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Granger and Gomes calling on ex soldiers to go out in the villages and islands to look for mischief, govt should be alert and keep tabs on them, with accusations of Granger having blood on his hands and now calling on his Buddies in crime to help him win elections is enough for Guyanese to discard him to the Political garbage bin, Guyanese should not forget the role ex soldiers played during the rigging of elections and other atrocities and murdering the election martyr on the Corentyne.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Read carefully .. We are BOTH saying that NOT all Germans were Nazis.

DG we are NOT saying teh same thing as your senile riddled brain cannot detect.

I am saying that not every nazi was punished as thousands of Germans were indeed nazis.

It is a fact that in every dictatorship many become involved in the apparatus of oppression in order to safe guard themselves and their livelihood. War crimes are not based merely on membership in these groups. They are based on whether some one DIRECTLY committed a war crime or; whether they ordered such to be committed or; whether they had the authority to stop such crimes but refused to do so.

Stick to issues and perhaps cease with your long-winded nonsense.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Read carefully .. We are BOTH saying that NOT all Germans were Nazis.

DG we are NOT saying teh same thing as your senile riddled brain cannot detect.

I am saying that not every nazi was punished as thousands of Germans were indeed nazis.

It is a fact that in every dictatorship many become involved in the apparatus of oppression in order to safe guard themselves and their livelihood. War crimes are not based merely on membership in these groups. They are based on whether some one DIRECTLY committed a war crime or; whether they ordered such to be committed or; whether they had the authority to stop such crimes but refused to do so.

Stick to issues and perhaps cease with your long-winded nonsense.

Your senility is teh issue as we can see from your nonsensical one liner rants.
Originally posted by albert:
There a saying that if we forget our past we are damned to repeat it...those dark days of the P.N.C and Granger as Security adviser to the state will never be repeated...Never

tell that to Jagedeo. Not only has he hired most of the PNC thugs but he uses them to do things that they learnt under House of Israel.
albert stop your spamming here. You're behaving as though the PPP/PYO don't have blood on their hands also.

Since you were around since the X-13 days, why not tell us about your time in the PYO. Were you brain-washed in Cuba back in the early '60's.

Pray tell us how you learnt to make Malatovs and subversive techniques.

Tell us albert, were you there the night the PYO firebombed the Abraham house on Hadfield street.
Originally posted by albert:
There are a certain group in society who are on the losing side of any democratic election and may wanna resort to devious means to be in the limelight....

Yes YOUR fear is, given that 90% of African and mixed voters resent teh PPP and feel that they can never win, or elect tghose who will govern Guyana, those who you accuse of violence might develop a following from within this group.

E#asy. If you didnt run a racist party hostile to blacks, except a few tokens maybe you might get more black support. Like 30% of the black votes. But your almost 100% Indo dominated govt ensure sthat most blacks will see the PPP as the "collie" govt.
Members of the GDF took control of the ballot boxes in all polling centers outside of Georgetown and, contrary to the election regulations, transported them to their headquarters in Thomas Lands, Georgetown where they were kept overnight, and in some cases for more than 36 hours. There PNC operatives worked throughout that period to switch previously prepared ballot boxes with votes supporting the PNC or to empty the official ballot boxes and stuff them with fresh fraudulently marked ballots overwhelmingly in favor of the PNC.

The pattern of fraud emerged almost immediately after the poll ended. Ballot boxes for the Vreed-en-Hoop district crossed the Demerara River at 10 p.m. on 16 July, arriving in Georgetown some 15 minutes later. But the boxes did not arrive at the counting center until five and a half hours later! And then some of the keys for the ballot boxes could not be found. The boxes for Corentyne East did not arrive at the counting centre until 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 17 July, twenty-three and a half hours after the close of poll. Here again, keys for many boxes were also missing while some boxes were not sealed.

Ballot boxes from the East Coast Demerara electoral districts were finally delivered to the counting center by GDF soldiers at 1:30 p.m. on 17 July, eighteen and a half hours after the polls closed.

The boxes from the North-West District, which were transported by airplane, arrived 47 hours after the close of poll. Six ballot box keys were missing and when these boxes were broken open, twenty-one wads of ballot papers, some wrapped with rubber bands and others bound with paper clips were found inside. All were marked for the PNC. Two counting agents objected strongly drawing the returning officer’s attention to this unusual occurrence. They were immediately told that if they continued to protest the police would be called to eject them! This was how the PNC gave itself a 550 per cent increase over its 1968 votes in that district.

At the Canals Polder Electoral District, where the PPP had a majority in all the elections from 1953 to 1968, its votes went down four times and those of the PNC doubled. The PPP polling agent at one of the polling centers had objected during the voting exercise that the ballot-papers were being officially stamped on the inside instead of the outside. He was so concerned, fearing that the ballots would be declared invalid, that he made written notes that the ballots were being stamped on the inside. He also recorded the names of voters inside the station as well as the police constable who was on duty. In addition, as evidence of the fact, he obtained the signatures of the polling agents for all the parties, including the PNC, that this event had in fact taken place.

When the counting took place much later, the PPP counting agent, equipped with the document, kept an eye out for the particular box, No. 300. When it was counted, all 511 ballots were stamped on the outside and every single ballot was marked for the PNC!

The pattern was the same throughout. Ballot boxes, on arrival at the counting center from the GDF headquarters were found to be inadequately sealed, or not at all. Keys were missing or mixed up and there were numerous cases where the number of votes counted did not tally with the number cast. The mixed-up and missing keys for the ballot boxes apparently occurred when the keys were taken out of their sealed envelopes and used to open the ballot boxes, and then placed in the wrong envelopes afterwards.

During the counting process, at which representatives of the opposition parties were present, numerous irregularities were observed. In many cases, the ballots in the boxes did not correspond with the figures stated on the returns by the presiding officers. A large number of boxes had unsealed, exposed slots while others did not carry the seals of the opposition parties’ polling agents.
There was also obvious fraud with the postal voting. One box containing the postal ballots for an East Demerara district did not have the seal of the Chief Election Officer or any other person connected with the election. The box contained more envelopes with ballots than should have been placed in it. Five of the envelopes contained not only the ballots as required by law but also the declaration of identity which was not signed by anyone. It meant therefore that postal ballots were marked by persons claiming to be the voters who were not identified.

The law dealing with postal voting required the Chief Election Officer or his assistants to ensure that the declaration of identity – which was not to be enclosed in the same envelope with the ballot – be signed before a postal ballot is cast. Undoubtedly, from what took place, the law dealing with postal voting was not observed in the sending out and the casting of postal ballots.

The overseas votes were also massively manipulated. In view of the wide exposÃĐ of the padding of the overseas lists, the Government drastically reduced the number of names on the overseas list from 68,597 in 1968 to 34,801 in 1973. But even this list was rigged as proven by Granada Television of the United Kingdom which, in its investigative reporting, showed that there were over 8,000 bogus names on the list. The final “results” gave the PNC 98 percent of the overseas votes!.....Granger allegedly was very active around that time
The coutry awaits the revelations of the muslim cleric....and possible links he has/made with certain elements in society.....Was Tacuma reading from a prepared speech?...I makes me can a market fruit vendor make such a statement n behalf of an organisation he represents and they were silent on the issue?....weeks after a muslim cleric who's alledgly on the F.B.I's list was schedule to give a featured address..
To summarize Granger's presidenatial candadacy, he lackluster, is uncharismatic, he's hiding behind the shadow of Corbin, does not reach out to people in depressed communities, does not show initiative, is very dull and unenthusiastic in his delivery and does not present himself well. Why is he always in a green shirt....He's a dead horse candidate
Originally posted by albert:
To summarize Granger's presidenatial candadacy, he lackluster, is uncharismatic, he's hiding behind the shadow of Corbin, does not reach out to people in depressed communities, does not show initiative, is very dull and unenthusiastic in his delivery and does not present himself well. Why is he always in a green shirt....He's a dead horse candidate

I would agree he is uninspiring, unlike Ramjattan who articulates the vision very well and is very engaging.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
We should be more worried about the connection of the PPP with terrorist states, druglords, and communism. The total amount of government funds gone missing has also been several times larger under the PPP compared to any other history.government in our

You despise communism why so? Because it spells death for white trash imperialism. The biggest terrorist state in the world is the US who continues its unrelenting global genocide and allows the white rabid dog Bush to roam freely, while similar creatures like Saddam and others have been hanged. The world's biggest consumer of drugs is the US. Recently it was shown how the US executioners and rapists otherwise known as the US military or US Government facilitates the movement of opium from Afghanistan to the US for the lucrative US market.
Guyana's determination to ride the society of evils, like drugs, crimes and imperialism will not end until this goal has been achieved.
If Granger was not around when elections were rigged and political activists opposed to the PNC Gov't slaughtered then please tell us why this man is denying that these very things ever happened??? As a historian he makes a mockery of the profession by lying about his party's horrible past. It has been well-documented that the PNC ruled our country with an iron fist denying all forms of human rights and pushed the nation into the ranks of states like Haiti and Ethiopia. If Granger take the reins then he must be accountable for the party's past afterall it relatively a short time ago.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Much to the dismay of the residents...The Peoples National Congress Reform attempt to seek political mileage out of the suffering of the Region 9 flood victims, distributed one bottle water and two rolls of toilet tissue to around 25 flood victims in an area in the region.

PNCR presidential candidate, David Granger, accompanied by party youth-arm chairman, Christopher Jones, were Wednesday morning distributing the toiletries.
Originally posted by albert:
Much to the dismay of the residents...The Peoples National Congress Reform attempt to seek political mileage out of the suffering of the Region 9 flood victims, distributed one bottle water and two rolls of toilet tissue to around 25 flood victims in an area in the region.

PNCR presidential candidate, David Granger, accompanied by party youth-arm chairman, Christopher Jones, were Wednesday morning distributing the toiletries.

albert why don't you tell us about your activities in the PYO in the 60's, that is if you were around then or are you just mouthing things you don't know about.
Originally posted by albert:
Much to the dismay of the residents...The Peoples National Congress Reform attempt to seek political mileage out of the suffering of the Region 9 flood victims, distributed one bottle water and two rolls of toilet tissue to around 25 flood victims in an area in the region.

PNCR presidential candidate, David Granger, accompanied by party youth-arm chairman, Christopher Jones, were Wednesday morning distributing the toiletries.
At least everything they give is their own money. Did the PPP party take up a collection from it fatted calves and offered up a loaf of bread each? No! these crooks want to take credit for providing state services to the nations citizens!
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
We should be more worried about the connection of the PPP with terrorist states, druglords, and communism. The total amount of government funds gone missing has also been several times larger under the PPP compared to any other history.government in our

You despise communism why so? Because it spells death for white trash imperialism. The biggest terrorist state in the world is the US who continues its unrelenting global genocide and allows the white rabid dog Bush to roam freely, while similar creatures like Saddam and others have been hanged. The world's biggest consumer of drugs is the US. Recently it was shown how the US executioners and rapists otherwise known as the US military or US Government facilitates the movement of opium from Afghanistan to the US for the lucrative US market.
Guyana's determination to ride the society of evils, like drugs, crimes and imperialism will not end until this goal has been achieved.
They really force fed you folks swill at Lumumba U. Even Russia rejects that crap these days.

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