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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C is the single party with the largest number of votes, thus won the Presidency and tried on countless occasions reaching out to the opposition to assist in working together towards the good of the nation



President Ramotar lives daily by the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham. He loooveeesss the Forbes' Constitution. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C administration has and will always put the interest of the working class on its front burners, despite the negative criticisms of the doomsday preachers, Guyana has a striving economic, and has withstand the external shocks of the global financial crisis

I really like how they put the working class on the burner aright.

How many Guyanese get wuk with building the Marriott? Doan tell me a dam thing about dem working there after it's built, that's sheer bullshit, they won't be needed and you all know that. Bunch a dam crookish behaviour goin on deh. SHAME!!!!

''...By 1983, Despite the economic crisis, the government refused to make foreign exchange available for the purchasing of food or drugs. Instead, the police began a crackdown on the illegal importation of “contraband” goods. Mass exodus of citizens skyrocketed.

Meanwhile, a small PNC elite thrived through shareholding, contracts, and ownership of local businesses financed by the party/government. The foreign airline, GUYAMERICA, was allowed to compete with the locally owned Guyana Airways, primarily because government officials held shares. According to the Latin America Bureau, the PNC even ventured into the cinema business briefly, purchasing the film rights of Gandhi, for an estimated US$50,000.''
PPP/C observes 40th anniversary of Ballot Box Martyrs - the sacrifices of the martyrs were part of a struggle to maintain democracy in Guyana - RoheePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Michael Khan   
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 23:29

ON the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Ballot Box Martyrs, the ruling People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) held a road march and wreath-laying ceremony on Tuesday to honour the fallen comrades who had paid the ultimate price in defence of democracy.

Bholanauth Parmanand, 45, and Jagan Ramessar, 17, were shot dead by members of the Guyana Defence Force on the evening of the general elections on July 16th, 1973, outside of the polling station at Number 63 Village, Corentyne, while demanding that PPP votes be counted at the place of poll or a party agent be allowed to accompany the ballot boxes to wherever the military personnel were taking them.

A formal wreath-laying ceremony was held at the Number 65 cemetery and party members paid homage by the graves of the fallen comrades, which was followed by a road march to the memorial site at Number 63 Village, by PPP/C leaders, members and supporters on Tuesday.
PPP/C Member of Parliament, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, who was in the gathering when the horrific event took place, urged the fair-sized crowd to hold onto the events of the past and learn the lessons of the dark days in the history of Guyana.

He said: "These two young men gave their lives for what we take for granted. Comrades before 1992, whenever the polls close after voting, the ballot boxes were taken to Camp Ayanganna where magic happened and all the PPP votes were changed to PNC votes. Elections in Guyana were crooked as barbed wire."
Mahadeo, also lamented that if the nation ignores the events of the past, it would be a grave injustice to the martyrs.
"There were men, women and children there, simply exercising their fundamental rights. The soldiers came and did not aim at anyone, they just opened fire on the gathering, after Parmanand and Ramessar were shot, they made sure that they were dead before the bodies were taken to the Skeldon hospital," he recounted.
The MP then castigated the opposition political parties for trying to hinder progress in Guyana while seeking to regain power.
"All progressive things are being objected to because power is sweet and they want to get back into government. Comrades, we don't want our children to experience the horrors of the past; we want progress to continue," he declared.
Executive Secretary of the PPP/C, Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha, in his address, encouraged the gathering to maintain their support for the ruling party and ignore the pleas of the opposition, who is seen as a threat to democracy.
"We have taken the sacrifices of the martyrs for granted, to the extent where the naysayers and doomsayers are coming around and trying to fool our people, but comrades we must stand firm. The martyrs were in the prime of their lives and because they stood for their rights, they were killed by agents of the PNC," he lamented.
Mustapha, then called on the PPP/C supporters to redouble their efforts and rededicate themselves to protect and advance their democracy.
"We must not take democracy for granted because the dark forces are always striving to deny us of our fundamental rights," he stressed.
Meanwhile, member of the Central and Executive Committee of the PPP/C, Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee in delivering stirring remarks to the gathering, spoke of the days when elections in Guyana were heavily rigged and the army was used as a weapon to oppress the nation in the interest of the People's National Congress (PNC).
In paying tribute to the martyrs, Minister Rohee reflected on the events that led to their slaying.
"There were there to defend their votes, they did not want their votes to be stolen. The comrades had no guns or pieces of wood in their hands, they had no weapon; all they did was to form a human barricade to prevent the ballot boxes from moving but then the army came to disperse the crowd by firing shots," he recalled.
Rohee went on to say: "The PNC did their best not to hold free and fair elections in this country and even after Burnham died, Mr. Hoyte carried on with the same nonsense, until he was forced by the American Government and some CARICOM countries to hold a transparent election. He was threatened that if free and fair elections were not held, the PNC government would not get any foreign aid," he stated.
The minister concluded his remarks by calling on the PPP/C supporters to acknowledge the sacrifices of the martyrs as part of a struggle to maintain democracy in Guyana.
"They are the kind of heroes we must worship, they gave their lives so that today we can freely elect a government of our choice," he maintained.


The Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) is currently picketing outside of Parliament, calling on the political opposition to support the legislation linked to the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.

The youth arm of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) believes that the opposition is styming the development of Guyana.

Member of the PYO, Romel Roopnarine said that more “peaceful protests” will be seen in the future.

The sitting of the National Assembly is slated to commence this afternoon.


The man is right to complain about his people. The idea that not including race in our analysis of anything in Guyana is bullshit. It is so infused one would smell curry or metem if one touches any thing.


You and your dark arts orks  are here daily with stilted race baiting messages solely for purpose of scaring Indians to neglect their reason for their emotion and vote PPP.


Jagan had a covert group to counter the X-13 Plan.  He sent a select group pf young men to be trained in Cuba by Fidel, Che, and other revolutionaries.  Some of them are still around and I see a few on GNI.  They are bitter because they claim since the Jagans' deaths, all succeeding PPP presidents fell away from Jagan's ideals.  So they joined the AFC bandwagon and have been lashing out at the PPP, thinking no one recognizes them.  Are they Guyana's unsung heroes?   


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