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Originally Posted by baseman:

The cost of fuel imports is only a part of the equation.  A dependable, abundant and affordable power supply is imperative to economic growth beyond anything Guyana has ever seen.  TK, you should know that, it' not a zero-sum game.  That's the real value proposition.

Well said baseman!


Amaila falls--site for Hydropower plant


In order for Guyana to achieve her development goals, the country needs a guaranteed source of energy and price stability in the energy sector.

Hydroelectricity will offer a significant contribution to Guyana development.





Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, the viability of this project was never determined since no economic, technical and financial feasibility study was ever carried out. Further, the cost of the project has not been finalized and therefore the cost of electricity to the ratepayer cannot be set and hence it is disingenuous for  you to state that the project will provide Guyanese with the lowest cost option as well as reduce  average generation costs. Construction costs are escalating by the day.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, the viability of this project was never determined since no economic, technical and financial feasibility study was ever carried out.




Don't be so naive!


Do you believe Sithe Global(99% owned by powerhouse NY financiers Blackstone group) would commit to providing $150 million in equity fiinancing without a feasibility study that assesses the technical and financial viability of the Amaila falls hydro project ?


The feasibility study was done Mitwah---it just hasn't been made public!


By the way Mitts---the AFC didn't conduct a feasibility study for Amaila falls hydro---they had a 3rd rate/3cents professor from Florida, a youngman who has never had a real job in the business world, put together a lil business plan for some other pipsqueak hydro.


You see Mitwah--the AFC is a pipsqueak party--and so they attrack pipsqueak followers---no wonder the AFC only received 10% of the votes in the last elections---they think tiny thoughts---they are pipsqueaks--and the Guyanese masses dont like



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, the viability of this project was never determined since no economic, technical and financial feasibility study was ever carried out. Further, the cost of the project has not been finalized and therefore the cost of electricity to the ratepayer cannot be set and hence it is disingenuous for  you to state that the project will provide Guyanese with the lowest cost option as well as reduce  average generation costs. Construction costs are escalating by the day.


Mits, The NEW World Trade Center started at 7 Billion US dollars, it is NOW at over 15 BILLION US Dollars. Go Figure!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Further, the cost of the project has not been finalized and therefore the cost of electricity to the ratepayer cannot be set and hence it is disingenuous for  you to state that the project will provide Guyanese with the lowest cost option as well as reduce  average generation costs. Construction costs are escalating by the day.



A few years ago, Sithe Global anticipated the Amaila falls project would come in around 600 million---that figure is now $850 million---and by the time the project gets approved---costs will be over 1 billion.


In the real world, with fluctuations in currencies, interest rates, and other factors costs and prices are not guaranteed.


But a hydro project like amaila will generate revenues that will cover its final cost many times over---the return on investment on this hydro project will be impressive.


The reality is:


* Hydroelectricity is the cheapest way to develop electricity.


* Guyana needs a guaranteed electricity supply inorder for the country to grow and develop economically.


* Hydro offers guaranteed energy and price stability


You losers in the AFC can keep braying that poor people will have to pay more for electricity---the hydro falls is not being built to benefit the poor people---it's being built to benefit Guyana and all Guyanese people---it will offer significant contribution to development in Guyana.






Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Further, the cost of the project has not been finalized and therefore the cost of electricity to the ratepayer cannot be set and hence it is disingenuous for  you to state that the project will provide Guyanese with the lowest cost option as well as reduce  average generation costs. Construction costs are escalating by the day.



A few years ago, Sithe Global anticipated the Amaila falls project would come in around 600 million---that figure is now $850 million---and by the time the project gets approved---costs will be over 1 billion.


In the real world, with fluctuations in currencies, interest rates, and other factors costs and prices are not guaranteed.


But a hydro project like amaila will generate revenues that will cover its final cost many times over---the return on investment on this hydro project will be impressive.


The reality is:


* Hydroelectricity is the cheapest way to develop electricity.


* Guyana needs a guaranteed electricity supply inorder for the country to grow and develop economically.


* Hydro offers guaranteed energy and price stability


You losers in the AFC can keep braying that poor people will have to pay more for electricity---the hydro falls is not being built to benefit the poor people---it's being built to benefit Guyana and all Guyanese people---it will offer significant contribution to development in Guyana.






Rev, you are being very disengenious. You have not  substantiated your empty statements. Your piffle shows how the PPP which is dying a slow painful daeth  fears the AFC. 

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The cost of fuel imports is only a part of the equation.  A dependable, abundant and affordable power supply is imperative to economic growth beyond anything Guyana has ever seen.  TK, you should know that, it' not a zero-sum game.  That's the real value proposition.

Well said baseman!


Amaila falls--site for Hydropower plant


In order for Guyana to achieve her development goals, the country needs a guaranteed source of energy and price stability in the energy sector.

Hydroelectricity will offer a significant contribution to Guyana development.






Baseman did not say anything there of substance. Did that too impress you? No wonder why you fell for the Romney snakeoil.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, the viability of this project was never determined since no economic, technical and financial feasibility study was ever carried out.




Don't be so naive!


Do you believe Sithe Global(99% owned by powerhouse NY financiers Blackstone group) would commit to providing $150 million in equity fiinancing without a feasibility study that assesses the technical and financial viability of the Amaila falls hydro project ?


The feasibility study was done Mitwah---it just hasn't been made public!


By the way Mitts---the AFC didn't conduct a feasibility study for Amaila falls hydro---they had a 3rd rate/3cents professor from Florida, a youngman who has never had a real job in the business world, put together a lil business plan for some other pipsqueak hydro.


You see Mitwah--the AFC is a pipsqueak party--and so they attrack pipsqueak followers---no wonder the AFC only received 10% of the votes in the last elections---they think tiny thoughts---they are pipsqueaks--and the Guyanese masses dont like





At the end of the day you have 48% and not the 55-60% you expected. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Thank you Bhai Rev for the technical explanation. Abee Canecutta cant explain it like that. Mits I am sure will appreciate that also.


Nehru bhai:


Poor Mitthun!



He is a lost cause. The young man has been brainwashed by the losers in the AFC. His mind has been slammed totally shut.


You know Nehru bhai---if only shut minds came with closed mouths---then there would be some hope for blowhards and blabbermouths like caribJ, Stormborn, cain, TK, Mithun bai, etchahahaha


Oh well! let's hope for a miracle. Hopefully Mitwah will see the light one day---Ramo and the PPP are leading Guyana to the promised land.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The cost of fuel imports is only a part of the equation.  A dependable, abundant and affordable power supply is imperative to economic growth beyond anything Guyana has ever seen.  TK, you should know that, it' not a zero-sum game.  That's the real value proposition.

Well said baseman!


Amaila falls--site for Hydropower plant


In order for Guyana to achieve her development goals, the country needs a guaranteed source of energy and price stability in the energy sector.

Hydroelectricity will offer a significant contribution to Guyana development.






Baseman did not say anything there of substance. Did that too impress you? No wonder why you fell for the Romney snakeoil.

You always miss the big picture bai.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



Oh well! let's hope for a miracle. Hopefully Mitwah will see the light one day---Ramo and the PPP are leading Guyana to the promised land.



Rev you have your head up your poop shoot. Hope you remove it and see the light. This is the same PPP/C that said no more black outs after the opening of the Kingston sub station.

Rev, you have no credibilty.


President must ‘urgently address’ Berbice power situation, says Corentyne Chamber

-after NA Hospital blackout during surgery



In wake of a blackout at the New Amsterdam Hospital during surgery on a woman who later died, the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce (CCCC) yesterday called for a thorough investigation while urging President Donald Ramotar to address the power situation in Berbice.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Thank you Bhai Rev for the technical explanation. Abee Canecutta cant explain it like that. Mits I am sure will appreciate that also.


Nehru bhai:


Poor Mitthun!



He is a lost cause. The young man has been brainwashed by the losers in the AFC. His mind has been slammed totally shut.


You know Nehru bhai---if only shut minds came with closed mouths---then there would be some hope for blowhards and blabbermouths like caribJ, Stormborn, cain, TK, Mithun bai, etchahahaha


Oh well! let's hope for a miracle. Hopefully Mitwah will see the light one day---Ramo and the PPP are leading Guyana to the promised land.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Further, the cost of the project has not been finalized and therefore the cost of electricity to the ratepayer cannot be set and hence it is disingenuous for  you to state that the project will provide Guyanese with the lowest cost option as well as reduce  average generation costs. Construction costs are escalating by the day.



A few years ago, Sithe Global anticipated the Amaila falls project would come in around 600 million---that figure is now $850 million---and by the time the project gets approved---costs will be over 1 billion.


In the real world, with fluctuations in currencies, interest rates, and other factors costs and prices are not guaranteed.


But a hydro project like amaila will generate revenues that will cover its final cost many times over---the return on investment on this hydro project will be impressive.


The reality is:


* Hydroelectricity is the cheapest way to develop electricity.


* Guyana needs a guaranteed electricity supply inorder for the country to grow and develop economically.


* Hydro offers guaranteed energy and price stability


You losers in the AFC can keep braying that poor people will have to pay more for electricity---the hydro falls is not being built to benefit the poor people---it's being built to benefit Guyana and all Guyanese people---it will offer significant contribution to development in Guyana.



since it is obvious that rev knows precious little about Sithe Global and their business, and even less again about the Blackstone Group; i ask the GNI cheerleading, low-information, gibberish spouting coven this simple question (again):


given the current (known) structure of the deal, is there a price point where this project becomes a ruinous debt hole/millstone for the Guyanese consumer/taxpayer . . .?


or, perhaps . . . building the "hydro" at any cost is predicated on a 'super'  imperative known only to the initiated

Originally Posted by redux:

given the current (known) structure of the deal, is there a price point where this project becomes a ruinous debt hole/millstone for the Guyanese consumer/taxpayer . . .?




Why are you hiding behind your alter ego redux ?


Listen TK--the good people of Guyana see you as a political loser--they also know that you are just a 3rd rate/3cents economist who has never had a real job in the business world.





* The Blackstone group manages 210 billion in assets---they will be providing 150 million in equity financing for the Amaila falls hydro project


* All Tarron Khemraj/redux can do is write useless academic papers--he is a political loser.





Who will the Guyanese people believe ?


The reputable Blackstone group that is putting up $150 million dollars or a 3 cents political loser like Tarron Khemraj who wants to see Guyana go down hill and end up in ruins under the PPP ?


TK/redux puts the following question to the forum:


"given the current (known) structure of the deal, is there a price point where this project becomes a ruinous debt hole/millstone for the Guyanese consumer/taxpayer . . .?"


Listen folks! What this political loser and hater of the PPP, Tarron Khemraj, doesn't understand is that regardless of the final cost of the Amaila falls hydro--it may end up costing over a billion dollars--but regardless of the final cost---the revenues from Amaila will cover the cost of the project many times over.


Look! The start up costs for a large scale hydro like Amaila will be high--but once completed the operational and manpower costs are low---making returns on investment very high.


Why do you folks think a massive company like Blackstone(210 billion dollars of assets under management) would be investing 150 million dollars in Amaila ?


They expect superior returns on their investments.


And in the meantime all losers like TK/redux can whine about is how the poor people in Guyana will be screwed.











Originally Posted by Rev Al:

[i] . . . regardless of the final cost of the Amaila falls hydro--it may end up costing over a billion dollars--but regardless of the final cost---the revenues from Amaila will cover the cost of the project many times over.


[ii] Why do you folks think a massive company like Blackstone(210 billion dollars of assets under management) would be investing 150 million dollars in Amaila ?


They expect superior returns on their investments.



[i] "regardless of the final cost . . ." Oh my good lord! The ignorance & klownishness inherent in this fool post requires no response.


[ii] i suggest that rev klown borrow some funds from the PPP and purchase an understanding of the the term "fiduciary" . . . once that is done, perhaps Blackstone's bullishness for the deal (@ even an absurd $2B for $165 MW, i'd hazard a guess) is quite understandable.


The pertinent question to ponder [elephant in the room] is whether the GOG understands where THEIR statutory "fiduciary" responsibilities lie.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK/redux:


TK = redux


The pertinent question to ponder [elephant in the room] is whether the GOG understands where THEIR statutory "fiduciary" responsibilities lie.



You have become a desperate man! You are now braying about the "fiduciary" responsibilities of the Government.


The truth is TK the Guyanese people know you and the AFC are a bunch of losers--they know you are trying to prejudice them against the Amaila falls hydro.


But just like only a handful of people pay attention to your worthless academic papers and writings, only a handful of Guyanese, mostly naive souls like poor Mitwah, will believe your bickerings that the Amaila falls and its huge start up cost would be terrible for the Guyanese people.


Your trick and deception has failed TK---your wily ploy to poison the minds of the Guyanese people against the Amaila hydro has not worked.


The folks at Blackstone are winners---they are DOERS---they get things done---they make things happen--Blackstone currently has 210 billion dollars(US) under management---they are a hugely successful and profitable company. You, on the other hand TK, are a lil pipsqueak 3rd rate/3cents economist--you  are a TALKER and a political LOSER. Your wicked attempts to scare the Guyanese people has failed.








Originally Posted by Rev Al: 

. . . The folks at Blackstone are winners---they are DOERS---they get things done---they make things happen--Blackstone currently has 210 billion dollars(US) under management---they are a hugely successful and profitable company. You, on the other hand TK, are a lil pipsqueak 3rd rate/3cents economist--you  are a TALKER and a political LOSER. Your wicked attempts to scare the Guyanese people has failed.





yesss . . . the folks @ Blackstone indeed are winners


they know EXACTLY where their "fiduciary" responsibilities lie . . . with THEIR shareholders!


apparently YOU and the PPP are 'confused' and don't understand the difference . . .


oh wait . . . you are [supposedly] a decades long veteran of the "investment banking" business . . . har de har har har


meanwhile, keep on chanting UP the PPP tiefin like a stunted North Korean "Dear Leader" groupie; it articulates with unambiguous clarity the emptiness in the ignorant lout that is you . . . maaahvelhous 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK/redux:

yesss . . . the folks @ Blackstone indeed are winners---they know EXACTLY where their "fiduciary" responsibilities lie . . . with THEIR shareholders!




You can come here using your alter ego redux and verbally masturbate about the "fiduciary" responsibilities of the Guyana government all you want.


This blabbering about "fiduciary" rsponsibility--this is just a ruse by you TK--a stunt and a ploy--you want to scare the Guyanese people about the exorbitant cost of the Amaila hydro---but thankfully they know you are a TALKER and a political LOSER TK---and they are not buying into your wicked mischief!



The Amaila falls hydro will be a great asset to Guyana and will contribute immensely to the country's growth and development.






Redux...I am about to board a JetBlue flight to JFK arrival at 2:09. I know...I am leaving a 76 degrees for a blizzard but one must do family duties. Flight # 346. Once I am in the hr or so...make a few comments so the board can see what a first-rate moron and low IQed freak this Rev really is. Thank you. 

Originally Posted by TK:

Redux...I am about to board a JetBlue flight to JFK arrival at 2:09. I know...I am leaving a 76 degrees for a blizzard but one must do family duties. Flight # 346. Once I am in the hr or so...make a few comments so the board can see what a first-rate moron and low IQed freak this Rev really is. Thank you. 

will do bro . . . be safe

Originally Posted by TK:

Redux...I am about to board a JetBlue flight to JFK arrival at 2:09. I know...I am leaving a 76 degrees for a blizzard but one must do family duties.




It's hilarious to see TK and his alter ego redux chat with each


By the way TK---nearly all the flights into JFK from Florida are cancelled.




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

Redux...I am about to board a JetBlue flight to JFK arrival at 2:09. I know...I am leaving a 76 degrees for a blizzard but one must do family duties. Flight # 346. Once I am in the hr or so...make a few comments so the board can see what a first-rate moron and low IQed freak this Rev really is. Thank you. 

will do bro . . . be safe

HEHEHE Berbice Mad House calling. Dem seh wen wan man ah talk to Himself, he is fuh Berbice Mad Houre.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Redux...I am about to board a JetBlue flight to JFK arrival at 2:09. I know...I am leaving a 76 degrees for a blizzard but one must do family duties.




It's hilarious to see TK and his alter ego redux chat with each


By the way TK---nearly all the flights into JFK from Florida are cancelled.




get back to me when u look up [and understand] the meaning of "fiduciary" lil man . . . i know Bharat didn't learn bout dah in Moscow


weh u went to skool again??

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

TK: Redux...I am about to board a JetBlue flight to JFK arrival at 2:09. I know...I am leaving a 76 degrees for a blizzard but one must do family duties.

redux: will do bro . . . be safe

Nehru: HEHEHE Berbice Mad House calling. Dem seh wen wan man ah talk to Himself, he is fuh Berbice Mad Houre.

Nehru bhai:





There is nothing wrong with Tarron Khemraj using 2 handles on this forum--TK and redux. But when the two handles, TK and redux, start talking to each other---that's some serious psychological issues being displayed---you're right Nehru--Berbice Mad house



Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Rev, question for you on the numbers thing: when you gonna stop picking losers? Losing breeds losers.



There is nothing wrong with picking losers! There is nothing wrong with failure.


Hope the Rev keeps picking losers---dont want to be right 100% the time---The experience is what counts when one picks losers and when one fails---and once a man learns from his failures he is a better man.




The Rev has never stayed down--never.





The Rev's mantra will always be:









It's been said that Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


But when someone's aim is obviously to always fail, always picks the obvious  losers and again fails, then it could be said that person has never learned, that person will never succeed.. That person could possibly be:



a: Mentally Challenged

b: Stupid


Which one a you Rev?

Originally Posted by cain:



But when someone's aim is obviously to always fail--That person could possibly be:

 a: Mentally Challenged

b: Stupid


Which one a you Rev?



Are you talking about yourself ? Are you always aiming to fail ?


Listen cain! There has never been a single human being in the history of mankind whose aim has been to always fail---never been such a person.


Now cainster, the real producers in this world--the doers--the achievers--the ones who take calculated risks---many of these folks fail along the way--but the experience, the intuition and the intelligence they gain from their failures is unparalleled.


OK! A blunt answer to your question cain---listen--if you perceive the Rev as mentally challenged and stupid---that's OK---that's cool---the Rev has no problems with your perception of him--once you keep responding to the Rev and his posting on his threads---that's all that matters.





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