rev's devastating verbal assault and bombardment of Obama during the election season in 2012 severely hurt and tormented you and caused you to suffer excruciating mental pains. Well kari bai, you can choose to hold onto the resentment you harbor for the Rev or you can do yourself a favor and let go. Anger, bitterness and grudges are bad for your health kari bai.



Originally Posted by Kari:

Hey Rev, you're Exhibit "A" why the mental health situation in America is going to change. You'll soon find a home in one of these institutions.

kari bai:


When you wish someone bad it makes you wretched and miserable.


Listen! It's the start of a new year--aspire to be cheerful and joyful and forgiving.


If the Rev tormented you during the last election season---go read your Koran---read this:


"Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn aside from the ignorant." Surah VII, verse 199


Like I said to you kari bai---you can choose to LET GO---or you can choose to continue harboring resentment for the Rev---your choice.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Hey Rev, you're Exhibit "A" why the mental health situation in America is going to change. You'll soon find a home in one of these institutions.

kari bai:


When you wish someone bad it makes you wretched and miserable.


Listen! It's the start of a new year--aspire to be cheerful and joyful and forgiving.


If the Rev tormented you during the last election season---go read your Koran---read this:


"Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn aside from the ignorant." Surah VII, verse 199


Like I said to you kari bai---you can choose to LET GO---or you can choose to continue harboring resentment for the Rev---your choice.





Rev becoming Muslim and quoting Qur'an. All to save his hide.

Remember what Obama said to Osama "Give up and live"

Originally Posted by Kari:


CaribJ also has a fundamental lack of understanding of Obama means to Blacks, as evidenced by his (CaribJ's) constant complaining about what Obama has failed to do for Blacks. Obama is not going to be this accommodating fellah to the Repubs. It's time for the metaphorical drones of the bully pulpit.

I wonder when you became such an expert on what blacks think.  Watching soup lickers like Al Sharpton on MSNBC no doubt. 


I can tell you that last year there was almost no Obama materials in the many black neighborhoods that I go through, including the majority Caribbean area where I live.  And there were none of the wild celebrations when Obama won, as there were in 2008.  And people were actually looking around in Harlem and elsewhere to see if there would be.


Listen last summer there was wide spread alarm among the Obama campaign that black turn out would drop, due to many wondering of what benefit had the "First Black President" been for them.  Luckily Karl Rove thought that this was 1988 when he could have engineered voter suppression tactics w/o response.  Instead he got a solid black lash when people, especially in OH and FL came out and told him..."Oh no you dont".


So Kari I am looking forward to evidence from you that the RELATIVE position of blacks when compared to whites has improved since 2008.  No need to use the Bush excuse because if Obama was as effective as you claim the recovery would not only have been color blind, but Obama would have signalled the message (that Bill Clinton and the Cosby Show did) the blacks can be quite competent and should be included in the pool of candidates to be hired or promoted.


The question is has he?  Or has is almost 100% white male advisors and top cabinet appointees signalled to white employers that competency still comes in a white male body?


We will wait to see if his attempt at inclusion goes beyond having Beyonce and MLK's bible.  And pretending as if gays and women are the only ones who face bias in the labor market. 


In the meantime rest assured that while some middled aged ladies and survivors of Jim Crow might get excited about the symbolism of Obama (a man elected because he is the type of Negro who whites feel comfortable with), Obama's legacy will be measured by whether the progress that the black middle class made under Bill Clinton will continue under Obama. '


Will which ever candidate who succeeds him in the 2016 election benefit from massive black turn out the way that Al Gore did (despite being a boring white guy) because of the significant progress that large segments of the black middle (and upper working class) made under Clinton?



 His first term has seen a serious regression with 10% of black home owners losing their houses and foreclosure becoming a potentially damaging issue in middle class black neighborhoods.


We will see if his second term will mean aggressive actions by him to ensure, that to the best of his ability, ALL Americans (not just white men and women and gays and to a small degree Hispanics) are included in opportunities, without regard to race.  Or will African Americans, who have been in this country since 1620, still be treated like some new immigrant group.. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

We will see if his second term will mean aggressive actions by him to ensure, that to the best of his ability, ALL Americans (not just white men and women and gays and to a small degree Hispanics) are included in opportunities, without regard to race.  Or will African Americans, who have been in this country since 1620, still be treated like some new immigrant group.. 




Stop whining!

President Obama has said that he is president of all America not black America. Cut the man some slack-----he is doing a good job---and even though blacks remain at the bottom of the barrel economically---they are most pleased with the President.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

We will see if his second term will mean aggressive actions by him to ensure, that to the best of his ability, ALL Americans (not just white men and women and gays and to a small degree Hispanics) are included in opportunities, without regard to race.  Or will African Americans, who have been in this country since 1620, still be treated like some new immigrant group.. 




Stop whining!

President Obama has said that he is president of all America not black America. Cut the man some slack-----he is doing a good job---and even though blacks remain at the bottom of the barrel economically---they are most pleased with the President.



Not surprised at this response from you given your history of racism.  After all why should darkies, who gave Obama 95% of their votes, expect him to try his best to ensure their inclusion in this country?


You think that they are the scum of the earth and deserve to be ignored as they have nothing to contribute. 


I await to see what Obama's second term will be.  If its like the first I doubt that the next boring white male who runs as the Democratic candiadte will get the level of black support that Obama got.  Indeed even if Karl Rove continues to play the race card, given that the candidate will be white, blacks will take this assault less personally than they did last November.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
President Obama has said that he is president of all America not black America. Cut the man some slack-----he is doing a good job---and even though blacks remain at the bottom of the barrel economically---they are most pleased with the President.



he is doing a good job - somebody please frame this before the ink runs out....

Originally Posted by Kari:


he is doing a good job - somebody please frame this before the ink runs out....



I told you the Rev is a very forgiving, agreeable, good-natured, easy going and happy man.


Listen! In 2012 the Rev hammered Obama---Obama returned the favor--kicked me in the face on Nov 6th---he won--the Rev lost---and there is zero resentment on part of the Rev---no anger, no bitterness, no grudges, no resentment---life goes on---I wish the man well in his 2nd term.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:


he is doing a good job - somebody please frame this before the ink runs out....



I told you the Rev is a very forgiving, agreeable, good-natured, easy going and happy man.


Listen! In 2012 the Rev hammered Obama---Obama returned the favor--kicked me in the face on Nov 6th---he won--the Rev lost---and there is zero resentment on part of the Rev---no anger, no bitterness, no grudges, no resentment---life goes on---I wish the man well in his 2nd term.





Does Obama know you exist? 


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