Bannas, don't shoot the messenger, look around you and compare the living state of Blacks to other races,
And yet its so interesting to note that Guyanese Indians flee to majority black islands, offering doing some of the worst jobs. And this when the "great PPP" was ru(i)ning Guyana
Now why didn't we see flocks of Islanders flocking to PPP run Guyana, begging Indians to wipe their babies' bottoms.
Rahul Bhattacharya, an Asian Indian who wrote the book "The Sly Company of People who care" noted that in Trinidad Guyanese were looked down on as cheap labor. If your limited literacy allows you to you should buy that book and note his comments about Guyanese in Trinidad. And yes its their fellow Indo Caribbean people who were especially guilty of this.
I can also pick any majority black island in the Caribbean and will note that they live far better than does the average person in India, despite being mere specks peaking out of the ocean, passed over in the blink of an eye if one is flying over them.
Clearly you haven't been watching your favorite station, FOX, or you would know the plight of many in Hispanic countries. In fact the most educated immigrant group to the USA are Nigerians, whose median household incomes exceed whites.