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Django posted:

With all the different Guyanese dishes most of the ingredients are in Guyana locally,except flour,split peas and salt.

How will we starve ?

Substitute  with rice flour, pigeon peas and time.

yuji22 posted:

Does anyone know the origin of Cook up or All in One as it is called in Berbice ? 

Cook Up originated on the plantations during the days of slavery.  Rations were scarce and time was limited as the slaves worked long days. So to save on both, people would put their ingredients into one one pot and cook. Over time that dish evolved with the addition of seasonings and different types of meats, peas, etc. into the delicacy we know today.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

With all the different Guyanese dishes most of the ingredients are in Guyana locally,except flour,split peas and salt.

How will we starve ?

There was rice, onion and salt, also fresh cow milk and rice with sugar. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

With all the different Guyanese dishes most of the ingredients are in Guyana locally,except flour,split peas and salt.

How will we starve ?

There was rice, onion and salt, also fresh cow milk and rice with sugar. 

How about mar ,rice, with some chipped onions or shallot ,wiri wiri peppers and pinch of salt,it's got to be hot.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:
Dave posted:

Does Vish knows after 6 PM he enter his home the reverse way and don’t sweep the dust out the house after 6 PM. 

You do that when returning from a funeral. 

Thinking about it, no need to.

Dave posted:

Does Vish knows after 6 PM he enter his home the reverse way and don’t sweep the dust out the house after 6 PM. 

He rass better know about Jumbie and Obeah Man now. 

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:

Does Vish knows after 6 PM he enter his home the reverse way and don’t sweep the dust out the house after 6 PM. 

He rass better know about Jumbie and Obeah Man now. 

Moon Gazer  and Baccoo

Last edited by kp
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
It is black man food though just as blacks learned how to cook curry chicken and some even roti some Indians also learned creole and Chinese Guyanese dishes.

This is questionable, as rice is traditionally an Asian food. Unless you are referring to cookup minus the rice. 

indeed drugb, the only thing NOT “questionable” is your ineffable DUNCENESS

Let me help your poor education here:


“. . . The Governor Sir William [Berkeley], caused half a bushel of Rice (which he had procured) to be sowen, and it prospered gallantly and he had fifteen bushels of it, excellent good Rice, so that all those fifteen bushels will be sowen again this year; and we doubt not in a short time to have Rice so plentiful as to afford it at 2d a pound if not cheaper, for we perceive the ground and Climate is very proper for it as our Negroes affirme, which in their Country is most of their food, and very health-ful for our bodies.

. . . An examination of rice cooking provides additional evidence for the transmission of a female knowledge system from Africa to South Carolina. Despite the familiar logo of Uncle Ben on the converted rice marketed by that name in the United States, it was African women who perfected rice cooking in a distinctive manner that characterizes both African and Carolinian culinary traditions. The objective was to prepare dishes to prevent rice from clumping together, as in the Asian style, a plate where every grain remained separate. The method involved steaming and absorption, boiling rice first for 10-15 minutes, draining off excess water, removing the pan from direct heat for the grains to absorb the moisture, and leaving the pot covered for at least an hour before eating. This is the same manner in which rice is traditionally prepared throughout the West African rice region, where wood is scarce for cooking and the task for its procurement often the additional responsibility of women. A similar method of cooking rice is found in other areas of the African diaspora, for example among descendants of Saramaka maroons in Surinam who fled coastal sugar plantations for freedom during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.”



Tell me what Drugb said was wrong,  he stated that Traditionally rice is an Asian food. Well what is wrong?  You pick something up from the Internet and post with out relevance. 

instead of the usual, ignorant pout when confronted with inconvenient FACTS, if you took time to actually read my post, your 'question' would have been long answered

now, what exactly about "the internet" you got a problem with?

ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
It is black man food though just as blacks learned how to cook curry chicken and some even roti some Indians also learned creole and Chinese Guyanese dishes.

This is questionable, as rice is traditionally an Asian food. Unless you are referring to cookup minus the rice. 

indeed drugb, the only thing NOT “questionable” is your ineffable DUNCENESS

Let me help your poor education here:


“. . . The Governor Sir William [Berkeley], caused half a bushel of Rice (which he had procured) to be sowen, and it prospered gallantly and he had fifteen bushels of it, excellent good Rice, so that all those fifteen bushels will be sowen again this year; and we doubt not in a short time to have Rice so plentiful as to afford it at 2d a pound if not cheaper, for we perceive the ground and Climate is very proper for it as our Negroes affirme, which in their Country is most of their food, and very health-ful for our bodies.

. . . An examination of rice cooking provides additional evidence for the transmission of a female knowledge system from Africa to South Carolina. Despite the familiar logo of Uncle Ben on the converted rice marketed by that name in the United States, it was African women who perfected rice cooking in a distinctive manner that characterizes both African and Carolinian culinary traditions. The objective was to prepare dishes to prevent rice from clumping together, as in the Asian style, a plate where every grain remained separate. The method involved steaming and absorption, boiling rice first for 10-15 minutes, draining off excess water, removing the pan from direct heat for the grains to absorb the moisture, and leaving the pot covered for at least an hour before eating. This is the same manner in which rice is traditionally prepared throughout the West African rice region, where wood is scarce for cooking and the task for its procurement often the additional responsibility of women. A similar method of cooking rice is found in other areas of the African diaspora, for example among descendants of Saramaka maroons in Surinam who fled coastal sugar plantations for freedom during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.”



Drugb dunceness aside, he REAL intent was to portray Africans as not being able to sustain themselves outside of help from other races (in this case Asian/Indian). In other words, "black man would starve if it wasn't fuh abie". It should sound familiar. That is the nasty racist we dealing wid in de man name Drugb. Little did he know it was Africans that taught the Asians how to handle rice. SMFH.

kp posted:
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:

Does Vish knows after 6 PM he enter his home the reverse way and don’t sweep the dust out the house after 6 PM. 

He rass better know about Jumbie and Obeah Man now. 

Moon Gazer  and Baccoo

Wait until he hears about (Berbician Fire Rass) and Village Master.

He will pee his pants if he reads one page of the IndraJal. This one is for real.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:

Drugb dunceness aside, he REAL intent was to portray Africans as not being able to sustain themselves outside of help from other races (in this case Asian/Indian). In other words, "black man would starve if it wasn't fuh abie". It should sound familiar. That is the nasty racist we dealing wid in de man name Drugb. Little did he know it was Africans that taught the Asians how to handle rice. SMFH.

i know druggie's MO is to try tek a piss pan blackman with any 'opportunity' he can manufacture

but he prappa DUNCE in not knowing that rice was a staple in the culture and diet of West African peoples for millennia before slavery and Indian indenture in the Americas. . . note his "cookup minus the rice" sneer

this is not to gainsay the huge impact of a highly developed, sophisticated cuisine brought to countries like Guyana from India and East Asia that we all enjoy

indeed, that cuisine can properly be said to have brought fundamental, transformative changes in the eating habits of former colonial masters in Western Europe . . . after all, the violent scramble by Europe for spices from the East is what started the voyages of exploration that led us to what and where we are today

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Tola posted:

.......What do you call those cups and plates that would flake off a piece, if it dropped or hit on hard surface ?   


Na, jus flaked-off like some on GNI.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:

Does Vish knows after 6 PM he enter his home the reverse way and don’t sweep the dust out the house after 6 PM. 

He rass better know about Jumbie and Obeah Man now. 

Moon Gazer  and Baccoo

Wait until he hears about (Berbician Fire Rass) and Village Master.

He will pee his pants if he reads one page of the IndraJal. This one is for real.

 Me did  not hear about  Village Master, but Old Albion had many Fire Rass, that suck blood on the neck from pregnant women, while they sleep.

They first had to remove their skin and hide it, before their Fire Rassing at night would wuk.

In our logie kitchen, we had  large jar of ground Balla Fire pepper, that was used to rub on the skin of the Fire  Rass.  Next day if we see a  person in our village with blisters on their skin, we will know they were a Fire Rass the night before.

In North America,  me did not see any  Fire Rass, but there were lots of blood sucking lawyers  and politicians.  

cain posted:

So its a tinin cup you talkin bout.

Long before me used tin or aluminum cups, we took enamel cups for the school milk/cookies breakfast feeding program.  I believe it was a US Aid program with two hands shaking each other on the large powder milk bag.

Pieces of the  enamel would flake off if the cup is dropped or hit a hard surface. The enamel coated the metal design of the cup and plate. The cup is usually useable, but it will have flakes of enamel off  the cup.      


After reading the dialogue here as a Georgetown born and raised I can say I know of all and some of what was not mentioned about food and it's infusion into the Guyanese culture, Most of this information is going by the wayside due to lack of interest by the younger generation. What I see now in Guyana is that of a eat out take out food culture. On a visit I was invited to dinner by an old school friend I got there at 6.30 pm as agreed upon time, he offered me a drink and after a few he pulled out his cell phone and ordered food from the Chinese restaurant he also asked his wife and kids what they wanted to eat, I did not expect this. Anyway Tola the sardine that I remember that was used in the cookup was Marshalls sardines in tomato sauce.   



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