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cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Oh mi mumma!!  Ayuh cut the skont out.  Now is waan stchupit Potatoe Man and his P0ke.y Horse rowe!!!!

BTW, that was story in a story book!!

Oye Bhai, this thread is about Serious Question.

But it always come back to Black and Coolie!!

HAHAHAAAAaaaaa! These rass guys arguin dem bumbaclat over who invent rice an who firs mek french fries an all sorta is not just one thread dem doin dis.

Base, I gonna start a thread jus for me an you over who first invented fish. 

Somehow me thinks you like sushi ๐Ÿฃ!!!!!!

cain posted:
D2 posted:
cain posted:

Should those beagles start playing better than you, you in big trouble.

Oh and by the way seeing your concern about not enough women out bait worked banna, caught me a nice hippy looking babe who is the drummer with our Friday group.

Have a drink on me for not having to be sleeping in a cold bed this winter. I bet there are lots of sub zero nights for fierce cuddling coming up soon!

I locked those dogs out of my music room. They would sit in front of the door with big droopy ears and wide sad eyes pondering why!!!...then I let them in again!!

No cold bed, for sure.

You lock poor doggies outta the music room. So you are worried about them getting better than you..hahaha

I have a vintage Gibson Bigsby natural that they almost ruined by knocking it over. I keep all the expensive ones in their cases these days. However, I love those dogs more than any of my guitars. 

D2 posted:

It is like the ice-water argument. One person  refused to accept science and mathematics then then and the argument continued for over five years!  This goody fellow refuse to accept Africans had a rice culture and persist in denying the historical reality however much the evidence becomes available. Willful ignorance cannot be overcome with facts. This fellow comes back like a zombie, impervious of the conscious world that knows the contrary yet  chants about his wisdom when he lumbers about with his brains cascading from his skull from the beating he is getting. This argument can last for a long long time! 

Drugb not interested in "historical reality", "evidence" and "facts" bai. He intention is to lash black man wid he liard broom stick. He like Trump - repeat a lie often enough and people start believing it. In all Drugb post on dis matter you will find dis:

a. black man getting whipped by white masters to plant rice
b. implications dat black man can't develop anything on their own or contribute anything to society.

this attitude is prevalent in a lot of older Indian men - that if it wasn't fuh "coolie" people, black man wouldn't have anything to eat. Yuh see Ugli and Skeldon man gyaffing about "white mouth" and suh on earlier in dis thread. That is where they want to take this.

To Tola's students - Drugb's attitude is instructive for you regarding the racism of many or even most older Indo Guyanese men toward black people in Guyana. Take note. Same on other threads.

Iguana posted:

Drugb not interested in "historical reality", "evidence" and "facts" bai. He intention is to lash black man wid he liard broom stick. He like Trump - repeat a lie often enough and people start believing it. In all Drugb post on dis matter you will find dis:

a. black man getting whipped by white masters to plant rice
b. implications dat black man can't develop anything on their own or contribute anything to society.

this attitude is prevalent in a lot of older Indian men - that if it wasn't fuh "coolie" people, black man wouldn't have anything to eat. Yuh see Ugli and Skeldon man gyaffing about "white mouth" and suh on earlier in dis thread. That is where they want to take this.

To Tola's students - Drugb's attitude is instructive for you regarding the racism of many or even most older Indo Guyanese men toward black people in Guyana. Take note. Same on other threads.

Bannas, don't shoot the messenger, look around you and compare the living state of Blacks to other races, even the Hispanics outdoing them. Is not only druggie making this observation, most people in the US see this for themselves. Even you, d2 and others silently agree but public are forced to act politically correct and turn a blind eye to the facts. 

Iguana posted:
D2 posted:

It is like the ice-water argument. One person  refused to accept science and mathematics then then and the argument continued for over five years!  This goody fellow refuse to accept Africans had a rice culture and persist in denying the historical reality however much the evidence becomes available. Willful ignorance cannot be overcome with facts. This fellow comes back like a zombie, impervious of the conscious world that knows the contrary yet  chants about his wisdom when he lumbers about with his brains cascading from his skull from the beating he is getting. This argument can last for a long long time! 

Drugb not interested in "historical reality", "evidence" and "facts" bai. He intention is to lash black man wid he liard broom stick. He like Trump - repeat a lie often enough and people start believing it. In all Drugb post on dis matter you will find dis:

a. black man getting whipped by white masters to plant rice
b. implications dat black man can't develop anything on their own or contribute anything to society.

this attitude is prevalent in a lot of older Indian men - that if it wasn't fuh "coolie" people, black man wouldn't have anything to eat. Yuh see Ugli and Skeldon man gyaffing about "white mouth" and suh on earlier in dis thread. That is where they want to take this.

To Tola's students - Drugb's attitude is instructive for you regarding the racism of many or even most older Indo Guyanese men toward black people in Guyana. Take note. Same on other threads.

This is Oriko from Japan. Thank you Iguana. Tola said you are a bird and your avatar is wrong. haha. But I don't believe him. I believe you are like a lizard. Guyana is nice. Tola show us many photos.    

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

How you know that the Afro rice didn't make its way from china?

Because it has already been revealed to you MANY TIMES that it is a DIFFERENT species.

Now I know that you cannot read articles that you post, the evidence being your tendency to post those that undermine your argument, but this is a long worn out topic. 

You really ought to stop showing that you are the most intellectually limited person on GNI.  Behave like Nehru, who knows his limitations and doesn't moved outside of his capabilities.

kp posted:

Potato was first grown in Egypt  then moved to Europe.

Potato was one of the few crops that originated in the Americas and was then transferred to Europe.  Tomatoes, tobacco, corn, and some others were also introduced into Europe, subsequently spreading to Africa and Asia.  Wheat was introduced in the Egypt/southwest Asian region and then spread worldwide, if not by cultivation then at least by consumption.

cain posted:

A couple quotes for this:  "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig"

"Never wrestle with a pig: you get dirty and the pig enjoys it?"

Certainly applies to druggie.  He lacks the intelligence to add to a debate so encourages us to waste time with him.  I feel sorry for the man so I give him the attention that he so desperately craves.

Drugb posted:

Bannas, don't shoot the messenger, look around you and compare the living state of Blacks to other races,

And yet its so interesting to note that Guyanese Indians flee to majority black islands, offering doing some of the worst jobs.  And this when the "great PPP" was ru(i)ning Guyana

Now why didn't we see flocks of Islanders flocking to PPP run Guyana, begging Indians to wipe their babies' bottoms.

Rahul Bhattacharya, an Asian Indian who wrote the book "The Sly Company of People who care" noted that in Trinidad Guyanese were looked down on as cheap labor.  If your limited literacy allows you to you should buy that book and note his comments about Guyanese in Trinidad. And yes its their fellow Indo Caribbean people who were especially guilty of this.

I can also pick any majority black island in the Caribbean and will note that they live far better than does the average person in India, despite being mere specks peaking out of the ocean, passed over in the blink of an eye if one is flying over them.


Clearly you haven't been watching your favorite station, FOX, or you would know the plight of many in Hispanic countries.  In fact the most educated immigrant group to the USA are Nigerians, whose median household incomes exceed whites.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Potato was first grown in Egypt  then moved to Europe.

Potato was one of the few crops that originated in the Americas and was then transferred to Europe.

While indeed in America; one needs to be a bit more specific relative to today's geographic locations.

According to historical sources, potato was first known to be cultivated in central Peru around 2000_BC.

Reports indicated that sailors returning to Europe brought potato, maize and a few other items which were then planted/developed in the 1500's in Spain and Britain.


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