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I posted this at Social Strata "is there a way to stop "Watch This Topic:" having to uncheck this everytime when making a reply at the bottom of the reply window Thanks"



Hi Amral,


Currently, there is no way to change the default behavior of the "Watch This Topic" checkbox when posting a reply.  It always defaults to checked.


We've had a similar suggestion/request made here:


As the result of that (long) discussion, we will be adding a user preference to allow you to change the default in a future release (no estimate for when that will be available, however).


Additionally, in case you aren't aware, there is a setting in notification settings that allows you to control whether you'll get email notifications of new replies to posts you watch.  You might consider disabling that if you don't ever want to receive notifications of new replies on any content you watch.  I understand that these would be used for two different scenarios, but I wanted to make sure you were also aware of that setting.




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